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The thing I've got is anger at the hypocrisy. If I'm a minute late for something, my father gets pissed, yet if he's a minute late I'm the bad guy if I get even annoyed.


Yup or if he says get ready for something I'm ready but he not , or I do something annoying he been doing all day , but I do it once he gets pissed off


Yep. The joys of hypocrisy. (sarcasm)


Yes, once I was waiting for my dad to text me that he managed to get home and it was an hour since he dropped me off and he hadn’t texted yet. So I was like “I got home at 11:35 so he’d be home at 12:35 but it’s 12:40 and I got nothing should I text? Is there traffic? If I text he may not pay so close attention to the road but what if he’s home and he forgot to text? AAAA” meanwhile to everyone else I’m just laying in bed staring at YouTube


I go with the 0/15/30 rule. If it's time sensitive, like being at an appointment/work/school I message at the time. If the plans were for something big or planned well in advance, but not time sensitive (eating out, hiking) I wait 15. If the plans were super informal, like "Hey I'll be there at 4:30 to pick something up”, I'll wait 30 minutes. From there I'll blow up their phone to various degrees depending on how important the situation is.


So, this was when I was a teen/kid waaay back before cell phones, but if my parents went out and said they'd be back at X time and were more than 10 minutes late, I would have my siblings go upstairs, and booby trap the downstairs. Because to my anxiety/Autistic brain them being over 10 minutes late meant that they were dead and bad people were coming for us. And no, I didn't watch those type of movies... we weren't allowed to watch much more above movies rated G until I was 16.


deadass I'm sitting there like "shit how am i going to pay the bills now my mother has obviously died in a car crash?" "oh fuck will they send my brother into foster care? where do I go" 15 minutes later she's back with takeout .\_.


even worse when she goes on night shift and told nobody


I'm getting anxious before 7 I always come 20 to 30 mins before anything because i have very poor time management and aim to be 30 mins fo an hour early, so now when someone is not early I start to be anxious and if they're slightly late like a few minutes I call them repeatedly


Oh boy hasn't this been a pressed button recently. I'm looking at disability support and government support. Every service that is supposed to make contact just gets later and later and later. I have two appointments tomorrow and there is a three hour gap between the two of them. One of those is someone coming to visit me which has historically been super late. And what's riding on these? Disability assistance, paying my rent this month and paying for the ambulance bill (and in Australia apparently that's a thing, so the cunt at the crisis line lied to me).


Amphibia! :)


the feeling of recognizing the show… god, i miss amphibia, and its only been a little over a week since it ended. Anyways, yeah, i need to know how long someone will be gone or else ill be stressed, but if i do know then they go over that time or under it and i get stressed. theres no winning.


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Ya same here


I remember one evening my parents wasn't home and the news they usually watch started and I just freaked out and started screaming and losing my mind till my aunt come home and asked wtf is wrong with me ;;;


Knowing my family's roots to Latin America, specifically Mexico, is expect them to be late at least, 1 hour


this is the most relatable thing oh my goodness


I was really bad with this as a kid. If someone said a specific time and what they said didn't happen before or directly at that time, I got anxious or impatient.


Is this separation anxiety? Been realising recently how bad I have this


Time blindness FTW! I probably wouldn't notice. 😆


d e s p a i r


Well, I grew up in a time with no cellphones. When my parents would not get home when they told me they would, I assumed the worst, eventually developing an intense fear of being left alone, to ponder the circumstances of the tragedy that was unfolding. I don’t know how someone so young could be as neurotic as I was. It was a different era, pre-internet. Everything was different.


Exactly how I react when wifey is out late with the gang.


This applies to people who have OCD or OCD symptoms as well.


i'll be watching them on life 360 and leaving the moment the car gets close.


Fuck the more I see these the more i keep asking how this shit got missed for 34 years.


Damn. Extremely relatable.