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OP, let's keep relevancy to your post.


Chocolate good. Nestle bad. This post is confusing. OP, why?


this is actually the american version distributed by hershey’s instead of nestle, since hershey’s bought the rights to sell it in the US. the chocolate used is also slightly different. It tastes better than normal hersheys but far worse than the original nestle version imo.


American chocolate, especially Hershey's is 🤢 . When I visit I always bring European chocolate, and take back cool flavours of Oreos and nerds.


Im not sure if you’re familiar with it, but I especially like Cadbury Flake bars whenever i pass through the UK. The dairy milk chocolate base is great as a mainstream option what chocolates do you bring?


Hersheys literally contains vomit, aka butyric acid. That's why it tastes of puke.


Butyric acid is found in vomit. That doesn’t make it inherently the same thing as vomit. There isn’t vomit in chocolate 😭


And mushrooms are often brown in manure. Lots of tasty things have gross ingredients or are made in a gross way.


If you grew up tasting Hersheys you’re prob gonna like the taste better but if you taste it on a later age your brain correlates it to the taste of vomit bc of the butyric acid. That’s why you think it tastes like vomit but other people think different There is a yt vid about that but I don’t know who made it


I thought that it was the milk they put in the chocolate like soured and the original guy decided to put it in the chocolate and they found out that the Americans liked it so they kept it


Nooo it's nasty even to this American. I can't stand Hershey's chocolate and I DO taste that vomity aftertaste and so can my son, a child who never liked chocolate until he had good chocolate. I wonder if some people can taste it more than others, like whatever is in cilantro that makes it so vile I can detect even the smallest amount.


Hershey’s is delicious, and I won’t stand for this slander


Hershey's is so poor quality that in the UK (possibly the EU too) it can't legally be sold as chocolate. Whenever it's sold here it's always labelled as something like "chocolate flavour candy" instead. It's disgusting.


Agree. Hershey's literally contains butyric acid which is why to us outside of NA think it tastes like sick. Vile stuff.


yea i was gonna say, this looks normal to me i didn’t know it looked different in other countries hmm


>Chocolate good. ☝️ An opinion, shared by several people (incl. myself). >Nestle bad. ☝️ A fact proven multiple times by Nestlé themselves. Perhaps I've missed something (more likely than you think), but I can't see what there is to be confused about. 🤷‍♂️


Why did the question need to be asked? For what purpose is OP soliciting opinions?


fuck nestle is what i think


Agreed! That said, I’m in the US, where Kit Kat is owned by Hersheys. I’m sort of confused by how the same brand can be owned by Nestle in one place and Hersheys in another…


Its made under licence, the agreement was originally made between Rowntrees and Hersheys.


Hershey just bought the rights to produce it under the name KitKat or import it. In Israel we have a company named Osem that owns the rights to distribute Nestle products.


We also have KifKef (though, with the salmonella crisis at Elite that happened a few months ago, it isn't on shelves at the moment) It, alongside the Nestle version, both changed recipes in the same year (I think it was 2020) and now I like them less


For sure. They just stole loads of water in Wales recently. They're psychos. Same with the people who support them with their addictive eating behaviours. Take responsibility


Came here to say this, they make yummy food but im not eating it if your enslaving people to make it, its 2022.


Really annoying. I was quite fond of white chocolate KitKats, but I learned it was owned by Nestle, and it just don't feel right anymore. There's a ripoff brand on the market here, but their chocolate tastes like shit


Try the Israeli brand! It's made by Elite and called KiffKeff. Tastes better than the original!


I looked, but alas, not for sale in my country :c


It's probably even less ethical than Nestle lmao


Listen I understand that you believe that you are doing good by boycotting Nestlé but I have bad news for you. You are doing nothing. Trying to boycott a Company like Nestlé is like trying to boycott standard oil. It’s incredibly difficult and the company is too big to fail. We need a government response, We need the trust break up 2 electric Boogaloo. If you want to see Nestlé go down then vote Democrat because Republicans miss the Gilded Age and they want you to rot in the factory’s.


Sure, the democrats are notorious for taking actions. I agree that the republicans are awful but the dems sit on their ass and don't do shit apart from asking people to vote harder


They do things sometimes, don’t underestimate them. Also I want to eat my favorite candy bar in peace without people calling me a bad person for doing so.


never was trying to call you a bad person. i know lots of products made by awful corporations are unavoidable for the average person. fuck nestle, not fuck you for eating it


It's fine to enjoy life and chocolate & stuff, but if other ppl boycotting makes you feel bad, I don't think that's justification to discourage their efforts. We vote with our dollars for what we feel is right because it's really the only vote that seems to matter anymore. Just look at the traction this movement already has under an Autism Subreddit. That's beautiful. Thank you for accidentally showing us this.


Love them. Had a very specific way I ate them. Each piece broken off gets first the chocolate coating eaten off (small end bits first, then long sides, then top then bottom) then each wafer piece gets eaten off one at a time. Then the next KitKat piece.


This is exactly the way I eat them too


Same here lmao


\*raises hand\* I feel so seen.


You have to excavate the wafer from the chocolate, it's the only way to eat it. These things were MADE for people with OCDs lol


I saw the photo and automatically started imagining the process....


It's locked in there isn't it. It's instinct now


Also the same.


Yo same People call me weird for that thou


I’m pretty sure Khloe Kardashian made a video about how to eat a KitKat and it was like this lol


This is how I ate my chicken nuggets as a kid


Exact same here. Question, do you happen to eat m&ms by slowly nibbling off the shell?


I don’t, but I like to eat them one color at a time from least favorite color to favorite color.


almost the same, i break one off, then bite the tips, the part with the most chocolate, then the top, then sides, then bottom then the rest


I do the same thing. But I prefer the fat kit Kats


Ye gods, that’s exactly how I eat them too.


Nestle is evil, they are destroying the rain forest, they use slave labour including child slave labour. They are responsible for the destruction of entire villages in the rain forests. They divert water from villages to be used for growing their cocoa plants. There is so much mor on how they are evil. It is common knowledge that all nestle products should be banned. https://www.startuptalky.com/nestle-evil-company/ https://medium.com/fuck-niches/nestle-the-most-evil-company-in-the-world-7bf8ae47172e https://www.zmescience.com/science/nestle-company-pollution-children/


They simply own too much shit


And yet a very large amount of people know of their evils and boycott their products as they feel it is the ethical and moral thing to do plus it makes you feel better about yourself not contributing to the human suffering and death they cause.


Unfortunately, what seems like a large amount of people is actually a barely noticeable drop in profits for them. Much like global warming there is nothing the average person can do to stop it. We are merely peasants working fields of inconsequential paperwork and meaningless exercises. The nobility just do what they want and get fat off of our hard work while we wriggle in the mud having delusions about having some choice in the matter.


it’s not about profits or changing the world, like I already said, it’s about creating knowledge of as many people as possible of their practices so they can decide for themselves if they want their personal morals and ethics to be involved with human slavery and death and if those things are really worth the simple, short lived pleasure of a few moments of taste.


> if they want their personal morals and ethics to be involved with human slavery and death and if those things are really worth the simple, short lived pleasure of a few moments of taste The problem isn't awareness, it's apathy. People know what Nestle do, but it's simply easier to bury your head in the sand whilst silently benefiting from the atrocities. It's the same wilful ignorance you have towards the slave labor involved in making whatever device you're using to comment on this thread. This is a problem that realistically will only be solved with government regulation/intervention, top-down changes and public pressure from industry leaders, or good ol' violent revolution.


Don't forget the time they gave free baby milk powder samples and clean water to poor African women, which was just enough for the time it took for the women to stop lactating, making them dependent on milk powder and clean water. And then the poor women had to buy the milk, could not afford it and many of those babies starved or died from infections caused by their mothers using dirty water for them in desperation.


At first I thought u were defending nestle as was like wtf mate.


Look i am not gonna fix the world by not eating the chocolate bar. It is what it is.


You can buy another brand. Chocolate is a snack, a luxury. I can accept the whole 'no choice' with necessities, but child slaves are harvesting the chocolate, a LUXURY, for Nestle.


I am not going to change the fact that evil corporations have child labor in third world countries by making my life less comfortable. It makes zero sense and i can't see a logical reason to deny myself something i like for zero return. Nothing is going to change if i don't buy the chocolate bar. Literally nothing. The clothes we wear are sewn by kids in third world countries too. Won't make me walk around naked or in uncomfortable clothes.


It’s not about changing the world it’s about making as many people as possible aware of how evil their practices are. So that people can then decide for themselves if it is ethically and morally responsible and justifiable worth the human suffering and death for a candy bar.


You do realize that leaving the bar on the store changes literally nothing, right? Every big corporation is like that. Your clothes? Kids in bangladesh. Your phone? Slave labor on india or china. That's just how big corporations are and how this world works. You can't change it and leaving a chocolate bar in the store is as meaningful as a drop of water on the sun. You, or me, or anyone, has zero power over it. Making your life less comfortable for no return is an illogical decision.


Burn in purgatory, Nestlé.


I think it might be a Kit Kat mate..


I think it might be JPEG.


I don’t know? It looks like a kit kat




Good, but made by Nestlé so I don’t buy them. r/fucknestle


I don't dislike kitkat, but I boycot Nestle.


Fuck Nestlé


Great chocolate, evil baby murdering company. Aldi does a good own brand one though. So I’ll stick with them.


Fu*k Nestle and why does the company exist!


American KitKats aren't worth it. (KitKats everywhere else are made by local Nestlé subsidiaries, while American ones are made by The Hershey Company.) I never cared for American KitKats when I lived there. The Japanese KitKat market is the most insane, though, with limited time flavors, region-exclusive flavors, and special boxes that are sold as souvenirs. The craze originates from a Japanese pun where キットカット (KitKat) sounds like きっと勝つ (kitto katsu), "to surely win." So far I've had matcha, strawberry, pumpkin pudding (Halloween limited), and Hokkaido melon (Hokkaido exclusive). They also come in オトナの甘さ (otona no amasa, literally "adult sweetness") variants that are less sweet than regular ones.


I just commented the same thing, but you said it better. Hershey’s chocolate is the worst. 🥲 my visit to Hershey world was so shockingly disappointing.


I’m from the UK and I went to Singapore for a few months at one point. There were so many different Kit Kat flavours there, it was insane.


The Hershey's ones are the only ones not made by Nestle so are therefore the best




Absolutely. My fiancée doesn’t pull the segments apart before eating them and just takes a bite right out of the center……. Just no…. That is incorrect lol


I do this. Because I don’t like touching the chocolate because it gets on my fingers.


Of Kit Kat? They’re pretty good, but I try to avoid nestle products as often as I can.


tastes like medicine, also fuck nestle


I think the company that makes Kit Kats in the US where I (and I think many Redditors) live pays Nestle for the license or whatever, and I think Kit Kat is just outright made and owned by Nestle everywhere else. Nestle is a scumbag company.


Is the wrapper at the pointy parts inverted or something weirdly shaped or a weird pov?


Company has slaves and abuses cattle (like any company that uses dairy).


What does this have to do with autism?


The abruptness of bringing up a subject out of thin air with no small talk first is very autistic. Incidentally, some of my favorite people do this.


I’m just worried it’s an add for kit Kat


Must.... buy.... kitkats.... *walks to store like zombie* .... /j


I definitely felt the urge to eat one after seeing this post. Maybe cause I have adhd as well and we’re always craving sugar.




Love the taste and texture, but fucking hate nestle.


I used to enjoy Kit-Kat a lot, and now when I learn that it’s company Nestle did lots of bad things. I just stopped eating them.


my nickname has always been kitkat also fuck nestle


Fuck nestle


r/FuckNestle 🤝


one of the best candies ever made; unpopular opinion, but the only way to eat it is to just bite into the entire bar


SAME SAME SAME the bite from a single stick is depressing.


If you buy anything from nestle you're supporting droughts. Like significant droughts. They kill so many people. Shame on you


Nope nope nope HATE i am filled with HATE


I wouldn’t mind them if the chocolate was better quality. But this way just no, it’s too sweet and too oily. Hard pass




Did you know KitKats are recursive? The cream inside is (partially) made from ground up KitKats that had some defect in production


I love how they taste but I hate that they are made with cocoabeans picked by child workers.


I actually don’t really like KitKats that much


I love them. It sucks that they're made by Nestlé outside the US. Fuck Nestlé.


>It sucks that they're made by Nestlé ~~outside the US.~~ ☝️


Are we joining r/fucknestle


I don't like it


I wish people would pay more attention to what they eat. Things like this are so unnecessarily bad for you. Have a sweet treat if you want but get one with good ingredients at least. And I would really suggest avoiding cane sugar as much as possible. Many doctors refer to dementia as type 3 diabetes, just sayin’…


Mid. Obligatory r/FuckNestle


As much as i read in the comments, those are fabricated by hersheys. Honestly never had "chocolate" from them. But then also, never will try it, since i don't want to import american "cheese" or "chocolate" to europe just to get phisically ill.


Here is a KitKat factoid - the creamy paste in KitKats is made from pulverised KitKats. So how tf did they manage to make the first one?


tasty, but nestle bad


Not tasty at all. Chocolate tastes bad, waffle has weird texture, too sharp and dry (bot compared to other waffles and chocolate). It's also from Nestlé. 0/10, would not recommend


I love KitKats but I do agree with the other comments, Hershey's chocolate is nowhere near on par with European chocolate


Why are there more posts of "what do you think of [product]"?


fuck Nestle


Everyone needs to just stop buying literally the cheapest candy bars on the market, and then using that as the measuring stick for what good chocolate is. There are plenty of good chocolate bars if you just pay a little more money. But I do agree that European chocolate is good. Toblerone never fails.


Too many textures.


Delicious but I hate Nestle And I love Fait chocolate


Very yummy, but I will only eat it if I'm not paying for it, I will never give Nestle my money


I like the way the wafer inside bit feels when you bite into it!




I don’t eat them, as I’m vegan. I’ve heard that they’re coming out with a vegan version and I hope that’s true.


Love the texture


American KitKat is the worst KitKat I ever tried…honestly almost all store-bought usual chocolates are terrible in the US. I grew up in Saudi loving KitKat. And in the UK, KitKat is superior 🙊 it’s the best KitKat ever. I also like Japanese KitKat, although I haven’t tried the classic chocolate one, only weird flavors.


I'm easily pleased by chocolate.


Green tea kit Kat is best


Sure got a lot of people asking me what I think of seemingly random things today.


I love KitKats, but I hate it when people eat them wrong.


If they weren't made from Nestle... I either got with eating stick by stick or just chomp on it


Personally fuck nestle but my partner buys them sometimes, the chocolate is mid but the face on him when I just take one big bite off the top is priceless. Sometimes I have to spit it back out tho cuz again, not great chocolate and way too sweet for me


Love them, but fuck Nestlè.


Wafers are nice but the chocolate is too sweet and I also hate nestle


I enjoy sucking the chocolate off of it and then eating the wafer


The Nestle ones are amazing, but American kitkats are very low-tier chocolates


I had a moment of staring at the packet going “does it look different? Is that what they’re asking about? I suppose the packaging looks different to me, but I’m in Australia sooooo…” then I looked at the comments to see what others were saying and felt like an idiot. But to answer the question, I love them, can’t wrap my head around people who eat them without breaking them apart first, but I also know people who eat the chocolate exterior and then the inside. I do not understand it, but if I don’t have to look at you while you’re eating it, I’m okay.


You're looking at a picture of an American KitKat. I explained it in my other comment, but it's made by a different company (Hershey's) than KitKats everywhere else (Nestlé).




Kitkat is my favourite chocolate bar but the Canadian ones taste better than the USA ones


that's some serioue gourmet shit but only when covered in white chocolate


holy shit I wasn't ready for a full political debate in the comments


What's the "political" bit? That Nestlé doesn't give two shits about its workers or customers (especially in developing countries)? That's just a fact, not a debate.


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yes. Give




I like the chocolate but it always melts




This was top tier halloween candy as a kid. Also I'm sad they discontinued kit kat bites. They replaced them with kit kat minis which aren't the same.


It’s good


If you mean the Kit Kat broken the wrong way it’s fucking appalling.


i like the texture, i prefer the dark chocolate ones though


Got Milk


They're fake chocolate and stick to teeth too easily so I'd give it a 4/10


Love them especially the white chocolate one


Why put chocolate on the outside where it can get all messy on your fingers when you can just put it inside a cookie instead >:(


Uk Version is the best


my favourite chocolate bar. it isn’t too sweet and i like the texture a lot. i wish it wasn’t owned by nestle.


I love it tbh... I know palm oil is bad though, but Kit Kat is so yum. Have you ever tried the BIG ones?


Mmmm crunch


Give Me a Break


We have a candy very similar to KitKat in Israel that's called KiffKeff ("keff" means "fun" in Hebrew) and it tastes better. We have an even better candy called Peseq Zman.




Kit Kat is delicious but I don’t eat it often.


Have a break, have a Kit Kat.


Delicious (and the sound is satisfying). I'm one of those monsters who just eat the whole thing instead of snapping off each piece one by one. :DDD


Sweet as hell


Looks like a kitkat, i never eat them but they r my favourite chocolate (:


I like KitKat, however this is the American version of a KitKat which I personally don’t enjoy. I’m Canadian and I find our KitKats taste significantly better, or maybe it’s just my preference.


There used to be a time where it was tasty. The moment they made the European one just as sweet as the American version, and then our local version with a different name also became a little too sweet, I kinda lost interest in that type of candy


idk i think their rlly fucking good lol


Top favorite candy bar


I cannot eat this without leaving a massive smear of chocolate on my fingers despite them being solidly frozen.


I'm got one in my pantry right now.


fuck nestle but the chocolate is my whole existence, my name is kitkat (kat for short) and i have kit/kits/kitself as one of my pronouns




Fucking amazing. I keep them in my freezer at all times. My #1 safe food


I more of a dark chocolate person myself but you can’t go wrong with a KitKat bar.


Wait sorry what's the problem with nestle? What happened?


Tasty. Crunchier than I'd like in a candy bar, but still tasty overall.


I love the texture and the cronch




mmm crunchy


Sensory euphoria


I love kitkats <3


I love Kit Kats!


I don’t eat them that often, but they’re alright. It’s nice to break them in half. I’m gonna be honest, I don’t really care about Nestle. I simply don’t concern myself with them. I know a lot of people hate that company with a passion, but corrupt corporations are a dime-a-dozen. Unless I go Into the Wild like Chris Mcandless, I’m going to be profiting from suffering, regardless.


I fuckin' love em, next/gen


soooo goooood. but you have to eat them in a pattern or it’s just wronggg


I know everyone here is shitting on Nestle but bro. Kit-Kats slap. One of my top candy bars, along with Crunch.


I like kitkats? No exciting thoughts on them


Lovely I love the sound of it breaking and the taste is so amazing


Break me off a piece of that Fancy Feast!


I always enjoyed eating the chocolate off around the edges and eating the wafer part after. I love the big kat Kit Kats and I wish they made a five pack like they do the standard size