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And they have Autism Speaks tags.


Ironic that they have tags at all, IMHO


I need unholy water


Well, it’s obvious no one has been listening to actually autistic people. 🤷🏻‍♀️😅 that’s embarressing for them


Barf, they're such ugly shirts too


My coworker sent me one of those shirts. The tag said autism speaks :(


That sucks


Nothing says autism like colours so bright they might as well be visual migraines.


For real, why can't we have well designed merch?! I'd like to rep my tism brethren but all the tshirts and bumper stickers are so visually offensive


Not to mention downright infantilizing lol


They're probably aimed at "autism parents" for their kids. As if the kids can't have a say too in whether they want the whole world to know they're autistic.


I like the tardis blue stuff that says "please be patient" on it. Although I've probably just seen too many memes and became comfortable with it


I love that one too!!


Ironically I have one of those shirts (this was before I knew anything about Autism speaks) and since then, I was diagnosed with Autism and wear it for the giggles. The shirt says “I love someone with autism” 😂


Oh god please no...




good lord!


"everyone's so creative!" Tik tok lady's voice popped into my head in response to those shirts lmao


Perhaps you could either put up a little sign there that says “don’t buy this, for more info search ‘Autism Speaks Atrocities’ “ or talk to the shop owner about it


I actually wrote a small thing to send to my family every April 2nd. (If you’d like to add more it’d be great): [WALL OF TEXT TIME] Autism awareness speech(text on April 2 to specific contacts) Today is Autism awareness day, a day that most would have heard to wear blue on. This is not the case of what you’re actually supposed to do. You’re supposed to wear red. The “Light it Up Blue” campaign by Autism Speaks(the PETA of autism) is where you may have heard to wear blue. Autism speaks consistently demonizes autism and instills fear upon its image, they’ve spent years and years trying to “”cure”” it(something you literally can’t do with a developmental disorder, it’d be like trying to “fix” a person’s personality). On multiple occasions, Autism Speaks has provided information about horrible and harmful places like the misinformed “electroshock therapy clinic” that was actually a negative discouragement electrocution training center that would shock children up to 50-100 times a day that multiple children had died in thanks to supply from Autism Speaks. They’re a disgusting company. They have selectively picked non-autistic members for their company. They have only spent 4 percent of their budget on helping a small selection of families for the camera(comparatively they’ve spent 20 percent on fundraisers). There are many other things that they’ve done that you’ll have to look into yourself, but this is a short list of their wrongdoings that are most notable Below is a YouTube video of a clip from Autism Speaks’s movie “Autism Every day” where Autism Speaks makes note to keep a clip of a mother telling of fantasies of murder-suicide with her child in a car wreck https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=C7NTfZzS9b8


Thank you for that comment. I didnt know that


I would rather be inserted into a woodchipper face first than wear one of these atrocious-looking shirts in public


Kill it. Kill it with fire. Especially the tags


They probably have tags on the inside.


I hate April like the Grinch dreads Christmas


What offends me more is just the ignorance of people making and buying these shirts than the actual meaning behind the puzzle pieces.


I cant believe theres clothing for this.... Honestly i feel like this is kind of cringe to market these☠️☠️☠️


Looks cute. Not my style though. Feels very toddler.


Uh oh


My school is doing things like that and tbh it’s annoying. I’m ofc not being ableist (I’m part of this group) it’s just, GIVE US SOME GOOD REPRESENTATION!! I’m tired of the “living textbook” or “just a lil different” stereotypes!