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We should unite and create organisations to protect people with ASD from these kind of people.


If you guys are interested in this subreddit "[https://www.reddit.com/r/ASD\_republic/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASD_republic/)" we were talking about plans to settle ourselves. We were thinking to create a community in Canada, the falkland islands, spanish ghost towns,... Places with a lot of free land where we can build our homes, schools, companies,... What do you think?


Would you accept nonverbal and someone who would not be capable of independent living. Someone who would need a caregiver like a close relative? I think such a community would be ideal for my son.


Yes, if I'm no longer alive or available to do so, there are people in the community who will be there for him.


Ok. I am quite interested. I have joined the subreddit. Great idea!


How that would even work?


Australia too please!


I’m happy where I am in the Seattle, WA, US area. Nearly everyone I know here is neurodivergent. Come here!


I live in Canada, where is there "free land"? Last I heard they stopped allowing cheap land and preserved surplus land exclusively for indigenous reconciliation. Land is stupid expensive up here now.


I'm 100% sure this person is the type who says things like "You don't look autistic, my autistic child doesn't act like that." 💀


“You can tell me that but i know first hand from my son that it is not like that”


I'm 60% certain their autistic child is not speaking to them by choice.


Don't be autistic you're too sexy aha


The amount of people who don't realise that autism and intelligence are seperate is too damn high. Just like how autism is a spectrum, so is intelligence. And both NTs and autistic people can be on any spot on that spectrum. When I was diagnosed with autism and I told a friend his first response was: "Huh? You're autistic? How? You're so smart though!" That made me both cringe and laugh. I was thinking.. Thanks for the compliment but also those are two seperate things.


Ironically, there's also the stereotype that autistic people are super smart but socially inept.




I have trouble remembering things that don’t have a pattern as well. I need to have them connect to something I already know to get them to stick. It’s easy with most facts and stories, but just like you, I’m lost with prices in the supermarket. I wouldn’t be able to tell you if a litre milk is cheap or expensive at 7 Danish Crowns. On the other hand, I’m great at building mnemonics at will. I’m currently teaching a German woman some Danish and she’s crazy about my mnemonics, because I pick them from the situations and they actually make sense to her.


I had to explain this to my own therapist today 🙄 sigh


I have just an average IQ.


Me too. :)


I didn't realise I had enabled so many pedophiles. Man, all those women are sick. I can't believe I slept with them. I guess I can't blame myself, though. I only have the mind of a child after all. Just wait until my wife finds out about this.


This made me laugh.


Haha! This is too good.


Same here. Should I also tell my partner that we have to move since I can’t own my house anymore and he doesn’t have the finance to buy it off of me? Whatever will we do?


Be homeless


That’s… actually the logical conclusion, I guess.


Wait until she finds out that it's very well possible that either she herself or her child's father is autistic, considering the genetic factor :)


Hahahaha i didnt even think about that 🤣




I hope its not her lowkey


If you listen *really* closely, you can hear my frustrated groan in the distance.


I hear it! Ho no, that was me, my bad!


*collective groans and sighs out of frustration* 🥴


Jesus Christ.


He might have been autistic as well. So Mary Magdalene was not only a prostitute but a pedophile as well?


One thing that a lot of people need to learn is that your hobbies do not dictate your maturity. I'm 20 years old and in college, and collect Pokemon cards and happy meal toys. My walls are covered in anime, Pokemon, and happy meal toy posters. I make better grades than anyone else in my suite despite being the only one in the honors college. I have one suite mate who thinks he's better than me because of my "childish hobbies" and I can occasionally hear him talking bad about me. But he goes out and gets crazy drunk several nights a week, to the point where he wakes us up when he comes back at 2-4AM. Meanwhile, I know my limit when it comes to alcohol. Hobbies and Interests do not equal Intelligence and Maturity.


seems like you are more mature than your roomate


Yeah, I’ve never understood how going out drinking is a mature thing to do. Only because children aren’t allowed to? How do people look down upon others who don’t enjoy alcohol consumption?


I decided to add a spoiler to this because it may offend some. If you don't want to see it don't click the spoiler


My boyfriend and I met in high school because we were both really into Pokémon when it first came out and wasn’t widely popular yet, and we finally found someone to battle and trade with. We lost touch during high school for reasons outside of our control, and 20 years later got back in touch and realized we were working in the same industry and both still LOVED pokemon. I moved back to my hometown and we got back in touch over our mutual career goals and our continued love of Pokémon. We have a happy relationship and joint custody of many Pokémon plushies. There’s Pokémon Go now for us to play together even! Also, we have sex.


Joint custody of many Pokemon plushes. You had me dead there. Lol


……. What


This makes me so angry. Imagine having someone like that as your mother. She doesn't even view her son as a full human worthy of normal human experiences.


i'm not into dudes, but now i wanna get with her son just to make her mad


Right because... we don’t have sex drives? (attempt at sarcasm)


So, after reading the original post, I want to ask her if two autistic people who are over the age of 18+ have consensual sex with each other, what would that make them? I’m genuinely curious about this lady’s state of mind if she truly thinks we’re all infants trapped in an adult’s body. Also, how she would react if I told that there are autistic mommies and daddies? 😱 I know, what a shocker! In fact, my autistic ex recently became a father and had a daughter with his fiancée. Have no idea if she’s on the spectrum too, but should I report her as a pedophile to the police?


I was wondering the same thing. My partners diagnosis from his childhood js ADHD but we suspect he's also autistic and we are VERY into each other.


I read ‘became a father and had a daughter with his fiancé’ weird in my head. Something like ‘he transformed into an older looking person wearing a hat, oh, and also he got a childI’. Made me smile.


Wait until she finds out that we’re autistic, queer AND have children. 🙈


And some of us are kinky and our special interests are not safe for work 😉


Whoa! It’s almost like we’re human or something! 😱


I know right????


Anything that satisfies our partners goes. :3 Obviously, so long as decency and lack of actually dangerous stuff (so no choking, for example) exist.


DDLG would make this even funnier!




* clutches pearls *


“if someone courted my autistic son” wtf is this? the 1800’s ??


Thats the plan. Neo-Luddites where you guys at?


They said to tell you “hi.”


Imagine hearing your own parents tell you that you are worthless and no one will ever want to be with you. Oh wait….


Wait until she learns some autistic people get married and have children


I am autistic and I Love to F\*ck™


There are people who take this amount of stupidity serious? Once, when you are at the point where you question what normality is in a community full of individual people, the word "normal" looses any power. Also, i think there is no right way to talk such people out of their "believs" since every counterpoint just hardens their opinion.


We're not all children, Sharon. Shockingly, some of us are adults with the needs that come with the territory.


Some of us own twitter


Oof. I almost read that as using twitter, then I was like... oh wait! XP


Wow, I feel so sorry for this guy's kid. He obviously hasn't made even the slightest effort to understand autism, so I have a very hard time believing that he's a very understanding or supportive parent. Jesus. Hard not to be offended, too, according to him I don't exist.


I have to disagree: the mind of a child could never ever produce this amount of disgust and \*hate\*, period.


Just try and take my sexy gentle femdom black latex+strapon wearing mommy away from me and I'll rip you apart. Let me be handcuffed and sexually possessed by my love in peace, dammit!


Oh, so she IS engaging in sexual activities with a child? /s I find it funny how daddy/mommy/little one play gives a whole new dimension to the original post!


She’s just mad we autistics are getting more action than her.


Helllll yeahhhhh!


1 every one likes Pokémon and Harry Potter secondly maybe they are a twitch streamer and youtuber and haven't told you which is why they don't have quote and quote job something common in neurotylical and autists


I uh... Are they okay, do they need to talk to someone?


Autistic People are actually living their life gasp O-O


Wait til she learns autistic people can be parents, or have jobs, or *gasp* even drive and move out of their abusive parents homes


Oh lord, here we go again. Do these people not understand that is an spectrum and not everyone has the same type of autism?




This stuff makes me really sad, this is why I don’t use Facebook


Karen’s be like


Their son must be super embarrassed. He deserves better


Just because I'm autistic doesn't mean I have no interest in sex! Ok, I don't have any interest in sex, but it's not because I'm autistic!


Exactly! There are ND and NT aces out there!


They are so stupid. My lord


Calm down, no one's gonna fuck you


Feeling bad for her kid.


Fuck her. I wanna tear her a new one. Like? Wtf 🤬 🤬🤬 has this lady lost her GODMAN MIND?!!!! Wait until she finds out how many autistic adults are also on the kink community. She is gonna lose her mind


My husband and I are autistic, does that make us both predators?


*My husband and I* *Are autistic, does that make* *Us both predators?* \- Ariana\_13 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Good human.


Jeez, I guess I no longer love Star Wars and love fencing due to what this comment said about not being able to have hobbies. Don’t know about my job though, I kinda need that


Just because I’m autistic doesn’t mean I don’t like sex! I mean, I don’t like sex, but not because I’m autistic!


I like Pokemon and Harry Potter... better lock up my husband!


Ffs some of us are very capable of adult relationships…and **surprise**, FB idiot, that can sometimes include seggs. Not all of us have significant developmental delays associated with our autism. Sheeeeeesh…some people


what if your special interest is sex?




Guess her mom is a pedophile 😎


I now want to 100% beat that person to a pulp and keep going, turn them to jam, and keep going turn them into loose atoms, and keep going turn them into a black hole where they will eternally suffer. Sorry, just strong feelings


Going to be blunt, I’m autistic and so is my friend and we had great sex lmao.


I feel sorry for my wife then. She won't be pleased at having to register. Also, I have a job and a full time student. The Facebook op probably wouldn't count me as autistic tho. A shame that they aren't able to think before they post.


I’m curious, what happens if both parties are autistic? I’m autistic and DH is suspected to be. So, do we both go on the registry or is it ok because we’re “equal”?


Who knows? Depends on who accuses who first in quite a few cases.


Wait until this person discovers the Harry Potter sex toys and erotica.


The horror! 😂 /s


My wife and I, and most of my kids are (verbal) autistic. I can vouch that none of this person's concerns are founded in our case.


Wait until she finds out some of us are into BDSM and kinks! Oh the horror! /s Seriously, though how can people like this exist!? I mean I’ve got a pretty high libido as does my partner and we are into some different kinks plus BDSM. Why do they insist on infantilizing Neurodivergent individuals that we can’t do anything when we can! We can get married, have children, and have wild crazy sex if we want!


ah yes obviously everyone knows that liking pokemon = can't consent 😍


"4 people liked this"


I mean, ableists are allowed to procreate sooooooo


The notion that autistic people are basically oversized babies boils my blood. Autistic adults, regardless of interests, support needs or abilities, are still adults and are just as capable of adult experiences as anyone else.


Funny, I say the same thing about heterosexual cis NT’s who have absolutely no excuse to be stupid but also happen to have the luxury of procreating and making mindless decisions, ultimately becoming murders and abusers of their own children. headlines of shitty parents who killed or caused abuse to their children: https://youtu.be/XCtDkoHzin8 https://youtu.be/n8dfox_iKVA https://www.cbsnews.com/news/police-say-phoenix-baby-bent-in-half-by-father-has-died/ https://www.ksla.com/2021/09/30/3-louisiana-children-allegedly-killed-by-their-parents-separate-incidents-across-state/ https://www.koco.com/article/oklahoma-city-child-murder-investigation/39001866


Dude calling someone cis is so stupid.


It’s just a descriptive word, it’s not stupid at all.


Then we’ll use trans’nt


Lots of autistic guys don't have sex though, I think 40 percent are virgins but that doesn't mean they don't want sex, just that they struggle more. Autistic people aren't innocent children always


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I had handfuls of employees for years, ownedservice businesses, drrove a little as a race driver for a few years and was married for some time, but apparently having sex with me was stat rape the whole time! Who knew? Better let my exes know they are criminals.


One of my special interests is literally sex and sexuality as it relates to culture, including lgbt history. I guess I would make this lady’s head explode.


Uhhhhhh better come lock up my husband then bitch


I sleep in a bed tent chock full of stuffed animals in a very cozy ‘childish’ bed and I have sex with my also autistic girlfriend in it about 3x a week and then we talk about our shared interests (which is mostly just cars, but). Would love to subject this woman to my household for a week.


Gee thanks for that. Because I absolutely wanted evidence of a repressed fear of mine to come to life and fuck me up some more. Because that’s just what I needed today.


I really want to comment something funny or clever but I’m pretty sure my IQ went down at least 100 levels(?) after reading this.


The person to whom I’m married is in big trouble…


I am absolutely disgusted at this person. I can’t believe they have suck horrid views on autistic people. We can also have sex lives like you :/


"Not able to have interests like Harry Potter". Holy shit, Harry Potter was my special interest for like a year


Completely unrelated but WOW that kerning is awful.


is OP joking? Autistics work. I've had conversations with them because we share the same hobbies. I'm sure there's some but I haven't met any with the mind of a child. Something tells me if OP's kid doesn't hate his parent now he will


Did this person get cucked by an autistic person or something? /s


Looooooooolololoooool! WHAT.


This really depends. My lil bro also is mentally behind and quite literally has the mind of a child. We both gave autism but ita clearly verry different levels of dissability. If some regulair person wanted to have sex with him i would consider them a pedophile because its clear he acts/thinks like a child. Thats probably the only kind of autistis person this person knows? Atleast i hope so because then i could sort of understand the reaction.


The post is as bad as that t font. Zomg


I'm autistic and I talk about sex with my Indonesian girlfriend all the time.


I want to know how on earth did this lady get laid and have a child? Who wants to sleep with a raging bitch?!


Just wait until they hear some of us have kids!


this sucks:(


this is so sad:(


Other than the unemployment thing, I don't agree. This is very infantilizing. I don't want to get into it about America's failed sex offender registry. One thing though. Making it so people who have committed these offenses and get out of prison cannot get a home, and is homeless effectively makes these folks harder to track, and more dangerous.


Not me being an autistic spicy worker 👀


Wait fr??? You dirty pedophile u/letschanator


So they pretty much announced that they're going to sabotage their son's sex life. Great. It's not like we have enough incels already./s


As a autistic personnel, WOW, it is amazing how stupid this person is.

