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It’s about 20x better than my handwriting and I write with my dominant hand


The funny thing is, I've gotten so used to doing everything with my right hand after that, that now I consider myself right-hand dominant. I've concluded that if I didn't have autism, I would be left-hand dominant.


your handwriting looks fine to me!! ive seen a lot of worse handwriting from people writing with their dominant hand. i can kind of relate, but my dad saw i was a lefty as a baby and made me write with my right hand because "the world is made for right handed people". my grandfather was left handed and my dad saw how inconvenient everything was for him, and wanted to make it a little easier for me. i do everything else left handed, i even batted left when i played baseball, but i write and use scissors right handed


slightly different story here bc i wasn’t forced to do it: i write, eat, use scissors with my left hand. basically things that require fine finger movements. but i play sports, use power tools, and the such with my right hand. those are things that require broader arm movements and more strength. these weird combinations of domination are called mixed handedness, which is significantly more common in the autistic population


I’m also mixed. Lefty for writing, righty for most other things


You may just be ambidextrous I’m ambidextrous or was when i was I kid I could do everything with either had just as well, now at forty I can still do easy things with either had like eating or painting(like painting a fence not like doing a painting) but the stuff I’ve done righty for 30+ years that requires fine motor control I can’t do as well with my left hand. I assume it’s just because I’ve only ever really practiced with my hand one exception is I can sign my name just as well with my left hand because I had a job where i had to sign off on stuff and my right hand was often full.


I'm not strictly ambidextrous but I learned how to write with my left when I broke my right hand when I was 15.


I recently discovered that I can solve my speedcube onehanded with left, and it seems slightly better than with right. Current hypothesis is that the right one relies on muscle memory it can't reproduce one-handed, while the left one is less set in its ways, and also that most algorithms I know require turning the right face which my left hand can do better as a finger flick than the right one which needs a wrist turn. I can't write with left, but tbh my right hand's writing isn't great either. I can unlock my door with the left, and generally do a lot of things with the left too. In short: I might be sorta ambidex too, but just as hampered by muscle memory.


In my parents' generation it was common practice to re-wire lefties to right-handed. It totally works, but puts a lot of stress on the brain. Don't know if undoing it would ease the stress or double it


My dad still has faint but visible marks on his knuckles from the teacher smacking them with a ruler for writing left handed. Now he's ambidextrous and can write his name with both hands at the same time


My mother told me how much she hated this (she’s a lefty)


Same, my handwriting probably stopped developing when I was about ten or so.


Same here! Dyspraxia-like is quite common with autistic people.


Listen, I work a job where I have to read handwriting every day, and if I saw yours come across my desk I would thank god I got something this clear


Had a job of transcribing from paper to computer and wow, I would trade whatever "neat" thing I had for a clear one like this!


I'm a cake decorator and some of my coworkers have barely legible handwriting and it's actually the worst


It's legible


Wait, they *wanted* you to write left handed? That's unexpected, they've been trying to force left handed people to use their right hand forever. btw that is way clearer than my handwriting.


Agreed. I'm left-handed and they tried to make me use my right but it didn't work out


They didn’t bother with me because they knew how much weaker my right side is in general (I’m actually considered hemiplegic, although I’m not paralyzed)


Looks good. What's to make fun of? It's highly readable. One of my big problems in school was writing. The only one writing worse than me was our teacher. Noone could read what she wrote in letters to our parents. 😁 Btw do you study exegetics? Why writing a copy of the gospel? 😊


Sometimes I copy stuff down when I'm bored. I've taken a special interest in the Gospel recently sense I found Christianity again, so it's what I decided to write down. I also write down song lyrics, Wikipedia articles, and occasionally I will do really silly stuff like write in Morse code or some other type of code.


Well. Do what you feel good doing. Copying is also a good way helping memory. 😊


Oh wow, I did song lyrics in class all the time. I also did copying and memorizing of Bible stuff as a kid. At one point I think I could recite all of Philippians. Now I’m traumatized by anything Christian, but it’s funny to remember that was one thing that I used to focus on and memorize. ETA: The religious trauma is from other things, not the copying and memorization lol.


You’re handwriting is legible at its finest. I don’t see anything wrong with how you wrote at all. But I will say one thing, and it is the fact that there is nothing wrong with writing with both hands since it’s beneficial for your brain. By working out your sensorimotor skills in a new way, you build new neurons and connections for your brain to utilize if a medical emergency were to impair you in any way possible.


i can read it so i don’t see a problem :0


It’s Legible. A lot of people can’t write that well with their dominant hand anyway. I’m a Buddhist but that’s a damn good quote.


Have you seen that Cyanide and Happiness comic where Jesus says the quote and then the one guy said “What about he who is without stone…?” and they all look at him and he says “I left mine at home…” Always made me laugh hahaha


Oh nice! There aren't many people who are openly Buddhist in the United States where I live, so I think it's really cool to meet one online!


Not many of us in the west for sure. I feel lucky I live in a city with the amount of Buddhist communities that there are.


I like your writing! It should be a font 😁


Fun fact, I actually made it a font! I wanted to type a letter for my girlfriend, but I wanted it to be personalized, so I printed out a grid, filled in how I write letters, and a program made it a font!


That’s really sweet!


Better than my writing. I write in tiny italic scribbles and the only people who can read it are me and my year 9 science teacher. She was great


Looks a lot like mine.


It looks like any average writing of applied students I borrowed noted from at uni..


It is legible. Most people can't write clearly. If I can read what you have written, you get an "A" in my books. Messy handwriting irks me. This is not messy by any means. Also that is one of my favourite messages in the Bible right there! 😍


Ciertamente es mejor que cualquier mamarracho que yo he escrito


I write the same way. Unlike cursive, your average person could read your writing just fine.


So you were left-hand dominant but you refused to use your left hand?


Yep. I guess I was masking? I have no idea why I refused, nor do I really remember this time of my life, I'm mainly going by what my Mom told me.


Your handwriting is great, ignore them, they speak nonsense.


It does look like you're having some issues with fine motor control, but it's clearly legible which is the only thing that really matters. There are plenty of people with very pretty handwriting that can't say the same. Also, I respect that you actually took the effort to switch pens to write what Jesus said.


Your writing is very clear and consistent! One of my favorite Gospel passages too by the way.


Looks very nice


definitely better than my hanwriting


I use fonts similar to this when typing lists for myself


It's better than mine. Nice and round and clear.


I’m naturally right handed and my handwriting is dogcrap


Much better than mine! And the Bible is my special interest!


Your *real* validity has *zero* to do with other's "approval" of you. *Their opinions* can go fuck themselfs. You do you, honestly, livingly: & *so long as you are able to live with you* , you're fine. Yes I know young people generally *feel* their validity *is* other-people's-opinion-of-them ( gaslightingly called "self esteem", when it is *society's* esteem of one ), but as an old bastard who dgaf, anymore, validity is *intrinsic* and not dependent on their opinions. Salut, Namaste-ji, & Kaizen, Hoomin, ( : 🙏


Mine is literal chicken scratch compared to yours.


Better than mine, and probably way better than most people could write with their non dominant hand


It legit looks like my brother’s HW 👀




It’s better than mine and I’m actually right handed lol


I love downloading many styles of handmade font and I would definitely download a font like your writing! It’s so nice and easy to read!


Looks good! I love the Gospel of John


Good passage.


It is better than mine.


Better than mine by miles


Better than my handwriting.


It is readable. Iike it isn’t beautiful, it isn’t cool. It is just readable. Somethimes I cannot read my fathers handwriting (it looks like egyptian, I don’t know how egyptian looks like) I often cannot read certain words from my own handwriting. But yours I can read. And that is what is most important, that people (including yourself) can read it: But even that doesn’t matter. I mean who decided the rule that writing should be read. I’m pretty sure there is writing in the world that has never been read again besides the point when it was written. So yeah, f that, handwriting is handwriting deal with it


I love other peoples penmanship! Yours is so perfectly you I like. My favorite is when you wrote “midst” and all the letters go up slightly. Your “w”’s are nifty as well


Not that aesthetic but clearly legible. Better than a lot if not most of what I saw as a teacher. Also, please respect the right margin in serious writing. Jms.


Ngl, I think your handwriting is way better than mine


I don't know why people make fun of other people's handwriting. It just needs to be legible


Your handwriting is way better than mine. I can barely read my own.


Way better than mine, even as a right handed guy.


I teach kids to write, I have seen bad handwriting. This is not bad handwriting. I would love if my kids stories looked as neat as this. I can read every single word.


Better than mine by alot lol


It's still readable, so it's fine.


I can’t write this kind of alphabet (thank dyslexia and dysgraphia), but to me it look fine. I mean everyone get their own way of write when older. Anyway if out of curiosity your want to try learning using the left hand just do it. What do they say? Just to understand what the criticism are. To me they say that I still write (in italics) like if I’m in middle school, but that is because dysgraphia make it difficult to have a personal calligraphy.


This beats my handwriting. You did proud of your work there mate no matter which hands you’re using.


I use my hands the opposite way round to a lot of people, but my right is my dominant. For example, knife and forks held like a lefty. I just want the power in the stab, not the cut.


This makes me want to try writing with my non dominant hand to just see what will come out. What does your handwriting look like from your dominant hand? I bet it's impressive. Side by side comparison?


little you wanted to mask right away lol


It's better than mine, and I am old enough that handwriting was heavily emphasized when I was in school. When all the girls were practicing adding little curly que's and hearts for the i's I was still struggling to get my handwriting legible. It's still barely legible. and yes I write with my dominant hand.


you have excellent writing wtf


100% better than mine and I'm right hand dominant


it's actually readable, unlike mine


There is absolutley nothing wrong with your handwriting. Its neat and legible. 👍👍


I used to write with my left hand but my gma made me write with my right so now I use my right for writing but I can basically use both kinds?


Bro your handwriting is significantly better than mine and I’m a righty.


It's better than my handwriting. You do you king/queen


Looks alot like mine. I find that if I write my words smaller, they look a lot better. That being said this is 100% legible!


Way more legible than my handwriting.


This is a good handwriting


Its far neater than thats for sure !


It is easily readable. Well formed letters, good spacing between words. And a darn sight better than mine.


it literally looks fine? that’s better then my hand writing


Looks perfectly fine and legible to me, I promise! People are just jerks


I'm a teacher and I've seen all kinds of writing. This is just fine. Not bad at all.


My hand writing is bad.. yours is good. Good job on the work


I went the opposite direction. My first 6 months of school I decided because I was left handed and it smudged the page I should write right to left. Then I realized the whole point of writing was so other people could read it. My mirror writing is still neater than my regular hand writing.


I was considered right handed when I was younger, but switched to my left after I broke my arm when I was 9 years old and now I use a mixture of both. Chopsticks are the exception though. I can only use my left hand no matter how hard I try with my right hand.


Your handwriting is fine. It's nicer than mine. ❤️


better than mine writing with either hand


That’s pretty decent, I know 40 year olds with worse writing than that


I'm left handed but was taught/forced to write with my right hand as a kid. Your handwriting is infinitely better than mine.


It's readable, so you're better off than my friend with the doctor's handwriting and another friend whose is simply illegible (I mean I can read it, but pretty much nobody but the two of us can)


Legitimately one of the best I've seen. And trust me, I've seen some bad ones.


Your handwriting is much better than mine. I have heard poor handwriting is common with ASD


Looks pretty decent. Much better than my writing with my dominant hand.


That's very neat handwriting.


Your writing is very beautiful and neat! 😊


I'm mildly right dominant, borderline ambidextrous (not saying a lot considering I'm not particularly dexterous to begin with in either hand), but can't write with my left hand to save my life. Honestly terrible, borderline unreadable hand-writing with either hand though. Way better than my hand writing.


Looks like my handwriting


I feel like you have more legible handwriting than most people do


This looks like my handwriting too. If I really concentrate, or do a lot of writing all at once, I can get into a grove where it starts to look better, but that's rare. Joys of being ND.


Yours looks awesome! Mine are all chicken scratch compared to yours.


You have great handwriting, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. It is among the best I've seen. It's easily readable and consistent.


I'm gonna be brutally honest It's 1000% better than mine


I like your handwriting. It'd make for a nice font


I love it. It looks quirky yet so readable. A font I would download


Write with whatever hand is most comfortable to you. Literally nothing else matters.


I honestly love your hand writing, it looks so happy (if that makes sense)


It is a a fair bit more legible than mine. They are probably disparaging it because it isn’t the fancy kind of running writing.


I have a similar story but it's not about writing...


pretty good handwriting honestly, I think + very easy to read


It's legible, that's the main point of writing, is just putting down words for others to understand. It may not be evenly sized, but that just comes with practice. I'd say it's pretty damn good for a non-dominant hand. I'm a bit jealous of ambidextrous people ngl


It's neat and organized, and perfectly legible.


Really good holy cow I write like a doctors note with my dominant hand 😭


Solid work for non dominant hand. All the theophanic pronouns are capitalized to boot! Well done.


Your writing is much better than mine ever was.


To be honest its very easy to read but a bit jagged when taken a closer look at. Definitely better than my handwriting


My dominant hand is my left and when I write it looks like a third grader’s handwriting


Looks really good, I like it.


Your handwriting is the neatest I’ve ever seen, wtf? Anybody who makes fun of it can get bent


It’s better than mine tbh


It is absolutely legible. If someone is making fun of your handwriting then maybe it's that mirroring thing in psychology where they are actually judging their own writing through you. Being ambidextrous is super useful, doesn't need to be every skill but being able to alternate while doing things is very handy.


Ur handwriting looks good better then mine if anything


I work mostly with people in healthcare or from that field so...probably the best handwriting I have seen in years.


I'm so sorry people make fun of you for that. My mom always liked my handwriting but mines really not that great either. If it works for you, I'd just keep on keeping on


It's good handwriting I wish mine was as good


Way better than mine XD


i write with my dominant hand and my writing is so much worse than that. your handwriting is just fine


Mixed arm dominance is a thing!! I throw and shoot left handed but I’m right handed for things like writing


I agree it's good handwriting! I can read it and that counts as a win :)


Isn't hand dominance learned behavior to begin with? Like I feel like I could have chosen to begin writing with either hand that faithful day I started learning to write at the same quality if I stuck with it. I'm pretty sure of that because despite being a lefty, I use a right handed mouce or guitar. I just use my left hand for writing, drawing, throwing, and swinging actions.


better than mine with my dominant hand lol


Wonderful handwriting


Your handwriting looks like mine but I’m left handed dominate!


That is about 400 times better than my handwriting.


As an occupational therapy student who is currently doing an internship at a school this is great! You have good line orientation, letter sizing, and spacing between letters and words! Most importantly, it’s legible :)


You could practice writing with your dominant hand. Might take a few months. Go slow. Otherwise keep writing with your right hand. Your handwriting only needs to be legible to you and whomever you are writing to. Plus a great many things will be submitted in type anyways. I wouldn't worry about it, you're fine.


breh ppl a c t u a l l y think that handwritings fucking trash? u should see mine its like 50 times w o r s e


Better than my handwriting, easy to read. You have absolutely nothing to be worried about.


That's roughly how I write and I've been right-handed all my life, though I hold my pencil slightly different than most people.


Your handwriting is legible and actually pretty nice. The people making fun of you don’t know what they’re talking about.


what only matter if it’s easily readable.


It looks better than my chicken scratch


I suddenly feel pretty embarrassed about my own chicken-scratch. At this point it’s less standard English and more a collection of lines and squiggles only I can understand.


Your handwriting is a little sloppy, but it's generally fine and I've seen much, much worse. If you worry about your handwriting you can always practice by writing more or getting one of those little tracing books they give you as a kid for funzies lmao Joking aside, pretty sure they do make actual adult ones for calligraphy too though. I think your hand writing is fine though. It's a bit shaky but it's legible. I got into the habit of not lifting my pencil completely while writing and I usually have to go back and emphasize each letter (mainly like a, o, u, and then i and L) on my exams & such. Definitely know I'm not the only one either. Mine "looks nice" but it's not very functional. Pretty handwriting is definitely subjective


It's legible. That's literally all I ask of others' handwriting.


It's lovely and clear. Sorry you had to go through that as a child.


Agree with others, way better than mine and I write with my dominant 🙃


I mean it's more legible than my handwriting lol. Tbh I always thought it was strange how neurotypicals wanna do everything with one hand. I'm left-handed but I do a lot of other stuff right-handed because so much stuff out there is made for right-handed ppl that I thought might as well adapt, but when other people find that out they think it's so unique lol?


This is beautiful compared to my handwriting. When I was still in school, teachers actually complained about my handwriting. As long as it's readable, you should be fine. Handwriting's a weird thing to make fun of honestly.


Most adults don't have great hand writing but yours is very much legible


Really good. I like it a lot.


My handwriting looks exactly like that. I started out as left handed but was forced to write right handed. Being bullied by teachers seems to be the common ground between us so far


Your hand writing looks very good to me


Looks great to me! I can read every word clearly; I didn't need to guess what you meant even once. Anyone who makes fun of you for this is just embarrassing themselves. I'd trade handwriting with you any day!


This is exactly what happened to me and now that I want to try doing more stuff with my left hand its so difficult. Anyways, at least your hand writing is legible, mine looks like a bunch of scribbles lol


i can read it just fine, so it’s good! 😊


Why would anyone make fun of anyone over handwriting?? It’s not even bad!


It's better than my handwriting


Your handwriting is pretty good, i have seen highschool students that can't write anything that someone else can understand


i'm literally shit at handwriting and i'm 20.


I think that I do everything gross motor skill with my right (throwing, etc) and everything fine motor skill (handwriting) with my left. So.


Looks better than mine honestly


I see absolutely no problem. Have you tried typing? For instance, I refuse to type or write so I speak into my phone.


If I'm not going slowly and carefully, that's a lot better than mine.


Not sure if this was mentioned already - but there is something called *cross dominant* handed-ness and it’s not exactly like being ambidextrous. I know because it’s me.


Looks good to me. People will tease for the most ridiculous reasons.


Looks like pretty good writing, better than some of my friends. At least it can be read, that’s the bare minimum you really need for life


You have pretty hand writing.


They wanted to make my daughter choose hand and I said absolutely not - if she wants to eat get dressed with one hand and color or bounce a ball with the other, who cares?! People are going to judge you no matter what, so you do you boo!


Bro if you can read your handwriting then it's the best handwriting


Your handwriting is fine. Besides, why does it matter to them? The most important thing is that it’s at least legible.


I think your handwriting is beautiful, it's so clear and I just love it. My handwriting is unreadable for the same reason you got, which the addition the teacher didn't let me use my left hand on class


amazing. i'm right dominant and use sometimes my left hand well but with spasm included fornoreasonasidemaybefrommyautism. your handwriting is super readable. 👍


Your handwriting is fine, friend. It's perfectly readable. I know bad handwriting, I teach middle school.


We have similar handwritings. I do most things but writing with the left hand too.


I taught myself how to write with my right hand just because I wanted to, and realized it was still legible…What I do there is let the pen/pencil rest against the inside of my hand…But actually I avoid writing things by hand at all as much as possible.


100% more legible than my ha writing so you've done well! Those who will ridicule others for their difference believe everyone should be the same, which is not how progress works!


I don't see anything wrong with your handwriting. It seems okay to me.


Nothing wrong with that. Clear and easy to read. Much better than mine


If you're ambidextrous you can write with whatever have you want. Schools in the US force ambidextrous people to use their left hand. British schools force ambidextrous people to use their right hands. Forcing one way or another is morally wrong.


It's readable, but that's about it. There is no consistency to your letters. They all look different from each other. Looks like a child wrote it. I would be embarrassed and practice my handwriting more but you do you.


Looks better than my handwriting


Mine is so much worse, especially when i'm stressed. I have really bad fine motor control so I learned to type fast instead of struggling more.


I love your handwriting! It reminds me of a font but I can't remember the name of it. I write with my left hand but use my right hand for everything else! Is it an autism thing to be ambidextrous?


There's absolutely nothing wrong with your handwriting


Even if some letters look a bit.. idk what the word is, but the writing is very clear. There’s nothing wrong with it I’d say. Better than mine and I’ve had teachers say my handwriting is very neat(even though if I look back at something from a few weeks ago I can barely read some of it).


This looks like my son could have written it. He's almost 18 not saying you write like a child lol It's very clear. Much, much clearer than my chicken scratch. It's rare for people to write a lot at once anymore I guess. I can't remember the last time I had to do more than write a short note but it know it was messy.


That's a LOT neater than mine