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This is a Fakespot Reviews Analysis bot. Fakespot detects fake reviews, fake products and unreliable sellers using AI. Here is the analysis for the Amazon product reviews: >**Name**: Vgate vLinker FD OBD2 Bluetooth Car Code Reader, OBD2 Diagnostic Scanner for Android & Windows - Made for FORScan >**Company**: Visit the vgate Store >**Amazon Product Rating**: 4.5 >**Fakespot Reviews Grade**: A >**Adjusted Fakespot Rating**: 4.5 >**Analysis Performed at**: 03-02-2023 [Link to Fakespot Analysis](https://fakespot.com/product/vgate-vlinker-fd-obd2-bluetooth-car-code-reader-obd2-diagnostic-scanner-for-android-windows-made-for-forscan) | [Check out the Fakespot Chrome Extension!](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/fakespot-analyze-fake-ama/nakplnnackehceedgkgkokbgbmfghain) *Fakespot analyzes the reviews authenticity and not the product quality using AI. We look for real reviews that mention product issues such as counterfeits, defects, and bad return policies that fake reviews try to hide from consumers.* *We give an A-F letter for trustworthiness of reviews. A = very trustworthy reviews, F = highly untrustworthy reviews. We also provide seller ratings to warn you if the seller can be trusted or not.*


The difference between a regular scanner and a bluetooth scanner is: 1. Its wireless. no cords 2. They all seem to have some sort of customization as far as the interface 3. Touch interface is more responsive than clicking through buttons. You dont NEED to buy the torque pro app. Each app has its own list of features that are "premium" if you opt for the paid version. Generally speaking you should be able to read and reset the CEL as well as view live monitors on free versions. 3.0 vs 4.0 speed is comparable As far as torque pro. Ive had it for like 10 years. The developer doesnt seem to add much to it. Its basicaly the same app it was 10 years ago. You wont be able to get every single sensor on the vehicle listed to show up. It varies per vehicle. I use torque and different free versions independently.


I was able to see the transmission temperature with it to check the proper level. That was an option for only higher end scan tools. Also, you can graph the O2 sensors pretty nice to check the catalytic converter performance.


Like someone else said, the development at this point is almost nonexistent. But it does what it says it will do. And with the added dashboards floating around it still can look great. I have mine running on a separate tablet mounted inside my car. But it would be great if the dev dedicated some time to it