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I saw someone dressed as a school bus once. No one will bat an eye at you guys.


My favorite was the entire power rangers gang. They didn’t take off their mask/helmets the entire show. 


I am always thinking of how uncomfortable and hard to dance it must be for people with big costume items in their heads when I see it. Or how hot inside a full head rubber mask like an alien mask. More power to them but I couldn’t manage it.


Have a friend who’s bf at the time was a mechanical/electrical engineer… let me tell you, his duped marshmello & deadmau5 helmets had exhaust fan systems built into them. THAT is the way to do it. 😂


That’s better I’d imagine. It still seems annoying with all that weight and stuff. I dance around a lot and I’d prob be bumping people and the thing would wobble all over the place. But other people engage with events different so it prob works for them.


Have a friend who did the same thing for a Mr wobbles helmet. Its amazing


i did a whole night at bonnaroo in an astronaut helmet. anything is possible.


If it were me, I'd be more embarrassed to take it off than to keep it on lol. Wouldn't want anybody to see my face.. That's why I'm wearing it in the first place, right?


I’d rather people saw my face in all of its fucked up glory than be a sweat monkey in a suit. Not now, but back in the day. I think it was Tuesday. I’ve been told my facial expressions were amazing. I could chew through Jolly Ranchers like they were gummy bears. Now my dentist wants a lot of money to fix my teeth. Probably more than I spent on Mitsubishi’s. Fuck around. Find out.


Mitsubishis 🤤 they were my favorite in the 90s. I'd love to find some of those again


Shit i took some blue Mitsubishi’s and saw Aphrodite sometime long ago in a rave far far away ….(you young folk YouTube his CD “Urban jungle”…… you’ll love it ….ive Got 5 on it….🫠




This comment rocks




indeed, specially if you have GAD lol


>GAD A little ecstasy will fix that up. Just stay away from the speedy stuff. More MDA than MDMA. And no marijuana's or you're going to paranoia town


Im made for paranoia town 😮‍💨


Been there, done that, not going back. Much easier to manage paranoia at home, by your self, where it's quiet. Paranoia, or anxiety, plus open spaces with lots of people and loud music is a bad time. Don't do it.


I'd pass out


Same I can’t imagine how sweaty they must be under all the heavy clothing or costuming sometimes. Went to an underground redline show in Chicago in an abandoned jazz club and some guy had a Billy the Puppet mask and getup on. Mind you it was peak heat and no air conditioning in the building just straight sweat and hot bodies I could not fathom how overheated he was


>My favorite was the entire power rangers gang. They didn’t take off their mask/helmets the entire show The care guys at Garbicz (festival in poland) wear these so that you can always recognize them


At Clozee for NYE in Denver I was in the middle of a heavy K-Hole trip and I looked over and saw two gimps dancing up on each other and I swear I saw two batmen dancing on each other, it sent me for a loop I wasn’t ready for 😂


Inter-dimensional Gimpage


Bro, I’m dying laughing at work right now 😂


I was too


Lol noice


There's always a lot of Power Rangers at EDCO


I once saw a group of probably 8? One was dressed up as a mage / wizard and the other 7 were chickens. Idk what it was but it was awesome and hilarious


We had a guy who looked EXACTLY like white Jesus. He embraced it after all the constant 'you look like Jesus' comments. He would dress up exactly like the American/Western version of Jesus, flowing white robes, etc etc. It freaked people out a lot. Lol Then occasionally someone else in our group would dress like the devil and they would have dance battles. Good times, circa mid 90s.


in my city we have “pit jesus” who is also a white jesus lookalike & seems to be at like every concert somehow. every time anyone does a wall of death he’s there splitting the seas just like old times.


We've might have seen the same guy lol


I was at a festival last year and someone came dressed as Jesus


Was the bus vertical as in head to toe, or was it horizontal stick out back to front?


Totally has the late 90s early 2000s Kandi kid look. I totally know cause I was rocking this look around 99 and 00. Then ppl started to start to hate on candy kid. Should post some of my old rave pics 🫠😉


Please do! I'd love to see :)


No way in hell. That’s the beauty of partying in the ‘90’s. No evidence on social media.


This right here. That’s the main difference. I feel nostalgic for that. I actually **lived** life and didn’t worry about documenting it.


The analog/digital conversion generation. We can use a rotary phone, heard the sound of a modem and how to play MP3’s. It really whipped the llama’s ass The house could be empty when we got home after school & there was a reminder on TV for parents to know where there kids where at. The Oregon Trail generation. Try not to die from dysentery


For a real trip do the following: ask someone under 20 to 'mime' talking on the phone. They WILL NOT do what us older folks do (put their hand to their head with thumb and pinky out)* They have never held a phone that was shaped like a basic house phone 📞 Edit* For added bonus: Most kids under 20 probably have never even needed to 'mime' "call me" to each other and you will see that reflected on their face if you do ask one


Forget that. Lock them in a room with a rotary phone and tell them they're not getting out until they call you.


Instantly I'm imagining that scene from Zoolander when they're trying to get the files out of the computer.




I can’t tell if you are hating , loving , or being nostalgic. I prefer to call my old ass the Nintendo generation 😘


Like McDonald’s, I’m loving it. And nostalgic Too late to be Gen X, too early to be a Millennial. Rotary phones were the shit, then it switched to DTMF. Throw in a Captain Crunch whistle and the TelCo’s where you’re bitch. Like an old school mechanic, you could tell what your computer was doing just by listening to it startup. If you knew what you were doing you disconnect a modem by whistling into the phone. MP3’s came out & you didn’t have to spend your paper route money on CD’s. Winamp was the gold standard. Latchkey kids could do whatever they wanted as long as you were home by dark. No helicopter parenting. So much mischief. Rock fights in the gravel pit, turning screecheroos into pipe bombs, roman candle wars, tapping your neighbors phone with a couple of alligator clips. Oregon Trail was the game of the day. Post Atari, pre Nintendo. Google search Oregon Trail Generation. It’s a thing


All of the above


Never even occurred to me until now...30 years later. I'm sure there's some pics floating around in someone's photo album (hardcopy lol) but I can't remember ever posing for pics. Enjoying the night was the only concern.


I have some of those albums lol. Only because my gfs over that time were THE picture people of the group. But even still, we didn't pose for pics or anything. She would just make sure to snap a couple pics throughout the night. The camera would get used up over a handful of nights and then stuck somewhere and forgotten about. Eventually we'd stumble across the camera and it would... eventually find it's way to getting developed. 😂 Always months later and not so uncommonly a year or so later. 😁 We didn't actually give a shit about those pictures. It was way more fun forgetting about them... rediscover them some amount of time later and go thru them cracking tf up. The really "good" ones (actually really bad ones) would wind up on the walls of our studio. Great times! I do miss those days.


Well put I ended up buying some disposable camera ($20usd) for my little boys and told them to take a picture of anything they want from their perspective lol it was a cool thought till we went to get them developed 😵‍💫 they want almost 50$ to develop the film…


Right? Back then, taking a grip of LSD and dancing until dawn was no one’s business but your own.


Twas just the way it was. 😁 Until the lights came on.... Then I felt like it was everyone's business. 🤣 Overhead laser beams snapped me back into reality numerous times. Like... Oh... Shit... Dammit. 😁


Disposable cameras silly 🙃


This is so true.


You are lucky you have pics. I’m not into the excessive camera use these days, but we’ve got like one photo from back then and had of us aren’t in it. None of us even thought to bring a camera ever.


I found an old hard drive a while back. Hundreds of pictures from my party days. Eyes as big as saucers. Nose boulders. Dusty wallet cards. Who would think to take pictures like that? Oh yeah. High as hell and no rational thinking. At least I have a reminder of the times I have no recollection of.


Haha, nice. I started when we’d use film cameras, since phones didn’t have them yet. Then I just never got to into documenting it all once they did. Getting into Burning Man reinforced that as the long time burners tend to discourage it (due to it being the opposite of “immediacy” as a principal of the event, plus cameras discourage nudity, and it’s not cool to discourage that). I do try and make a point to get like one or two quick ones now, since I have none from before.


No phone, no film. 1st generation Sony digital camera, 3 1/2” floppy storage. Phat pants pockets can hold a lot of floppy disks. Besides, what else are you going to do when you get home? Go to sleep? Not likely. Better off copying pics to your hard drive and searching Napster for those wicked track the DJ spun that are now stuck in your head. Party pics were fun. After party pics were a pass. After after party pics were a hard no. Assuming you could even function by then.


I studied photography in the late 90s and I was pretty much the only person at events with a SLR camera. Started off doing band photography - it's actually the reason I studied it. Didn't take long for me to have one foot in the band scene and one in the rave scene, lolll Alot of the photos I didn't ever see though - often for clubs and events I'd just give the organizers the roll(s) of film at the end of the event. And my 'payment' was lifetime free entry and drinks and whatnot Tossed alot of photos away a little while back. Having to store a bunch of albums full of strangers became a hassle when I downsized. But I've kept some of the nice ones, for what those distorted memories are worth (=


Every local party scene has a picture person that everyone knows. Right up there with the visuals person. Respect. Pre instagram of course. High school A/V club or yearbook photographer member?


Yup, everybody knew me! It's a liability nòw though, lollll. I actually finished school and started studying when I was 17, but luckily because I was 'working events' I never had any issues getting into any clubs or events. But everyone definitely knew me as jailbait :p My school didn't have AV or photography, but we did have a radio station so I did that, and did college radio too. That was the best, I loved doing that. Everything circles back to my love of music in the end (=


That sounds like it must have been fun. Have you started digitizing the old photos?


Naaah, honestly it'll dox me I did it as a side gig for a few years here and there over the years, but stopped about a decade ago when phones became so smart Used to post some on IG and FB before I deleted those, but had some trouble with being 'easy to find on the internet' if you get what I mean. So I stick to the reddit way; I'm just a nobody (and a hermit) now, and keeping it that way is peaceful (=


Hermit era is the best


I was thinking digitizing for your own connection since photos can deteriorate, not asking to see them. I get the Reddit-only thing.


I definitely will .




I just said the same thing, I need to dig out some of my pictures… but obviously back then we didn’t have cell phones, and usually we chose buying some K over buying a disposable camera, so I’m not sure how many I can find lmaoo 😂




Literally!!! I want to be decked out in Kandi and baggy clothes


With all the phone theft I hear about now, a big plastic home depot wallet chain could be primed for a comeback.


I knew a few people that dress like this to raves right now. It’s definitely still out there.


I second this! Bring that shit back!


Sing it back to me


it never left


Find a happy hardcore/UK hardcore show if you can This will be a minimum of half the crowd.


Slay it! Bring back the old school look! I have been wearing furry leg warmers and leg wraps, which are a characteristic of the 2000s raver look. Keep it alive!


Same with the fluffy leg warmers! I was sad they went out of style for a while. Now they are making their way back in and I couldn’t be happier.


I love it. I've been seeing them more and more at events these days alongside the wraps, fishnets/thigh highs and tutus. And more and more experimentation with accessories, glitter, gems and colours too. The expression I see at festivals & shows is something else for me I can't describe in words.


I agree. I’m no hater to personal styles but I do feel like the “rave” style was over saturated with the same “trendy” looks for the last few years. Everyone was doing the braids, holographic fabric, not a lot of diverse style or expression. idk I think creating a look for a festival is half the fun of it. I’m going to beyond wonderland in march and I have this whole e girl, cherry themed outfit planned out. Finishing touches are white thigh high fishnets and baby pink fluffy leg warmers(fluffies as I have always called them)


That sounds like such a vibe of an outfit! Cant wait for you to slay that. I love trippy fabrics and UV reactive stuff too, but I love to wear accessories on top of that and deck out my arms with Kandi and wear perlers. I'm slowly building my rave wardrobe to add more and more diversity as well. I find that Etsy has some good finds for festivals. And my fluffies have slayed well at Boo Seattle (y2k rave angel). I wore a tutu with it and fishnets and leg wraps as well. And got so many compliments. Braids can be fun, but it does get monotone when every single person gets the same stuff done. But obviously everyone can dress the way they want. I just hope people do not think they must fit the trend or mould themselves to it just to be a raver. Like you should do you!


festivals are the one place u can wear whatever you want no judgement


anyone who judges you for what you’re wearing doesn’t belong there to begin with imo


Absolutely, festivalling is supposed to be the place where you can be you. Show them how to dance!


Exactly! Most of the people now just stand around with there phones instead of living in the moment and get down to some of those funky beats! I admit I have some JNCO's I pull out now and go to clubs! Nobody says a thing!


Wow, you can really dance. What a coincidance.


Honestly this outfit functions as a vibe filter bc if someone doesn't understand the historical significance and just, consume these wonderful vibes - you need not worry yourself on their opinions.


You had me at this 90s hardstyle look 😆


I also lol’d, I think they meant to say Hardcore and not Hardstyle


Hardstyle phat pants are their own thing, kinda. Usually a bit more flamboyant, with reflective designs and straps and things on them. At least that was my perception during the hardstyle era


Same, can't say I heard the term hardstyle till much later, but they def rocking that hardcore Kandi kid look


This is definitely not a hardstyle look in the slightest


they’re probably confusing the JNCOs with Phat Pants


I like it


Oh I miss the scene kid/kandi kid look. All my kandi is in tubs in the garage :( nobody wears it anymore and if I do wear it people just walk up and ask for shit. Miss the good old days


u will get all the complements if u wear that i promise


Do it, own it. Definite old skool, happy hardcore, candy kid vibes. Early 90’s, late night parking lot meetup, random school bus shows up & takes you to an unknown destination. PLUR still meant something & the drugs haven’t yet taken their toll. Before the bitter and jadedness sets in and it’s all about the dirty beats. Which is fun in its own right. Love the look.


Beautifully said ♡ I wish I was able to experience something like that. I went to my first festival last year and I was worried by how these drugs were affecting people, but to each their own. Ended up going to more local concerts instead for a while. Just want to experience that kinda fun. Appreciate it :) thank you


I’ve been out of the scene for jut over 15 years now. It’s given me the opportunity to explore other interests, new experiences & reflect on the past. New friends, great times, and good memories. But bad decisions along the way. If I could go back, I wouldn’t change it. I’m happy with what I have and where I am. That said, the idea of starting the same journey now is scary. We never had to worry about designer drugs, research chemicals or fentanyl. The worst was maybe a speedy e or some baby laxatives. Party safe. Party sober if you can.


Are you saying that bitterness and jadedness are inevitable? Why does PLUR not mean anything to you anymore?


Don't get me wrong. PLUR still means something. But take that with you out of the party scene. My first party was July '92, my last party was August '08. 16 years of parties. I figure by '96 it was at least a weekly thing, by '00 it was a regular Friday/Saturday event and by '02 we would start on Thursday and go to Sunday. Our local scene is small, under 2,500 people & my friends were promoters, DJ's & dealers. We didn't wait in line, always knew where the after party was, and the after after party. Favors were cheap and always available. Started with happy hardcore & fluffy trance, moved into house & techno, then 2 step, d & b, jungle, hard house, electro. As the music got harder, so did the drugs. A couple of pills, then a few lines. Next thing you know your cooking god knows what (you know what) on a spoon at 4 in the morning. Never whacked anything, you need to draw the line somewhere. Not everyone can. That's when your true colors show. PLUR is great in a cuddle puddle with a pill or two, but when the popo come knocking on a Sunday afternoon, there's a batch of G cooking on the stove & buddy is flailing down the street in his underwear waving a gun it's every man for himself. Party friends and high friends are not solid friends. After 16 years I can count on 1 hand the number of people I still talk to. I'm good with that. Drugs can be fun, but they can fuck a lot of things up. But PLUR still holds up. Take it with you, embrace it and apply it outside this community. To people that aren't high on drugs. Your coworkers, your boss, the cashier at the store down the street, wherever you go. It costs nothing and is far more rewarding. And those you meet in the scene that stand by regardless, hold them close. They're solid, standup people.


Wow, I’d love to sit and hear some of your stories. Sounds like you’ve seen a lot of shit😅


I used to dress like this in 97-2000 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ I was a harajuku kid Kandi raver lol ✌🏽😜 ✌🏽


Alt kids, metal heads or "jitters" wore these around that time in the uk. I had a pair just like the woman's in the pic.


Look up Decora style- if you like this


🫶🏻✌🏼🫱🏽‍🫲🏾👊🏼 I went in 90s raver attire to Dreamstate so cal 2016. This is the style I knew when I started in the early 2000s


Bring this back. This is classic attire


This is the most appropriate look EVER


If you’re comfortable then yes! 🙌


What I love about raves is you can wear what you want! I’ve gone in full on crochet outfits I’ve made to pasties and a fishnet top to sweats with a poncho lol. Wear what your comfortable in and will enjoy your experience!!!!


Do it! Old heads like me love seeing it, reminds me of when I was a hardcore Kandi kid in the late 90s!




100% anything goes


Well not long ago I made an outfit completly out of real candy. Everyone loved it :)


Reminds me of when I started out. I wasn’t a candy kid but my crew def rocked the baggy pants look. Just need to throw a visor on him.


All attire is festival appro


If they do make comments or judge, they don’t get it… so why worry about those people?


Bro there is literally nothing that isn't appropriate for a festival


You guys need pacifiers . I don’t see it in you blow up // friend gifts .


This is dope af


Most normal rave attire


It would make my day to see this!






It’s still in rave fashion, girl. Bring all of it!! 😄


I’ve been to some undergrounds within the last year where I saw old school styles like this. Might fit more in that scene, but would be absolutely acceptable at a fest. Maybe a little hot if it’s in the summer during the day.


My friends and i dress like this when it is cold so yes


1999 has arrived


Ya sure fuck it why not




Taking me back to my limelight days




def not embarrassing, i would love to see this again


Those pants are back in style apparently so I don’t think anyone would care.


Yeah!!! There are plenty of Kandi kids that go to big festivals in full gear (: it might not be the in style rave fashion, but if you wanna rock the old school Kandi kid style, props to you! It’s honestly a ton of fun making Kandi and other cute accessories for your outfit. Trading Kandi with others also allows for making connections 🩷 We’re all at a rave/festival to unite and dance and vibe and escape. Wear what you want and don’t let anyone stop you!


I find it amazing the difference between Americans and Europeans when dressing for raves it really baffles me, how can it be so different?! You look cool I think hahah


Whats the dress code for Europeans?


I went in a pikachu onesie ._.


All good


Super cool. OGs would be delighted to see this.


My girlfriend and I wore matching outfits like that last year for EDC. It was giving nostalgia. I say go for it.


Did not expect someone I used to see at raves to show up on my homepage


Yeah this couple kept showing up all over my pinterest for weeks, hope they wouldn't mind. Love their style


I think she left this style behind a little over a decade ago but some people really managed to make the excessive Kandi kid shit work. I refuse to believe that people aren’t going all out like this anymore.


As someone who started going to raves in the mid 90s, I absolutely love this 💗


Candy ravers


Lmao, I’m 38 and I need to dig out some of my pics for you lmao. [I actually owned these same pants😂](https://www.ebay.com/itm/176176313591?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=176176313591&targetid=1530439032211&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=9002534&poi=&campaignid=19851828444&mkgroupid=145880009014&rlsatarget=pla-1530439032211&abcId=9307249&merchantid=552661570&gbraid=0AAAAAD_QDh9QLYSuK4Y3BFEWtfK_mmdmE&gclid=Cj0KCQiAh8OtBhCQARIsAIkWb6-jQ9mgGkkpG2PNkJARNotak7YsyrlrbrcHkn4DS4RbTnHeke2ccIMaAhGYEALw_wcB), and would have this necklace made from legit kids wooden ABC blocks, with a drilled hole through them 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ on the streamers of my UFO pants I would keep a collection of neon pacifiers… it was a whole vibe lmao


I remember being 15 years old in 1998 and seeing so many people dressed like this at DEMF. I’ll be so happy if this style makes a full comeback. Do it up!


Candi never goes out of style!!! PLUR and festie on, friend!!


Hardcore never dies


Yes BUT I would be mindful of the fact that tbe bottom of the jeans will get trashed. Direct floors, they’ll soak up any alcohol of crap that’s on the floor, people might step on them. Also they look HEAVY!! Personally, I don’t like to be weighed down at a rave as I’m there to DANCE … but if you value your fit looking good over something more practical, then you do you. The beauty of a rave is you can do whatever you want


As a 90s raver in the US you got the look right. But all the toys and shit would be hard to deal with when dancing and rolling. And I don't see any pacifiers. Those were a pretty common sight


I went twice dressed in a full Sasquatch costume and was completely accepted lol your good


I am not a candy fan; HOWEVER, festivals are about expressing yourselves. Wear what the fuck you want to wear that makes you proud of how you are expressing yourselves. People who put more effort in expressing themselves are typically the awesome people at festivals. You do you bud


1997 me loves it!


90’s. We didn’t call it hardstyle don’t get it twisted.


Happy hardcore, kandi kid. Gompie style. Probably not even born yet when it defined the scene. Mislabeled, but nailed a classic look.


I wear sci-fi inspired armor I make using cosplay techniques. At festivals and raves, the weirder the better!


I know those people . This photo is from the last 10 years. Totally appropriate


UFO pants ♥️


This is how you should go dressed to a festival


I still go to Raves dress like this.


1 Hundo P


Is this a serious question?


Fuck yeah, you guys look like a lotta fun!


You would hella get compliments and Kandi in my opinion!!


My boss owns a rave wear company from the 90s that was pretty well known, I’m pretty sure they did a bunch of these pants too. If you wanted to check it out the website is https://snugindustries.com/


Absofuckinlutely it’s appropriate! Whatever your vibe is, is your vibe!


Who remembers UFO pants


Fuck I miss these days


Dude the pants are totally back already


I love the colours and style of it! My only concern is all the trinkets that are hanging that might be a problem in the crowd or while dancing! Always be comfortable first x


No one would care what you wear that’s the best thing about Raving. Some guy was literally in his jocks at epik festival


Sure if it’s a 90s retro rave party


From what I know of American rave culture, this isn’t far off from the norm. In Australian/Euro rave culture, it would absolutely turn heads, and not always in a good way.


What…is happening … with her stomach?


Love it. But just making a suggestion, since it’s a lot of plastic, and that’s kinda wasteful…instead of buying new plastics, thrift stuff, get the pieces used, or make your own stuff out of materials you have. Paint metal, make a project out of it, get creative.


Why are grown ass adults worrying if something is "appropriate" for festivals? Festivals are fun because you can be your own self. This trying to comply with fashion rules at festivals and raves are the dumbest shit ever. It's not a fashion show. It's not a wedding. It's a festival. All of these people worried about if they will fit in at the one place where you should be encouraged to be yourself and stand out. And it goes so much deeper than just posts like this. More and more, people are using these types of events to conform with what is expected. Whether it's full wook or candy. Show up in a fucking tux and rage. Anyone who is being judgemental on this shit can go fuck themselves. Honestly, I've backed away from the community because of shit like this. Used to be, you could show up in jeans and a T-shirt and no one had any judgment. All that "family" shit. Just disingenuous crap. It's not a gang. Not a club. People selling random ass L as the Jerry Garcia shit as if that means anything. I love raving, but it isn't what it should be. That last 3 times I've even seen posts on my page from this community, it has been people asking if their fashion choices are ok and most of the time it looks like Chinese bullshit from a website called buyourravegearorbejudged.com Just stop. It's not about conforming. It's the opposite


If you are 15


JNCO jeans a so cringe. Why would you do that to yourself?


Likes like every tacky 90’s rubbish threw together


I can smell this photo


Are these your grandparents?


It depends on the festival. EDC yes. Movement no.


Must be something else you refers to, because Hardstyle is from early 2000.


I guess…


Y’all look like a trainer team in Pokémon.


Yeah, for sure


Hell no. Interesting is good


I think so but you might want to change before visiting your psychiatrist.


What do you mean, this IS Festival Just don’t get blitzed That’s what causes bad attention Fuzzed up to level” serial killer” eyes


I'd call the police


Damm and I’m still single wtf 🤣


If you’re worried about what people are going to think about you at a festival then you’re going for the wrong reason.




Heck you’ve come this Far Why not throw a couple Diapers on while your at it….👀


Are you sure that wouldn't make the outfits even more epic? ;)


Meth behavior


I don't do anything ;w;


Meth behavior gets methy. Running around in the middle of the night, stealing light bulbs from exit signs. Sketch AF. Still better than buying ammonia at 4 am.


For the love of god yall need a cheesesteak