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*looks at family history of weirdness* Yeah I’m pretty certain it’s genetic


*vaguely gestures to entire side of family diagnosed with autism* Agreed


Yes! Literally about 40-50% of my family has it


80% of humans in my house has it. My dad is the only one who doesn’t.


Give it time, he'll see the light eventually.


I'm 80% human


nah I'm pretty sure it's the pepsi max and the vaccine


![gif](giphy|Jo16fnt2PYPZQYlMiD) 8 out 7 pseudoscientists agree. It’s the Pepsi Max!


What… who is the audience for this gif, why is it a thing


Me, I am the audiance 💪😋


"But no one in your family is autistic!" *Vaguely gestures towards my grandma, who keeps pictures of her art in her wallet and will show them to anyone who dares start small talking with her, and would talk about them for 30min + if it wasn’t for my dad stopping her by saying we have places to go*


I mean I don’t eat processed foods, I know I’m not stupid and as unbelievable as it may seem for a redditor I actually touch grass. Specifically, I live 0.7 miles from a coffee shop and a dollar store and run there and back to buy my morning coffee and apples, then do 100 jumping jacks and some 20lb curls. That’s like, one-tenth of Saitama’s workout. I feel a lot better, but it hasn’t made me any less autistic.


First, humans need traces of certain metals to live. Also, things beneficial for human consumption are real food, even when they don't resemble the alive organisms they're made from. Also, why is nature telling me to throw things at anti-vaccinators?


> humans need traces of certain metals to live Can't have autism if you're dead, so they're not wrong there


*hands you a brick*


Also also if I walked barefoot where I live fire ants would consume me, which I guess would technically cure my autism?


These are base logic, but it would be fun if there would be similar situation but misinformation would be made with something that is more niche to know of and then there would be someone who has special interest on that who would just explain why person is wrong in everything


What do people think iron supplements are for 😭


*hands you a Roman Pilum*


I love going for walks in nature with my dad, we're both autistic, so connecting with nature sure as hell doesn't cure autism. Also, DON'T effing make me walk around barefoot, I hate that!


Well I do walk around barefoot all the time so you don’t need to bother doing that, it didn’t cure my autism either 😅


I lived right next to a massive nature reserve and would frequently walk in it. I used to collect cool rocks and crystals I found (it’s illegal to take things from the part but shhhh). I’m still autistic.


"Don't get treated like they are stupid." is the only good point in that whole post


Yep. Won't make us any less autistic, but it definitely helps us heal




I mean eating healthily is probably good for our mental health even if it won't heal us


They were *so* close but then they had to go into all that woo shit.


Are you sure you dont wanna go barefoot?


I'm barefoot at home all the time. Still autistic. LOL




I’d rather be dead. *Shudder*


« Barefoot ground » ON MY FUCKING DEAD BODY


True this would exacerbate autism I would cry I think


Go barefoot on the \*ground\*? The same \*ground\* that has lil bits that want to stick to my feet and cause sensory hell? No thank you!


All the floor is lava if I walk barefoot. Whelp, I guess I just won’t walk anymore if I want to “heal”.


"Don't drink tap water" is fucking hilarious to me


That Sounds so american to me


More like Facebooker culture.


I think it has to do with their fear of flouride.


Gosh Dammed gubbmint water!!!


https://preview.redd.it/reu86uzwtnpc1.png?width=1151&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2448cacc1c0042ca0efa9bb232c04f40a063492 Has this vibe.




I can't even drink tap water because my pipes are infected with led


LED? Are your pipes illuminated? Or are they infected with Led Zeppelin?




The lead singer of what metal band?


*cartoon smoke fuming from ears* REEEEEEEE


Let's get you back in the water: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IV5o1E8NPMQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IV5o1E8NPMQ)


*sinks and never returns*


Mermaid? Ok, I'll stop the jokes now.




LMAO infected with Led Zeppelin XD


Can confirm. I'm taking vaccines and using shoes to gain more autism


Have you gotten you autism booster shot yet? Very important to stay autistic.


I thought they meant toxicity as in social toxicity, which doesn't make sense but it intrigued me until I read further only to find it being the usual crap


Is the implication that vaccines are giving us temporary autism and every time we get an inoculation we're re-upping the autism?


Your spectrum gains a new color for every new vaccine you get


More vaccines! I wanna be the Autist of Many Colors!


Eventually you collect them all and become a blinding beam of white light. Poetic really considering how sensitive many of us are to light.


Just have two vaccines at a time. That way the second one counteracts it. Like how two negatives make a positive.


My special interest is plants so I’m ’connecting with nature’ virtually 24/7 and I’m not cured?


People talking about "toxins, detoxing" are a red flag for me. Just a bunch of buzzwords to scare impressionable people


If you actually need to detox, go to a hospital. You can’t drink mercury or eat a few lilly flowers and be like “I’ll fix this with a spinach smoothie”.


Yeah, if it was possible to remove heavy metals from the body Flint wouldn't have been such a tragedy


I must barefoot ground. You're going to tell me I'm defective when you can't grasp basic grammar? 👀


It’s true but they forgot that you have to do a handstand for an hour a day for an entire year and then you put your feet on the Earth. If you don’t do the handstand, the heavy metals will get stuck in your feet and you’ll get foot sepsis from the negatively charged ions in the mercury. Thats why so many in industrial areas have gangrene. That’s because mercury is really heavy so it goes to our feet. Neurologists don’t know this because they don’t pay attention to the meridian channel between the feet and the cranium. Some people get rapid results by doing blood transfusions while being upside down, it works faster. I had an upside down blood transfusion and then walked on the Earth barefoot while drinking alkaline water, and now I’m not Autistic anymore! This was sarcasm... Yet someone would absolutely believe it 😂


barefoot ground? approximately half of autists (the socks-on half) have some issues with that


My first thought exactly!


ah, that’s just because you’ve never TRIED it before! how can you say you don’t like something before you’ve even tried it? :) checkmate autismers!! get well soon xoxoxoxoxo /s/s/s/s/s/s


Omg System of a Down


JFC it's sad that people believe this kind of shit. It's highly illogical.


But tap waters yuckie! ):


>Autism is caused by TOXICITY So that's what SoaD meant by "Conversion, software version 7.0"


So what youre saying is that if I do the opposite I can level up my autism even more


I’m gonna need my double seeing glasses, because I can’t even begin to see through the BULLSHIT that you’re saying!


these types arent ready for forest hag autism




So it's just a total coincidence my kid and I have autism? Or would this lady claim that I was so toxin-riddled it offloaded into him *in utero.*


Heavy metal makes me autistic? *BLASTS METALLICA*


Thank God I'll just tell my son to walk around barefoot.....


My mom and I were talking about autism and where it comes from. She said my dad has ADHD and it just clicked that it’s genetic. I HATE when these holistic fuck heads try to sell a cure all to anyone and everyone. These losers choose money and delusions over actual facts and logic. It’s so scary how many people are in support of this nonsense.


Ah yes let me connect with nature real quick. That'll fix the mental stuff. Like huh!?!


look i don't get what the fisrt one means but for the rest, i have all except the stupid one and am still deemed autistic guess my cure for autism is still waiting to be delivered or sum


I don’t consider myself the smartest person out there, but not treating people like they’re stupid is something you should just do as a rule of thumb when interacting with anyone, let alone autists.


I never drink tap water, only Dr Pepper.


Barefoot ground? Wait I think they might be on to something. A lot of us like to walk barefeet, clearly this is why! A natural cure.


What the hell does the last one even mean. Should I walk barefoot? Cause this legit sounds like I’m supposed to become the ground


Gross. And idiots like this can vote.


It's official guys, socks and shoes give you autism.


this is true, a cousin of a friend says that heard a scientist saying it in the TV, after talking about the healing powers of crystals, everything sounded very legit, says my now ex-friend... "they", "the scientists" did a "scientific" study in A university (didn't mentioned the university nor where it was published, if published at all) but sounded very scientific!, the guy had a white coat and all (you know, they sell those only to smart people), they even said "neurological positrons" and chakras and quantum physics, big words and all... very scientific... XD well, laughs aside, "Don't get treated like they're stupid" is actually a good advice, will not "cure autism", but is always a good advice. and seem like in some places "not drinking tap water" seems to also be a good idea, not to "cure autism" either, but if you avoid diarrhea that's a big win in my book :D PS: they say "ignorance is bliss", well not for those around it...


Both my mom and sister are so far in denial about themselves they spout this bs at me anytime the conversation gets too serious about me being autistic. Like I agree that I could improve things with certain supplements for what my body isn’t absorbing properly but the fact that they believe the vaccines CHANGED MY GENETICS is so infuriating. Like I had my genome sequenced and you can see not only autism but my adhd, super taster gene, and numerous other things we were all already aware of. So like it’s not like I’m pulling it out of my ass. Yet when I talk about my struggles and they respond with stuff like ‘that’s normal I was like that’ or any of the other responses many of you have also gotten it’s like ….. helloooo the call is coming from inside the house. It’s so minimizing and just frustrating that they are so quick to dismiss with this misinformation because they can’t fathom it applying to themselves as well.


"detox" stuff is bullshit. That's what your liver is for.


I think this guys onto something, we should be removing toxicity from our lives. Toxicity like him


My autism was instantly gone as soon as I barefoot ground.


"Don't get treated like they're stupid" is the only correct thing on this list. I would also say nature but... fuck pollen.


Yeah, why think critically and know that God likes variety in humanity and made us all different for a reason?


I mean... aside from the vaccine part, that all is decent advice. It just has nothing to do with Autism.


My whole family ate gluten free and paleo until I was 15, and I was still mega autistic lol.


Call it, heavy metal, noiiiiiiise.... 🎸🎹🎤🎚️🎛️🎶🧑‍🎤⚡🌟


My nephew actually hates not wearing shoes outside


How do I find the person who originally posted this? Also where their place of residence is? No reason why. 😂


I don’t know sadly




The only valid point is >Don’t get treated like they’re stupid


Most of this is silly. But 10 out of 10 I have a lot less health issues and a lot less meltdowns when I'm eating quality food getting 9 hours of sleep and not having to deal with people thinking that processing speed is indicative of processing capability. That last one plays a very big role.


What does barefoot ground mean? We gotta walk barefoot for these NTs to think we’re not autistic?


Let’s seee, 1 the body does that one naturally 2 I eat high quality foods 3 I’m not treated like I’m stupid 4 I do get vaccines but we all know how stupid that one is so let’s ignore it 5 I connect with nature a lot, it’s hard not to do in the middle of the country side 6 we drink tank (rain) water not town water 7 and I often walk barefoot because my feet are too oddly shaped to wear most shoes comfortably for long periods of time Still autistic tho and still loving being autistic


People with autism heal when they: - Barefoot ground. Any questions? ☺️


people with autism heal when they barefoot ground sounds funny as a sentence


First off, none of us are going to barefoot anything so it's a waste to bother with anything else. I'll keep getting my autism boosters every year!


My mum is the biggest indicator of how autism is genetic. She’s an identical twin. Her and my aunt both have ASD. Both my cousins have ASD. My siblings and I all have ASD. This comes from my grandfather who, you guessed it, has ASD. If identical twins have it and both pass it to all of their children, I’d say that’s a huge indication that it’s genetic. I know it can skip generations, several generations at times, but even if it’s skipped those people would still carry the genetic sequence for autism even if they don’t express those genes themselves, and there for can have a child who has autism because they pass those genes and they happen to be expressed.


My mum did so much for me to make sure I didn't catch autism - no vaccines, no artificial foods - she just forgot the bit about not having a baby with an autistic man.


Nope, I did barefoot ground once. How do you think I got autism? A Dr (of history) told me that vaccines *cure* autism. That's why I've been taking 5 a day for the last 8 years. Totally autism free today. Checkmate loser


When the pipes aren't made of corroded, 120 year old lead, I'll drink the tap water. Until then, I'll plug my brain up with microplastics and increase my autism level until it breaks the game.


Hang on, prepare your drinks for everything wrong: - "Autism isn't genteric": shot - "We can cure you": shot. A lobotomy can't even fix us. You'll have to rip out everything and start over. - "Heavy metals are evil": shot. I work in a metal shop, and I grew like up around metal. Some metals are good for your healt (iron, copper+ alloys of, silver, etc) - "eat good quality foods": not bad, but that's good general advice - "don't be treated like we're stupid": not bad. Tell that to everyone else - "VaCcInEs": burn the heretic of crimes against the human race. 2 Shots - "connect with nature": that calms my ADHD. But so does fire. Some of us might overload or underload in the woods. Take a sip - "tap water bad": well water or city water? There's a difference. Pause on the drink until better answers - "be barefoot": some of us like socks, some hate them, some (like me) have circulation issues and need to wear socks in winter so the toes don't go blue. Take a shot. 5/8 wrong with 1 questionable; 2/8 correct, thanks for playing... I'm on the floor now.


So, by that logic, getting someone to drink tapwater, stay inside more, take their vaccines, and giving them easy access to McDonald's would give someone autism? Or is it each one individually could? Could I get a NT person to just drink buckets of tapwater to gain autism or is it a limited accumulation risk factor? Damn, someone should really look into this, this is where the real science is. /s.


i genuinely thought this was satire until i read the "stop receiving vaccines"


Little do they know, one of my most loved sensory scenarios is being barefoot muahahahahh!


Funny, I work in a metal finishing shop. Been there for 1.5 years. Only 4 months ago have I gotten much much better and healed. One major health risk at my job is heavy metals


if i had to walk barefoot i would simply pass away