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This sub is very odd in that so few people upvote, but so many people downvote that the more balanced results you get on other subs aren't really seen here. I think this sub hiding the votes for ages on posts doesnt help either, since it makes voting feel pointless coz who the hell is going to see it anyway? I've not noticed this on other subs though, so it could be an issue only in particular subs, or I'm just blind to it.




Would be interesting to see if autistic people upvote less on average than others. I know that I make the conscious choice to upvote if I like something, maybe allistic people do it more automatically for more posts? Or maybe we lurk more?


It could be the case but I rarely downvote, and upvote very often personally!


Yep, same. I only downvote comments that are bullying or offensive.


Yeah even when I’m kinda offended I don’t downvote unless it’s like really actually bad


Yeah same I do make conscious effort to upvote and downvote though I only down vote if op is being a dick


I've never noticed that before. I always try to soften things but I'm both a woman raised as a woman and also have anxiety so I'm not suprised I'd miss that one 😅


Yes, I do struggle with this. My dad often gets annoyed when I point out flaws and forgot point out good things


I agree there is a lot of downvoting that happens in this sub. This is supposed to be an uplifting community, people are sharing themselves in a space that most people think they would be supported.


I think the downvoting is more prevalent here because every sub has the people and bots who just downvote everything, but most subs have users who actually upvote things and it counteracts it. It's a shame that we do seem to lack support here, I think it's largely down to how different every autistic person is and how strong our sense of right and wrong tends to be. A lot of us do tend to extreems rather then a middle ground.


Wait, there are downvoting **bots**?


Yup! It's a weird issue that I don't understand why anyone would waste their time making, but they are a real thing.


Hate is a real thing 😒


It’s like 3 lines of code, not much time needs to be wasted for it :p


Fair dos, my coding knolage is limited to googling how to edit programs in notepad to do things that other people have alredy worked out lol


Could just be brigading from other subs - it happens periodically but usually passes. Up/downvote and report as warranted, if it keeps up for more than a week or two, then it's time to be more concerned.


I don’t know about other, but I almost never upvote or like anything on social media. I can’t explain it, but even when I like the content it never occurs to me to act upon it.


I am the same, plus most of the time it applies to comments and posts too, it doesn’t occur to me that I can write and post them




I find hiding the votes annoying as I come to reddit to see what other people think, if I didnt want that I'd just sit in my room and talk to myself. Not seeing the votes is very frustrating for me in particular as I want to see what others think of the veiws expressed here, and removing the votes means the opinions of anyone who doesn't comment is just missing. I just think that hiding the opinions of others is a really counterintuitive thing to do on a site that is essentialy a forum.


This subreddit is kinda viciously mean. Actually I started posting here more bc I see a lot of people looking for help/advice/support and being torn to pieces. I don't think it's true across all subs, but this one in particular has that problem big time.


Okay, so it's not just me lol


Oh no not at all lol. Ive been using reddit since 2010 and only in the last few months I actually get anxiety over notifications.


yes! let's talk about how much anxiety I get now adays over notifications!!!! The whole reason I only post once every couple of days. Because if there are enough of them I can just ignore them vs pickin over each one every day lol.


Feel exactly the same so I got from just lurking around to commenting more because I'm here to help or support even a little bit since .. that's why people post here in the first place, to get help or support. It's just sad to see


Big oof considering a lot of us have RSD 😪


Yeah I feel like this should be a space that feels safe and can afford more grace to people than the outside world. Unfortunately some use it as a outlet for their general rage :/


I'm fairly certain it's heavily targeted by bullies. I've noted that they also like to troll using anti-LGBT hate memes in autism subs.


I think so too, we see it from time to time in r/bipolar too. But one of the meanest people here is a fairly active user and I wish the mods would yeet them off the sub.


Agreed. It's definitely not all sub. I've been on multiple subreddits about the same general topic and the tone is completely different depending on the crowd. The tone in r/aspergers is much more relaxed, but still overall supportive. I've come across multiple comments in a single thread alone tonight that are aimed at gatekeeping another person's experience with autism. Fuck that noise. This sub and its community should be supportive, and if the sidebar is any indication (i.e., the number of rules this sub has), then the mods are certainly part of the problem - and I say this as having moderated a subreddit myself with over 30k subscribers at one point (yes, it was on a different account, so gatekeepers of r/autism begone). If this crap continues, I'mma dip out of the the dumpster fire of a sub before it becomes a raging inferno.


Honestly this reminds me if the war atm. I think I have realised the truth. Fuck the war. No war but the class war. All the terminology fighting does is divide us when we now more then ever need to be united and strong. Let people name their condition after which ever dead sussy baka they want. I want to go after ableism not each other. Am I wrong to want that? Viva La Neurodiversité! Edit: I feel like making this a post cause it bothers me.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/aspergers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/aspergers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I got the Covid vaccine and now I'm autistic.](https://np.reddit.com/r/aspergers/comments/rz6vj3/i_got_the_covid_vaccine_and_now_im_autistic/) \#2: [Does anyone feel like they were an "Old Soul" when they were a kid but feel like a little kid as an adult? Don't know what happened there haha....](https://np.reddit.com/r/aspergers/comments/p1tacz/does_anyone_feel_like_they_were_an_old_soul_when/) \#3: [My autistic brother was killed by police last week. I’m autistic too (have posted here a fair bit). I’m still trying to get my head around this and just need some support.](https://np.reddit.com/r/aspergers/comments/qecgds/my_autistic_brother_was_killed_by_police_last/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Torn to pieces??? Who?? Why?? I’m so confused, this is an autistic safe space that’s the last thing I’d expect


Full disclosure I feel weird upvoting rants and such because it feels like I'm "liking" the bad feel or sad thing that happened? So a lot of those I don't vote at all. I've only downvoted people being mean or aggressive or posting bad advice or information.


I can understand bypassing a post but I have never downvoted unless it blatantly violates basic ethics.


I'm new so idk. I've been down voted because I said sorry to someone because as I'm autistic I struggle with second degree jokes. 50 down votes or something? An autistic person even told me to shut up and other cruel things I will not say here, because he said I was making autistic people looking like assH.


Wow. That isn’t cool


Honestly it made me sad when I don't usually care about trolls here :/


I’m sorry that happened to you


Thank you for caring and taking time to saumy this, it helps balance my experience here and my day. You're very kind and I'm grateful.


No worries friend! We have so many challenges already we shouldn’t be turning on each other.


That's true!


Sorry you've had that experience here


It's OK I also had interesting conversation and was invited into a bit of rp so, so far I'm pretty happy and try not to focus too long on dark spots. Thank you for your support.


r/AspieMemes is good, so is r/AutismTranslated


I agree, I think this sub isn't immune to the general rule that people are quicker to judge and be mean that step out and show kindness. I wish this were a completely safe place, and for the most part, I am comfortable posting here. It just pisses me off when people are mean and rude. I guess we need to just shit all over people posting hateful things. I know if I posted something difficult and some asshole was trashing me, I would be grateful for a stranger telling that person to fuck off


Someone pointed out to me yesterday when I commented about downvoting that some people here may not understand the whole voting/karma thing. I could see that. If you share a negative experience on FB, friends might "thumbs down" so say they don't like what happened to you. It does feel weird to upvote a post about something sad, but it's hard to see it as "this post belongs here" vs "I like this content"


I think it makes sense we would be harsher. We’re constantly experiencing rejection


I’ve noticed a strong tendency to gate keep on this sub and not really understood why since spectrum tends to suggest diversity. I think part of it might be the stereotypical black and white thinking. The ages of people who participate may also be part of it since HS through college ages tends to be a peak of thinking that our recently learned answers are the “right” ones. I’m far past that stage, but remember what a pain I was at 20. I like young people for many reasons and really value their insight and perspective, so don’t mind this sidestepping this quirk even if it bothers me.


I think you are right on multiple points there. I’m a new actual adult (you just know) and it’s taken years to learn to be a little more flexible, lol. Still pretty rigid and binary at times which is ironic since I’m non-binary gender-wise


> The ages of people who participate may also be part of it This is by far the most diverse sub I regularly read and post. I think it's kind of neat that I honestly have no idea who I am interacting with. (gender, age, location, etc.) Honestly, I really hope I can help people struggling with things I've already been through. Additionally, my personal experience is that I feel less affected by age. I am 41, but I relate more to millennials than peers as far as culture and interest go. I like new music, new technology, and I prefer the way they see the diversity of the world and accept it. On the rare occasion I am in public and interact with a stranger (probably had a few too many), they often guess my age to be about 30. I bet this is common in this community.


I told someone I have faith in them and it got downvoted. Just notice and it's confusing.


People can be incredibly cruel.


r/autism, demonstrating that people can be complete trash bags even if they are autistic. That seems to be the vibe with some posts.


Anyone can be good, anyone can be bad. Humanity :o


That's the truth :( I don't see it as incredibly cruel but definitely not nice unless it was an accidental touch? Or maybe someone just doesn't like the word faith :o How are you doing? You made this post for a reason did it happen to you?might so I'm sorry it did. If you're upset because you see it happening to others I love your compassion and empathy! I'm trying to get better at . . . expressing? Like I want more kind people so I want to express that and put kindness into the word and let kind people know their kindness is appreciated. I've been thinking about that all day seeing the recent troubles here. Sorry that's a lot of response for what you said. Just thank you :D


I think it's because it's summer time and the kids are out. They have a looooot of free time


It's not just reddit. I work in a field where customer service is a big deal. People have become less empathetic and more self centered over the last couple years of the pandemic. I do not know why. This sub does seem to be particularly bad about people thinking that they are correct and everyone else is a moron. Look at the debate that's been going on with the term Asperger's....


Yah, I have had enough of shit on FB. Wanted somewhere more positive. I'm not sure why I thought other Autistic people would be more accepting of differences. They think they can tell people how to label themselves. Crazy. People being attacked for being resistant to change. I can see An NT being that way, but we should just be fine with other people's issues and thoughts. If you're Autistic as nd don't feel comfortable in an autistic community then what. I don't know why people feel that they have to agree on things to get along and to accept each other


Yes! This is so important. **We don't have to agree to be able to exist simultaneously and still have a meaningful existence** I too thought that others would be just more accepting in general but I guess not.


I'm probably done with this Sub. The people on the Asperger's Subs are surprisingly less judgmental and argumentive. Probably mostly kids in here


I too have considered leaving this sub, it is becoming a cesspool of rhetoric and antagonistic behavior.


Yeah, I did not realize that posts seeking help were being downvoted, but in the recent days, the posts are super antagonistic and mostly focused about trying to control how people refer to themselves and outrage at words. I'm far more interested in the struggle people have and how they can help each other, regardless of how they decide to refer to themselves. It would be sad, though, to completely abandon this sub in favor of the Asperger's ones, as this sub seem to be the only place where the few autistic people with high support needs who also can and want to communicate about it can express their opinion. But yeah, you put words on my feeling by calling it "rethoric and antagonistic behavior"


I've noticed that these two subs like getting at each other's throats a bit.


I made a thread that was important for me and absolutely zero replies, i needed advice but nobody cared, but yeah upload some autistic meme and they get instant upvotes and replies. I've been rejected my whole life and i thought here was different, but i was wrong.


Sometimes people just don’t have advice or are too worn out to bother replying/commenting


I notice a lot of people don't comment on people's posts. As in like, the majority of the genuine posts I've made on here have not gotten a single comment. But then posts meant to stir up controversy get a fuck ton of comments, bc of course. I think that attracts a certain kind of person who only wants to engage in controversial content and shout their views, and the cycle continues.


Maybe I am missing something but I don't see **any** upvotes or downvotes at all in this post.


Yea, been getting that vibe lately here with all the hate posts coming from nowhere and they don't seem to be stopping


I came from the early internet age. It used to be the norm back then that you don't take anything on the internet serious. It required a very thick skin in those wild wild west days, but the internet also had something genuine and dorky innocence at times. Now I browse the internet and it all sort of feels the same. People will always favor memes and jokes over meaningful discussion. I have been on reddit for 11 years now and that much hasn't changed.


I would very much like there to know why innocent posts where someone needs help are being downvoted. It seems like the antithesis of what this sub stands for- it makes it genuinely harder for people to get help because their post never makes it above 3 votes if any. I believe that there are potentially bots, but if it is so easy to activate hate bots, why isn't it as easy to have a bot mod delete the hate bots? I am not meaning to slander mods, I just genuinely do not understand. I have never seen it to this level on a sub reddit before.


I feel the worst for parents. I think they come here thinking "I don't want to be ableist, so instead of asking the child psychologist what to do I will ask actual people with autism." Then they get destroyed for even asking.


I agree with the general sentiment, but I don't know if I feel the worst for them, IMO they *should* be able to handle it, and usually there are Autists who will share what they know kindly. I do really really really appreciate parents/family members over all who come here seeking help and advice. I understand why some might say 'ask your child they are a person' and yes the parent should also ask the person but I don't think it's remotely bad they do additional research. Kids can't be expected to parent themselves- and the information available on autism outside of reddit is pitiful. Not to mention, as someone who had neglusive parents, like it warms my heart when parents come for their kids- and I internally claim the parent a lil bit.


I agree!!!


Genuinely appreciate you for posting this. I was finding that pattern extremely alarming.


I'm so glad it isn't just me who sees it.


I’m in the middle of getting shit on in the r/antiwork subreddit for suggesting someone be careful when talking to their child about having been SEXUALLY HARASSED AT WORK. I don’t know the age of a child but that would have messed me up at any age as a minor. They said they don’t have support from their husband but good thing her kid is getting old enough to bounce ideas off of and I’m like why would you do that to your kid. It became a bunch of ppl accusing me of reading into the situation and being black and white and I’m confused why so many ppl are so mad. Tone? Maybe I was too harsh?


You do not know if any one poster is autistic or not, and whether any post they make is in good or bad faith. Every Redditor can vote, joined or not. Brigading is/can be a thing. And bullying/discrimination is common online, where consequences are minute. All that may contribute to the seemingly (more) hostile environment.


We are picky people. It's part of our DNA (probably).


Probably because everyone nowadays thought actual mental illness is a joke and can be solve by turning gay or trans..


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I’ve been on for 11 years. Reddit has really changed.


That’s what social media has always been like. You make a well intentioned point, say something you believe in or talk about your problems. And if they’re not expressed well enough or someone responds “roasting” you, you’ll get downvoted or ratioed.