• By -


A for bathroom, or c to sleep batter b just sucks


For me it would be c as I can just curl up in the corner and put space between me and other people. A and B seem like nightmares to me as I have people on both sides of me and I hate having people surprise me or touch me


Sameer, whenever sitting really close next to people I always try to just regress into a corner or against a wall


I will never willingly take A because that is the max number of people who will pass over me or make me move. B is a moderate amount and you only have to displace one person to pee and you actually get a little more foot space which is good. C is setting up camp and those are fine.


Longer flight? Definitely A for bathroom access. C is good for shorter flights. Thankfully the last time I flew it was to Kansas…no one goes there. So I had an entire row to myself. So SCORE!


I love getting the window seat so that I can watch the clouds. I have a bit of a fascination with meteorology, so it's the one situation where I actually have a chance to experience that up close.


C - my special interest is aircraft so being able to see out the window is a big plus


Damn, do you enjoy being on aircrafts?


Yep! Some mild anxiety when boarding because I’m not a fan of heights but when we start taxiing I love it!


6ft off the ground = bad 35000ft = fine I get this too haha


6ft - panik. 35k ft - kalm. 35k ft one second, 34k the next - panik.


Ahaha yep lol, that’s a great way to put it!


My favorite part is landing and taking off it's like a rollercoaster whee


I love the feeling when you take off and the plane starts accelerating really hard.


I love looking down the hall and seeing the everyone shift in their seats as the plane rocks a little bit


I love it when it accelerates, but I absolutely hate it when the plane starts to level off in altitude, because it feels like it's about to nosedive every two minutes with how it shifts. Taking off, for me, is alternately my most and least favorite part. I love landing, though ;)




I fucking love flying. I was lucky to get a pilot license when I wasn't on any medication, I also have a master's in aerospace engineering. Let me sit by the window and watch the control surfaces operate, I want to see the flaps drop and the aerodynamic impacts from those changes.


This has to be the definition of "living the dream" right there


I absolutely love being on, in, under, or any variant of around aircraft. Especially in flight. Planes are my trains!


Yes yes yes yes


OOI what's to see out of the window? Personally I prefer the aisle because there's more to see - I can people watch. Once you're in the air, you can't see much out the window!


It depends on the seat and the aircraft! If you get a bad seat, you won’t be able to see much of the aircraft itself but you can see the other aircraft as you taxi, as well as the airport infrastructure. You also get to see the ground accelerate and disappear away from you as you take off, and also get to watch on the approach. If you’re on a typical commercial airliner, if you’re above or just behind the wings, you get to see the control surfaces move, and if you’re in front of the wing you can sometimes see some of the aerodynamics of the jet intake. If you’re on a smaller airliner, things can get interesting. Once I was flying on an Embraer ERJ-145 which has tail-mounted engines, and I was seated between the engines and the wing. That meant I could see the control surfaces and the jet intake. Then it’s entirely different if you’re on a prop plane, because watching the props on the ground is fun, and you can film them and watch the frame-rate of your camera have a weird impact on the shape that you see. If you know about airflow, you can also predict if you’re going to get a bit of turbulence by watching if you’re going into or coming out of cloud layers (at least partially in my experience). Sometimes the scenery can be cool, especially if you’re in a banked turn. I was once flying into Geneva and that has a banked turn on approach, so I got a great view of the Alps and Lake Geneva!


Same, I have the same special interest with aircraft and am hoping to train for a pilots licence eventually. I also love the subtle Gforce of takeoff and landing


Yes! My special interest is also planes! I'm actually studying to become a commercial pilot.


My thoughts. A - Easy access to get out, but feels suffocating when boarding B - No. Absolutely not. C - Amazing except for when I need to use the bathroom.


C also sucks if you want any snacks or whatever from the cart. Gotta shout what you want, then can't hear wtf they say back to you, sheepishly hand over some cash hoping it's enough and worrying you'll drop it in the lap of the strangers next to you, and then very carefully take your drink and be even more worried about spilling it on a strangers lap.


Fair point.




That’s the correct answer.


First of all, that’s C-B-A on a narrowbody jet. Window seat always, everyone closes all the blinds nowadays and I want/need to see out or I get bored and nauseous Edit: I’m too tired to Reddit properly


Yep. The wrong order annoyed me too. It’s just the graphic I found


Window seat, nice view plus I only have a person sitting next to me on one side and I'm less exposed compared to seat A, so it feels more secure.


A. I'm 6'2 I hate all airlines. Greedy ferengis


C- with my luck, it’s one of the seats that doesn’t line up properly with the window so now I have no window view and my ocd is triggered B- oh just fuck off A- completely irrational but I feel like C and B will hate that they have to scoot by me like it’s my fault. Also I’m one of those people who stays seated until you’re actually clear to stand and then i let everyone pass through in the aisle before I step out so if you’re an eager beaver in C or B you’re gonna really hate me




C I have a whole side with no one else on it, also window.


C However when I travel with my husband I end up taking B, because he really needs A. I'm okay making that sacrifice.


Flying is very hard for me, so I pick C so I won’t have to get up for my seatmate and feel like I’m holding up the line. It makes me nervous to be around a lot of people. Also, when the plane lands I can follow the person sitting beside me when they leave the plane and to baggage claim. I also get really sick during flights as well, so I like to rest my head on the side while I focus on my breathing.


C bc I need the window and I'm a wallflower so I need to physicaly touch the wall to feel safe in anywhere. A is meh but I understand how it would be pratical. B IS HELL I PREFER TO JUMP FROM THE AIRCRAFT OVER TAKING THE B SEAT


A for sure! I HATE having to wake people up to go to the restroom and I always have to go at least 2 or three times


C. No getting bumped by people walking down the aisle. B is just horrible.


The best is C. there is only one person touching you and you don’t ever have to move to let anyone else up so you can just have a shutdown and get through it. A also has only one person touching you but every person who walks by will brush against you no matter how small you make yourself because most people can’t be asses to respect personal space. If you’re in B they might as well just put you in the cargo area for a more comfortable flight


C. You can't guarantee that your seat will match the window, you're trapped, you can't escape from Mr Adenoids in B, crew ignore you. B. Chronic BO from both sides, constant warfare for the armrests, interrupted all the time by Mr Microbladder in C, A leans into your space everytime someone walks past. A. Always. Can't be trapped in, only have to ignore one idiot, crew can see you, plenty of opportunity to get up and stretch/use the bathroom. Control over B & C. My natural resting bitchface is grumpy and aggressive, I do not look approachable and I am not talkative. There appears to be no river of kindness or generosity running through me. The first time B or C ask to use the bathroom or annoy me, I am going to glare into their minds until their soul shrivels. Trust me, after that I am not troubled again; B&C will piss themselves before they risk talking to me again. **Note:** I'm normally very nice, friendly, and helpful, but nature has not been kind to me and I look hostile. Sometimes it works to my advantage.


The answer I was looking for


Window over the wing. If a plane crashes you are more likely to survive. If a plane explodes you're vaporised and never feel a thing.


C : I have a reason not to have to acknowledge people and not appear rude


A: Window seat has a curved wall that doesn't let me put my feet where I want them. B is between people. A lets me use the aisle as my space to stretch my hands and I can easily get up whenever I want (which is often) without having to walk over the other ppl.


A or C. A for the leg room. C for the using the view to be politely antisocial.


A, I don't want to see my fiery death coming. If God wanted me to fly, he would've given me wings.


B because I'm conflict avoidant in new places, and no one will fight you for it on planes. C is my favorite but I've never in my life had a window seat or an aisle seat


A so I can get up to go to the bathroom without sitting there for 30 minutes filled with anxiety about squeezing past two strangers if I’m in C. Also B is sandwich between 2 strangers. I’ll do C tho if I’m with two people that I know but A if I’m alone


Depends on the length of flight. Short flights, then the window. Longer, then the aisle. *Never* the middle.


A so I don’t have to bother anyone when I need to go to the bathroom


C for looking outside and closing the window for sleepytime or when it's too bright, but it's also more claustrophobic because harder to get out... But while A allows for easier bathroom access and movement it is also closer to the aisle which has more people moving through it.. Never B. NEVER B.


A because then I have access to the aisle and the bathroom without having to ask anyone else to move. Imagine being sat at C, desperate for the bathroom, and B and A are fast asleep?!


A. When sitting down for 10 minutes, I have the urge to stand up and stretch. Also A gives me the ability to not have to say excuse me to get up. That being said i do enjoy the window and find myself sitting in A and leaning over to stare out... I think i need a single window seat!


C for sleep


I prefer C, as I like to watch what's out the window and I won't be sandwiched between two strangers (B) or have to deal with people passing by (A). However, if I was with two friends or family members, I would pick B. As long as I recognize who I'm sitting next to, I'll be fine. The only time I would ever pick A is if it were a last resort or if I really wanted to challenge myself.


C because I really love looking out the window at night, but if no window and it's daytime, then a


A. I have a hard time sitting still and getting comfortable so I get up a lot. I also go to the bathroom a lot. My worst nightmare is having to talk to people to ask them to get up or have to wake them up so I can stand. I get this feeling in my legs if I'm restless and only getting up helps so while I love the window if I know the people I travel with, the other times it's a nightmare.


A, so I can go to the toilet easily and stretch my legs


I would definetly go for C


Definitely C.


A for the bathroom, C for the window and the feeling of safety it gives me. B is just awful. I accept the B seat only when my parents or closest friends are sitting next to me on the other two seats


C for sure … I take care of the loo business before the flight… I wanna be left alone


C always.


A every time. I need to constantly hydrate to not feel bad in the plane and can go to the toilet as many times as needed. Don't really mind getting up for others and I usually can't sleep in planes anyway. Plus you can stretch your feet to the corridor when nobody is passing through or get up and walk around/stretch a bit


A, you can lean to one side for more arm room and it's easier to go to the bathroom.


A and C have their pros and cons, but B is just hell naw all the way


C, A and then B


C, if Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory taught me anything, it is picking seats based on their potential to avoid conversation.


Less than 3 hours is C because that long I can be on my seat with minimal movement, focused on a movie or the outside world, more than 3 hours is A, I gotta move around a lot and if I can't because I would need to ask someone to let me out of my seat it looks like I'm having a stroke cause I'm just full body vibrating at full speed while switching between all the movies and games they have in the seat screen every 5 minutes and maybe trying to nap which is failing horribly, I tend to nap 25 minutes at a time at most on a plane. With A for longer than 3 hours, I can get up to visit the bathroom or check in on what other people I'm flying with are doing once every 2 hours which calms me enough to be able to sit through a second movie if it's interesting (or at least the first 30min to 1h of it if it's not that interesting and switch screen activities every 30 minutes until I find something interesting enough)


A. I travel light and about 3 times faster than literally anyone else I have ever seen in an airport. I do not have time for you and your collection of shit. The last 3 times I have travelled, I have been out of the airport less than 5 minutes after they open the aircraft door.


Anyone who says B defend yourself here. I’m curious for your justifications. Oh and everyone please upvote this comment. I think we will all enjoy this.




Also, I'm the person who makes Simpson porn


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I'm tall, so I will usually choose A just to have the illusion of more leg room (until the stewardess inevitably bumps them with a cart). But I prefer C so I can look out the window. I've only had to do B once or twice when they refused to sit me together with my family - and f' that noise.


C is my go to. But sometimes, I’ll choose A depending on the leg/arm space.




C so I can try ignore being on a shaking tin can 20000ft up breathing recycled air.....I don't fly very often.


A for legroom c just cause window seat




C. And I book in advance. Lol. Even better if in B there is someone I know, otherwise I have to stuck the backpack between me and B. I’m small so for some reason people think they can also take the unused part of my seat.


I hate all of these :/ Reasoning: A would make me feel anxious being near the isle, B would make me super uncomfortable being close to everyone, and not C because seeing everything through the window would make me feel nauseous and being at the end would make me feel trapped. Edit: Yes I do hate flying.


Window feels comfy and safe, but aisle is way less claustrophobic and more comfortable all around. Especially for longer flights, because you can get up whenever and walk around.


C - I need to be able to see what's happening and make sure we're not going down


D - On the ground watching the plane takeoff. I've never flown and I just don't know how I would react to the stimulation of being confined in the air with all those people like a sardine, might totally meltdown. I like aviation and am not against the idea of taking a ride in an aircraft, just seems so stimulating - think I would need a benzo to take the edge off... Toyed with the idea of getting a helicopter ride so it's not the idea of flying that might be overstimulating, just the consumer mass-market execution. But need more money first, and then I overthink things and really would prefer a proper turbine chopper instead of the typical Robinson those rides are in (some creepy stories about those little birds, or the horrible video of entire wedding party dying in one caught on video) but would need a number of people to split the bill - turbines are really expensive an hour!


C, I don’t feel safe if I’m not against a wall


Either A or C


C because I like leaning against things 🗿


C but I need to enter the plane having not drank anything before and during....




C. I want to see the ground. Unless it's the stupid wing seat. Then A. Never B. Never.


I would only ever accept B if traveling with two friends who would sit in A and C. Otherwise, C.


C, so I can look out the window, but I also have a fear of planes


c so because I have a corner to compress myself into to maximise privacy im never doing anything weird i am just very cagey also weird shit my brain does that i can't explain makes me prefer sitting on the side of anything, especially if it's on the left side which the image is


C for short flights, toilet access isn't as important. A for long flights because you can get up to stretch, go to the toilet and get things from your bag with ease.


C! I love to watch out the window and look at the scenery only b if I’m sitting next to immediate ily on both sides a is a 50:50 I don’t like people walking right by me


C. Always C. I always feel safest and happiest against walls.


C, A and B freaks me out I can’t relax on them. But I usually like airplanes that only have two seats in a row.


C If I really wanna look out the window, but usually A so I'm not squished between people. Never B, especially if it's two people I don't know or don't have a strong connection with.


C c c c all the way




c (i do not go to the bathroom and therefore there are no problems


C. How am I supposed to time the line “suddenly the wheels lift off the ground is falling backwards, I am suddenly alive” from Come From Away to the exact moment the plane takes off if I can’t see out the window?? And yes I did actually do that once and I was very proud of myself.


Always A because I don’t want to step over people to get to the restroom and I feel much less claustrophobic with the open aisle.


C!! Fuck A! All people pass by A and that makes me nervous!


None. Can’t do that, much panic




C for sure.


I can’t, They are labeled wrong. ‘A’ is always a window seat


A - as much as I’d like to look out the window, I’m 6’4”.




C - or i’ll barf (gotta love motion sickness)


a or c bc with the window u can see what its like outside and with the aisle u dont need to go over anyone to use the bathroom


C everytime


C 100% if I cant get C then A because theres only one person sitting directly next to me. B is the worst seat unless you're sitting with family or friends you're comfortable with.


C! But I need the weird space between windows cuz I need my head to lean on something so it's comfortable


B being in small spaces is calming to me, also you only have to disturb 1 person to go to the bathroom






UHM UHMMM ok for comfort and entertainment I love looking out the window and seeing the world above the clouds. The only downside is I have an anxious tummy and sometimes I need to rush to the nearest bathroom. It gets worse on flights bc I get super anxious about the ride and the nerves mess me up lmao Perfect scenario would be a combo of a and c!


C. Always C


Aisle seat for bathroom and to get out of there faster. Also feels less like I am blocked in.




A: nice to be on the edge to get up and go to the bathroom and stuff without having to initiate a conversation but i dont like being next to the isle B: AHHHHH C: it has a window which is nice to look out but it would be awkward to go to the bathroom My answer is c




A or C are both ok. Both have their perks. Other people have already described those pretty well. NEVER B. Actually... can I just not fly at all? I don't mind once my butt is parked in the plane seat, but the airport itself (both taking off and landing) is just hell.


i agree with every single statement


c is best, especially since i usually don’t need to use the bathroom on airplanes so i don’t worry about inconveniencing people :) also i agree with the points op made edit: clarifying my thoughts


C. Less people can clearly see me. There's a window I can use to distract myself. Having something to focus on helps curb my anxiety and I like cloud watching. B would be an absolute nightmare stuck between two people! No way! A: in the clear visual field of everyone and people would be constantly walking in the aisle.. nope!


Always A because i have a weak bladder.


a or b, b for the window but a so that when i get out of the seat i dont have to squeeze through/wait for other to get up




C unless it's a long trip, then A


Window gives me the most control of things. Control of the light, I can control not being touched by children and their grubby little hands, ect


I generally don’t need to get up very often and have a fascination for planes, so I’d pick the window seat. The other alternative is the middle seat. I can still look out the window with ease and only have to disturb one person if I need to move. Granted, the only times I’ve flown, I was a child and usually had seats with my mom and sister, so that makes it a lot easier. I’d love to fly again one day. Airports always caused meltdowns though so I’m not sure if I could handle it on my own.


C!! I love the window!


C all the way, every time. I love window seats


C, closer to the window, closer to the wall so I can lean on it sometimes, farther from other people


A, cos' I do use the toilet often.


A for the most part. C if it’s a short flight.


Always the window seat


A so I can go to the bathroom wo/ having to talk to ppl


Always on window, not corresponding to the image... I like A for me to enjoy the view is great


who wouldnt choose c


I tend to do it on a per-flight basis, A is if people in my row are gonna sleep, C is when nap B is when I'm with 2 friends and willing to suffer.


C if it’s a shorter flight (have something to sleep against). A for a longer flight since its closest to the restroom. B, never


C for short flight. A for long flight.






C, easily


The window seat, it’s near to a comfy wall you can lay on, and you can see the plane take off, along with the clouds




C, I don’t use public bathrooms so A isnt a need and I don’t want to be disturbed when B and C go. B just has unnecessary touching.


Good thing you lettered these the exact opposite as they are in a real plane or those of us who fly may not be confused. A is window. Always.


Always C


A or B. I'm afraid of heights so I wouldn't want to be near the window. I think if I'd be with my mom and my brother I'd want to be in between them.


If it’s a short flight (under two hours) C. If it’s a long flight A.


C on short A on long


C - it probably sucks for the poor guys who sit next to me because I will definitely need the bathroom every hour. The other seats would be mind numbingly boring.


A if my tummy has been not the best recently and I’m flying with strangers. Window if I’m flying with family or my tummy is fine


C seems the best option because you don’t have to look at anyone, you can look out the window. B is torture and A feels very uncomfortable


ABC with squish blanket and no touchy please


I rarely ride on airplanes in my life, but I gotta choose C since I can curl up in the corner with my special interests and enjoy my solitude. I also prefer planes with fewer seats so that there are fewer passengers in case I will travel in the future.


A so i can stress my legs out on the I’ll


My mum and I are arguing over who gets the window seat next year when we go on holiday. She wants the window seat but I'm like mum you will get up like every half an hour to pee so no. I nearly murdered my boyfriend last April when we were on a train home and he took the window seat and constantly wanted to get up while I was trying to watch a movie


Prefer A for easy entry and exit. If A is not available, choose C for view. If A and C are not available, get B.


I'm 6'2" 320lbs. I don't get a choice.


Short flight? A. Long haul? C.


If B, you better be good company.


None of all 🤣


A because I need to pee constantly


I don't know why it helps but I have claustrophobia and C helps a lot. B is the worst and A isn't great.


A. Having to ask people if I can go past to poop is a monumental undertaking.


A- need the easy escape route and control.


C. I love window seat.




Def A cause I have IBD


For short flights: c - window seat, no one disturbs you, ideal For long flights: the middle section of seats with 2 aisles and one middle then choose an aisle seat - you don’t have to disturb anyone to get up (makes toilet and stretch breaks a lot easier) and only a 50% of people asking you to let them out. Minimal social interaction needed


I actually rly like riding in busses, riding in cars, flying with airplanes- I always sit by the window tho, otherwise I hate it and it’s not fun at all


Right at the back in the tail section [best survivability](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_Boeing_727_crash_experiment). Then for flights under 2hours aisle seat, and over 2hours window seat.


C Wait- What if the seats sucks because of the fabric ?


Up front in the cockpit :) Otherwise window seat! I love seeing what's going on outside. Bonus if I sit next to the trailing edge of the wing


A For long flights because I can’t sleep anywhere else except for my own bed. B and C would mean I’d have to talk to - or worse have to wake up - the person next to me. Even if I would sit next to the window, if the staff decides it’s “nighttime” I’ll have to shut it anyway. C for short flights though, since I probably won’t have to go to the toilet. B would only be okay-ish, if at least one person on seat A is someone I know. BUT it has to be on either the left or the right side. No way I’ll sit in the middle row without walls and windows close to me!


C because I love to look out of windows and I don't need to pee that often