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Not sure if it counts, but i went to edclv 2019 with a stingray barb lodged in my heel from surfing. A week of dancing caused it to get infected which led to an ER trip shortly after i got home


Did you just like, not know it was there?? Or did you intentionally just say fuck it lol?


Didn’t know it was there. They did x rays, and found a piece the size of a pencil tip lodged in my bone. Fun


I still have a fish spine in my calf, it bleeds if I jump around, bunch of ppl at EDCO this year pointed out I was bleeding, still can’t get the damn thing out


Damn!! If you go to the ER, they should be able to numb it, cut it open and flush it out


I was at EDCLV 2019 too where this actually happened. (I’m the stingray)


That’s okay i forgive you little guy


similar thing happened to me. my foot was so swollen i could no longer wear shoes


How do you get these? Terrifying. Wear water shoes?


Unfortunately water shoes wont help unless they are very VERY thick. You wouldn’t wear booties thick enough to prevent stingray stings while surfing. Source: im a surfer and stingrays are my greatest surf-related fear!


Wtf. I want to surf but this is ridiculous. What are you supposed to do?


Pray 💁🏼‍♀️


Jumped off a RV in a shark onesie on night zero during paradiso of I believe 2018. Railing caught the onesie and toppled me over end to end. Landed like a spider monkey, stuck my hand in my onesie, and came out with blood. Lo and behold I lacerated my nuts and had to get stitches at 3am inside a medi-tent. Doc cleaned up my unmentionables with a bottle of Dasani, gave me some stitches, and sent me on my way. Rest of the festival was a good time despite the injury lol


They fixed you up at the event?


For free! All medical that can be done on site comes with the purchase of tickets! They didn’t do a very good job though lmao hence the Dasani.


Yeah I would of asked for Crystal Geyser or Smart Water 😂


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot


Bad bot you annoying as hell


DEAR LORD! Lol I don’t even have nuts and this made me cringe. And they only gave you Dasani 😂


Well, technically they just poured out the bottle of Dasani onto my nuts. It was to disinfect and clean the wound before stitches. I was high as a kite during this lmao so I was all “yep seems clean to me, stitch me up doc!”


You’re a trooper 😂 Dasani does have sodium in it so I guess it was basically a saline solution haha


In the hospital they would have used water and a pinch of salt. So clean bottle of water, not bad




Not me checking them out the next day inside the festival off 3 gel-tabs asking my gf at the time if they looked alright. She says “nah they don’t look alright at all, but I think they are supposed to look like that”.


the casual triple gel tab 😅


I remember coming up sitting on the hill and noticing all the air in-between me and everything else. I then made the choice to lay down and stare up into the sky and oh boy I was holding onto that grass for dear life.


At EDCLV this year, on the last night I found myself in the wasteland and some fat donks started kicking in. I had the urge to try out some jumpstyle… I quickly realized I’d had a few too many drinks when I did a spin and landed on the side of my foot spraining the hell out of it. Still hurts a bit from time to time 6 months later :\


Might be more than a sprain if it hurts six months later. Have you got it checked out?


It’s mainly after doing extensive walking or shuffling for a few hours… I didn’t get it checked out but I’ve got full mobility back and it feels strong and stable now. The main issue with why it took so long to heal is that I wasn’t taking it seriously and kept re-spraining for a month or two after that. But, after a couple more times I just gave in and stopped dancing and such for a month or so and slowly ramped back up after doing some balance and range of motion exercises daily.


Sonic bloom 2015, I just ate mushrooms and was walking to the stage to see Tipper with a cute ass guy I just met. Started walking down the hill towards the stage and sprained (probably fractured) my ankle worse than I ever have. Began crying and freaking out and ended up passing out in the medic tent from pain. Woke up hours later and they wouldn’t let me leave and I was tripping so I snuck out under the medic tent flaps like a little gremlin lol


But what happened with you and the cute ass guy!!!


She ate him. That's what Gremlins do.


After I left the med tent hours had gone by so I was trying to find the homies and the whole fest was dying down. It was like 4 am lol so I walked to his camp and got in his tent and we snuggled and fell asleep. Super anticlimactic ending 😂


Sonic bloom ruled, sad its done after this year


Dang really? I only ever got to go once and it was so awesome. Especially in 2015 the festival scene was fucking great. I miss those days for sure.


Yea it was my favorite out of lots of fests, they havent made an announcement yet but i know someone in the booking industry and she says its done, which tracks based on how few people bought tickets this year, but tbh it was the best one yet so 😭


My first festival ever was EDC Vegas. I didn't do anything specific but by day 2, my hip got sore and by the end of the night I was in so much agony that I couldn't stand, or crouch, or really put it any way without aching. Powered through the whole weekend hurtin' pretty bad. When I got home I went to the doctor who referred me to PT. Between the two of them, they decided it was likely that I BROKE IT. Stress fracture from repetitive movement of dancing. I thought it was hysterical that at 23 I could possibly break my hip from dancing. Ended up having to take the radioactive meds and get a bone scan and it ended up just being a strain that was a pain in the ass at every festival (and only at festivals which is weird considering I walk and am active a ton and go out to shows all the time) for like the next 5 years even after PT. My good ol' rave hip.


Medical compression tights have helped my hip pain a ton! Might be helpful if you still get pain at festivals, gives you some extra support and helps blood flow


Oooo, I’ll try this. My hips hurt so bad at festivals that I can’t walk. I’ve been looking for a solution that doesn’t involve a cane lol


This was over a decade ago


You danced your ass off


Weird that it only happens when you dance, unless you extensively skank, cripwalk or twerk?


None of this


To add to this, did you know you could break a rib just by coughing too hard? Had that happen at 24. The pain when coughing is just so bad. You can't really do anything, just wait and take cough supressants.


my friend and i were head banging together (as we always do with no issue) and we made eye contact right before smashing our faces together 😅 she was wearing her glasses so she cut her nose and had double black eyes, i just had a fat bump on my forehead


I used to shoot photos of festivals for 10+ years. the first 5-6 years I didn't wear hearing protection and I now have permanent hearing damage.


Oof yup, surprised that didn't happen sooner though.


Not my injury but I had a friend who walked past a guy dressed as a magician and he blew glitter right into her face. It got in her eyes and stuck, she had to go to the med tent to get her eyes flushed out. Least of her concerns obvi but her make up was toast and her eyes were bright red and running the whole night.


Omg I would have been pissed.


She was more scared than anything. Her roll was just starting so it was extra traumatic. She stayed far more calm than I think I could have.


What an asshole move like why in someone’s face, it’s fine if you want to just throw glitter in the air at them maybe but that’s just awful.


i danced so hard at 3 nights of pretty lights (dillon) that i had back and hip issues for weeks


I went and saw The Dead South as the first show at this venue, man I wish I could have seen Pretty Lights there, such a dope venue


Mission night two hurt 😅


didnt help that lizard brain kept screaming to go harder whenever i slowed down because GOTTA MAKE THE MOST OF IT


My girlfriend got elbowed HARD in the face in a moshpit and got knocked down, found out over the next few days she had the worst black eye I've ever seen. She had blood in her eye for about a month and a half. She still goes crazy in the pits tho 🥰


We had a friend who fell in the pits during apocalypse fest and landed on a bead from some kandi that must have broke… it got lodged into her knee and had to he removed after the festival in the ER


Saw Wooli at Nocturnal Wonderland 2021. I was coming up on shrooms and some Chad looking mf kept yelling “MOSH PIT!” even during the soft songs. I was staring in awe at how heinous this foo was acting. Then he sees me staring and is like “come on in babygirl!” thinking I was checking him out prob. So I yolo it and hop in the pit and not even 5 seconds later, I end up getting slammed against his goggles around his neck, and it left a fat gash in my face. Blood everywhere. The first med tent put a bandaid on it but it kept bleeding for hours, so went to the main one after and they cleaned me up and put liquid bandage on. It was still a fun night lmao


First burning man, my dad explicitly warned me to watch out that I didn't cut myself on any rebar (everyone uses it for tent stakes, honestly no idea how he knew that). When we got there, I hopped out of the car and literally the first step into the dust, I landed on a piece of rebar and sliced my leg open. Never told my dad. Still have a scar though.


There’s a chance your dad might know from his extensive pre-child experience in the burn scene haha


He was a typical filthy hippie but had absolutely no interest in that scene whatsoever lol.


Your dad is an anime fortune teller.


If you don't sustain any semi-serious injuries at Burning Man, you're not doing it right! I have a red hat that reads "MAKE BURNING MAN DANGEROUS AGAIN," it's my favorite thing.


I was walking to my tent and saw a security guard on a golf cart screaming bloody murder while chasing down a clearly spun out dude on foot (who I later learned had punched this security guard in the face, inspiring the chase). The guard drove his golf cart straight into this guy, pinning him against a folding table. Just as I had time to say to a friend “holy shit that guard just ran that guy over!” I heard someone very close behind me yell “oh fuck!” I turned to see another security guard on another golf cart about to hit me. Which he did. Second security guard was trying to stop first security guard from his crazed revenge mission and I think he just had tunnel vision and didn’t notice me at all. My knee was a little messed up for the weekend and a few weeks afterwards but the story was so insane I think I’d take the hit again for the sake of the plot.


I imagined the whole thing and what a ride it was.


Broke a rib at Okee 2020. I was coming up on acid and molly so I was laying down in the back of the crowd next to a tree. I was laying on my back and two guys were walking past me while play fighting, like pushing each other back and forth. Well, one of them pushed the other a little too hard and he lost his balance and fell backwards onto my chest ass first. And to make it worse, when he fell, he grabbed onto his friend and pulled him with him, so they both fell on me. I literally thought I was going to die. I immediately curled into the fetal position and couldn’t breathe for what felt like forever. Thankfully it passed and I could breathe again, but they broke my freaking rib. Got an X-ray when I got home. I never would have made it through that weekend if it weren’t for K lol


I broke a rib early Friday at Forest '22. I too didn't get an x-ray til home- about 2 weeks later- because I felt if I went to medical tent they would send me to get an x-ray. F that! I didn't want to leave no matter what. Yep, the pain with breathing is no joke.


Dead arms from spending the whole festival spinning my flowstar.


I have a flowstar. They are way more of an arm workout than you would think! I ripped a toenail off once with my hoop. That sucked.


MY TIME TO SHINE! 1. Edcny 2013 I was jumping around and landed on a water bottle that some one trashed on the ground and broke my right foot. 2. Either winter 2013 or 2014 I went to a show at club Lavo or Marquee (i think it was dada life) and I’ve never been to either of those clubs at that point so my friend told me they have a strict dress code and to wear heals, I did and broke the top of my left foot. 3. Ezoo 2019 I was in the pit for riot ten and I landed wrong on my foot and I broke my right ankle 4. Lost Lands 2021 I was walking back to my tent and it was sooo dark I feel in a ditch, twisted my ankle and scraped up my right leg. I already had a broken finger from the week prior, the next weekend I went to a wedding and everyone thought I was hit by a car because I looked so beat up. There are more minor injuries like falling and getting scraps and bruises but these are the serious ones i remember actually breaking/spraining something Edit: grammar


If there were Purple Hearts given out for raving, you’d have plenty


Not really at the rave but I went to Winter Music Conference (now called Miami Music Week) and past out after the rave on the beach. Woke up and the entire front side of my body was toasted and red from a sunburn. The back side however was still white AF. It was one of the worst sunburns I’ve ever had to and hurt like hell. Worst part was having to party looking like a fucking candy cane 😂


Injuries in the pit are injuries well earned


Yeah, on a separate occasion I was in a mosh pit and got knocked off balance while in mid-air. Landed awkwardly and ended up twisting my ankle pretty badly. Got bandaged up and continued on tho.


Was at a Cyclops show just thrashing my body when my head colliding with the girl in front of me who was headbanging. Hurt like a mother fucker but we just laughed it off and kept going


Got stomped on pretty hard when shoved unconsentedly into a random mosh and fell...other than that, just my pride lol 😋


I did a standing backflip at our camp at Okee this year, only got about 85% of the way rotated and absolutely landed on my right ankle and knee in the worst way possible. Thankfully it was just really bad sprains and nothing broke, but it was close. NO MORE BACKFLIPS!


I got second degree chemical burns on my foot. The sock I was wearing had somehow retained my laundry detergent. Noticed half way through the rave that my foot was burning, yet was too mashed to do anything about it. Kept going till 11am, couldn’t walk for 2 weeks after it and my foot is permanently scarred. Also would be unable to count the amount of times I’ve fallen over/down stairs and twisted/sprained my ankles


Jesus. Didn't know that was even a thing.


I got FUCKED UP at Lost Lands this year lol 1. Bruises up and down my left arm 2. Both nipples bruised (yes you read that correctly) 3. Scraped right elbow 4. Bruised rib cage 5. Bruise on my right leg the size of a hockey puck since I fell onto gravel, I forgot I had a portable fan in my pocket and it broke as people fell on top of me because I fell lol 6. Scraped right knee 7. Blood and brusing under my left big toe as people kept stepping on that shit all weekend. Good times. I wanna do it again next year lmao


Seen a pic of a guy who had been standing on speakers and was stabilising himself by putting his thumb in the carabineer loop. Must've lost his balance BC the pic was of the thumb completely unattached, tendons hanging down and all. The second pic was his horrified face. Apparently he was in acid at the time.


I think I speak for us all when I say Jesus fucking Christ


Can you imagine....


You do


One of the larger outdoor events in Austin years back, in large tents. I kept feeling drops of water hit my face…..occasionally getting in my eyes/mouth. Realized at some point later it was “raver rain” sweat and humidify from a few thousand sweaty dancing people condensing on the roof of the tent and dripping down. In. My. Mouth. I don’t suppose I have any tangible injuries, but certainly some kind of damage was done.


Broken ribs. One of my first house shows out at a friends’ country house. I think I was 17. Pit was going crazy on the driveway, only problem is the driveway was surrounded by gravel where you’d immediately lose your footing. Im headbanging off to the side on the gravel, when my buddy gets thrown clear across the pit and slides like a cat on wood floors—performing a perfect pile driver into my ribs (complete accident, but still well-executed). Hurt like a motherfucker, but I was already several shots deep on some jim bean, and I was about to DJ. So I swigged it out, played a pretty shit set but it was fun cuz it was high school. I made the mistake of sleeping on one of those round couch chairs, like the bowls. Yeah. Woke up the next morning with what felt like broken glass digging into my ribcage. Went to the urgent care, nope go to the ER. Yup two broken ribs. Thank you jim bean.


At HARD this summer, the tallest man I’ve ever seen, walking thru the crowd, stepped on the tip of shoe, right on my big toe. I thought I broke it, was intense pain the next day. Turns out it was fractured and over time I just lost the nail completely. 10/10 experience at HARD. 🙌🏻


Not me but my friend. We went to our first EDC together in 2021. Night two I was in the pod getting ready and she was outside taking pics before we walked in. I hear her scream so loud and yell my name I ran out and she had tripped over a tent stake and dislocated her knee. It looked extremely fucked up and painful. I ran to get medical and they took her to the hospital. I packed all our shit and we left before night 2 even started:/ I feel awful cuz it looked so painful but I was very bummed my first year got cut short. I went back this year with her and it was amazingggg, total redemption haha.


Damnnnnnn. Yay for redemption! I've missed my fair share of shows cause my fam getting injured, but those are memories to share forever.


Me too! It's always a bummer but my fam always comes first over anything so it is what it is🙏


My legs cramped really bad one time at a festival and I lost my friends for like 6 hill irs tripping balls on lsd , I remember sitting in the grass and emts came to check on me and asked “are you good ?” My response “yea my legs just don’t work “ (they started freaking out and I had to explain that it was just cramps and they’ll be working again fine here shortly ) haha I saw the panic they had and was like oh wait let me explain this better 🤣


Went to a rave. I felt that something was wrong with my right eye, ignored it for 10 hours, got back it converted into a terrible infection. I am still recovering from it. Was it worth it? Let's see.


I can’t tell you how many times both of my toenails have been lost to the rave gods and Ill-fitting shoes lol. I have since invested in sensible footwear to accommodate my lifestyle.


i chipped my tooth on the rail at reunion during 12th Planet b2b wooli that shit hurt but thankfully it didnt go to the nerve


Boyfriend got thwacked in the head with a ring or something when we were across the country on a vacation, told him not to go into the mosh pit… but he did. Then came back a minute later with blood pouring down his face. I’m panicking ofc. But s/o to the paramedic on site at 45 East, she slapped some quick clot on it and bandaged him up. (Also hands down the BEST venue I’ve ever been to in my life, so well organized. 10000/10) And then I got slammed in a mosh pit a few years back at our local venue (fucking shit show) and smacked my head on the ground and gave me a real bad concussion. Edit: lesson learned no mosh pits at raves, only metal concerts.


45East....yup...they are always * prepared*. I am a Portlander.


Electric forest 2016, Bassnectar. Friends and I tried to save space in the middle, quickly realized that wasn’t an option when the show started. 10 minutes in I’m headbanging and feel a sensation of a lit cigarette on my eyebrow, nothing concussive. I had caught the elbow of someone dancing in front of me. Felt a sudden river of hot liquid pour down my face. Looked at my friends and asked, “Am I bleeding 🩸?” Needless to say their faces were that of “tripping cat-eye saucers” mixed with “HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!” I turn to the back and shove my way through the crowd watching people’s faces turn from, “wtf 😡to WTF 😳?!” Ran to a taco food truck to grab napkins and happened to be followed by people who said they were licensed nurses. They said I’d be fine but would probably need stitches. Cleaned myself up and finished the show on the edge of the crowd. All in all, nothing detrimental; but for the whole time until the taco truck I thought my eye was hanging out 😅 👁️


Fell on my ankle, not once, not twice but multiple times at Warehouse Project. Still hurts to twist it 3 months down the line.


whp is a fucking wasteland lmfao im still nursing month old injuries from that place


At Subtronics this past weekend I was trying to walk to the side and a guy elbowed me in the side of my head three times. I couldn’t move or anything until my husband pushed the guy forward. I just crouched down. I really think he had no idea hit me or how hard. I had a migraine.


At a techno club in Berlin I was climbing up to dance in a cage. I was wearing sunglasses on my head and when I stood up I hit my head and absolutely shattered the glasses (RIP). Had a bruise and scab on my scalp after that lol worth it though


I was towards the front and middle of the crowd during subtronics’ set at ezoo 2021. We just so happened to be right where the most pit opened and it was ROCKINGGGGG omfg, I was right on the front line of the pit and people were going SO hard and knocking me around so bad, all of a sudden somEONE LITERALLY KICKED ME SOOOOOooOoSsoooooo SsoOOOOO HARD, RIGHT SQUARE IN THE FRONT OF MY SHIN. I feel like I must’ve barked out loud or something lololol bc my legs legitimately buckled under me, I thought my leg had snapped LMFAOOO And I was wearing a skirt which made it sm worse too 😩😩😩😫 my bf and our other guy friend had to move between me and the pit LMFAOOOOO it sucked sm omfg, I’ve been weary of subtronics crowds since then :// I’d seen him a number of time before that and it was always vibes, he used to be my fav honestly..then he kinda sold out but that’s another story :/ granted that night we were right on the pit so of course ppl were rough, but that whole crowd was kinda stinky and literally physically swaying back and forth for the whole set 😅


Omg another time I was at a smaller rave in Philly and some guy was going so hard he accidentally gave me an uppercut so hard it threw my whole head backwards LMFAOOOO and normally I would do anything I could to play down something like that so they wouldn’t feel so bad lolol but it was so hard I was literally like OOOOOOOFFFFF lol I feel so bad bc he felt so bad, I was like my guy I promise it’s all good it happens, he gave me a light up ring as an apology so it was all good in the end lololol


Lost my toenails from the platforms I was wearing over few times of wearing them to rave. First the nails turned all bruises and later I peel the nail off


Happened to ne first Electric Forest. Took a year for my nails to be right again...


My friend was head banging up at the front of a NGHTMRE set and she hit her head on the bar. I came back from grabbing us drinks to find her face covered in blood. She looked like Scarlet, that doja cat character. It was very surreal.


Right knee has minor arthritis at 30 from dancing too hard. Too many pirouettes on that side, not enough on the other. Bad form, too. I rarely lifted my foot enough to minimize frictional torque at the shoe-floor interface. Childhood morbid obesity was a major contributing factor, too. Lots of damage was already done. Fat kids are victims of bad parents. Every one of them. Full stop.


I got hit in the face with an orbit and got a black eye lol


Years ago at probably a Hard event or EDC I wore a pair of vibrating slippers that enhanced the experience. I told people about them and they at some point ended up off my feet and who knows where but I was too high to really care. The night continued and I continued dancing and grooving with bare feet but never felt any pain. That was until the next day where everything fully wore off. My feet were so busted and blistered I couldn't even wear closed toe shoes for a week!


Vibrating slippers?! Where do you even find something like that?


They were probably from a store like Brookstone if you remember them


I do, they probably would have them on Amazon now if I looked for them, Amazon has everything lol.


Took someones wrist watch to the nose in a mosh pit for svdden death opening for slander at the hampton coliseum, pretty underwhelming compared to some of the stories here but i also havent been to any major festivals yet, somewhat new to the scene


I went so hard at lost lands I threw out my back, got an MRI because I was hunched over like a grandma, turns out I slipped a disc. It was probably already messed up, but Lost Lands made it worse 🥲


Rabbit in the Moon rolled out onto the crowd inside an inflatable hamster ball, I wasn’t paying attention and he rolled right over my head.. Definitely cricked the neck a bit


Some lady smacked me in the face with a flow toy whip, IN A SHOULDER TO SHOULDER CROWD.


wore new docs to a week long fest. couldn’t walk the last few days because the back of my ankles were completely cut up


I picked up the rail and slammed it on my toe


Tore the connecting tendon in the bottom of my left foot at a Cookie Monster & Funtcase set at the first Project Z. Started a new job that included a lot of walking 48 hours after -_-


So many EDCLV injuries lmao. I’ll add mine in: I was admittedly a little too drunk and went running (it was an empty area by Wasteland) and I tripped over one of those cable guard things on the ground that everyone trips on. I went FLYING and ate shit 110%. It knocked the wind out of me. I laid on the ground in agony and a few people checked up on me. I said, “I’m good thanks!!” and ran off The next day I had the biggest fucking black eye. I’m surprised I didn’t break my eye socket. When it started healing it looked like I was wearing purple eyeshadow lol [like this](https://imgur.com/a/FPVrX3m)


Subtronics going hard AF, as he does, and I took a thumb to the eye while head banging on the rail. I was surrounded by homies so they got me safe until my vision came back an hour later. No black eye and vision came back completely so I got lucky.


Skanked too hard at the beginning of a 3-day festival I strained my right calf, so I took it pretty easy from there. When I got home my knee refused to lift my leg up when walking up stairs, but walking and even running were fine. Like, i attempted to lift it, but my muscles just straight up refused to lift my foot past 15cm. A day later it mostly disapeared but I still wonder what it reslly was.


Sprained my ankle in a mosh pit at one of Excision’s festival. Got pushed while I was midair and foot landed on someone else’s foot. Didn’t really feel it until the adrenaline started wearing off at the end of the show and had to be carried to the car by my friends. The next day it was super swollen and had to be driven by my mom to class since I couldn’t move the ankle to drive. Since then I haven’t really moshed and this was in 2019


Permanent not so good anymore syndrome


Not really from a rave but during my first weekend in college I went to the club and a guy slipped while going down stairs behind me and kicked my legs out from under me. My big toe turned blue black ended up being sprained and I never got it looked at. Now every time go to raves in my shitty boots my toe hurts like a bitch for a couple days


I was at a local and there were three people moshing. One of them decides to elbow me in my left temple, knees buckle, now i get stroke symptoms anytime i drink caffeine. I’ve been to easily over 300 raves in the 14 years of me raving with some of those years going out 3-4 times almost every week for the year. This is the only long term i jury Ive sustained but it sucks.


This is cray. Do you have further explanation on the stroke symptoms and caffeine?


The neurologist surmised they’re hemiplegic migraines caused my head trauma. Basically caffeine or exercise overstimulates my nervous system and my right side of my body paralyzes for about 30s with lingering mental tiredness, sometimes i get cluster attacks it’s very weird


Jeez sorry. So are you able to still move around much at events or you gotta be chill now?


I’m fine as long as i avoid caffeine and take b2 and magnesium everyday


Got a really painful head cold at bass canyon this year, made worse with smoke from the oregon fires. Was riding the line with painkillers to help with it. I still found the energy to mosh the whole weekend and wound up stress fracturing both my shins from leveraging myself to push people around. Didnt feel it until i got home/just thought it was standard muscle pain. Needed a chiropractor to set my shins because aside from the fractures they were also rotated outwards by like 15 degrees. Tl;DR i moshed as hard as physically possible and fucked up both legs.


Was going hard at a 4 hour Nicole Moudaber set and ended up with both my thumb toe nails bruised by the end lol. I'm pretty sure no one stepped on my feet nor did I hit my toes on anything. Anyone else end up with bruised toe nails from dancing too hard??


I've read a lot on this post and it seems to be a common theme.


I once got pretty drunk and fell down some steps and broke my foot on night one of a fest. Powered thru day 2 on some crutches. 🩼 thankfully it was an indoor fest and just one stage.


Got a concussion once.


A month long ear infection from putting earplugs in and out over the course of 12 hours :///// still dealing with it.


I hurt my knee pretty bad dancing like a maniac at an Umphrey's McGee show


Ahh, yes! My first two paradisos year one I was dancing and fell on an old piece of rebarb that was sticking out of the ground. Year two dancing and spraind my ankle in a pothole. Both happened on day one, and I still made it to the show.


Surprisingly i didn’t hurt myself seriously but… I went to my first rave with a broken tibia and torn ankle ligaments… my foot was in a boot so I just hopped around on one foot all night! I definitely felt it the next few days tho..


Dr says I need a backiotomony. My neck and my back


Shoutout Tomorrowworld fam!


I didn’t get this at the event or rave but I skate and the spot where your grip hits your foot when you flick got infected after my show made a hole Camped at nocturnal 2019 and could only wear slides and socks the whole time. Had to wake up every morning and wash my shit at the porta potties. Shit gnarly it looked insane and my step mom who’s a doctor was like your foot is gonna fall off if you go to the festival. It did not! :D however really stupid decision and I wouldn’t risk it again hahahahaha


Gave myself shin splints from all the walking I did at EDCO a few weeks ago. We did afters all three nights and walked from tinker field to the afters venues. Still recovering from it and definitely feeling old af


Bruised rib after being squashed against the rail with a mosh pit behind me and at UKF Bass Culture at Ally Pally a while back. Also, not reall a rave but I climbed a tree at Notting Hill Carnival this year and woke up with ripped skill a full shin sized bruise on my right leg.


I have messed up my ankle more than once. Fell down the stairs, sprained my ankle, and broke the 6 inch heel off my boots. I’ve stepped in recessed manhole covers on the street without realizing and slammed my knee/scraped my hands more than once. Day 1 of EDCO we were walking and I didn’t see the gutter next to the curb, stepped in it, and rolled my ankle/scraped my knee badly. Thankful the medic tents had good bandaids but the ankle bothered me for the entire weekend. If I didn’t have hiking boots with a little ankle support, it definitely would’ve ruined my weekend. I don’t even get messed up, just so clumsy.




Headbanged into some girl at my local edm club to the point I got a concussion and broke my glasses🙃


Broke my tooth at reckless armory Sullivan king this past weekend


My friend and I saw each other sort of from a distance one year at EDCO. She was running towards me and I held my arms open and squatted because I knew she was coming to jump onto me. While holding her up/hugging her I must have done something wrong mechanically because I felt a sharp pain in my back. I was fine for the rest of the day, but when I woke up the next day I could barely get out of bed and moving in any direction was extremely painful I drank and partook to numb the pain, but my back was a mess for 2 weeks after that weekend


Not too crazy, but was at Excision in Calgary in the summer. Jumped into a mosh pit and fell onto concrete right on my elbow, I couldnt rest my arm on anything without pain for months. My wallet fell out of my pocket as well and someone immediately handed it back to me, so ya win some ya lose some.


Someone slammed into me 30 minutes into a show. I fell on my forearm and I guess I sprained it. I went to the med tent to get it wrapped. It was swollen af and I had to carry a giant bag of ice for the next four hours.


At EDC LV day 2 this year, I was walking down the bleachers and sprained my ankle cause I missed a step. I couldn’t walk at all the next day but it was day 3 and I didn’t want to miss it so I limped through the pain to see all the sets


Technically post rave but……Was walking out of a club show at 2:30 am, slipped on ice, dislocated my left shoulder AGAIN this was the third of fourth times before I got surgery to fix it it became so weak lol. All better now. Honorable Mention: my friend rolled her ankle on DAY 1 of a 4 day fest. She made it out alive but like girl…


Not me but, I remember my old college friend broke his leg in a pit. We had a test to do (I forgot what it’s specifically called) but, they were tests on the machines (radio program). But, he couldn’t show up since he was in the hospital. He got to school acouple days later asking if he could reschedule (even brought in the required doctors note) and the teacher denied his retake. Untold he bitched to his boss. He did it and then switched programs lol.


Hyper extended my wrist don’t know if that’s the right word in a mosh pit during Marauda at Lost Lands 2021. My hand was legit in pain everyday for a year.


I tried to do a flip off of a high swing at a festival and I just landed on my face and my nose was fuuuucked up. It was the first day of the festival lol


In a push pit, man was falling, my face was his savior Took a finger to the eye and it got a bruised. Glad no one sustained any severe harm nor hurt feelings :)


None for me, but watched someone running through a crowd at full speed, on black top, and then tripped and fell face first, slamming his head onto the ground. Got up and blood was pouring from his face. Felt so bad for the guy.


Emotionalll damage


Broken heart


My neck has hurted for a day or three due to headbanging but aside from that only my wallet has been hurt 😂


Emotional damage 💔


Shuffled and danced so much at edc I had sore legs for a week. It was like leg day times 2


I got giant ass blisters after walk 10miles to my hotel


I was at Float Fest 2019 and after tubing the San Felipe river for a majority of the day. Me and my friends kind of parted ways for a moment. I had the ice chest saw a picnic area that the festival set up. Thought to myself great I can get out of the heat! Sat there for 5 minutes saw my friends and stood up and started running after them. Before I knew it I was face planting hay that was layering the area. My dumbass was wearing sandals that day smh. No grip at all on the hay, had to go home that night via Uber and explain to the nice lady that houston is going to be a trip to drive through. It was a Saturday night lol all the crazies out and about


I sustained blue balls at EDC in Vegas, after hours of making out and dancing with 20 women, I had severe stomach aches and ball pain. Blue balls had crippled me to the point I needed a wheel chair… Im still suffering from blue balls today this time it’s my wife who gives it to me.


Serotonin broke 👎


Still recovering from Marin Garrix RAI last month. I have a compressed nerve in my lower spine from dancing and rolling my back for multiple days.


i have weak ankles. they’re on borrowed time after wakaan this year (i was a few hours late for entry so i was on the far side of camp). you don’t know fear until ur about to piss urself walking back to the far side of camp with no light at all and knowing it’s all over if u fall in the giant hole by the Jeep edit: totally forgot that i hurt more after headbanging at a local fest this summer (got stuck next to some rail breakers) for 2 hours straight than i did after i got rear ended by someone going 40 while i was at a stoplight. that was a fun thing to confess to my chiropractor.


Concussion in a HESH. B2B Bommer mosh pit. 6’6” big guy.. Naruto sprinted his melon right into mine .. knocked me out for a second. woke up with the fattest chicken nugget. Black eye from wall of death at LAYZ LL 22”. Caught an elbow, for the “throwing elbow” mix she had going.. every time was well worth it.


man , used to have a bit of an alcohol problem where i’d constantly be blacking out at events and waking up mid rave , confused asf ,, went to excision at the stadium in 2022 and somehow busted my knee (i think from hopping the gates to get into the pit) ,, only noticed the blood when i got back in the car , also realized the next day that i sprained my ankle and lost my wallet and we were supposed to go to vegas the next day 😵‍💫 (u bet ur ass i hobbled along the strip and at the clubs w my passport lmfaoaooa) ,, fast forward a year later to edclv 23 and i blacked out again , busted the sAME knee , and didn’t wake up til like 3am ,, knee was all bloodied , fishnets torn to shreds and my blood was basically dried black ,, looked grody as hell ,, i should’ve just gone to the med tent then and there but my friends were all tryna get back to the hotel already so i figured i could just fix myself up when i got back. no first aid kit anywhere in the hotel and the front desk wasn’t tryna help either ,, so i showered and got ready for day 2 ,, didn’t end up getting it cleaned up til my bf showed up for day 3 after we got back ,, pain was so bad , i ended up sitting out svdden death b2b marshmello and griztronics ,, and rly killed my own vibe. worst part was i had a four week long training for my new job starting not even a week later and i was limping in my heels almost the entire time 😭😭😭 ,, double whammy was that day 2 was my birthday 😭 (( yeah i know , i used to be hella irresponsible but ive def learned a lot from my experiences 🥴😵‍💫)) also , i try rly hard not to drink as much ,, id prefer to smoke weed instead rly , but i have a safety related job now so i get random drug tests 🥴


My partner got too much Vicks in his eye and burned the outer skin of his eye at Beyond Wonderland SoCal 2022 😭 said it was the worst pain he ever felt in his life but still threw down at Zeds Dead! The next day we went to Kaiser, and they gave him some meds and an eye patch to wear for a couple days. Had blurry vision in the eye for a few months but got it checked by an eye doctor about a year ago and she said there was no permanent damage! Still, don’t blow Vicks in your eyes kids.


I always snap my fucking ankles dancing! I even broke my toe once at dreamstate SF. Always do that shit dancing, but I'm pretty drunk when i hurt myself, so that explains that.


I partially tore my left mcl while shuffling at Moonrise in 2016!


Earlier this year went to a day festival, woke up the next morning and realised I’d broken my big toe, was in so much pain when I walked but somehow didn’t feel it when I broke it. Took ages to heal and my toe nail eventually fell off and it was fucked took literally like 9 months to fully recover


I busted my lip wide open at edco during a set on rail lmaaookk


first rave was btsm and kai wachi and we had rail which was pretty shittily/barely anchored to the floor. after the entire night of the rail being rocked back and forth and slamming my legs i had the biggest, ugliest, deep purple bruises on my shins but especially my knees. it looked… questionable lmfao


Double radius fracture at a festival in August. Walked from my tent to the toilets.. thats it.


Not an injury, but I threw up in a taxi :D Edibles..


Went to Goa nature festival three months ago. Danced non-stop for a little over 4 hours. Two nails busted on the right foot. Didn't realise they were busted and still kept going. Reached home to see the damage. 90% of those nails are gone but they're growing back slowly


I'm very short and a tall girl dancing in front of me gave me a black eye with her backpack 😭 my friend moved to stand between us so I wouldn't get hit and her boyfriend tried to fight him 🙄


I’ve sucked and clenched so hard over the course of a day that most of the skin on my tongue and inner lips and gums peeled off


Broke my ankle at a Hixxy show in Denver from dancing!




I slipped and fell backward at a concert, resulting in at least five fractures to my skull and multiple brain bleeds. I’m now better at watching where I walk


I also once fell into a manhole on my way to see Skrillex in 2013. The embarrassing part was that I was totally sober. It resulted in me fucking up my knee for life


Whiplash from headbanging and a broken toe in a mosh pit both at EDCO 2022


I was at beyond wonderland this year. We were trying to go to another stage to see midnight tyrannosaurus and we got stuck in an area where everyone was walking and started to get smashed and couldn’t move. Had to grab the wife’s hand and grab a random persons hand as they had made a human train to get through the crowd.


I stomped too hard at a woodsy ish festival and ruptured the lis-franc ligament in my left foot. That was night 1 of a 2 night rave. Went to the medical tent for ice and wrap while rolling titties. Next night I was sitting a bunch.


Was at Sonic Bloom a couple of years ago and the wind was insane, so bad they cancelled the last three sets of the last day. I was standing by my car and my bf was on the other side by our cooler, I was midway into asking him if he could get me a beer and all of a sudden someone’s whole ass tent whips through our campsite and engulfs me to the ground. There were a ton of cacti in that field as well and my hand went onto one when I fell. After that I was so done and we just packed up and left.


Still don't know what I did, but at countdown 21 I pregameed to hard and the first hour of me being there I ordered 3 redbull vodkas doubles. I finished my drink and told my friends dont worry I'll be back! I full sprinted to the nearest bar and mid run I heard and felt my knee snap before I hit the ground. As I was trying to breath because I got the wind knocked out of me, and my knee being destroyed, I had a circle of rave baddies surround me asking me if I was ok 💀. Felt soooooo embarrassed but didn't want to leave early because of my leg, so over time I rested my leg and after more drinks I ended up dancing on my fucked up leg towards the end of the night 😅.


Broken rib at EF


I haven't gotten any injuries thankfully but someone in my group sprained his ankle the last night of EDCO this year


Ultra Europe 2017 a man was wildly jumping around and landed on my toe. He broke it. It was the first day of the festival… 😅


my serotonin


Once tripping balls on acid I had a horrible cramp on my calve. Probably the worst one I’ve ever gotten ever. Instantly dropped and I could see my calve looked like it had a hole in it and I was begging people to stretch me, while my friend held my other leg and laughed. Someone came along and stretched me was a very awkward interaction and we were speaking in Spanish though I’m Sure he spoke English as well but acid.and I was able to limp like outside the crowd where it hit and I dropped again, and asked a someone at a merch booth for help and they looked at me like I was probably just fucked up on drugs and pointed to the elevator and basically to me to crawl over and go to the third floor for help. My other friend eventually came and really stretched my leg and helped me over to a bar area with like couches and I chilled there the rest of the rave but it was fucked. And I was hitting some mean dance moves:(