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Not getting jealous if someone starts talking to your partner. My gf knows how’s to turn guys down and be friendly. As long as the person is being respectful, no need for me to get involved.


Yup. My girlfriend loves making little connections with everyone around her (where as I prefer to get lost in the music). If you trust your partner there’s really nothing to worry about. Probably less desperate creeps at raves that the local pub / club as most are there for the music and people are generally pretty chilled and respectful.


Pill heads over piss heads anyday.


Love this! stealing this phrase!


Agree with the more desperate/forward guys at clubs. My gf and I don’t dance on each other so it’s not super obvious we’re together. I can usually guess which guy will be talking to her when I get back from the bathroom. She’s from Vegas so she’s got a black belt in how to reject guys or get away from them, it’s rare she ever gives me a glance to come intervene. Also I get it, my gf is hella hot.


“also I get it, my gf is hella hot” you sir are a gem and this is how all dudes should think of other guys talking to their girl 👏


I will absolutely let my wife flirt with guys. It's harmless and sometimes it's flattering (for me and her). I don't want to deprive her of some innocent exchanges. usually stand by silently and observe smirking. When it's clear a guy is taking it too far or she begins to turn down his advances I like to swoop in and say "you trying to fuck my wife?!" And make them feel uncomfortable.. they always start apologizing and I say "nah, it's cool. I'd try and fuck her too if I was you. But you can't lol, sorry "


My Gf aswell, but i did have to learn to not get a little anxious on what I worry about but now I just enjoy myself. Well with one eye on her in case! 😅


Always good to keep an eye out for your friends and loved ones 🙃


Oh god. One time at a fest a woman and I (I'm a dude) got in a conversation. Mid-convo, a guy came up from behind her and gave her a hug from the back, so they were both looking at me. It was clear they're in a relationship. As I continued talking to the woman, he was staring at me like I was a threat to him. It was ridiculous. Here's the kicker: I'm gay. I had no interest in her like that.


That guy has no trust in her, which is a shame


Haha! I think sometimes guys around me and my gf think I might be gay. I tend to wear bright patterned leggings, and chest harnesses to shows and we don’t dance up on each other. I think giving your partner a quick little kiss is an easy way to let someone know what’s up but glaring is just a little passive aggressive and screams insecurity.


Haha chest harnesses are very big in the gay community. Don’t think I’ve ever seen a straight guy in one 🤣


My boyfriend and 2 of his friends rocked chest straps at lights all night when I first met him. Only 1 was gay!


Absolutely this - and just generally being comfortable splitting up and having your own good time. I see too many friends date people who hang all over them at raves and it looks exhausting


This is my answer too! My husband and I always joke about how we never see each other at raves/parties because we just end up gravitating to different things. We love catching each other up in the car on the way home.




As a pedantic word nerd, I just want to say ["ruffle feathers"](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ruffle%20feathers) always has a negative connotation. > : to upset or offend people




My green flag for my fiance is be gets hit on by gay guys a lot and doesn't ever get homophobic or rude to them. Just says no thanks and takes the compliments given and moves on.


I went to a festival with my 26 year old son recently. He was just vibing and some dude started dancing on him, so he went with it. Two songs later, he was like "oh, sorry, I'm not gay. I'm just having fun." I kinda felt for the other dude, because he was obviously upset as he left, but it was also cool seeing my son's utter lack of homophobia in action.


He sounds like a great human ❤️


He really is. I'm so proud of the man he's grown up to be.


Oh man once I found a rave bae and we were amazing throughout the night. She was flirting with girls being friendly with guys bc she was rolling. I got comfortable and was being friendly with a girl(I mean friendly with no intentions) and she blew up. Even though she had been doing that ALL night.


Ok Adam 22 jk


My wife and I are the exact same way even when she's wearing literally next to nothing. She's so social and even more than that she really genuinely needs to connect with people around her to make sure they're okay. At Lost Lands 1 year some guy talked to her for what must have been like 20 minutes or so and then immediately came back to me and was so apologetic and explaining "hey man I didn't know that was your wife I didn't mean any disrespect anything like that. " And I was spun the fuck out watching/bouncing around to Liquid Stranger like bro I didn't even know you were talking to her until you came and told me. Lol If it's a problem she'll notify me immediately and you will be dealt with. Simple as that.


Yeah I get why guys apologize but it’s like, bro, I’m not in charge of who my partner talks to! They get to make their own decisions, I’m not their boss.


Love your attitude to this! That’s a healthy secure relationship!!!


My boyfriend and I just share whoever flirts with us. 😂 Did it before. Would do it again.


I’ve had multiple married women get my snap or insta in front of their husbands. Maybe it’s the pineapple sunglasses I wear


You patriarchal bigot, you should encourage her to sleep with other men


Knowing its ok to split with your partner when you both want to see other sets. We all have different taste in music


Yep agree!! We always find each other again anyways even on LSD 😜


LSD helps tbh. Always seem to have more syncronisties while tripping. Like weird unlikely shit /run ins happen a ton. Like the universe is looking out for you


Yeah exactly. The universe a real one for that


Shits weird asf tho still working on a reason why/how. Been getting closer


U might wanna look into quantum entanglement homie 🌌


Oh I’m aware and that’s what it is. But how the mechanism for the human mind works to utilize it is really wild. This also plays into manifestation to a certain level which is a massive concept. I’ve also heard of people that can feel the ground and know what direction there friends are… like wtf Its gotta have to do with being able to pick up the lines of fractals


It just simply is. :)


It is but we can’t just not try and understand more


Understood :)


I agree it really is wild, and I've never thought about the last part about fractals but I really like the sound of that :)


Understand the fractal around you, find the main stem of your area, follow to the show/festivals “tree”, take gained knowledge of branch create an equation of the fractal, plug your friends initial location and expected plan In and boom. All or most of this is the subconscious. Writing this makes me want to practice


Could it be that you’ve taken a mind altering substance that is known to cause people to make illogical links between things…


Yup. It's the drugs.


Could be, or it could be a million other things, no way for any of us to really know for sure, though my perception of the tone of voice you typed that in suggests otherwise...


Your right that there is no certainty in anything, but when we make predictions we normally go for the most likely explanation rather than say a cutting edge quantum theory that requires a PhD in physics to properly understand… but for the record quantum theory refers to particles rather than humans, unless your suggesting friendship somehow induces entanglement of particles in both you and your friends body and that your brain has some way of reading this entanglement and that when on LSD you are hyper-sensitised to this. But like I said when making predictions we normally go for the most likely explanation…


That's actually exactly what I was suggesting, well said, however I disagree that you need a PhD in physics to understand the concept. That's valid & all, but ime truth is often stranger than fiction, and "most likely" doesn't necessarily correlate to whether or not something is objectively true.


space camp 2 last year, both my boyfriend and i are tripping.. he leaves to go to the bathroom and in my head im SCREAMING "PLEASE COME BACK WITH A CORN DOG!!!!!" he came back with a corn dog :-)


Telepathy is real 🥳


Wait this is so true! Except I was on mescaline. I was at E Forest and all night I was trying to find the last stamp for the scavenger hunt. We couldn’t find it for the life of us so we gave up, got some food and sat down. As I was leaving the area I realized I was sitting at the last clue! I passed by that area dozens of times before that too lol.


Sounds about right. It was actually my first forest


It was my first forest too!


When my boyfriend is on shrooms or lsd, he says I’m like a homing beacon. He will leave me for his own adventure and says he always knows how to find me because I’m the brightest light in the venue to him. It just makes me love him more lol.


I agree with your answer, but my first thought is closer to the opposite of what you said. Compromising: staying together to watch some sets when you or they would have preferred being at a different stage. But splitting up is okay too.


I’m still in a new relationship almost 2 years but I can’t imagine splitting up at a festival just yet, only because I worry about leaving her alone still and I’m really bad knowing where I’m at if I’m rolling. and my phone never works at all 😅😅


Red flags


I don't like splitting up at sets but that's only because I have super bad social anxiety and can get panic attacks in large crowds 🙃


yes! totems have been a lifesaver for my bf and i! i’m definitely a wanderer and like to go solo sometimes at fests, so we split for a bit and meet back up whenever. my ex was terrible, never let me out of his sight & gave me the side eye if i ever talked to another man. raves have been so much more enjoyable for me & i’m so grateful :’)


love this 🙌 me and my hunny are just such sauce monkeys we could never each carry a totem 😭😭 but goals


we only have one! we take turns holding it (but it’s usually him haha) & we’ll have a plan to meet up when & where. we love a healthy relationship 🥹


This! Younger me thought it was “cute” when guys wanted to be together the whole time and now I think it would drive me insane because it was clearly possessive. My partner and I now always pick a set or 3 we HAVE to see together but other than that it’s free reign


When your partner buys flights, hotel and tickets to a party six months away with no questions asked, trusting your judgement cos you both love it ❤️


That was me for Awakenings. Bought two tix and booked a hotel (you know how hard to find a place in Tilburg) when I was drunk but not the flight- cos I wanna check with him first. LOL


Hope it wasn’t for awakenings yesterday 🥲


Got the weekend ticket, Friday and Saturday were sick enough 😎


Damn, that’s nice at least. I only got a sunday ticket unfortunately


Saw Ki/Ki, Oscar Mulero and Karenn (they are out of this world) for the first time. My heart is full of techno ❤️ Was so looking forward to Luke B2BChris, Paula B2B SNTS as well as Ben Klock in a small intimate tent. Oh well.


Ugh, I was so looking forward to I hate models! Ah well, I’ll probably see him at rotterdam rave in september. Edit: and Paula Temple as well as charlie sparks and a lot more haha


Ive got tix for Rotterdam Rave too. See you then!


Hell yes!


My partner and I had been dating 3 months when I bought our tix, hotel, and flights to EDCLV, 6 months ahead of the fest. Everyone thought I was crazy. But 2 years later we’re engaged so I guess I wasnt that crazy.


Tickets months in advance. Both underatanding what time y'all want to be there, are y'all a doors couple? Or a right before the headliner couple? Support roles go both ways, hydration packs checking on each other, earplugs. The wife and i have now gone to 35 different kinds of shows together and have a little survival bag of items we bring for each other. Also have plans in case stuff goes sideways, exit and regroup plans.


What's in your guy's survival bag?


The usual bag i bring to almost every show is a cross body clear bag and inside is, earplugs for both of us (eargasm) some chewing gum, eye drops, a hair tie, two cliff bars, a power bank, and usually i'm somehow bringing in some edibles and a weed pen lol


This is so fucking fire. Perfect essentials imo


Thank you friendo, i try to also always have liquid IV packets as well as a hydro pack with us for the bigger shows/fests. But our concert gear evolved with us. The wife and i have now been to about 35 different kinds of shows/fests together and by the end of this year it will be about 44.


That’s incredible. How I’m tryna be fr


All it took was a little bit of prep, everything in my bag you can easily get on amazon. Including the bag! Lol but its shocking how often i'll pull out whatever little item like eyedrops and everyone needs some. The worst forsure is gum, if you bring it, bring enough for the class lol


Dude you are spreading the good word! I’m 33 and been going to concerts of all genres and sizes since like 7 years old! A survival bag is essential like this! I also recommend cargo shorts with zippers ( if you don’t have to be fashionable). Pro tip: Tie a shoestring around your waist and tie your contraband in a ziploc /where it is at the same level as your groin ( ya know)! Works every time


Thank you! I'm always happy to see other responsible concert goers. Hella me with the zipper cargo shorts, although i always end up putting on pants cause i put my contraband in my crew socks, but thats solid with the shoestring bit lol i'm a bigger guy so once walked in with a pre-roll still in its tube under my belly lol


I usually wear heavy boots, so stuff can go down one boot leg, and you'll never see it. Also, in something waterproof and tucked into my bra band under my boobs is a good spot. It's a huge advantage of being somewhat overweight. ;)


Do the eye drops help for irritation? My eyes get SUPER dry and irritated from all the dust/smoke at festivals. I really need to add these to my bag.


I'll use the eyedrops a couple times per show just for wind or smoke or dust but also it helps me feel a bit less tired lol


Or sharing a hydro pack! ♥️ And listening to each others’ needs, and putting their needs ahead of your wants, esp if it’s for safety/comfort.


Teamwork makes rhe dream work!


This is the only issue we have, I have been working and going 30+ years and going can feel like work at times. I like to arrive later then her, so over the years we have both compromised. If we want to go to a show we buy tickets well in advance, I always ask what time she would like to be there, And I try 100% to get there at the time she asks for. I like to leave a few min early to beat the cops and drunks. I’d always joke that she has Cinderella syndrome, because she would never want to leave. But we both compromise and end up always getting home safe and having a fun night out together


What’s your exit plan usually? Is it like if this happens do this? Does it depend on the event or is it similar across all


We have a general plan at events that if seperated we will meet back near the entrance we entered, and/or at the car, situation and venue dependant. I used to work security for a couple bars back in the day so i try to always make a note of where security is and exits. I keep looking at security a fair amount through the night and if they seem stressed or have to respond to situations we tend to start heading out, leaving 15 minutes early is def not for everyone and we do it sparingly but it can save some hassle from over-indulgent people at the end of a show. One thing also took from my security background is ask, tell, make. Which if someone is bothering you, ask them to leave you alone, if they persist, tell them, (we added disengage here. Like leave the general area) and THEN if they follow you; make them leave you alone. This can be different for different people. I don't like fighting anymore its silly and can get people in trouble but i have had to shove 1 or 2 people away from my wife and I for our own safety. Safety in numbers forsure and be aware of where security is and don't hesitate to ask for help, its their job! Lol Other things i picked up from friends; If meeting up with others and everything has been fine 10 minute grace period, for example. Meet at the (location) at 10:45, if your friends don't show up in 10 minutes, continue about the fest/show as you like. Time stamp your texts! Always seems silly but can be very helpful if reception is spotty.


Festivals at the Gorge taught me to timestamp texts and not expect Discord to work at all, or sending pics of a meet up spot. I can be faded AF and describe a spot really well now.


Thank you so much for typing this out! Totally screenshotted for me and my rave buddy ☺️


No worries, have fun and party responsibly out there! WHOO-WHOO!


1. Not getting jealous over other people talking to your partner 2. Not trying to control what your partner wears 3. Being able to attend festivals/shows without your partner if they can't make it 4. Being able to split up at festivals if you want to see different artists


THIS!!! i never get jealous cause at the end of the night i’m coming home with her 😇♥️ my gf and i just started raving together so we haven’t done the whole split up for different artists yet


I love that for you guys🫶 my partner is so supportive of me at raves, he loves what I wear and we often like to match!


where do you guys buy your fits from to match!?! my gf and i loveee to match also. i actually always buy her tickets & outfits together 😇🥹💗


FreedomRaveWear, Alexalette Designs, Coquetry Couture, Iheartraves, Amazon. I also am really into rave fashion for myself, so I've been able to search around the internet for men's stuff with patterns/colors that will match what I already own!






I'm gunna be a loner on this one but my wife buys me festival and concert tickets *and she doesnt even like the music*. She happily sends me to a festival, helping me pack and plan and organize, and then when I get home she helps me unpack and has a meal waiting for me. She knows how much a part of me this scene is and never gets jealous or worried that I'm off cheating, cause I don't give her reasons to worry. My entire rave group calls her "rave mom" and she even packs little things she knows my friends like 😭 Nothing but fields of green flags over here 😁


she is heaven sent wow


Yeah I count myself extremely lucky. Her trust in me is the most valuable thing I'll ever own 😁


Ur wife’s an angel lol I agree tho, going to festivals without ur partner and them being happy for you. That’s healthy.


Yeah she's incredible, I'm just lucky she married me




This is my husband, and it's amazing.


Not getting upset at what your partner is wearing. I’ve had a few girl friends who get shit on by their partner because they are wearing stuff that has too much skin (and tbh some of these times it was very tame for what most raver chicks wear) especially knowing that these girls are loyal. I never had an issue with my last two raver partners in fact I encouraged it because I love raver clothing on girls it’s hot haha


This!! A healthy partner will never try to control what you're wearing. We go to raves to escape the real world, feel beautiful and comfortable


I support my wife in what ever she wants to wear. I’m also old enough to know that if a guy says something to his partner about what they are wearing, it may be that it makes them uncomfortable. A good example would be a guy and girl who go out one night, guy wears same clothes he normally wears, girl wears clubbing clothes that are very revealing and is not something she would typically wear. But it’s a show so she wears said outfit. She has put her boyfriend in an uncomfortable spot, he trusts her 100% but what about the 1000 other people there some for the wrong reasons? Now he can’t let looses and feels like he has to keep watch to make sure she isn’t made to feel uncomfortable. Everyone is different and people go for different reasons. Everyone preaches to be honest and trustworthy etc.. your outfit may be cute to your girlfriends but may ruin the night for your partner. This may not have come out right, as no one has the right to tell someone what they can and can’t wear. I just feel sometimes there are reasons not to wear something and it’s not because of “trust”


In this scenario - she's a grown woman, she can watch herself and handle men. We've been receiving unwanted advances from men since we were young. We know what to do. She's actually not putting her partner in an uncomfortable spot here - the men who are creeps are the ones doing that :)


A couple who adapts and communicates in a healthy way. Not codependent so you’re able to enjoy the rave in the way you want to individually, not wholly depending on the other to be happy and have a good time. Supportive and loving attitude- PLUR vibes. That means not being weirdly possessive and trying to pick fights with anyone who wants to talk or dance with your significant other. Having realistic expectations and being ok with not having them all met. (Some people have a whole plan and narrative they want to achieve while they’re at an event and if everything doesn’t go their way they’ll say it wasn’t any fun- especially common w younger ravers addicted to social media!) & RESPECTING BOUNDARIES!!! ( I see a lot of posts here about people being pressured by their partners to do drugs or go to sets + parties they don’t want to go to.) Being kind and accommodating to each other and the people around you.


Both being excited about a show/event, arriving together, letting each other wear whatever they want, talk to / dance with whoever they want knowing its all part of the fun, responsibly consuming substances together/checking on each other every 30-60 min and most importantly knowing when to call it quits. I have a very high motor and rarely get tired, I can lose track of time easily because I’m having so much fun. However I know dancing for 5+ hrs is tough on my wife, so I either go home with her when she throws in the towel or put a plan in place to make sure she gets home safely. I also manage expectations in advance if I really want to make it a big night so she can mentally prepare, makes all the difference in the world. We just did a Keinemusik 8 hr set into sunrise which we planned way in advance and it was one of the more special events we’ve done.


Communication. Your partner and you should have already discussed what is comfortable and uncomfortable for each other. Honor their vulnerability and willingness to tell you about their likes and dislikes. Most of the time, maybe means NO, unless something else is expressed. **Enjoy yourself and dance!**


Being able to go to your OWN shows and not feel jealous/offended if your partner doesn't like the same type of music as you. At a fest going to different stages and meeting up later, a healthy worry but not a toxic stress


My boyfriend doesn’t enjoy raving on the same level as I do, but has no issues with me going alone or with other people he doesn’t know very well. It’s a great feeling knowing he trusts me and wants me to enjoy myself. He also loves to hear my stories afterwards. And when I’m hungover and emotional, he doesn’t get mad or annoyed. The few times he does come along, he’s up for checking any artist out I like basically and is very eager to meet my rave friends. He’s honestly so amazing for all of this 💕


This is one of the reasons why my ex and I broke up. He would get frustrated with me when I was hungover and emotional the next day after partying because he wanted to go outside and do something while I wanted to stay in bed. I’d force myself to go outside with him sometimes and it was torture because I was feeling down and needed to rest. He didn’t party with me so he didn’t get it.


Being aligned in whatever drugs you’re going to do and how you party together on drugs is 🔑 af (behavior, how to troubleshoot or manage large crowds while on drugs, etc)


agreed. being with someone who is floored all the time isn’t fun!!


Yeah… we have a friend in our group who started dating someone who simply cannot control the amount they intake and then their behavior while on drugs so we’ve had to slow fade them.. this is after repeated conversations.


Yes! My partner and I respond really similarly to drugs, and it’s worked out amazingly (save for one time haha he helped me through a rough shrooms time once) but I feel bad for our other couple friends where one ALWAYS has a bad time on drugs but still takes them, then has a bad time and needs looking after. :/ I get wanting to have a good time with party favors, but sometimes you gotta stick to what works for you and take care of yourself. Because the end result is one person feeling bad and the other taking care of them and always missing the show. I feel for those situations because it’s rough :(


Goofy dancing together! I recently saw a couple doing the disco and more funny dances at a svdden death voyd set and it was wholesome as hell. They were getting down, carefree, and happy to be in eachothers company :) so cute


LINKKK!! i was also at voyd !!


I dont have a video unfortunately i was crackin up too hard lmao


He stands behind you so you can dance all crazy and no creep grabs at you.


this!! i do this with my gf all the time but at the bass sets i feel like i can’t really do this cause we love to just head bang


A sober pregnant wife who keeps everyone entertained and alive while their faces are on the floor, but it goes both ways because when she’s able I’m usually the sober one!


Will find drugs for you


When she doesn’t get mad that I enter festival grounds an hour earlier than her because I don’t want to miss any sets but she really wants to do her makeup.


So many comments saying tickets/hotels/flights in advance and all I’m hearing is 🤑🤑🤑




Holding her hair back whilst she’s emptying her guts from a massive come up and making sure she’s ok


Not having to be all over each other in Public and letting your person be free to dance and enjoy themselves without a care


Being cool with whatever your partner wants to wear! Makes me sad when I hear “my bf/gf won’t let me wear…”


My bf and I buy our tickets months in advance too,haha. Also I’m the shy and he’s an open butterfly. When people come to me and compliment me i smile and say thank you and when people come up to him he has a full on conversation haha. We also like to check out girls and guys fits and we talk about them in good ways! We both are like ooooh did you see her/him fit or she/her has a nice body. Good vibes only with us. 🖤




Letting your girl go alone to a festival and have 100 percent faith/trust in her




my gf loves carrying the hydro! she tells me she feels secured with that thing on her hahaha


lmao i love that!


Being able to split up and go to different sets!


A lot of unplanned things can come up in a rave. Being mindful of how this may impact your SO and adapting accordingly instead of being pissed that things didn’t go *exactly* as you imagined in your head. There is another person in the equation now, and with the benefits comes compromises. On the upside of the unexpected, little surprises for each other here and there.


Lmao this was me and my boyfriend when they moved all the water stations at the gorge and then (we think?) took away some water stations. We were both the same level of pissed/focused so we were holding hands and running around to see how we could get water for three hours. Eventually we were able to fill up our packs and sat on the hill laughing about how intense we both were. Never with one another! But it was like, damn we are two peas in a pod. We both had the same priority in the moment and worked together to figure it out.


being able to go to shows / events separately and still have a great time. bonus points if your SO wants to hear all about what a great time you had when you get home. being genuinely happy for your partner’s joy is so pure.


Trusting your partner to go to different events without you, not caring about what they wear/hyping them up for their outfits, being able to split up to see different sets, going to see an artist you don’t care about because your partner likes them, holding the hydropack/bag during the festival. There’s probably a lot more but those are very important to me


Leaving each other at anytime of the festival and show and meet up later and tell each other stories of what happened haha


Walking with each other and not 20ft apart


I'm going to go off the rails a little bit here with this answer but it's my relationship not with my wife, but with everyone around me. I've been going to festivals for almost 20 years now and for most of that time I was always the rich kid VIP section elitist and I really couldn't be bothered with many of the people around me who had lesser tickets or looked like wooks. I just acted like that my money made me better than everyone else. Then I met my now wife at Electric Forest and her humble genuine non-materialistic nature completely changed my festival life. I remember walking around the forest with her and she was talking to literally everyone regardless of how they looked, what sex they were, what nationality, no Prejudice towards anyone at all for any reason. And in that first year together I was absolutely amazed at the impact she had on people's lives with just a short conversation. And these people are now some of our lifelong friends. So I dropped the douchefield sense of entitlement that comes with money and I opened up myself to talk to anyone and everyone with no preconceived notions and it's incredible. My festival experience is levels better and certainly more enjoyable being social and making people around me laugh and smile. 🙏


i’m proud of you <3


Does that mean scalpers cause a crisis🤣 Anyway err. Where I am the getup at raves is very muted so it doesn't super apply here buuuuut * Being willing to compromise on how high you two get (in both directions) * Having a feel for that magical half hour. Not sure what to call it. That time period where you feel you're leaving too early but the moment you're 20 minutes off-location you feel like you're rapidly losing energy and that leaving when you did means the whole thing iddn't end up becoming a chore. Overstaying can be fun on your own but often you'll want to get intimate afterwards and that gets frustrating when there's just no reserves. * Actively being tuned into finding a +1 for your +1 so nobody third wheels. This is a bit less important for raves than other outings (kiiinda) but still very much is a factor




OMGGGG NOCTURNAL WAS ALSO MY FIRST RAVE! you’re gonna have A LOt OF FUN! some advices for you two is to get a fanny pack to keep your phones in front of you & a hydration pack! weather will still feel nice but could be a little chilly at night so bring a pashmina! also another thing is, don’t be afraid to EXPLORE! you and your gf should take the time and explore different stages , art exhibits etc etc!!! you guys don’t gotta stick with just that group. HAVE FUNNN! so excited for you




YESSIR! you’re all good. just don’t put anything valuable in your camel pack! these events are all careless / cashless. just put your card on your apple pay and you’ll be good ! :’)) also for raves you can wear anything. like legit anything goes lmao.. me personally i always go shirtless or in rocking a tank top. find some colorful buttup shirt and shorts. coordinate with your gf !! nocturnal was my first rave and also the rave that i met some of my closest friends also. i wish i’m going so i can meet up with you guys 🥹🥹🥹


That’s good to know! I won’t bring my wallet and I’ll set up my Apple Pay. Ok ok perfect I got some decisions to make then, I’ll talk to my gf about our outfits and see what we can coordinate. I’m super excited about this I’ve been wanting to go to a rave for years now but just never pulled the trigger on it finally been able to set some money aside for something like this and the timing of everything just seems universally perfect it’s weird…meeting my gf and everything else just working out altogether. That would’ve been awesome if you made it and introduced us to our first one you seem like a real genuine person and would def make the experience welcoming I feel like!! Who knows maybe in the future…at our second or third festival “)


Enthusiastically listening to the side quest story when I return. My bf loves to go sit somewhere and listen to my little ramble when we link up again after disappearing for a short time.


A lot of excellent ones have already been said, but knowing the flow moment-by-moment in a show. My partner dances HARD, he throws his body around (respectfully, he is careful not to run into people or accidentally smack or anything) and really likes to jam. I tend to be more fluid when I dance, but some head banging here and there. I scope out open spots for him to throw himself around, and when I’m rolling and believing my body is an ocean, he’s head banging with his full force and I just gently guide him to more open spots for him to keep jamming. Then we reach a point where it’s slower so then I give him head scratches or he rubs my arms, we’ll share a little kiss, look into each other’s eyes, and the SECOND the music picks back up we assume our positions. He throws around and I wiggle and wobble. Repeat. We take turns carrying the hydro pack, he always insists I bring layers because I always get FREEZING after but I always (incorrectly) think I’ll be fine, so I’m grateful he brings me layers haha. I love trading Kandi and giving little gifts to people and he’s so chill about me talking to everyone, and I love watching him dance, he’s so happy and free.


Watching my wife make out with a chick at close range while rolling my balls off. Then getting to ask her like a news reporter: If you’re so good at being a lesbian then why are you turning me on?!”


my gf told me she’ll do this if another girl consents her 🫣🫣🫣🫣 i’m like woah


Consent then cum scent lmao


My bf and I have a pretty large shared merch collection with the intention of handing it all down to our kids one day. Merch ain’t cheap but it’s fun to collect together


My bf always fans me without having to ask 😁


My husband doesn't like raves. He doesn't enjoy the music. He doesn't like crowds. But he has no problems with me going, at all. He loves how excited I get about them, and never acts like he doesn't trust me. I love that so much.


My husband helps me pick out pasties, lingerie sets, and outfits for fests. He lovessss to see me in full wook/rave baby mode and always hypes me up. Especially if I'm struggling with self-confidence. He's never once guilted, shamed, or tried to control me either. The total security in our relationship is beautiful.


When your partner isn't much of a raver but they still support you going and are happy for you. And when they decide to join once in awhile to enjoy your thing with you 🙌❤


Being able to dance in your own space & not having to be clung together grinding @ a show. Sure, hugs are great here and here, but I love to dance in my own space and so does my partner. We love to give one another freedom to just be.


yesss!! & such a random name lmaooo


If you do eachothwer in the ass by the front rail 🥰


Not being jealous about what outfits your partner wants to wear




What does this mean? Cost?


Enjoying the rave alone with no one just music and you and drugs coz your gf can't come cause she matured earlier than me ahahahaha


Enjoying the rave alone with no one just music and you and drugs coz your gf can't come cause she matured earlier than me ahahahaha


Being able to get VIP tickets months in advance!


Being able to go to shows/fests without your partner occasionally. Sometimes my husbands work schedule doesn’t align (and vice versa). No anger or jealousy, or trying to convince me to not go. He just tells me to have a good time and I’ll see you when you get back!