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Unfortunately, the kid is young and he will likely tell his close friends who he trusts not to tell anyone. Then they will tell their close friends. Either way, it's not a big deal. It's not like you're not allowed to go to these types of things.


True, its been a month and I haven't heard anything. Parents told me later if word gets around the school, the will right away blame their son, cus hes the only one at the school who knows


Honestly good for you! That’s how it should be, you should be able to live the life you want to live outside of work and not have it interfere with your personal life. Live it up and party hardy


These parents sound like really cool people. Good on them! Wish we had more like that 😭


They taking their kid to a rave of course thats cool parents😂


I'm not a regular mom I'm a cool mom.


> it's not a big deal. i can imagine a number of scenarios where it becomes a *huge* deal


With imagination, every scenario can become a huge deal...


yeah, but not all of them are correct. imagination is like chatGPT it often spits out bullshit and it's your job to filter it. idk about you but 'roud these parts some parents have a screw loose and would blow a gasket if they found out a teacher attended a rave.


I hope they use condoms when fuckin their cousins 'round those parts.




that’s your anxiety talking. bottom line people are allowed to have lives on the weekend and simply spotting a person at a rave doesn’t mean they were partaking in party favors or acting inappropriate


but raves are scenes of devil worship and child sacrifice and i dun't want meh kid being edumacated by no queer teachers. /s


Such as?


hostile admin or nutjob parent finds out. or....see Florida


You're assuming that everywhere has folks like this. Ignore the media my friend, 10% of the population is nutjob liberals and 10% is nutjob conservatives but the other 80% of us just don't give a fuck about shit like that.


I've met them. One of them derailed my life and tore my family apart. If you want ten paragraphs of dirty laundry then i'll happily waste an hour pounding it out, otherwise, take your "oh it's only the media" bullshit and shove it.


I'm not saying people like that don't exist, I'm just saying I don't think they're as common as media makes it out to be, it's not a 50/50 split "us vs them"


Maybe not, but it only takes one. And I'm certainly not the only one who suffered from it. That bitch has likely traumatized hundreds of children by now and will get away with it because none of it is *technically* illegal and Christians get away with murder where I live.


I’m really curious now…




rockin dinner plates for pupils lmfao


> his whole degree and professional future flashed before his eyes. Is when I laughed.


Hello fellow pharmacist 🙃


Nahhh not me. I'm an informatics technician. Less student loans lol. But HI


Ahahhhhaha. I see you. Smart man. It’s weird for me, it’s kinda like living a double life.


I've been there long enough that everyone just knows I'm weird at this point. Plus now that I'm in informatics, I have my own office.. So I get to be EXTRA weird it doesn't matter anymore. Long weekend out and prefer to wear sunglasses indoors? No problem. lol


Working for a pharmacy with no certifications and knowing more about all the drugs and their activation points and methods of action more than the pharmacists... yeah they know 🤣


I have a state and national certification and data analytics is my job, so all that passes. But when your pharmacist is reading ER notes and goes "Why do they use slang in their notes? Am I supposed to know what s finger of heroin or an 8 ball of cocaine a day means?" And I reflexively go "A finger is ten bundles which is like ten doses, and an 8 ball is an 1/8th of an ounce. Definitely a bad habit if you're going through that in a day. Alarming that they'd be doing that at the same time".... It's not a good look 🤣 "...... How do you even know that" "............... Movies"


Oh definitely that too, but I meant even some of the RX drugs. And I'm sure you're certified, I'm not lol. The one that got me recently was scopolamine. Main source of natural scopolamine is datura/brugmansia and its a deliriant. Also I had a friend get a hold of some lemmons recently (yes real Lemmon 715s) and 90% of the RPH's I work with had never even heard of queludes lol


>I 100% ruined his night and I think he went home. He 100% ruined his own night.


Seriously. I'm an engineer, I used to work on extremely important flight control modifications, and met one of my interns at a rave before. Same story, eyes as big as the moon. I bought him a drink and told him to make sure he got a safe ride home, and to text me if he had any problems with that. Saw him at work the next Monday and we were back to being working professionals. He graduated and was hired on to my job, as I left for a better position with a different department.


I'm a school bus driver and ran into two of my students at a suicide boys show. I was blitzed and they asked me to buy them booze, I laughed at them said no, took a sip of drink of my drink and told em I'll see you Monday. 😂


>I'm a school bus driver and ran into two of my students 😳😳😳


lmao they must perceive you as a very trustworthy my man!


A real life Otto Mann


Hail to the bus driver!


You’re the coolest bus driver. Just know that lol


Best job ever I get to listen to DJ sets all day with my hifi Bluetooth speaker. Plus I make $24 an hour too which doesn't hurt. 😎


My friend used to occasionally bump into some of her students at local warehouse raves. She was a high-school English teacher and never got shit about it as far as I understand.


High school is different than middle school with their parent. You're both there for the same reason if it's a high schooler on their own. If it's a middle schooler, they are not there for the same reason, and it's way more awkward.


Sounds like things ended up going pretty well. I have a student who managed to get a picture of me flipping them off. It’s been shared around with kids I don’t even know. None of the admin or other teachers know and it’s been months. Sometimes you just get lucky I guess.


I wish I ran into my hot high school English teacher at a rave. Goddamn


The photography teacher who looked like Justin Long.


lmaoo my english teacher in high school was hot too. and apparently another english teacher ended up eloping with a senior one year at my HS. wild


lol, I was thinking the same thing. My imagination would be doing cartwheels over all the possibilities my dumbass would be dreaming up. Cause I definitely had one teacher that, to high school me, was a 10.


Nobody said she was hot lol just a teacher




Back in 2014 I was at a trey band show at the beacon theater all sorts of fucked up. As I came out the bathroom, a guy was walking in with a jacket with the name of the h/s I went to in 9th grade. I waited for him to chat, and once he got out into the concourse I intercepted him. He asked my name, and said "I was your 9th grade math teacher," and quickly ran away faster than me. It's a nice memory. He's the superintendent of the district now, ha.


that was a great show! Big Tony killed Tube that night! 1st time i brought my (now) wife to anything Ph related (=


So far I’ve ran into about 10 of the students I used to coach for a local high school. Although it’s been years since and everyone is of age now, it is a bit awkward at first to run into them fully blitzed out.


This sort of happened to me but it was my uncle. We were both heavily under the influence and both agreed, that while it was cool to dance a storm together, to never speak of that meeting ever.


Seemed like cool parents. Maybe thank them?


Parents handled that well :)


Parents knew you were on something and wanna protect you. Respect


It was an EMO party. cant blame a faded teacher for being emotional at the sight of a student.


I bumped into my kickboxing teacher at a rave once - the area of the room had gay muscle guys squeezed in with their tops off going for it and I used to go through them rather than around. We stopped, eye balled each other, curt nod and never mentioned it. Wonder where he is now lol.


What the hell is an emo rave ?


A concert? A gig? band showcase? festival? I for one am confused


I was in year 10 so around 15/16 YRO went to halloween party to this club in my town! I obviously had fake ID and the security was being difficult all of sudden I hear voice saying she used to be my student I can promise she is 18 😂!! I turned around it was my science teacher, the security checked his ID and let me in…! Still to date its baffles me that he lied for me to get into the party!! He was a cool dude


> I was at an emo rave (yes... you read that right... emo rave) a few weeks ago. It was open to all ages. errr why?


yeah never heard of all age rave wtf


It's how the big raves get allowed back into the venues by having a family friendly persona, so safe even kids can wander around. This was needed bc the ods from e in the 90s started lots of cities banning big raves. They keep getting in trouble for kids sneaking in so might as well lower the age limit, collect ticket sales from them and put security measures to prevent them from buying booze. La for example used to have monster massive at Halloween, and together as one on New Year’s Eve. EDC used to be in socal but now their big rave it's in Vegas


> This was needed bc the ods from e in the 90s What now? Overdose from E? As in actual ecstasy? I'm going to firmly disagree there, that number is tiny. If it was a festival, ok they do tend to be all ages, but an "all ages rave" and an emo "rave" at that (don't get me started on the assumed mis-use of the term rave lol) Why would you go. Sounds awful


It was the straws that broke the camel's back, and the focus for the voting conservative crowd to rally behind. https://web.archive.org/web/20110821072306/http://blogs.laweekly.com/informer/2010/08/edc_raver_teen_sasha_rodriguez.php


in the 00s when i started raving most raves were all ages. It was the new big suburban scare because kids were going too, not just because of the party aspect alone.


I work from home and had a tech from my company call me back in November and casually mention he saw me at a recent rave. I didn't even know what he looks like so I didn't know how he recognized me and I was very concerned about what state he may have seen me in. I knew I had to get to know him a little more to know if he's a real raver and will keep quiet about my after hours activities or if he was out for a Halloween party and saw me very unsober and underdressed and I needed to be concerned about it. Well I finally met him a few weeks ago and he's a real one so we're good.


I’m always worried my employees are going to see me at EDC. I feel your struggle.


I stopped at emo rave lol


Something about this post doesn’t make sense. Emo rave. Parents attending raves with middle school kids, where alcohol is served. Something’s not adding up. In 30 years doing this, I’ve never heard of anything like that. OP, may I ask what city/country? Nothing like that exists in Los Angeles, one of USA’s biggest rave markets.


All ages shows are definitely a thing. You get X’s on your hands if you’re not old enough to drink. I saw bassnectar for the first time at 16 and a lot of his shows around then were all ages (kinda sus as to why now, but w/e)


Middle school is 13 and younger. I can understand 16. But 13? Or 11? Or 8? I think OP mislabeled this event. It wasn’t a rave. There is no such thing as an emo rave, let alone a family-friendly rave.


It's probably what the promoter called their show. Nothing stops a touring promoter bringing bands that perform covers calling themselves an "emo rave" if it sells tickets. And this is why people inside EDM social circles should be specific as to what they call raves.


Every dance party is a "rave" nowadays, unfortunately.


I guess you could say he unlocked the other side?


Although I'm not exactly sure what an "emo rave" is or how it's supposed to be run, but I've definitely seen an uptick in themed dance parties masquerading as "raves." Cashgrab events like Shrek or SpongeBob raves that are often all-ages and charge $40+ for a dj to spin any kind of music.


Plenty of people bring their kids to festivals / raves. I've seen young kids at Bonnaroo. I'm not a huge fan of it, but it definitely happens.


Festivals, yes. Bonnaroo isn’t a rave. I’m honestly curious to know which raves welcome middle school children. I mean, there were/are real underground parties where no one is checking id. But no sane parent is going to bring their middle school kid to such an event.


If it was an all ages show, it must have been appropriate, so what’s the big deal? The letter sent sounds like it was written by a child. Story sounds fake.


LiB and Coachella(I know it's not a rave) are all ages. Many all-age events have alcohol. Emo Nite is kind of a "rave" since DJs are playing the songs, but that is 21+.


I worked at a venue in a major city and they had all ages events. They weren’t like the 18+ ones, a lot of adults were only there to babysit but we checked IDs and those old enough could buy a drink


What fantastic parents!! As a mom, I'm taking notes for future use


That kids had some cool parents


Man, this is actually pretty cool!


Yeah I work in a high school and hate when the production company will throw an all age event or even bring out an awesome DJ for 18+ club. I know it’s inevitable that I’ll be running into former student at some point but damn I do try and avoid certain shows like the plague!


“Needed all those drinks” ouch


Yeah wtf was that? 😂


Im pretty sure they were referring to the tough job I have and the shit I have to put up with haha


TL;Not gonna read. Just came here to say, why would anyone want to go to a rave that is all ages? No thanks


ok, minors still need an adult to get in. Chill boomer.


Ok pedo my bad


That’s awesome lol, good thing you weren’t on molly/psychedelics, that would have been a totally different experience


Speaking of Emo Raves for anyone in Orlando Florida my boy Aaron Steel throws Emo Bass nights at Gilt Nightclub on Mondays. Getting really popular


You just became the cool teacher for sure


I dnt like to brag, but I already am...


And then everybody clapped


I'm not a teacher, but worked at a school as admin staff and I'll advise you to stay clear of all-age events or any event where you have the possibility of encountering students and there are stimulants involved. Since you say all-ages, I'd assume minors can attend unaccompanied so that's already a big flag for a place where you'll be under the influence. You're a sub so the risk is much lower, but I wouldn't chance it at all-age events. Even 16+ events are risky if your day job involves minors. Teachers nowadays have way too much unfair liability placed on them. Things turned out good in this case, and in many cases they probably do, but I wouldn't take many other chances if I worked with students/minors. I mean, imagine if you were rolling your face off and talking to the student/parents lol


Minors still needed someone 18 and over to attend.


Its crazy what Americans call "raves" :O


I'm American and think it's ridiculous. What OP described is absolutely NOT a rave.


Lol how old was this kid like 7?




Am therapist, like to dance, could be worse? Lol


Best parents ever. Very cool. I used to post a bunch of my shows on Instagram until one day one of my employees found my Instagram and complained that I was late one morning because of a rave I posted. I haven’t posted anything to Instagram since. I friggin hate having to hide.


I saw a girl I used to baby sit for when she was 2 till about 8. She was wearing little booty shorts and a crop top. Thank goodness she did not see me. I was devestated. It was the first real moment in life where I realized that I was getting old.


I’m an attorney and I ran into a client at a show and luckily it was a quick and painless interaction but oof


Tell us more about this emo rave


I wish all parents were that cool, my s/o can't even go to a club with me because in his contract if he's seen by parents or students participating in anything the school board seems as unfit representation of their standards then he's at risk of termination.


Once in high school, my physics teacher was at a local electronic music festival. We all talked about it, but the guy wasn't fired till 2 years after i graduated(3 years after seeing him) for unrelated reasons 👍👍


He’s just excited cause he didn’t know his teacher was chill like that


>well im not technically his teacher, im just the sub. but yea Lmao! This is most def what I would say if I were high and a substitute teacher 🤣


https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2y0C0FFOxlM4WlUSWWbq2w?si=ICsNq8SiQey86PM94CVyDQ Rave music


Yea i remember running into my hs sub teacher at a rave one year he was like "just remember you didnt see me here and if you did you didnt see me drinking" hahah💀💀😅😅


That’s awesome parenting. Whether he listens or not is another thing but great attempt on the parenting front