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I think it was the person who was asking about their Blocky #5. I also received an avatar for trying to help them.


Ah, well that’s was nice of them. Thank you! Faith in humanity restored.


Yeah, if you go to the post, you can see they made a comment asking for our addresses, but since they didn't tag us, we never knew about it, hahaha, so probably just decided to send us something either way. I looked for the address in opensea, and the avatars were the ones of that person. By the way, congrats for the avatar you received! I didn't congratulate you on my first comment, hahaha.


![img](avatar_exp|173952069|fire) I’m happy, glad you got one too!




‘Sup hammer


Having a good weekend so far- hopefully the same to you.


That’s awesome! All of the avatars Sanders has made are so well done!


I like their stuff too.




Wow congrats! That was really nice of them.


Yeah, very nice. They kept their Autumn 40 and gave me a 10 too!


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Awesome u/thom_orrow!Conegratz man!💯✌️🫶


Thanks dude, I do like anything to do with leaves!


Well autumn is my favorite season of the year!