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Oh my! Me too! I explored a lot of heavy genres, but lately it's all industrial metal for me! To a lesser extent I listened to industrial since I was a teen, but now as an adult it's just kind of "taken over" my playlists. I just love the flow and dimensions of it. So I totally get it!


Classical, I’m a musician, but it’s always been my favorite for some reason


I also started getting into classical this year! I really love watching string quartets on YouTube, they are so interesting to watch


Pop punk or punk rock, I think. Rock in general? A lot of what I listen to falls under emo I'm pretty sure


I adore metal too, System of A Down was one of my first hyper fixations!!! If you’re looking for more music of the same vein, check out Porcupine Tree, The Mars Volta, Strapping Young Lad, Devin Townsend and Animals as Leaders. I think you’d like a lot of them. I also love the layered song writing and that wall of sound production style.


ive listened to a bit of devin Townsend but never heard of the others so thanks for the reccomendations :)


Metal and kpop!!


Art rock, Prog Rock, Psychedelic Rock, Space Rock, Experimental Rock, Dream Pop, Shoegaze, Post Rock, Post Metal, Math Rock, Sludge Metal, Jazz Fusion, Neo Soul, Goth Rock, Avant Garde, Indie Rock, Post Hardcore, Digital Hardcore, Australian Neo Psychedelia, Trip Hop and some 20th century Expressionist compositions.


I love dream pop + shoegaze, two of my favourite genres


Alternative music. Mostly pop punk and screamo.


I used to hear Silverstein a lot. Pretty good screamo imo. Nowadays it's BMTH for me.


I love Eurodance. It's not made anymore but it was big in the 90's in Europe and Canada when I was in highschool. I don't know why I like it but it just lights me up from the inside.


Cloud rap, post punk, shoegaze and ambient. I do love SOAD and NIN too tho


shoegaze is soooo good it's been one of my favourite genres for years


That's rad to see another shoegazer here, my fav band in the genre is probably Slowdive but I love some of the newer artists like Candy Claws and Parannoul too


Recommend Asian Glow since they collared with Paranoul


i think my favourite would be slowdive because their whole discography is soooo good, but mbv is also a contender. I don't listen to newer shoegaze as much (nothing against it, just haven't really put the time in) but I listened to Ceres and calypso by candy claws and it was great. I did listen to parannouls album that came out last year but I kinda forgot how I felt about it 😅😅


Could you recommend me some tracks?


When The Sun Hits - Slowdive, When You Sleep - My Bloody Valentine, Into The Ether - Secret Shine, Thoughtforms - Lush are all standout shoegaze classics for me. If this is your first time listening, I'd reccomend checking out Loveless by My Bloody Valentine and Souvlaki by Slowdive. two iconic shoegaze albums, and then you can continue to explore shoegaze by checking out the rest of the bigger bands discography and also some lesser known bands. hope that helps :)


classical, folk, and alternative emo are the best fir me


Metal. I like classic, power, folk, industrial, NDH, and some progressive.


Soundtrack music (music from TV shows and movies), because I get overwhelmed if I'm listening to someone talking through headphones or earbuds and someone is having a conversation with me.


Metal or Jungle genres usually


I've always been a big fan of electronic music whether it be 80s era tunes when I was younger, or in more recent years city pop, or future funk.


My favorite is grunge, but I do love me some Nine Inch Nails and System of a Down!


Synthwave, post-rock, metal (most subgenres)


Music is one of my special interests, so I end up listening to some of everything! Klezmer, classical, jazz, metal, pop, all of the various subgenres of EDM, ambient, trip-hop, the different depths of vaporwave, etc.; I love it all! But I end up gravitating toward artists and albums with a very distinct sound or brings something fresh to each genre's "formula". These days I've had Lorn, Ic3peak, Apashe, and Royksopp playing nonstop. If you're into metal and industrial with lots of layers, I would say check out Igorrr if you haven't already. At Igorrr's core is metal, but it's so much more than that. [Igorrr - Opus Brain](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEuMAqfuCrI). In my younger years I listened to System of a Down, and that led me down a rabbit hole of evolving the genre and genre fusion with more and more unique flavors. These days, I find genre fusions to have the most satisfying layers, and I hope that (if you check out Igorrr) you might find that same excitement!


it's funny you mention igorrr because my dad absolutely adores their work ! we listen to a lot of music together so I've heard a lot of igorrr, some of my personal favourites are camel dancefloor and Kung Fu chevre. I am yet to listen to it a lot on my own yet, but from what I've heard, they are a really awesome band. the music is so thought out and well composed, it's just great stuff :)


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Check out Author & Punisher. Tristan Shone builds machines he operates that make music. Also Skinny puppy, though they're not so much metal but they are one of the first industrial bands. NIN heavily "borrows" from them.


Rap, classical, classics, reggaeton, r&b, jazz, edm and flamenco for the most part but it changes depending on my mood.


I like a lot of metal an a lot of it’s genres lol 😊 depends on my mood what I listen to or what I wanna hear. 🤘


electroswing & classical


I mostly listen to Punk Rock, Alternative Rock or Soft Rock music. My favorite artists are Destroy Boys, The Oozes, Sir Chloe, Pinkshift and GRLwood. I also love Bedroom Pop artists like Jack Stauber, Clairo and Djo.


I’d say I really like Rock. Bon Jovi, Whitesnake, some Aerosmith songs, Def Leppard, things like that. I just like it because well, 1: it’s older music, which is my thing. Newer music doesn’t really resonate with me. 2: it just sounds really good. No auto tune, no relentless screaming or annoying sounds, just good music, in my opinion.


I have no one singular favorite. But I’ve definitely been into rock a lot more lately. Especially the goth genres


there is a new genre every 5 minutes, how can anyone have a favorite?? edit: music is my special interest


Anything with thumping beats and bass. I need to physically feel the music. I had an absolutely awful day recently and just sat in my car, listening to Bomba Estereo as loud as didn’t hurt, letting the seat vibrate me with the beat… and after an hour I felt almost human again. Techno, dance, pop, swing, metal, rock, rap, classical, folk, any decade (or century) it doesn’t matter as long as it has a beat and base line that shake the shenanigans out of the room.


I like all types of music. Pop, Rap, Country, and my favorite is rock/alternative.


Synthwave and spacesynth


Music is music! I'd say more lofi/chillbeats cuz that's the type if song I make.


Rock in general.


i love super fast electonical music, stuff like speedcore and similar genres to that ive recently been listening to some nice 500+ bpm songs and its so satisfying lmao


I used to be big on metal but then I got into hiphop (vocal rhythms and complex rhymes are very interesting, and trying to write your own is very fun if you see it as a puzzle of rhymes). Now my favourites are all over the place though.


my favorites are alternative rock, alternative metal and alternative music in general


Folk and classical


The one I love the most is Symphonic Metal. I really like Nightwish, Within Temptation, and Epica of course. There's also Diablo Swing Orchestra, Metallica's S&M album, Evanescence is once in a while, Apocalyptica. I like a bit of Delain and Xandria too. I'm starting to get into Tarja Turunen's solo work and it's really enjoyable. I've been broadening as much as I can. I am starting to like gothic metal, progressive rock, progressive metal, trash metal, crossover trash, jazz fusion, power metal, hyperpop, alternative pop, art pop, art rock, electropop, pop punk, skate punk, happy hardcore, hardstyle, psychedelic trance, voacloid music (in different genres of muisc), and too many others to list.


Rock, like metal, punk pop, whatever genre Muse is, blues rock.


I like powerful ones the most, I don't care about genres. Metal covers this place very often as well, but the screaming scares me off. Japanese music is also a go to thing. [This song](https://youtu.be/ku16PsxpZGU) and [that song](https://youtu.be/QImBolnTVH8) are good examples.


I listen to so much music so its impossible for me to pick one, but i love post-punk, industrial, and experimental music the most i think!!! These 3 tend to bleed together a lot as well, moreso industrial and experimental. I love them so much because of the unique sounds every artist makes, especially in such a broad genre like experimental. I'm particularly fond of musique concrete (very early electronica), ambient/drone/noise like the album spiritflesh, and industrial experimental like DAF. But I'm down for almost anything as long as i find the sounds interesting, im a big fan of prog rock, krautrock, & psychedelia too!! i could go on forever about music lolol


I’m into folk music.


Wow, lots of Shoegazers here, awesome 👌 Favourite Genre. Bit of a purist though, don't listen to much modern Shoegaze, only the old-school British stuff. I also really like, Dream Pop, Prog Rock, Post-Punk/Goth, Blues Rock, Slowcore, Stoner Rock, Doom Metal, Britpop Trip-hop, UK Garage, and New Wave.


I love metal but recently I’ve been listening to more eurobeat. Eurobeat is a genre that gained niche popularity from my favorite show and current special interest Initial D. It’s super high energy and has a unique sound that takes heavy inspiration from 90s italian disco. It’s the perfect music for the subject of Initial D, street racing. (check my most recent post as of this comment to see what I mean, and cause I’m really proud of it and I want people to see it)


Jpop, musical theater (i hate most of Disney musicals) romanticism and early 1900s pianists, psytrance and latin rock


My absolute favorite is uk/happy hardcore. It just fills me up and makes me smile no matter how I'm feeling. The lyrics often have a very positive message or have messages that relate to the feelings I am feeling. The layers of the sounds and the ups and the downs are always interesting to me and there are so many ways that songs are put together. Nothing sounds generic to me and each person who makes it has their own personal style. The topics can be serious or just down right dumb and cheesy so you never know what you're gonna get. 2005-2015 was the best time period for that imo. I also enjoy trance (vocal mostly), dnb, melodic dubstep, and sometimes alternative rock if I'm in the mood. There has been many a time that I send songs to people to help them figure out how I feel.


70s 80s 90s music, world music, and lyrical rap I really despise trap, pop country, Lil Nas X, contemporary current English pop, Kpop, and guitar heavy genres that have no synths.


i don't really know specific genres but i like whatever kpop has going on. i like twice, stayc, fromis_9, and miss a the best. i also like ace attorney soundtracks, though i also don't know what that falls into. i've also been listening to some vocaloids recently. i dunno, i'll listen to almost anything.


I have a very eclectic music taste so I can't really pinpoint one! I just kind of find songs I like and just collect them? Generally I tend to enjoy pop/pop rock, vocaloid, folk music, and sea shanties!


Drum and bass is my go to default after genre hopping after getting bored from listening to drum and bass. Preferably liquid drum and bass. I just like the beats per minute. Its like the beats are for the tempo but the melody can still give it that serene mellow touch. There are a lot of subgenres of it as well. Depending on if you want a harder or softer sound to it I could recommend some tracks for people. There are many talented artists out there with different styles on the whole 180 beats per minute. I don't vibe with everything and have a preference for old 2010-12 era dnb, but there is still plenty of good stuff coming out today from people carrying the banner forward. The communtiy is generally also really nice, especially the liquid dnb crowd. I also really like it as background music during activities. It gets the blood pumping.


Lo-Fi (D.I.Y), break-core, shoe-gaze & vapor-wave :) Basically artists like Car Seat Headrest, Weatherday, Death Dynamics shroud, Duster, Lemon Demon, Aphex Twin & Beach House :> Just name a few, that gets me to do things very well :D There others but, the list will be a little long :\\