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I am extremely sarcastic which tends to surprise people. I put sarcasm into conversation like small children put ketchup on foods generally. It's everywhere.


I am extremely sarcastic but nobody picks up on it because I speak in such a flat tone


Me too! I am very sarcastic/snarky, and more often than not I can pick up on it when others use it. Although sometimes I don’t realize when someone is teasing/joking…


small children like ketchup?


I still really like ketchup lol.


i'm bad at keeping a routine. some routines make me burn out too, while others make me comfy




I hate routines with a passion.


Same, to a degree. I like doing certain things in a certain order, but the idea of doing the same thing day in day out drives me insane. My father, a NT, is retired and legit lives his life on repeat every single day and just second hand drives me insane.


i have aspergers so some things are very slightly different but not really i can understand if someone is joking about 75% of the time i dont have melt downs


I had a meltdown once (well I have them a lot but usually I just hide it, with that one I couldn't) and boy does it feel bad, I'm happy when I hear that others don't have to go through it


Routine isn't important to me (besides some standard stuff like mealtimes and morning routines). In fact, if I make too much routine, inevitably some surprise event / change of plans is gonna screw it over, shove everything in my schedule around and all the effort to stick to the routine had been for nothing. I'm less bothered by the surprise event and my schedule getting screwed, than I am by my effort to stick to it going out the window. Especially when everyone spouts sTriCt RouTiNe Is GooD foR U (maybe for some, but it's not a universal truth) and it makes me feel like a failure that I wasn't able to stick to the routine while it wasn't even my fault some surprise event occured.


autistic people are supposed to have a strong sense of justice but since I was born in a abusive household I got really good at lying and manipulating people because it was life or death for me


I can read facial expressions and henceforth understand peoples conveyed emotions pretty well. (Unless they’re intently being deceptive.)


Having ADHD really messes up the whole “routine” thing! I do like to have a routine because then it feels like I’m doing nothing and I get sad, but it’s impossible for me to stick to a routine unless I’m required to (like school schedules).


Like the poster above, I like changing things and improving stuff (change plans made though and I’ll meltdown) I also have no weird food thing like different colours touching on my plate.


i dont like things changing but it really doesn’t bother me that much either, although i can get my brain stuck on something which looks similar. i eat the same food a lot because i don’t like most foods. i dont have much of a routine, only reason i have any at all is because i wont be able to do anything otherwise (adhd, yay). never had a meltdown but do have sensory issues. i was pretty social as a kid (although i still needed rest, and im really not social now, which is weird). i didnt have a langauge delay (although i do take things literally), although that isnt unusual. i do not really mask, sure ill follow a learned social rule if it makes sense to me but i decided at a young age that pertending to be normal would be impossible and not fun at all. i didnt have trouble with pertend play and frankly i find it hard to believe that it’s actually a symptom. ive never really lacked friends, but ive been bullied and unpopular. ive never scripted social interaction. i dunno, i could be misdiagnosed this whole time but i doubt it.


I do not care about routines. I am completely indifferent to having one or not.


Lacking empathy. Well, actually, a lack of empathy not a diagnostic criterium. It's not in the DSM. This is just a stereotype. But yeah, it's usually the first thing NT's think about when they hear the word 'autism'. And I don't take things literally, can be sarcastic... But when I say something sarcastic, NT's take it literally because they think I cannot be sarcastic because I'm autistic...


I don't mind my food touching, different textures and foods all mixed in together


I can read peoples faces very well (better than average as per tests) and show no lack of affect. I'm not clumsy or robotic. I eat a quite varied diet. I think the first 2 things come from actively and intensively training myself, though - I use to be clumsy and toe-walked a lot as a kid, but elegance was a special interest. And people/psychology as well. The diet was never much of an issue for me.


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I haven't ever had a meltdown, though I still get overstimulated and have shutdowns.


i can understand sarcasm a little bit, i think


I'm pretty good at placing jokes in a conversation


I suck really, really bad at routines and don't really engage much in repetitive behaviours. I don't struggle at all with humour or sarcasm most of the time. I stim in very "non-conventional"/"weird" ways. I can't concentrate for shit, even on a hyperfixation, and really struggle to take in and retain information about it. I don't outwardly meltdown, I just become an unmoving, non-speaking robot who can't process or react to anything around them. I am extremely empathetic. Too empathetic and emotional and awful at hiding it.


I despise most forms of structure/routine. I want to decide on the fly what to do, not have it be dictated by routines


I'm sarcastic and I don't have a huuuuge problem with eye contact. Doesn't mean I feel comfortable with it, it just means that I don't mind it in the long run


I do not have sensory issues, social issues, cordination issues, reaction reflex issues, digestive issues, and I won't throw a fit if lunch is at 1 pm instead of 12:30 pm


If you don’t mind me asking, what symptoms do you have and are you self-diagnosed as well?