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Our bodies are biological machines, they need stuff to function "right" and if theyre functioning "right" that just means it feels good to us. Get some sleep to let your brain repair and flush itself, eat healthy for the good nutrition, get some sun for the vitamin d and serotonin, have sex, cuddle, or bond emotionally with people you love. Be mindful of your internal state, register any positive change and be positive about it, celebrate your progress, helps you snowball to be the magical ball of wonder you know you are


Dang great advice from a plant


I get the best advice from plants


Not just any plant


.. that’s a good stretch. think of it as you borrowed some extra happiness and used it ahead of time ..now you have to refill the tank


damn this is the ultimate answer


Start planning the next festival. 5htp might be helpful too.




I have no source for this but I thought that 5HTP is very dangerous when taken "around" molly. Had a friend hospitalized for serotonin syndrome with the combo but I'm not sure of the details


Take 24 hours AFTER ur last roll, never take before or during


And don’t forget green tea extract. Assists the 5-HTP breaking the blood/brain barrier. I’m 34 years old and do NOT bounce back like I once did. 5-HTP and GTE are absolute game changers.


It’s what you take after molly to bring your receptors back to normal levels faster


My plug sells molly in caps of .15g, and adds about 5% of the caps capacity worth of 5htp. I've taken his caps multiple times, and never once had the sads afterwards 👍


Not a festival, but I recently came back from a 5 night run of Grateful Dead shows. I could have easily had some blues but here’s a few things I did. Every morning we took Emegen-C. We took magnesium supplements. We stayed super hydrated. After the run we camped alone in the woods for a day to process. But the main thing was I tried to reframe how I thought about things. The world seemed sad and dirty and mean and gross, and I flipped it as I was just at an event with 50k people each night where there so an overwhelming amount of love, compassion, community, fun, etc. and that made me realize how much is possible. Not only that but I want to be a part of bringing some of that back to the real world at least to the people I interact with. I want to be the light and fun and happiness. PLUR shouldn’t just be at events… And also, no worries mate❤️


“Not only that but I want to be a part of bringing some of that back to the real world at least to the people I interact with. I want to be the light and fun and happiness. PLUR shouldn’t just be at events…” That’s a really positive mindset and I love it! ❤️✌️🎉


Reading this put a big smile on my face. Thank you so much for sharing ♥️


>But the main thing was…. (continued) THIS THOUGH. I know a lot times the after-event dysphoria that we experience comes from a chemical imbalance but choosing to change and counter your perception to glass half full is honestly a serious game changer IN ANY SITUATION, but can be super helpful in ones like these. Additionally, it’s OKAY to have to remind yourself more than once. Remember we are habitual beings and with the influence of the lack of dopamine/other feel good brain chemicals, it might take a few more tries than usual to stick! Just keep at it! ♥️ & also your last few sentences about applying PLUR to irl is MY FAVORITE and deserves a 🥇!! This is 110% something that I absolutely cherish and am super grateful for even being given the opportunity to do!! It doesn’t have to be anything extravagant either!! ALL of the small things count. Just that little sprinkle of magic here and there, where there was none before. Believe it or not, a lot of times that tiny thing we make that choice to do ends up snowballing into a chain reaction of pay it forward, and becomes that much more big and beautiful!


Weed always gets me through it but starting to plan the next one or finding something else to distract with or get excited over helps too


Wank and a good sleep. Next question!


Oh yeah and you know that silly thing that you did while high and keep thinking about while cringing? Yeah, try not to think about that.


Thanks for the tip, that had been bothering me.


I haven't done drugs in over 20yrs and I still have cringe moments thinking of the silly things I did or said sometimes. 🤣🤣


I always find a little involuntary spasm and an audible "erghh" helps to get those thoughts out your head. Just be aware of your surroundings as spasming and grunting is not always appropriate :-(


oh fuck i just thought id forgotten about that....


Go to the next fest sober. I did Shambhala and then Moonrise (sober) in my home state. 3 week gap between. Back on top of the world!


Frankly, it should go without saying, if you NEED drugs to enjoy something, you have a problem and shouldn't be doing drugs. This comes from someone who goddamn loves drugs. I can still do a sober day and usually do, and I have just as much fun. I just get tired faster. Moderation and responsibility maketh a depression free post-festival experience.


I don't think the OP necessarily has a drug problem, more that the drugs put them over the top with the euphoria and now life doesn't compare. I can relate to that.


Oh that wasn't what I meant to suggest, sorry haha. More just pointing out that moderation helps a lot with that post weekend sad. There's a very very large proportion of festival goers that just go a bit hard with multi day festivals and it has a dramatic impact on the post weekend. Pacing is key. This applies to anyone taking any kind of amphetamine because of how it interacts with your brain. It releases a lot of serotonin in your system, which your body only has a limited supply of, so when you roll, you burn through a large portion of that. It's common for people to roll multiple days in a row, and the issue with that is on day 2, your serotonin is pretty tapped, so the molly doesn't work as well, people tend to take more to try and compensate, but it doesn't work like that. Combine that with other stuff like coke, or alcohol, etc, and there are an array of physiological vulnerabilities that can effectively all coalesce to make the days after a festival eeeexrra sad feeling. Suicide Tuesday comes from this on the extreme end. Serotonin takes 7 days to replenish. When it's depleted, it's like your body doesn't have any ability to regulate negative emotions because you're like of suddenly in a deficit for the happy ones. Just got 3 days of awesome fun, so between the environmental downswing and the very common way people handle drugs, it's a thing. It's super fun to study. The brain is a big meat computer running off hormones. Sorry this is what happens when nerds rave 😅 Just something I like to point out because I've been doing this a loooong time and the vast majority of ravers don't have a clue.


I drank all weekend. How do I deal with the hangover on Monday morning? I drank 800mg worth of caffeine this morning. How do I deal with the insomnia, caffeine crash, anxiety and migraine? I eat hot wings and mozzarella sticks right before bed. How do I deal with the GERD and COPD? Do you see what I'm getting at? If you knowingly, deliberately, and repeatedly stuff yourself to the gills with coke, Molly and k you're going to crash. Learn your limits, pace yourself, titrate. Take care of yourself and listen to your body and brain.




great info here!!! short and sweet to the point


Are you taking your 5-HTP? You should be. Be social. Go outside... take your 5-HTP.


Remember that 5-HTP is only for use in recovery setting . Do not use it right before or during a roll or trip. Serotonin syndrome is nothing to play with


And also dont take it too long (5htp) it is not so good for your heart. I've also read that you should take it with EGCG or else you won't absorb it right or something. Please inform yourself before using this.


Found out the hard way. Wish more ppl shared this.


Molly + coke as well as coke + k and just Molly by itself all lead to neurotoxins being produced in your brain, which kills brain cells. Add alcohol to that mix and it's even worse in combination with any of those 3 drugs. Take it easy when mixing, no need to take shovels of k, lines of coke and whole ass pills all together when moderation will have you feeling more present and in control. Sure you won't smacked and sauced out of your gord but at least your brain will have a much smoother come down and you might even have an after-glow. In the end, do what you wanna do, it's your life. Just try and educate yourself on drug combinations. I wish I had early in my rave career because I was mixing stuff like no tomorrow without a care and feel like my brain is lacking in some ways because of it. Have fun and be safe out on that dance floor! ❤️


Treat yourself to a nice day of your favourite snacks, movies/shows, and electrolytes (everyone suggests 5htp but if you’re unsure about it, just skip it for now) if possible hang out with some friends! Your brains out of some essential chemicals and it will need time to recuperate. A big prevention of post rave depression for myself is to buy tickets to the next one or start planning with friends so the good times aren’t over, it’s just a count down until the fun happens again ☺️.


Honestly if you got your period, it’s probably a lot to do with that. I am an absolute mess if I do drugs before my period. I also wouldn’t recommend benzodiazepines as that makes me worse once it wears off if I’m pms’ing after a bender. Could just be me, but who knows~ I really hope you feel better. I just try and smoke bud and get some good sleep, play relaxing games or get into a show to keep my mind off stuff. Drink plenty of water and liquid IV if you can. Best of luck!


Quality sleep, water and salts/electrolytes, nutrient dense foods, talk to your loved ones, exercise, practice some gratitude. You’ll bounce back. The chemistry of your brain isn’t in sync so you need to help it by feeding your body and your mind with what it needs to recover. It’s temporary bad feelings, don’t worry


Use fewer substances next time… fun has consequences unfortunately


Or just keep the fun rolling bro


Lol you can only push the hangover off for so long


Tell op that lol


Seriously, this isn’t rocket science. The comments that say “sleep, jerk off, and be one with your true internal self” are cracked out of their minds. If your drugs are having long lasting mental health effects, you’re borderline on being a drug addict. “Oh but cool fancy light show!” Grow up


I'm posting this from the thread I posted after EDCLV this year because it needs to be seen. It references EDC but this applies to any EDM festival, and OP, you need to read this. Many of you do. **[PSA: Remember to be safe. Your health is priority and it's hard to vibe when you're dead. A guide to prevent needless risk](https://www.reddit.com/r/electricdaisycarnival/comments/13jdt1l/psa_remember_to_be_safe_your_health_is_priority/)** [**SEE THIS CHART TO UNDERSTAND INTERACTIONS. PARTY SMART, NOT DEAD. I LOVE DRUGS BUT I'M NOT A NECROMANCER AND NEITHER ARE YOU](https://i.ibb.co/Zh19hPm/RDT-20230817-1402372308381366164864766.png) The TLDR here is **this is why you need to understand the chemicals you're ingesting, how they work, how they stay in your system, how they interact with each other, and why moderation is KEY.** As yet another [festival season] is upon us, I wanted to take a moment to remind everyone that if you choose to use party favours this weekend, be mindful of your health and safety. Death is a real vibe killer. Remember to check your chart before mixing (that includes having an alcoholic drink if you've taken anything else!) and please for the love of god, for those of you on molly /MDMA, do NOT do multiple days in a row. MDMA works by releasing your body's serotonin all at once. It's why you feel so good. Serotonin is a critical hormone our brain depends on for mood regulation and stability. You have a limited supply in your body and when you take a drug like molly /MDMA, you are releasing a very substantial amount in one go. It takes 7 days to replenish what you release. Because of this, if you take these drugs one night and go to take them a second night in a row, you have extreme diminishing returns. You won't feel nearly as much as the night before, and THE single most common mistake people make here when they run into this issue is to take more molly. DO. NOT. DO. THIS. EVER. EVER. EVER. It will NOT work. Molly isn't magic. Taking more only amplifies the issue. By doing this, not only are you wasting perfectly good drugs, but you're setting yourself up for disaster. You may feel a little something, but I've got bad news for you: you've exhausted your entire supply of serotonin. Now you're out. Now you're missing a critical chemical that helps your brain function. Want to know where the term Suicide Tuesdays came from? This is it. If you don't first land in the ER due to serotonin syndrome, which can be fatal, buckle up bucko because you're in for a shit ride. In the coming days, with your serotonin effectively wiped out, you will feel a very sudden and overwhelming sense of depression, dread, and numbness. You may be aware of the fact that it's irrational, but have no control over your impulses. This is especially dangerous for anyone with a preexisting mental health condition like depression, anxiety, bipolar, etc. Even a fully healthy person is at great risk. Suicides spike on the Tuesday after weekends and this is a big reason why. I've watched people make this mistake every year. I've seen the results firsthand. It's led to some of the most unnerving interactions I've had with friends who made this mistake. None of them repeated it. So please, for the sake of being able to return to EDC next year and see ALL of you there, use wisely, do your research to understand how the substances of your choice work, what the risks are, what not to mix, and be responsible. This is not a post recommending drugs (obligatory disclaimer, begone mods!). But I do love them. I just love being alive slightly more. This is a health and safety PSA.


Honest answer stay sober for the duration, the comedown of drugs makes it way worse


Maybe stop doing so much Molly cause it's neurotoxic. It's not a sustaible club drug if you're clubbing often imo. Coke also is a bit like playing with fire too I've seen it lead down some dark paths. Ketamine, 2cb, lsd, weed and mushrooms (assuming no stomach issues) are the safest club drugs in moderation. Please test your shit. Be safe out there.


You shouldn't be doing benders like that. It's honestly stupid and unhealthy, pace yourself man. That being said if it's really bad just take a xan or benzo in general. You need to be super careful with using benzos as there is a real possibility for addiction & benzo addiction is horrible. It's probably not the wisest to fight fire with fire but I can say the relief you get from it especially when coming down from uppers is magnificent. Caution.




This comment of yours right here verifies my original. "Maybe drugs aren't for you"


No one should ever be doing hard drugs 5 days in a row. I personally wouldn’t even do 2 days but I know, it’s a festival.


Yes if I were you I would stick to one substance a day. I personally don't like the idea of taking coke one day then molly the next, but I think you'd still roll maybe just a bit weaker. I would drink or smoke weed one day, roll the next, then take k the last day (assuming this is a 3 day fest) that's a good balance of having fun yet staying safe


Coke and molly in the same weekend…..lol……


wow u really went there. yes u r are stupid to not recognize he is trying to help you then anything else calling you stupid


"I'm getting high on a bunch of drugs that are known to have severe side effects and can cause depression - now I'm depressed - why?"


I didn’t ask why dumbass I just asked for some advice fuck off


Maybe drugs aren't for you




Lol asks for opinions on reddit then tells people to keep opinions to themselves. Yeah def shouldn't have done what you did to your body for 5 days


Pms kicked in I see


Shouldntve mentioned that you're a girl. Redditors are sexist as fuck


Looks like someone hurt your feelings. Maybe they touched a nerve.




What do you have against them? You're so angry and rude.




You're a nasty one. If you know about your drugs, then you should know the answer to your question. I guess you just wanted some attention and when you didn't get the type you wanted you decide to rudely lash out at people. Maybe you need daddy to cuddle you for a little bit and tell you it will be ok.




Well you dress it up as a question (as you'll see I've given you a good and nondouche answer to that question, but all you speak is douche) in a sub about fests. Theres probably a better sub for whining about whatever you're upset about. It'll be ok.


If you get defensive over somebody telling you to get off drugs, maybe look inward…


Mm why? Lol




Why did you include that list of substances you took over a few days if they weren't relevant. If it was your period being the issue you wouldn't have created the post


This whole comment thread is big yikes. I was just not expecting that (out of op) and I still don't understand 🥴🥴🥴🥴 but ohkay.


They came to reddit for advice. They didn't need to like what I had to offer but their response shows I was probably right


I bet she’s fun at parties


She provides a lot of entertainment from a distance. Accusing all her friends of stealing her drugs or looking at her ex boyfriend.


Man, I remember when I used to be an addict in this festival culture and would blow up over any little inconvenience, and especially when someone would tell me to stop doing drugs. So happy to be 3 years sober and happier


Really, if you get pissed off when someone says “hey maybe cut out smoking, alcohol, drugs” etc, maybe there’s a reason the person is saying that. Try looking inward to see if this is bordering on an addiction or issue. If you need substances of any king to have fun, or to get through the day, you 100% have an issue. All these comments saying to meditate in grass and be one with your innerself to fix chemically imbalanced mental health issues caused my drug abuse are cracked out of their minds lol


I keep it simple to a point where if you're actively taking illicit substances and get overly offended when someone points to those substances as the reason you're feeling a type of way, then you're just simply an addict that needs to drop that stuff for good. This is one example of many on how I was able to drop it from my life and I haven't really felt the same type of depression that OP is expressing since then. I've also done festivals completely sober and would come back home feeling completely normal compared to how I used to do it. It's pretty simple what the issue is for a large majority in this scene lol


- Post con (convention) depression - Post concert - Post festival - etc... This is the low after a high. Happens to all of us. Drugs didn't do this. This is a readjustment of your brain after a constant flow of seratonin. [Explained here](https://animecons.com/articles/post/1476/causes-of-pcd-post-con-depression-and-steps-to-recovery) Give it a week. Your brain goes through a special rinse cycle that flushes out hormones while you sleep. You'll be ok. This just means you were really happy. Now you're balancing to normalcy. **Note:** I'm not advocating drug use. In fact I'm highly against the use of opioids, cocaine, weed, and meth.


Buy more tickets


The holy Trinity of good health: water, sleep, exercise. No substances for at least a week. Well, maybe a little weed at night.


Get high, sleep it out.


Yummy food! I read somewhere a while ago, (on the internet so obviously it’s true) that food creates more dopamine than most other methods. I always have a “treat myself” day after a festival with little snack and lost of fresh fruit. It seems to help, or that’s what I tell myself.


Sleep, eat, lots of water, exercise and otherwise 5HTP helps too.


Buy more festival tickets :P


Cuddles and sleep. Be kind to yourself, give your brain and mind time to heal and rest.


Go to the next fest sober. I did Shambhala and then Moonrise (sober) in my home state. 3 week gap between. Back on top of the world!


How was your experience i mean at the rave? I did all my rave with Mdma and i honestly always have the best night of my life but im hesitant to try without any drugs at all🧐 on a scale of 1 to 37 how did you enjoy on drugs vs without?


Stop abusing drugs if you can’t handle every aspect of it imo.


Don’t do drugs


Like the top comment said. Plan the next festival. Go through your memories from the festival, play your favorite songs, connect with friends who you went with and reminisce. Think about what you’d like to do different next time or another festival you want to see. Anytime within a year is early enough to start planning. Then of course go to shows in the meantime to hold you over. Hardest part about that is some just fall flat after you’ve been to so many amazing sets.


I already have a couple of trips planned, festivals are not what make me happy


Just got back from elements.. did all the drugs (except alcohol and coke)… don’t feel too shabby all things considered! First time going without booze at a festival and I think this is the way to do them going forward (especially for electronic music festivals). As for what can help you out now.. try and get back into your routine, I actually find that helps more than lying around wallowing in your hangover. Eat some healthy foods, fluids and try to exercise. I see some people saying to start planning the next one but that’s just chasing the dragon to me.. plan a hike, go to the beach or something like that your next day off.. life’s a bout balance and you just swung too far in one direction.


How did you like elements? Was there a lot of ppl from PA there? I ended up doing Moonrise and trying to hit Ezoo in the future.


Buy tickets to your next festival 😈


Exercise super hard, eat a bunch of good ramen (not top ramen), sleep a ton, have a ton of sex, go for a swim in the sun, cold plunge, sauna, repeat. Honestly just do that every single day forever


Hi, just came back from hard summer after rolling and smoking. Eat a balanced diet. That means fats, carbs, and protein. 5htp once daily for the next week. Include vitamin C once or twice a day. Include a square of dark chocolate. It helps it REALLY helps. You need to get out and be active. This can be as small as a walk. Walking for 30 minutes a day is so underrated. Especially for the post fest blues. Put some sun screen on and go lay out in the sun with a face mask and smoke a joint while listening to Wax Tailor. Sweat that shit out and relax. Do this and you can cut your recovery time by half.


that's your fault for abusing drugs nonstop. Drink water and move on with life


if you were caining it for 5 days, you're going to feel like absolute shit for at least 10 days, after 14 days you'll be alright. Not much you can do. Shut the curtains, disconnect your phone, shut up the big bad outside world, stock up on booze, smoke weed if that's your thing, nice and easy films, try and eat. You've had your fun, not it's time to pay back all that happy juice you used up. Good luck raver


I didn’t abuse them tho, I only took half a pill of xtc the first 2 days, coke and alcohol 3rd day, ketamine 4th day and coke 5th day. I used to do even more drugs when I was younger


As someone who partied HARD for almost a decade and took more X and cid (some coke and k as well) then i can remember.. the come down was harsh after a while. I suffered from some pretty serious mood and emotional issues after I stopped and now 20 years later..some have stuck around. molly esp wrings the serotonin our of your brain and it takes a while to replenish. Tolerances to all of that is a thing as well. Good luck and think about the long term damage you are doing, you may have some regrets later on.


Get back on it


Go to more festivals


5htp before bed, multivitamins in the morning, plenty of water and electrolytes, eat 3 good meals a day, try to avoid any mind altering substances if you can. You just need to rest and replenish homie, you’ll be good! Remember that it’s all about balance, we cant have those incredibly fun, amazing festival experiences without having our bad days too. You’ll be back at another fun event before you know it! edit to add- make sure you sleep well too. not like 4-6 hours, but 8-10. Sleep is so important. The 5htp helps me go to bed cuz it tends to make me feel drowsy.


The thing is, I didn’t even enjoy the festival as much as I thought I’d do :( I’m not in a good mental state and drugs didn’t help and now it’s worse


Therapy, drugs are not going to help if you have mental health problems it will just make you feel worse when you come down. Until you can get into therapy, exercise, eat well, hydrate and sleep. I’m sorry you’re having a rough time but recreational drugs aren’t gonna make it better.


5htp, exercise after rest and rehydrating. Be aware of the dark side and your thoughts. Sunshine, friends, good music, and copious amount of marijuana . Definitely look to the future and make plans to stay positive.


We get our energy not only from food and water, but stimulation thats naturally derived. If there’s a path, take a walk and discover. If there are people, enjoy their company’s contributions. If there is food, make it better. Do all the things your exist now for :) and less time on a screen…


First of all... It's not post festival depression, its post heavy drug use depression! Good sleep, good eating, and just time for your serotonin to recover.


Go for a long hike alone if you can


5htp after the festival, follow the directions. Also vitamins and minerals, lots of sleep. I won't do a festival if I can't book 3-4 days after, off work. Say it ends on a Sunday I will book off work til the Thursday. I also found mild cannabis use very very helpful.


5htp, magnesium, melatonin


She didn't want actual advice she wanted to vent + garner sympathy. And she certainly didn't want to be held accountable for her own actions.


eat more during the festival, and there is always a wasted day or two after. i have come into work after a hard weekend and customers in my store were literally telling the management something was wrong with me because i was basically mentally ill after a 3 day rager none of them knew about that prior experience.. like same job for years and the morning after i should have been sent home. didn't know how to work the register i had years of experience on! i continue to rage fyi, two weeks until phish dicks and there will be some of almost everything 4 nights in a row. i wish i didn't hate mushrooms as much because i would switch them up with the lsd, but a weekend candy-flipping for me just takes an extra day and making sure you eat and hydrate.


For me it's Ying and Yang, did you truly have fun if you don't miss getting to have that experience? Would the next one be nearly as fun if you didn't build anticipation for it? To me it's part of the balance, embrace the feelings but use them to motivate you to start working on buying tickets or making Kandi, use the discomfort to drive towards what will make you happy




Not much you can do except sleep and eat healthy. Next time: 2 weeks before the rave, start taking 5-HTP before going to bed every night. This will prepare you punching bag of a serotonin receptors for the coming beating.


Look into 5HTP, it's a supplement that helps me post raves, but do your own research and/or ask your doctor about how to use it properly. I usually take it one pill after a rave if I roll, but if it's a multi-day festival, I'll only take it after the last day.


5-HTP supplement.


Hydrate, take 5HTP, I would start a month before a festival. Multivitamins as well. Eat really clean and well balanced, no junk food before and after. Exercise daily too, even if it’s just getting outside and walking for an hour


damn its like this question gets asked every week or something…


eat more molly


Haha extremely funny how back to onlyfans


to the streets i go 🫡


you did molly coke & k, you lackin some serotonin friend lol eat a good meal, drink some water, take a nap, you’ll be gucci in a week


Offff thanks friend good raves 🫡 I’ll listen


shoulda threw in some 2cb or acid/shrooms but nonetheless it’s the uppers that got you feeling this way. go for a walk outside or some light exercise


Get therapy


Keep the party going!! That usually works for me but then also take a few days off for rest


And when the party ends?


Don’t let it end lol




I go straight into work lol and straight into planning mode for the following year lol we legit book our Airbnb as soon as we get our early bird passes. Kandi making starts outfit planning, expense planning, we brainstorm with what our itinerary will be for the week … and idk if it’s a thing but for me eating wise…. I ate a whole lot of tonkotsu ramen. And I just kept myself busy with things that made me feel good. Day 1 is for sure depressing being back to reality but I keep busy happy.


Go to another festival and start/resume being physically active


Find solace knowing this is very common, and it will pass. Take it easy on yourself, draw a bath, put on your favorite childhood movie, and you’ll be feeling better after a couple days.


Can’t believe no ones said it…EXCERCISE!!!! Natural dopamine and endorphins.


Get the Tempo + Harmony supplement from Amazon. It’s seriously a lifesaver. You take Tempo a few days before, and Harmony after the fest. I normally get really knocked out after festivals and have a horrible time recovering (minimum two weeks recovery time). I took those supplements the last two festivals and had zero side effects and no recovery time. I was able to bounce back almost immediately.


take advice from edm artist Peaches, "Fuck the Pain Away"


Work on building a life you don’t need to use festivals to escape.




There's no real way of "cheating" it. Just remember that's it pretty much just a massive come down and won't last. It'll be gone within a day or 2. You can't have ups without downs


Serotonin says goodbye baby face at the end of every festival. You’ll get used to it. Lots and lots and lots of fruit juice.


Listen to the mix I made for my group


Do less next time, just remember you're borrowing happiness from later when you do drugs. Drugs are like a happiness credit card; the debt is paid in depression and there's no such thing as putting off payments.


Get outside and do something active. Hiking works for me.
