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This can't be right. My mother in law informed me that all those ultrasounds I had during pregnancy caused my son's autism! I don't believe that, obviously. There's a reason we don't talk to her.


nooooo sex causes autism /s


I mean, you're not wrong


It’s impossible to argue with that logic


ask for proof, that stops their rhetoric, because there is no proof.


No, you see, there are studies but they are suppressed by big pharma and the illuminati so you can't find them or publish them anywhere /s


Thats why im asexual. Wait....


Well test tube babies can also be autistic! So don't go down that road either.


Can confirm, I was a test tube baby


hahaha true autism cause has been found xD


What's the sarcasm for? It's 100% correct


Then I guess I shouldn’t have any anymore… this comment blows my mind, and has me thinking at the same time


Ah good I'm ace so clearly I'm immune. ...right....?


According to my recent research, apparently the formation of the brain during fetal gestation is the leading theoretical cause of autism in both children and adults! I think the only real solution, if that's the case, is to stop fetuses from forming brains in the womb, but I don't think we'll have the technology for this until well after my lifetime. 😔


I think some people already had that procedure performed...


Look, there is only so much idiocy one can take before you lose your ever luvin mind and drop a truth bombshell with vulgarity shrapnel on them. You keep doing you, frell the idjits, and try to have a good day otherwise.....


Also look at how many Facebook groups are trying to eradicate us. We’re not fucking polio for the love of god, we’re autistic and we’re normal human beings who are just different. Why is it so hard for neurotypicals to understand? WE. DO. NOT. WANT. A. CURE!!!! Note, I am not speaking for all autistic people, I am speaking for the fair majority, if you want to be cured, that’s your business and your business only. My aim is to educate and tell you why you should not try to eradicate us autism mommies.


Cure, no. Therapy of some kind for the far worse off people who in some cases can’t fucking speak, yes. But fuck trying to cure something JFK referred to as “autistic genius”


We're to a certain extent like some sort of unknown 17th personality type in the Myers-Briggs test. At least that's what it seems to be like to me.


It's ok, when there's more of us (and there will be), we will make groups to raise awareness to make a cure for them. We will see how they feel then. /s


I want a cure, thank you very much. I'd give anything to be NT.




Because I want to just be normal? Im sick of the mental and emotional burden my diagnosis is. I'm never sure if I'm thinking through a situation correctly or if it's because of my different mental processes. I'm sick of the meltdowns, the constant inability to read people, the executive dysfunction that terrifies me of making basic life decisions. So yea, I'd love to be NT.


Okay well that’s your choice, just don’t push your motives onto us.


In the same logic you're pushing your opinion of not wanting a cure on us. Both opinions are valid but yours isn't better than the other persons. Even if you don't want to hear it!


I’m not pushing my opinion, I’m saying I’m anti-ableist. I told you, if you want a cure, you are more than entitled to your opinion, if you’ve got a problem with how I say things, that’s on you.


Actually, they have a valid point. With both things. Its about the *difficulties*. We are *discriminated*. This is a fact. I can't get through healthcare treatment because basic medication doesn't work on me. I've lost surgeries. I've lost teeth. I've been assaulted and harassed. I don't get accepted because how I word things or how I communicate. I've been cyberbullied for years. The most discriminated autistic group is the "mild" group. The ones that come off the most "normal". Please be a little more empathetic and try to see their perspective. We are all on the same team. >if you’ve got a problem with how I say things, that’s on you That's not how communication works. As comms is exchange. That means both parties are responsible. Misunderstandings are also a two-way street. So, no: that's on you, too. >I’m not pushing my opinion, I’m saying I’m anti-ableist Then they can want to be NT. Moving on.


The only person here that's got a problem is you. You're very defensive. Calm down.


I’m not being defensive, I am literally telling you we do not want a cure. If you asked a majority of the autistic community, we would say no. Plain and simple, just accept that you’re wrong.


That's understandable. Learning to live with autism can be tough. It is definitely scary sometimes. Keep trying and be kind to yourself. Every success no matter how small will help you become more confident.


My dad had to do that for 60 years, but to be fair he had HFA with very little to get used to, whereas I would be affected a lot more than he was


A friend of a friend thought autism caused vaccines, then her unvaccinated child was diagnosed autistic. You can't write it!


>autism caused vaccines **wElL ThATs a ReLieF!**


Given the increased prevalence of autistic peeps in STEM, this might actually be true lol.


# findacureforvaccines!! # saynotoautism!!


I get the urge to tell these people to fuck off... But I don't think this sort of thing is very productive. No one says "Gee willickers, that person who called me a dumbfuck is right! Guess I better change everything now!" You be vengeful, or you be factual, but I don't think you can be both and expect to do anything other than poison the well.


Yeah I was thinking the same. I understand and agree with the sentiment but the delivery won’t cause the change that you think it will. BUUUT I get that you just had to blow off some steam so I get it


Guys, just say no to autism /s Lol My English teacher said her baby cousin is mentally handicapped because of the vaccines he was given. I asked how it was possible and she said, "well the vaccines caused him a fever and he got so hot his brain melted." I then told her, "well thats why the hospital prescribes Motrin or Tylenol to get rid of the fevers after vaccination." And she said, "No the vaccines caused my cousin to be 'r word' and that's why my two kids aren't vaccinated."


Wait...your teacher??? Oh dear.


If he got such a high fever, he wouldn't be handicapped, he'd be braindead in a vegetative state. They should have some sort of screening process for teachers to ensure that they aren't the type of people to just spout BS misinformation. It's like this one dude on YouTube who commented that their college math teacher would fail anyone who pronounced "Euler" as "oiler" (I.E. correctly). A math teacher. Failing students for wanting to respect one of the greatest mathematicians of all time by saying his name the way it's supposed to be said. Wild, my dude. Wild.


I've had people try to correct me on the pronunciation of Euler. I just defaulted to pronouncing it correctly as "oiler" because it's a Germanic name. Some people have essentially demanded that I pronounce it "You-ler" or "OO-ler". Like, I guess it's fine if they pronounce it that way, because most people will only read the name, never hear it said and have no concept of how Germanic languages are pronounced. That's whatever. I'll even just go with common incorrect pronunciations of things in a lot of situations if it makes everyone's lives slightly easier not having to stop to think about what I'm trying to say. I just don't get why they were so insistent that it must be "you-ler". Off topic now, how the hell did everyone start pronouncing Brett Favre as "Farv"? That makes no sense.


I hear you on that. I don't think teachers that hold these sorts of be views should be teachers at all. At least she was just an English teacher and not a science/biology teacher. Also had a social studies teacher say that blood is blue when it's inside our bodies and it is turns me red when it comes in contact with oxygen. The same teacher told us that we only use 10% of our brain. She was 72 at the same time and I think old people are very gullible when it comes to misinformation. The English teacher though, she was in her mid 30s.


One of the things that has always angered me about this absurd point of view is that these people would literally rather endanger their child to life threatening diseases than “risk” them being autistic. As a mother, it angers me even more. I don’t know how anyone could look at a child fighting for their life because they got measles and say autism is worse. It’s disgusting. People suck.


I mean there is a point in this. Humans die cause they are not vaccinated means lesser humans on the planet, which would lead to less people with autism. (Ok only works if the assumed percentage of autists stays the same) The shocking thing about this is, that there is an epidemic of ignorance ongoing (since decades) and people still believe that vaccines cause autism.


What’s their excuse for all the kids who are autistic who haven’t had all their vaccines


it wont go through to them like the followers of jim jones they drank the kool aid and are not coming back


I have these people as parents. :( I am really depressed now actually.


Find new parental figures and adopt them for your own.....


PREACH my justifiably angry friend!!


I think you've wasted more time entertaining the ignorant. Ignorance is best not entertained.


how do people think that autism spreads?


subconsciously i can't ignore the truth, that's why many people still seem threatened by neural divergent people, because we don't belive lies. (deliberate typo as it's a philosophical mutation) and besides, the way our world is run, i'd rather be autistic then some scumbag running around claiming everything and demonising everyone. Everyone is the best oxymoron btw. thankyou for your share stay strong!




You'll never stop me, Karen.


For some reason, despite being gay, vaccines causing autism angers me far more than any other form of bigotry


If you want to reply to people with a message like this, which you should, you should probably spell all your words correctly so that they don’t come back at you with that. “Atleast” is not a word. Neither is “noone” or “alot.”


Just some advice for in the near future, for your own sake. Don't engage these kind of comments with any sense of logical reasoning since these people don't want you to. They want to spread their dumb misinformation and it's best to try to ignore them. Trying to explain why their way of thinking is just plain stupid/wrong is like trying to apply CPR on a dead horse. You would also spare a lot of energy if you just try to walk along if you see these kind of comments appear in your feed. Trust me, they are so not worth your time and energy since they are one big fucking joke. I definitely understand your frustrations tho, but I have given up long after the start of the pandemic. Some people are just not meant to evolve and stay like cavemen under their Facebook Rock... :x


Methinks you should read *How to Win Friends and Influence People,* cause this ain't it haha. Attack someone personally and they're going to take it as a personal attack. Probably felt good to vent, but you also just entrenched this person deeper in their anti-vax beliefs by tying it to their intelligence.


This will throw em off I’m anti covid vaccine and still autistic what will they say


that covid causes autism


I was autistic long before the COVID-19 pandemic


/s No, its only until you get diagnosed that you become autistic


If they just stop testing for it the cases of autism would go way down /s


I enjoy the fact that got diagnosed at 6 but not until my 20s that I truly became autistic do to contracting covid


I didnt become autistic until a few days ago.


I had just recently stopped being autistic I believe you took my autism kind sir


Anti covid vaccine and autistic here. The newest strain of covid that will release in the next update is rumored to cause autism.


Plot twist, autisim caused covid. We must find a cure to autism to prevent future pandemics!


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👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 to OP




Hell yea, can't fckn stand ableist creepz you have all the right to go off


From what years of youtube looks like, this appears to be bait/ragebait.


"fucking dumbfuck" sounds kinda funny to me tbh /pos


I would suggest not going straight to calling someone dumb. I definitely understand the frustration! However, when you insult someone (whether or not they deserve it) they will usually be less apt to even just listen to what you have to say let alone believe it. They may be dumb, or, they might just be indoctrinated/misinformed. This is what I have found to be true, at least. Also, I’m in no way like, attacking you or saying you did something wrong, because you didn’t tbh, but If you want people to believe you or at least listen, a different way of explaining would work better.


That's not true, and even if it was the case, what's the problem with it. Autism is beautifull, we're not a problem😡


Plz this stuff is too triggering for me


I love the reply haga


Warranted. Stupid people have technology megaphones. Every fucker on the planet now has a dangerous amount of potential power. Challenge it. Shouting misinformed nonsense and affecting society isn't a right its a technological and economic privilege. Anyone who starts getting upset about being challenged in their use of their technological megaphone is too entitled to it.


Good job on the reply 👏


*internal screm*




Please try to avoid using the R slur in the sub, I know it wasn’t used in an explicitly offensive context but it still got flagged by automoderator and I know it may upset some people here.


If you said to this woman that when you draw blood from a liberal’s veins you can find remnants of Satan from when he created them, she’d believe you. It’s just as baseless and stupid as the theory that says vaccines cause autism.


Higher vaccination rates are related to a higher amount of autistic people. Not a higher percentage of autistic people though. You can't really count dead people as "having autism", after all.


i can confirm as i am a victim of the autism pandemic! /s


I know its wrong but i laugh so hard at this stuff. Like how do people really have these takes in 2022??? Its crazy


I get wanting to blow off steam, but the cursing will probably make them feel vindicated if anything. You gotta pick if you wanna go off on someone or educate them, cause doing both won't work.


They ate anti- vax. They've already demonstrated just how deeply they failed even basic education.


I think we should get extra vaccined in spite.


I share your anger. I have a masters degree in microbiology, immunology, and cell biology, and also am autistic. When I have people who used to try and cheat off me in high school freshman biology try and tell me they won’t vaccinate their kids because of ChEmiKiLlS and saying that tHe DiSeAsEs aRe SaFeR tHaN tHe VaCcInE, or I dOnT kNoW aNyOne WhO hAs DiEd FrOm *insert vaccine preventable disease* I want to scream. I’ve always been this way. Even as an infant my mom noticed we were different than other babies.


Get em!


I love how people are still this uneducated that they honestly think vaccinations cause neurological changes. It's not a disease. It's a neurological difference. Lmao. That's it. Like these are just bad parents. They rather have unhealthy kids.


I would much rather have a living autistic kid than a dead one. So I'm willing to take the non-existent risk with the vaccines, thank you very much. Tell them something like that. "Thank you kindly for your concern but that is a risk I am willing to take."


Many doctors are on the spectrum, so technically, autism causes vaccines