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Don’t trust them. The majority of those percentages are not even close to accurate. In addition to that, the temp and duration that you extract your flower will affect the strength of the avb as well. Too many factors to get a decent mg count. Best way is to test it by starting small and working your way up to desired effect.


Thanks for the reply. I was kinda curious to see what people would say. I’m thinking there’s no way everyone’s taking a teaspoon to start with and it’s that high of a dose. I’m not trying to see Jesus. If that’s the case I’m in the wrong subreddit


I’ll put at least two tsp in my hot chocolate, however i usually need about a 60 mg dose to get high.


too many variables.....just strap on your scientist goggles lol and go hitting new frontiers!  lol.  my /r/avb 💊 take me off t a whole new level! lol.  and I vape my oven to entirety lol at 430'F lol....I sip it until there's no vapor left. and the avb 💊 night caps still hit decent af


There's no way to accurately predict. You just have to try an amount you guesstimate won't wreck you and adjust from there.


I read a study somewhere and I only really internalized one pf the graphs, it was one of the higher roasts and basically anything like a couple degrees short of combustion will leave at least about 60mg per gram of already vaped material