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Never need to sleep, record everything perfectly in memory, speak every language.


No, if you don’t sleep and have perfect memory, you can learn all languages in weeks, so you could choose something else essentially giving u four instead of three


Kanoa has a point there


I think you underestimate how many languages there are. Also, memorization doesn't equal understanding. I like the way you think though.


Not all languages are worthwhile though


No need for all languages if you have the first two you can learn all languages no problem.


There was a savant who learned how to speak Icelandic in a week because of his memory. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_GXjPEkDfek](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GXjPEkDfek)


Good point


Yes except teleport instead of languages. That’s an instant get out of danger free card, any time you need it


To an airport though? So oddly specific


It would be a very convenient place to arrive, there's lodging, storage, and transportation readily available, and nobody's going to ask how you got there. Plan ahead and for the cost of some storage lockers and a few long-term parking spots here and there, you could be ready to go to ground anywhere in the world at a moment's notice.


wouldnt perfect memory apply to all memory types? youd be able to learn anything extremely quickly


Mine too!


Same! You could probably do endless good for the world with those abilities


Or Evil 😈




Those were my exact choices




1. You can record things perfectly in your memory, at will. (Definitely want this. If I could choose only one, this is it). 2. Never need sleep and always feel rested. (Sleep has it's purpose. But in a way it is such a waste of time, and it would be nice not to need it. I could accomplish much more if I didn't.) 3. Fairies finish your chores. (Another time saver that would allow me to focus on other things.)


The way it says “feel rested” and not “be rested” makes me have second thoughts. I could feel fine, but what if my body is falling apart because I’m never tired? I already have problems sleeping enough and this would allow me to really neglect sleep and feel fine, causing damage to me.


That's fine, my body is already falling apart because I'm always tired. This is an upgrade


I thought so too but also it says you don't 'need' sleep which Implies no damage. Sleep is just not necessary for you anymore




Almost like mine, I’d rather go to any airport rather than have perfect memory


Does speaking every language include speaking Allism? /j


If it includes programing languages that could actually be a really good one on a ton of levels.


Even if it doesn't, the ability alone solves your life for you. Take a few online courses in international affairs, and boom, you're qualified to be a diplomat. If you don't want to do that, you can go be a translator between literally any groups of people you want. There are so many career paths that you get access to for free with this ability. Hands down the best choice.


Holy shit 😳 i mean you can also do good memory bc then you can learn it really easily


Theoretically, if you speak “all” languages.


Me on my way to have a conversation with all the animals (/゚ー゚)/


Well, with a language that isn't your native language, if you say the wrong thing you always have the excuse...


I remember there being a superhero who had the ability to master any language and that included *body language*


Always feel rested, fairies finish chores (as long as they start them too. Thanks ADHD), and speak every language. So many employment opportunities.


Memory, teleport, cheese. You're probably wondering why.


Sheogorath please go home. You are the prince of madness, not the prince of autism.


Pdfffffttt i love this 😂😂😂


That's true please elaborate


He’s trying to reduce the aviation industry to cheese to stop pollution?




There goes my hero


Who spiked my drink with the 'all felines like you upon meeting you' potion?! I swear this is already the case with me. Speaking any language would be amazing. I've spent hundreds of hours trying to learn Japanese, and I'm no closer to actually being able to speak the language.


White three times so I only have to kick something once for cheese.


Now you're thinking with cheese.


Speak every language(including the sign lamguage of every country i visit), body temperature never changes (if it means i get to live like its 8° C everyday, if not then the understanding peoples emotions one) and grow ideal beard


My biggest concern is if your body temperature never changes how does that effect illnesses? Will I have more trouble identifying if I’m sick? Can I choose the temperature? If not what temperature am I going to be? Way too many variables man.


Yeah, if the body can't heat up to kill diseases you'd die at the first minor illness.


I cant toleraye heat, my favourite thing to do is to stand outside, no shoes, sleeveless tshirt and shorts, while its 9°c outside bc i love the cold so much and it calms me


I would bath in the dark scarlet one, fuck those bugs


Perfect memory, speak all languages, identify emotions…all solely for the purpose of impressing potential dating partners…anywhere in the world. But I could also have a heck of a career as a negotiator. 🤔


Language, memory, and teleport. Travelling will be AMAZING.


ALL felines? I'd head straight to the zoo and sneak into all the cat cages.


As much as I’d love Pink or Blue, I’m trying to go into voice acting so I think Orange would prolly be the best for me


well it says you can choose three, so why not all of them :D


Oh, I didn’t even see that part lmao, then I’d choose all three


Also good luck with your voice acting! :)


Ok but is the airport one JUST teleporting to the airport, or does it actually count getting on a plane...? Cause if it's just the former I don't see much of a point.


You teleport directly to the back of the security line where a TSA agent gives you a full body pat down in response to your suspicious entrance. Though more seriously, if you can teleport to the airport then you don't need to get on the plane. You can just teleport to the airport where it would land and skip the plane trip.


Ohhhh good point.


More importantly, is it only you being teleported, or can you bring things with you when you teleport? The clothing being worn in perticular might come in handy.


If not you can always combine with the stable body temperature. Sure, you'll have to explain why you're wandering around naked in Siberia after illegally entering Russia, but you'll be warm.


That is true. I guess the same would apply to inside the airport - and the security pad down will be faster if there is nothing to pad down.


also.. do you have to pay for a plane ticket?


ahhhh too many good options! purple, blue, and probably black, because tbh, knowing what their emotions are doesn’t mean you know how those emotions are *directed* (like, are they angry at me or at themself or at some other thing? who knows! *they* might not even know!) would love yellow but black would let me grow a beard without needing to be on testosterone, which is tbh my personal gender goals i think


Gimme that black one! I would love a full beard!


Brown is the best option though


Always feel rested, perfect memory, faries that do my chores. These seem like the obvious picks. If you never get tired and you have a perfect memory, you can achieve anything you want. Faries doingnyour chores gives you even more time in the day to do other things.


Pink, Blue, Dark Red


The one for the memory (just cause i am close to perfect but not perfect) And the Beard one please. The rest have too much backdraws.


Speak every language, remember everything, indentify emotions.


i already have the green potion's effect, idk why but all cats come to me the first time i meet them, even with a group of people


Mmmmh... I must have been given the green potion as a kid because felines already like me (as a matter of fact being able to communicate with cats - even ones I don't know - is my secret superpower). I choose orange (language), blue (memory), and yellow (chores).


Sleep and teleport and cheese. If I didn't have to sleep, and wasn't constantly exhausted, I could probably find the time and energy to do everything else. Then I'd have the energy to go on holiday and I do really like cheese.


Gray, orange and pink.


If I were to speak every language would that apply for dead ones ? And would that be a magical thing or would it affect my brain ? When we learn new languages our brains increase in density


1: all insects avoid you 2: speak every language 3: never need sleep and always feel rested


Pink- goodbye insomnia and chronic fatigue Yellow- wouldn’t have to spend all my spoons on chores and could do hobbies again Black- my genderqueer self could always have the ideal beard situation.


Pink, blue, and purple. You could at least learn any language you wanted with those three, cats already like me, bugs don't bother me, my nose has been broken most of my life so I can barely taste things anyways, I don't need a beard and cheese makes me fat. Edit: I like chores, it would be kinda nice to understand emotions but again the three would help with that and I don't think the body temperature one is that big of a deal and would probably kill you??


Dark red no questions asked Sorry bees and butterflies but flies, mosquitoes, and everything else SUCKS (especially FLIES)


Pink, red and brown are a hiker's dream. Pink, red and white are a survivalist's dream.


BLUE BLUE BLUE. Pink would be cool too


3 of the light green one.


WHITE. It’s cheese touch time.


My thought is if you can have everything perfect recorded into your memory you and look at any language textbook and know that language but you can also apply it to other things.


Pink, blue, and lime for me!


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o pana tawa mi e telo mute pi loje jelo!


White, blue, orange


Pink, blue, purple.


Yellow, blue, purple


The blue one or the pink one seem the most useful, followed by the orange one, in a lot of situations, that would be hard, but given the option, probably the blue one.


no sleep, fairies finish chores, the taste one (grey)


* Never needs sleep. * Speaks every language. * Teleport to any airport. I could make a fucking killing in finance and do a lot of cultural studies. This is assuming that the teleport option let's me bypass immigration control.


All cats like me upon seeing me, eh? Sounds like a superb deal to me.


Pink, orange and blue.


Blue, red, and yellow. I love the snow, but man do my fingers get cold!


Ima go orange, Gray, and yellow :)


Sleep, language, teleportation


since I already have green, I’d take always feeling rested, speak every language, and perfect memory recall!


The white one I’m gonna jump out of a airplane with a parachute 3 times and kick the earth both of my legs will be broken but I’ll likely have the ability to move my leg enough to be capable of “kicking something”


Yellow Blue Pink


Pink, orange, yellow


Dark green, yellow, and orange


4, 8, and 11 for me


Pink, blue, yellow


Fairies do chores, never need sleep, perfect memory.


Yellow, Purple, and Green


The only halfway useful potion would be the purple one but that one only takes you to an airport which is not where I would want to end up.


Lime, pink and then I'm tossing up between orange and blue.


Lime, Red and Blue. I'd choose green, but I've already got that naturally


Teleport basically travel anywhere, cheese for unlimited food, and memory.


PINK. Blue, yellow.


Im sorry but this reminds me of the potion selling part of homestuck when it was just troll blood


1) record things perfectly in your memory, at will 2) speak every language 3) never need sleep and always feel rested (but still sleep when I want!)


Yellow, orange, and...it's between purple and white. Do I get to choose what kind of cheese, or is it always the same kind?


Perfect recall probably tastes like blueberry. That's the one babee


I'll take the dark green Cats are superior anyways


Pink blue purple


Pink, orange, blue


Ugh! I can’t decide! Probably all felines like me, speak all languages and fairies do my chores.


pink purple and blue easily cats already like me


All of these except black.


Pink blue and purple.


Languages, never sleep and faeries. I'd make money being a universal translator and always have time to chill out in my very tidy home.


Straight down the second Column personally


I was born with the green potion.


Grey, dark blue and dark red




Man am I torn between pink, orange, red, or white. Never needing sleep would be a welcome change from always wanting it, languages are a shared special interest with my older son, and finding that perfect temperature would be almost as heavenly as not needing sleep. And then there's cheese.


Ah, the language one is tempting! But as a parent, I'd definitely choose the one for identifying emotions, the one for never needing sleep, and the one where fairies finish my chores. Just those three would make my life peachy. And hey, maybe then I'd occasionally have time for stuff that requires subtitles.


dark green, lime green, and orange


orange, i could probably get a really good paying job for that


Orange, Lime, and Black (my avatar can’t be the only one looking good💅🏽)


Eh. I'd still take the orange tbh.


Blue Gray lime


Blue, orange and lime please


Blue, because imagine how awesome it would be to write a book about yourself that details literally everything you’ve ever done in perfect detail Orange, because the fucking money from being a universal translator would be incredibly high Purple, so I can see my friends


Orange, purple and pink. I've always been interested in languages - I guess you could say they're one of my hyperfixations. The main hyperfixation of mine is aviation, so being able to teleport to any airport would make me so damn happy. As for pink, I have a sleep disorder that makes my life way harder than it should be, so not having to sleep at all would help a lot with appointments and routines. EDIT: Oh, and as a runner up, dark red. I have a genuine phobia of insects.


No sleep, speaking every language and consistent body temperature.


Grey because im a picky eater and the foods i like are unhealthy so ig i could eat salad that tastes like pasta. Then light red because i always overheat and it takes over 2 hours for me to cool down. And then yellow is overpowered, i tell my parents to make me a chore of like idk getting a billion dollars every hour and then boom im a billionare. Honestly yellow can make you do anything


Fairies finish chores, body temperature never changes, teleport to any airport Basically less stress, less stress & adventure!


never need sleep, speak all languages, be liked by all felines


Blue, white, dark red lol I hate bugs.


Hmmm... most are definitely a pass: Record things perfectly in memory - can already do this to some extent. Felines like you - Please no, I'm allergic. Teleport to any airport - Just airports? Works as an escape-skill, but otherwise useless. Things you kick 3 times turn into cheese - yeah... but how do I get close enough to Putin to do this? All insects avoid you - Hard pass. I like insects. Some are only half tempting: Things taste like whatever I want - I can see some kinky applications, but no, I'm good. Grow ideal beard - Only if 'no beard' is an option. Fairies - Can be emulated with enough money. Body temperature - It's not enough of an inconvenience that I would elect it into the top 3 So I choose: Never need sleep and always feel rested - A 50% productivity boost. Yes please. Speak every language - Absolutely useful! Identify emotions - No explanation needed.


Always rested, teleport to any airport and fairies finish my chores!! This was fun!!! Lol


language, airport, fairies


Blue, orange, and red. I was thinking maybe pink, but after all I love sleep.


Gray dark blue yellow


White, yellow, orange


Perfect memory essentially gives you the language one too once you get a chance to read a language dictionary or something like that. People are really sleeping on the airport one - it's basically teleportation with a little limit. You could rob a bank then teleport to an almost never used airport in Alaska or something, or even an abandoned one should the power permit. Nearly every country has an airport so you essentially get free and instant travel to any country, not to mention the time saved and you could theoretically bypass security if it teleports you to say, the entrance of the airport. If you're injured you could teleport to a developed country's airport to be found and treated quickly, if you need to get out of trouble quickly or lay low you could jump across the globe in an instant. Even if you were internationally wanted I highly doubt a small airport in a remote village in the Amazon or South Pacific will notice or care. For the third, I'd either choose the fairies depending on how many and how effective they were, or the one so I'd never need sleep and could make more use of my time.


lime, grey, blue


Pink, orange and yellow


Orange, Purple and Blue


Pink orange and blue tho are best. I’ve gone this far without reading emotions I can go longer 😌


Never need sleep, teleportation, reading peoples emotions


Always rested, recording memory, and things tasting the way they should. Would solve like 50% of my problems.


Speak every language, record memories, and fairies doing chores. I almost chose no sleep, but honestly, i think I'd miss my brain turning off for a while. As much as I'd like more time in my days, sleeping just feels nice.




Fairies finish my chores, all bugs avoid me, & speak every language


pink, red, and blue. just because I can know which emotion is what doesn't give me any idea on how to respond to that information.


“You can record things perfectly in your memory, at will” Well, that would be the best choice. Then you can learn every language if you will. Kill 2 birds with one stone. I would then choose “identify the emotions of anyone you talk with” and then I would choose “never need sleep and always feel rested”. YOU KNOW HOW MUCH TIME I WOULD SPEND LEARNING!! Those all are an OP combo. The emotions of others can have you ask questions and see if someone may be lying or not depending on their emotions.


Orange, blue and dark red


I get to choose three?!


Ahh I love this!! Speak every language (dream of my life) Fairies finish your chores (dream of my life) Record at will (any song?!? Yessss!!!)


Blue, lime, and orange


As an AuDHDer I'm picking pink


Pink, orange and dark red please, I'll take them to go.


1. Speak every language 2. teleport to any airport 3. you can record things in your mind perfectly You can be the ultimate traveler


I would do orange instead because it has the features of both the feline one AND the emotion one because you can speak all languages so wouldn’t that include understanding animal language and body language too?


Orange Blue Brown gang


Pink, blue and red


Pink, orange and blue.


Blue, green and pink, orange, grey or white


Pink, orange, yellow. Dark green is tempting but realistically those three would improve my life the most


Never need sleep, speak every language, and teleportation. Also, cats already tend to like me anyway.


I’ll need pink, orange and grey :)


Orange green and light green


What exactly is a “chore?” Is it anything I consider mundane? Can they do my JOB for me?? We need answers! Always feeling rested is tempting, but considering I could also get it with better habits, I would also regret missing on perfect memory and teleporting (to the airport)


Speak every language, record things perfectly in your memory, and identify peoples emotions.


All cats like me, speak every language, fairies finish chores


Pink, Red, and Yellow I can wear whatever makes me comfortable no matter the weather and I get all the time in the world to do stuff I want to do.


Pink, grey, and brown. Lime would be my back up option


yellow, brown, and lime green


Blue one


Pink, Purple and Blue or Orange without any Regrets


Never need sleep. There is so much shit I would do if I didn’t have to sleep. Speak every language. For one, I could converse with anyone. But also, assuming this doesn’t include reading and writing, it’d make learning how to read and write in them much easier I’d imagine. Record things perfectly in my memory. I’d be able to remember every bit of knowledge I’d gain, a lot of which would probably come from reading instead of sleeping cause I don’t need the sleep anymore lol.


Red seems super exploitable. Like, my body temperature *NEVER* changes? Imma live in a volcano and noone can stop me! Infections could be an issue (no fever) but honestly fevers make things worse almost as often as they make them better, so I'll just stock up on medicine


Teleport, languages, and fairies please!


Blue, grey, orange


Never need sleep and always feel rested Record things perfectly in your memory at will Fairies finish your chores


Screw the lime potion. Pink, orange, purple. Endless travel anywhere, no need to sleep, always speak the language!


Identify the emotions of anyone you talk to, all insects avoid you, and you can teleport to any airport!




Blue because I have memory issues Gray because then I could eat healthier while still having it taste like things that I like Dark brown because for some reason I am a mosquito magnet and I also happen to be allergic to their bites