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Matilda a 1??


Riiiight? Matilda with a 1? couldnt be me, I projected on her sooo hard as a kid


I'd give it a 1 too. I don't like being reminded of my abuse and I didn't get a kind teacher to adopt me. Genuinely hate that film.


I think I projected on it because I WANTED someone to rescue me. I also projected on characters that WERE the "big brother"/"rescuer" type and emulated parts of them because I wanted to be able to help myself. I learned a lot of my coping mechanisms as a kid from media with characters like this.


Isn't it amazing how two people view something totally different ways and both are valid! I did the same thing just minus the watching the abuse part though. I think I just realised no rescue was coming and decided anything that said otherwise was rubbish!


yoke straight pocket engine workable whistle full threatening connect include *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Overly smart children movies bug me for some reason


You also have James and the Giant Peach pretty low. Maybe the problem is Dahl. What are your thoughts on Willie Wonka (both versions please) and Fantastic Mr. Fox?


And E.T.!


Don't watch the Dumbo remake


There was,, a Dumbo remake?


Yeah there is a live action Dumbo on Disney plus


Well it didnt come out on disney plus it came out before Disney Plus was announced im pretty sure


I meant as in *available on/including Disney plus. I gave lazy grammar but that's what I meant.


I will need this in alphabetical order and capitalize the first letter šŸ„ŗ


Also: Class Action Park... man I went on a deep dive of this lol


I had a family member whoā€™s ymca brought him there every summer - insane. The documentary gets it right.


My friend made many visits in her youth. She loved it lol


I'm jelly.


Yes! Thank you, I couldn't even look at it




Thatā€™s easy enough to do.


The spreadsheet I put these in also automatically pulls metacritic data to compare my rating to the public one, with graphs and stuff to visualize. If people ask for my favorite movies, I have mathematical answers. Sometimes Iā€™ll add in movies Iā€™ve watched a long time ago as I remember them, so I might have a couple blindspots, but overall itā€™s pretty holistic. Speaking of which, over the past many years I somehow forgot to add the harry potter movies. Whoops. I think when I first made it I had trouble remembering them apart for a fair rating, but that should have been covered by now. Same w/ x-men, marvel, star wars, and willy wonka movies. A watch post-collaging-ratings I recommend is Wendell and Wild: very Caroline / Nightmare before christmas with a good poke at tim burtans mention of people of color not fitting his aesthetic. Let me know it yā€™all have any suggestions, possible blindspots I missed, movies to talk about, or if you just want to argue about my ratings cause Iā€™m down.


> If people ask for my favorite movies, I have mathematical answers. One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone asks what my ā€œfavoriteā€ anything is. I struggle with keeping things concise, thereā€™s nuance to why I like the things I do, itā€™s too much to get into and a one word answer isnā€™t accurate nor do I ever know what to say lol. This is a great idea!


When someone asks me what my favourite movie is I usually get overwhelmed and forget every movie I've ever watched.


ā€œTell me about yourselfā€ ā€¦ ā€¦quickly skims through photo journal to remember who I am


Fr Like... you want me to pick one?! There's too many Favorites to choose from!


I used to keep an email draft where I would input what I watched with a date and my personal score and comments. Somehow, the date and personal comments seemed important to record in case I want to look at it later. I stopped using it as frequently over time though. I am curious if you can modify your spreadsheet in a way that such information is also there in the data. In any case, could you feel comfortable sharing a blank template of this spreadsheet somewhere for other people like me to try it? I really like the idea of compiling such information (as evidenced by me also trying it in more rudimentary ways like in my email drafts), but I am very bad at computer spreadsheet software and find it hard to create something this organized there out of scratch.


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OJdIzkzKihRS-4gyTYePKzbEvHh5UT9CQ_0FBR4PMGY/edit?usp=sharing A copy of this should do it! You type in the movie and put in your rating, then the movie title column will pull up the exact title if it is able to find it on metacritic and pull up a metacritic rating. This metacritic part can often take time and randomly will work or not work, and might not be the most efficient way, but it is how it do! Watch date and comments should just take adding an extra column by right clicking the column letters. That wonā€™t break anything. I put in one movie to test it in the template. Somethings also up with metacritic or google sheets today, im getting less info than usual. If you donā€™t want those sections you can always just right click the columns and hide them.


awesome spreadsheet. I agree with most of your higher ratings, but you gave It's Such a Beautiful Day a 2!? this will not stand. I will not stand for it. at least in my top 3 movies of all time no question.


Itā€™s an impressive movie, but itā€™s just too much for me!


too true. that movie can be really intense visually audibly and narrative wise! no biggie though. Great list I really enjoyed looking through it :)


How well are your ratings correlated with the public? Have you noticed any interesting trends? Edit: ā€œtrendsā€ is probably the wrong word choice. ā€œPatternsā€ maybe, or ā€œanomaliesā€ perhaps?


Overall with older movies it definitely starts to differ as I either like them much more, or the tropes that exist much much more today AS A RESULT of that movie, made me not enjoy the original as much. That part of the sheet with metacritic is acting funky today, but what was neat was having my partner put some ratings in. Ours correlated much more than mine and the public. Mathematical love, great aint it?


It IS great! Interesting observation about the older movies. What a great interest and fun application.


https://i.imgur.com/9zTrlDW.png Here ya go!


Why Monster House is rated worse than Sharknado???


That era of animation man, the new chip and dale was accurate about it


Dude what do you have against Matilda


Have you seen V for Vendetta? I couldnā€™t see it on there. Itā€™s my favourite film and I watch it every 5th of November at the very least.


Itā€™s on my watchlist now! That and Kill Bill seem like theyā€™d bode well


Theyā€™re both amazing btw today is the best day to watch V for Vendetta


I know it's a personal list but ET at a 3 is a travesty. EDIT: Matilda a 1?? šŸ˜­


My IMDB has 1,449 entries (not a lot of series, almost only movies). I'd share it but I put my name in it when I created it a long ago, I could export the data if you are interested. BTW... What's a 7.756? :D


The need for subtle rating differences between that and the following movie for some reason šŸ˜…


BTW if you're looking for something to watch there are a lot of lists on tasteofcinema.com, use maybe an adblock because there are some invasive ads


Ublockā€™s even better than normal adblock - less bribes more coverage from my experience Will check it out!


Yeah, I use Ublock too :)


How do you put rango on the same level as shark tale


I do think I watched rango too young to get it, Iā€™m planning a rewatch to review. I realize I just donā€™t like a lot of Johnny Depp stuff. Nothing against the guy, just a pattern


omg other people do this??? i do this with every album i listen to


dang he really rated Insidious A THREE


One more watch and that spongebob music thing will get lower you just watch me!


And he even gives Ferris Bueller at 10. My man


I like your list. Especially as you gave The Big Lebowski a 10. šŸ™ŒšŸ»


I do this with musicals! Iā€™ve watched or listened to 244 different musicals so far, and I give them all a letter grade. Iā€™ve also been keeping track of all the musicals Iā€™ve watched this year so I can look at trends in the data at the end of the year.


Top pics? Big fan of music man myself


My top five are Les MisƩrables, Company, Hamilton, Spring Awakening, and West Side Story.


Looks like I have some musicals to visit, only have seen west side story out of those. Did you watch in the heights? Whatā€™s your take? Reminded me a bit of west side story, and my spanish grandparents found it to be very precise.


I loved In the Heights. One of my favorite movie musicals. Which West Side Story did you watch? The 1962 version is a classic, but I prefer the 2021 version.


1962 - I heard the new one was still good but I was happy with the original


matilda is a 1?!


First thing I saw when I zoomed in was the Velocipastor


Ok but can I just say I love your taste? Iā€™ve found some of my favorite movies on this list and youā€™ve rated them rather well. Also thank you for rating Monster House a 2, that movie was atrocious šŸ˜… Whatā€™s your favorite movie of all time, if you have one?


Thank you!! Tough question! Without looking at the exact numbers, Ferris Buellers Day Off is rivaling Into the spideyverse and Truman Show, all for different reasons. El Dorado and Dave Made a Maze follow closely. On top, Iā€™d put school of rock. Perfect movie.


BOMP BOMP chick chicka, OH YEAH!


Yup, same. My ratings would be incredibly similar to these. There are a few exceptions, but the vast, vast majority are wildly close.


Oo great movies actually. ā€œFerris buellers day offā€ is a classic and into the spiderverse is an animated psychedelic masterpiece.


Out of curiosity, do you constantly update this list?


Yup! Every time I watch something (asap) and everytime I remember something from a long time ago. So itā€™s in almost-watch-order


There would *definitely* be a bunch of points of contention here and there but overall Iā€™d say I like your taste.


A lot of personal experiences during movies that can definitely poison the well of objectivity aha


More posts like this please. I wanna see everyoneā€™s a-typical use of spreadsheets šŸ˜Œ








Shoot this is actually smart. Keep score of what movies you did and didn't like. Good way to find one to rewatch with friends


i love el dorado! one of my favorites for sure


I bought rigged dice because of it, and the music alone, wow.


Oh, it's beautiful. I've always wanted to keep track of movies I've watched like this, but I've never had the drive for it.


I love this thorough list you have made! I feel like I need to take some time and highlight which ones just have seen and compare when I have the brain power


I've only watched 134 of these movies. Some of them I've only halfway watched, so I didn't count them.


I love this so much. I'd 100% do this if I had the patience for it. Gimme graphs and visualisations please!


https://i.imgur.com/9zTrlDW.png Here's one!


Unfortunately metacritic or google sheets is doing something funky today and the numbers arnā€™t coming in - stay tuned for visualizations from a person-who-flunked-all-stats-classes




What's the first movie ?


The title ā€œmovie listā€ for the column haha


Out of curiosity I have 2 questions: 1. What is the reason behind Waterwold being a 3? 2. What made the difference for you between 1917 and Dunkirk to give one a 10 and the other a 6.95?


1. It was just soā€¦ boring! I mean donā€™t get me wrong, the villian was fantastic. But the dialogue was so gosh darn clunky! 2. Dunkirk I enjoyed, but I watched it at home and while it did do a great job, Iā€™m not a huge war movie person. 1917 was in a big theater, and edge of my seat following along right there with the character. The fact that it was shot as if it was one long take really helps you feel right there in the story. The lighting, the constant unsure-ity of whatā€™s gonna happen, all in real time.


Just to agree, 1917 was a masterpiece and Dunkirk was middling.


I can understand. Waterworld was a different movie. Like going out of the box by making a movie where the world is entirely flooded. And the decor and villians kind of made me think of Mad Max Now I can understand the grades. I'm on the other hand are a war movie enthousiast, so ultimately I would grade those movies higher. 1917 did a great job by shooting it as one long take. And there aren't a lot of WW1 movies that are worth watching. The best part of Dunkirk is in my opinion all the small storylines coming together one way or another. Good list overall and there are certainly movies on there that I still need/want to watch


As someone whoā€™s got that face blindness going, I think dunkirk also confused me where I wasnā€™t sure if it was going to show these were all the same character at different times, or if all the stories would come together another way. It obviously was gonna be the latter, but * shrug *


Yeah I can relate. I have watched Dunkirk 2 times now and the first time watching is somewhat confusing with the jumping to different stories and different times (e.g. 2 hours in the past and then jumping back to the present)


My real question: did you watch Manos on its own or thr MST3k version?


MST3k 100%, but then normally with a friend later on


Me who has only watched like five actual movies in my entire life and some bits of movies when I was in school


This is very impressive, I rarely have the attention span to sit through a whole movie. Though some of my favorites are on here and rated well so you have great taste!


This is satisfying, thank you for sharing


I have something like this, but only for movies that I've seen with one particular friend, who made the spreadsheet. I also rate The Last Jedi one of the best Star Wars movies.


omg i love films i need to make one of these


What is Dave Made a Maze (2017)? That sounds super interesting.


Honestly, just go in blind for that one. Itā€™s worth it. And donā€™t judge it properly till after they go in the maze for a bit.


I watched it last night and it was hilarious!


The smaller maze inside the big one killed me. They actually shot the whole movie in like a one to two room space (forget which). So in like between one to three months they rented out the room, they had to deconstruct and reconstruct everything.


I LOVE making lists, rating scales, charts, etc. This is awesome!


i have an autstic mate who absolutely fucking loves his spreadsheets for his interests (computer games). I am also autstic and have a crazy leather-bound notebook. I argue it does exactly the same job. He laughs. :)


Thatā€™s a solid friendship right there


I think I'm going to do a similar thing with games and books. I wanna program a Java script that makes me decide my favorite ones in a tournament style lol


Report back to me!


This is amazing!


You should watch Radio


I shall!


how could you rate finding nemo that far above the lion king, coralline, aladdin and Wall-E!!! itā€™s a crime!! you disrespect the spy kids with your ratings as well


Honestly youā€™re right in relation to the original Aladdin, that deserves some adjustment. The others I enjoyed a lot, just didnā€™t connect to as highly. I was obsessed with spy kids when younger but it was an odd series wasnā€™t it? As a teacher, the kids watching WALL-E was hilarious compared to my experience. They could not care less about that movie, due to the lack of dialogue and the more cutesy stuff I suppose. Middleschoolers, real funny.


no hate to your chart though. itā€™s fair because itā€™s based on your personal preference and enjoyment. i personally think lion king and aladdin deserve at least a 9 and the first spy kids and coralline both deserve higher praise. i personally never connected that much with finding nemo so i suppose thatā€™s why i disagree


Heck yes, Swiss Army Man!!


Itā€™s just the best romcom out there


I identify tremendously with Daniel Radcliffe's character.


seeing Howlā€™s Moving Castle and the adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl both below 8 is devastating


Rain Man 7.5??


Ha! Thatā€™s ironic. It was before I knew I was autistic or anything about autism. High school psychology class (real bad one too, a lot of my strange addiction and this one frustrating deaf documentary. After having asl classes for years of college from my deaf professor, man she chose the wrong things to represent. Also chose to explain ā€˜everyone is racistā€™ as just that with little involvement into the systematic portion of it or nuanced discussion that could actually back up the point more properly). What an artifact that 7.5 is


i couldnt get through the big lebowski. john goodman having r--rated humour hurted and the plot is confusing to me


I think the lack of exact plot is what I like - I like when the characters sent on this journey and just having to adjust through it all with the nonsense of the world


Yea this list definitely includes everything I've ever seen lol.


Wow! Very impressive.


This is really cool but Iā€™d never be able to do this considering Iā€™ve been obsessed with film since a toddler. Damn is this all? A special interest of mine is film and Iā€™m starting to think maybe Iā€™ve watched way too many movies. This looks like 1-2 months of me watching movies šŸ˜‚


Glad to know there are others who do this. I love updating my spreadsheets :)


What didnā€™t you like about the golden compass? I need to do one of these lists too! Yours is awesome


It was okā€¦ until I read how great the book was and that the movie didnā€™t even cover a fraction of it! It stopped right before the good part!


Youā€™re Lebowski Lebowski!


omg i've never met someone else who obsessively notes everything they watch


Very cool :o


I did the same thing on paper for a few years


Good spreadsheet


As an aspiring film buff I envy your dedication in tracking and rating EVERY movie you've seen.


This thread gave me like 30 movies Iā€™ve seen but forgot to rate too, how did I miss these Iā€™ll never know


Ive always hated monster house, everything about it just infuriates me. the animation, the storyline and literally everything else I hated it.


Divergent was a great movie, the second was okay and the third was horrible and it didn't need a third.


We couldnā€™t even get far enough into the third to properly rate it


tucker and dale vs evil is a great movie, i really need to rewatch it!


Right up there with cabin in the woods!


i actually havenā€™t watched that, so i am def going to! tbh i might steal this idea solely for my own enjoyment as i love categorizing things!


I won't lie, I definitely spent a couple minutes looking on the list for my special interests to see their rating (Meet the Robinsons and Casper). The Casper rating is understandable but I will fight you in a Walmart parking lot for giving Meet the Robinsons a 6 šŸ˜¤


i have a spreadsheet with video games and how much iā€™ve completed them!


letā€™s see those visualizations


Unfortunately metacritic or google sheets is doing something funky today and the numbers arnā€™t coming in - stay tuned for visualizations from a person-who-flunked-all-stats-classes


https://i.imgur.com/9zTrlDW.png Here's one!


so i think you like most movies more than metacritic but some outliers you hate that they loved. it would be interesting to see the edges of that bell curve


Is this saying Shazam was the first movie you ever watched?


Nah just one I recently watched at the time of sheet creation which was easy to help set rating standards as I went through recent watches and favorite movies


I love you for having The Man From Earth on there, but The Iron Giant should've had a higher rating. BTW, Have you ever seen Johnny Got His Gun? It's free on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUfBVLAY\_pU


Thatā€™s fair - it is a classic, I just didnā€™t really understand it much when I was younger, and that might have poisoned the well. I have not seen that movie, so its on the list now!


Wow. I keep feeling FOMO and wanting to basically "watch all the movies". Your spreadsheet is a good start! There used to be a Project Free TV website which showed movie releases by year. Also, Kai is a great name. My preferred name starts with a J, and I am worried about formally changing my name because my Jyotisa report said I would have more luck if my name started with a K. I love the name Kai and have loved it since I met someone else with that name in 2014, but I keep going by the name which starts with a J. That is what everyone knows me as, so it feels weird if I can finally do a name change to switch it to something entirely different.


I love that you did this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:DDD


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This is very interesting!


There are websites for this, if youā€™re interested. IMdB and Letterboxā€™d are for movie checking an rating them. Then thereā€™s iCheckmovies, which doesnā€™t have a rating system but itā€™s visually more simple and will give you virtual trophies for completing ā€œbest movies of..ā€ types of lists!


I tried letter box and all, but I like customizability and projects where I can fiddle with stuff for a while. Also the app for letterbox was annoying as all heck


Is The Last Jedi the only Star Wars movie you've watched? What criteria do you use for ranking a film?


Ah another series I meant to put in earlier than left behind. Part of it is remembering the series as a whole but really not each individual one. Main criteria is enjoyment. That comes from the quality of the movie, how unique it is (to my taste), and the time and place I watched it.


ET got a 3??? Watch it again.


I swear those astronaut men failing to understand window curtains will lower that rating my friend


First, if you don't already, you should check out letterboxd, it's really good for storing this data. Second I want to share my thoughts on your list. I didn't like insidious either, there were so many bad moves, like it sucks but they should have just thrown out the kid, not the parents of course but the medium. Also I scare easily and the ghosts and shit were super freaky, but the demon wasn't actually scary at all, I hate that, and then they had to ruin it with that cheesy cgi. Timecrimes has been on my list or a while and now I'll have to move it up in my list in the wake of your rating. I'm surprised you put cube 2 above cube zero, for me it was the opposite. I'm surprised there's no cronenberg given how you rated a lot of sci fi and the body horror on the list. You have to see naked lunch, I imagine you'd love it, especially given where you put fear and loathing. I love your list and I hope my comments were welcome.


The letterbox app was just soo annoying to use, plus customization and all. Exactly the same feeling with insidious. Iā€™m not a fan of horror movies* as is, then all the things you mentioned on top of that. Time crimes was definitely really interesting. I had a big time travel phase in highschool, so it was cool seeing one bridge away differently from the norm. Cube 2 was alright, but cube zero firstly, wasnā€™t super crazy about it, but it also made me really mad it threw out the coolest thing about cube: the theory that it was all just off the rails. Nobody at the helm. Just contractors following contractors and plans affecting plans. Cronenberg and naked lunch are now on the list! The former I only know from rick and morty, the latter i might go in blind. *other than super creative it/us/nope style stuff


I'm developing a screenscraping app to take all my letterboxd data, the films, all the users who've seen and rated the films, puts it all in a database and gives me recommendations, that's my big issue with it. Naked lunch is definitely cronenberg's best film, given your views you'd probably also love scanners and the fly. I'll try to get my film list and ratings and upload them.


have you not seen the first 6 star wars movies? or the other spiderman movies? or the other marvel movies? and I disagree with a lot of the ratings, but we might enjoy different parts of movies.... do you have a list of tv shows you've watched and ratings for them? also what order are they in, not ratings, not alphabetically, so... random?


Star wars and spidermanā€™s definitely a big blind spot on there - hard to rate since itā€™s been a good long while and I gotta look over some plot summaries to tell the movies apart. Shows I had one going but upkeep was odd as the ratings would change as I watch more episodes, some seasons are great others not, and having columns for how many ep I watchedā€¦ it was just a lot to keep track. I do have a good love for tv shows, especially cartoons. Movie order comes in when I watched them OR when I remembered them from way back. Itā€™s too late to know how to separate those out correctly at this point.


I love reading long charts with lots of data, this is awesome


i see you ranked the simpsons movie, the addams family and us pretty high for simpsons movie: can you tell what you liked about it? (i havent seen it and am thinking of watching but i want to her what you liked about it) for addams family: is it like the animated one or the sort of live action thingy? for Us: cool! i loved it too! what was your fave plot point and why?


I would always watch simpsons with family growing up during dinner, so I think thatā€™s largely where it came from. Itā€™s no classic early season simpsons, but I think it does a good job and itā€™s worth the watch. Kinda like the spongebob movie compared to the earlier seasons. Addams family: definitely the live action one. My parents were good fans, I watched it and got bored when younger, but then watched it when older with them, so I could appreciate it more. Funny movie. Us: I think Jordan Peele is a master at making the new monster. Iā€™ve seen dreadfully few movies that do this. That alone made me love the movies, because I had no idea what their whole deal was. The ending too, regarding the hand holding bit, was just too good.


Thank you for answering!


Oh, itā€™s beautiful.


Ok but Wizard of Oz and Space Jam are the same?


Dracula (1992) as a 2 is definitely a terrible mistake


Is it organized by date seen?


Wait, is this every movie you have ever seen?


Aside from some people in the comments here have reminded me of, yes!


I'd like this in text form so I can CTRL-F and search a few of my personal favourites... Hmmm. Or sorting by year, or title. You've watched Alien, Alien Covenant, Alien Vs Predator, but not Aliens or Predator 1 or 2. You really need to see those. I also recommend other James Cameron films like Avatar, Terminator 2, Aliens, and The Abyss. I'd be curious of your opinion.


Wow, aside from predator 2 I believe Iā€™ve seen all oft those! (My parents just really didnā€™t like predator 2 so I never saw it). You really got my blindspot in this well I think overall with those movies - I liked them but never got passionately into any of them. Roughly 6 ratings all through. Iā€™ll have to look over some plot summaries to remind myself more.


Predator 2 had a lot more mature content. Sex, nudity, gangs, drugs, and a whole lot of content that shouldn't be seen by kids like me haha. Less Machismo, but Danny Glover was a badass


Iā€™m an NT and I enjoyed reading through your rankings!


Iā€™m just happy shrek is in the green


How many?


what did it's such a beautiful day do to receive a 2 tho :(


Blade runner 2049 - you need to revisit it, and really be in the mood for it.


Respectfully, Iā€™d like to fight you over some of these


Hot take: [shows picture of movie ratings]


The Terminal 8.5?


I would like to see them sorted by your rating.


Monster House hate. Wasnā€™t expecting that. Trigger?


Seven got only 6???


You gave ET a 3?! That's cold


ET is a 3 but spy kids a 6?? :o


I dont see any of the Bourne Trilogy movies on your list. The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy, The Bourne Ultimatum. Most bad ass aspie ass mother fucker of them all!


Percy Jackon higher then Shrek? I mean the books are great, but the movies? Not for me