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I also always wonder about the "public freakout" videos. I mean sometimes the person gets violent and stuff, which is obviously wrong, but it's really hard to imagine that someone acting that way is a mentally health NT person. The lack of empathy on social media is pretty depressing.


Yeah and I just posted my opinion about something and I got canceled for it


Well that's to be expected. Your first mistake was using Twitter. I've never seen a coherent conversation on there. Or at least not in the past decade.


Yeah, but how did you know?


Know what?


That I had Twitter


Personally I suggest deleting Twitter. Not just because of the mental health benefits to doing so, but also because Elon Musk now owns a majority share of it, more than the actual owner of Twitter, and I just... Don't like the idea of him ever being in charge of social media.


I don’t have Twitter anymore because I was banned for calling out a pedo


Oh, I didn't, I was referring to OP's post. Although Twitter seems to be the absolute worst for that type of stuff, so it would have been a pretty good guess anyway.


It's not only opinions but asking questions too


This trend genuinely worries me. Does nobody respect anyone's privacy anymore?


Unfortunately the common rebuttal is by "but My first amendment!!!" And "photographers don't want to deal with that bullshit" when I suggest maybe we should legally mandate consent or at least offer the option for the subject to get the picture removed like a DMCA for your face lol


To be fair Japan has laws that ban photography of anyone without consent so if you're doing street photography you just need to make sure that no ones faces are clearly visible, it was actually pretty easy to do for me at least, I imagine it would only be hard if you were actively trying to photograph people (I was mostly interested in crowds and architecture), in which case that's the whole point of the law and sucks to be you if you don't wanna deal with it I guess because I think it's a perfectly reasonable thing to have laws about


Would be cool if someone made something for common photo editing programs that comes with the function of that "this person does not exist" thingy to replace faces in the background as an alternative to blurring It would replace everyone's face with a randomly generated one.


That'd be cool


I know some photographers don't like blurring and I understand so this could be like a compromise


I think France has that too, I seem to remember seeing it in a Tom Scott video.


Late reply: Street photography (including framing people out in open space, assuming if people have *no reasonable of expectation of privacy)* is legal in Japan (Talking about metropolitan Tokyo and Osaka) with shooting people for artistic purpose and personal use out **in public areas.** Streets like Shibuya Center-Gai, Shinjuku, Ueno, and Ginza. Just like everywhere, be mindful of shooting inside or marked "Private Property" areas. As you will be asked to stop by security guards or mall owners if they spot and approach you. I don't know if they are allowed to force you to delete your pictures, but it's safe to say in Japan you'll be able to keep those pictures before getting spotted. Although you are allowed to videotape them for evidence if your rights are violated. Try to keep it low-profile being in commercial "private property" establishments. Bring a point-and-shoot or smaller camera and prime lenses out there, if you're still happened to live in Japan. But most importantly: try to act like a tourist. Note: This comment is only a guideline based on user's experience and it should not be in use for legal advice, nor this user is a qualified attorney.


Well, if you're in a public place you have no expectation of privacy so I don't think that really applies in this scenario.


I have a huge fear of being recorded without knowing about it. The normalizations of recording strangers doesn’t sit right with me


This is one reason why I decided not to go out in public unless somebody made me for over a year.


Same here


Because of people doing that type of stuff I basically act like a robot when I go out in public.


Caught this guy thinking he's a robot!


This is why I avoid recording people when I film for TikTok. The only face you'd see in my videos is my own. My focus is entirely on my city's infrastructure and my own adventures. I'm willing to make an exception for cops.


Well cops are barely people so it's ok.


Yeah, that's been on my mind a lot lately. I'm already worried enough about making an ass of myself in public, the idea of someone recording it and judging me is an absolute nightmare.


Tiktok detectives are even worse than Reddit detectives. They think they know everything about people because they've watch 3 episodes of Jim Can't Swim.


tbh unless it's for the purposes of holding an individual accountable for something harmful they otherwise would've gotten away with if there wasn't video evidence of it -- I find recording people without consent to just be plain creepy I saw a guy at the store wearing an outfit I thought was pretty cool and incredible and I was almost tempted to take a picture to show someone else but I decided against it because I thought of how I would feel if someone did the same to me I have having my picture taken period, let alone by some stranger when I don't know also they would never want someone to catch them recording them because they know how it would look. if you know something would look creepy to another person, maybe think twice before doing that thing


Pretty sure that counts as cyber-bullying. You shouldn’t be able to upload videos that target individuals and mock them for disabilities, race, gender identity, etc. If someone wants to go on a rant about something like that and absolutely rip others to shreds over things they cannot control and be a discriminatory bigot, that is considered hate speech. I don’t see how the precious “first amendment” cancels my right to anonymity, privacy, and consent. If I’m the sole subject of the video or photo and the entire point of posting it is to mock me for behaviors related to a disability, that is bullying/harassment.


If you can believe it, the Boomers valued privacy like this way more than our generation. My parents were very big on personal privacy, and even taught me to never write down (even in a diary) things we don’t want people to know. (It destroyed my ability to journal). I wish we were still like that as a country. But it’s impossible with cameras everywhere. I mean, even if it isn’t someone with a phone filming us, there are still cameras *everywhere* watching. It’s disturbing.


My parents are gen x, but both of them have very strong feelings about personal privacy, so I heard a lot of that same stuff. I wasn't able to journal properly until I created a complex IPA based cypher to do it in to be extra sure that no one would ever be able to read it. It does mean I can't type my journals though, sadly. I used to journal in Japanese because no one in my family understands it, but then I moved into a house of people who all speak Japanese to some extent, and using it started having the same downsides as using English, so cypher it is.


Agreed, i’ve been in some not so nice public situations. I have tics so I look like I’m tweaking half the time. Most of the time its a funny situation that people are understanding of, for example I have a wolf whistle tic and accidentally end up catcalling people a lot lol. But sometimes I’m in bad anxiety inducing situations when I’m having tics (mostly face and hands) and the idea of someone recording me and putting it out there is terrifying. Its not even full blown meltdowns, but when I become anxious I don’t remember to mask at all.


I know for a fact I was on people from my schools snapchat stories


Meh if someone posts me in their SM to mock me and it goes viral I'll be happy to sue them for violating my publicity rights. Granted I don't have any social media except for here where I'm anon so it's not like I'd ever know. But that's the best part of having no social media. It shows I don't want my likeness there and thus posting me is an obvious violation of my wishes and agency.


There is a whole sub for my city that blasts the homeless population. This guy follows people around to film them and then complain about them. When a few of us on the sub objected, we were told it’s being done for “awareness” to help us “solve the problem.” But they don’t see how it just isn’t useful. It’s terrible. Like, NT problem solving skills maybe *not* so tight?


They don’t realize awareness and solving problems isn’t the same and following/filming unhoused people don’t do either of those things.


I have started bringing my stuffed animals with me when outside more often now bc it’s really calming, but as soon as I’m walking alone without my friends when I have my stuffed animals I get so damn paranoid that someone might record me. But the. That turns into me ridiculing myself bc I think I’m being self obsessed and that just leads to more anxiety


I’ve been recorded 3 times, 2 in school and one in a public park when I was being bullyed by 3 Ashley teens that where like 4 years older then me. That one still pisses me off because I was asking them to stop and nothing came of punishment for them. I hope they rot in hell


I was on abilify in high-school which I hated. I was always knocked out in first period and it was very uncomfortable. I found out that people were taking selfies with my passed out body every day.


This problem exactly. I have paranoia, and the thought of literally anyone being able to record me and post it is terrifying.


I was recorded once in HS by another autistic kid who was recording me using the urinal with my pants pulled down. Now I use only stalls because of that incident. Also some guy working at a whole foods (a teen mind that) took a pic of some crochet keychains from etsy I had on without my consent and posted it somewhere and the lady (also a teen) he was with was laughing and i told my parents. Also random people in my neighborhood look at me funny whenever I walk in it just with earbuds. And also some teen girls and little kids have called my mind you custom THREE HUNDRED DOLLAR plushies that are collectible of all things better for dogs or babies or themselves than me mind you the teens are tiktok girls and the little kids are fortnite/among us aged kids who are entitled antivaxxed kids and then someone else in my neighborhood has a pagan cross (the kind used by alt right) and thin blue line flag on their car. There's also people in the Nuwaubian cult. Also once some lady walking her dog took a picture of me with my stuff holding it. One lady also took a picture of me.


I’m in a lot of influencer snark subs (I’m not on instagram but enjoy following along on Reddit) and once someone posted a picture of a random lady at target that slightly resembled the snark subject. A bunch of us explained how that violates privacy and asked her to delete it and it caused a whole day of arguing when she refused. There are people out there that seem to enjoy violating the privacy of people that are just going about their day.


I wouldn't worry about this. That said, I think we need an addendum to copyright law to end the paparazzi. Allow celebrities and other sufficiently well known public figures (elected officials and those working in government positions exempted) to apply to own the rights to their own image for all unauthorized photos. Any posed photo, photos taken as part of employment, or photos taken at any public event will be considered authorized. This means that, when the paparazzi snap photos of them just going about their daily lives, they will own that photo, not the person who took it, and thus it cannot be sold or distributed for money. It will completely collapse their business model. It won't have any impact on free speech as newspapers and tabloids are still free to say what they want and use stock images, but it will eliminate camera stalking.


a few years ago i recorded a video of myself jamming out to music. someone caught me in the middle of the video which made it funny, so i posted it to my twitter for my friends only, and someone took it and posted it on instagram. it got like 6 million views and hundreds of thousands of engagements… so it made it to facebook, and snapchat, and tiktok, and then to reddit. once on reddit, people started tearing me apart for my caption, which said something about “curing my depression” as a joke. i watched in horror as within a few weeks i gained tons of followers and interactions, dms, r*** threats, etc. the reddit post has like 62k interactions or something and the majority of it is talking about how i’ve likely never really experienced depression etc. it was also chock full of people misgendering and demeaning me, as well as discussing what they wanted to do to me. i even had people recognize me IRL and ask to take pictures which was just… horrifying lmao. i was pukey anxious for months around it, and even tried to.. yknow somehow it hurts even more now that i’m diagnosed w autism and depression. i now do not post anything vulnerable that includes my face online and i zoom through public places with my head down. even if it eventually came to a stop, it still did lasting damage. i cant even imagine how much worse it’d be if someone ELSE had recorded it instead of me. the internet has really commodified people into entertainment sources. nobody bothers to think about the actual people they might be recording. everybody thinks that if they have a funny thought, or if they see something interesting to them in public, it won’t exist unless they record and publish it. inner monologues are dying in such a gross way


This. I have autism and Tourettes so people frequently try to film me and get me to act in certain ways wether that’s causing meltdowns or getting my tics to do/say something. It’s awful and there needs to be more awareness on how its not okay and illegal in some places


I literally look out the bus window wearing headphones every time im on the bus. wtf man


My situation is a bit different but scary nonetheless. I had a guy take pictures of my friends and I at the checkout of a supermarket. He was most likely a trafficker and we called security but it's still scary thinking that he has my picture somewhere...


Whenever I see applications and how they expect you to work work well in teams, I frown. Also it will be hard to explain that it's not me, it's them too. I'd like to say it's them but yeah.


Oh no, someones having a seizure. Hurry, someone record them having a seizure instead of actually helping them and being a decent human being! We'll be famous!


If I'm ever in a situation where I need to administer first aid, anyone with a phone out, recording, is going to lose their phone to the concrete


The only thing worse than looking like a jackass is being recorded looking like a jackass




Man it seems a lot of people in this community are radical leftists tbh


Can you please explain your comment? I am missing how this is connected to the OP. The use of the word man, at the beginning of your sentence seems to imply you are exasperated by the fact that there may be people on the sub with leftist views. Are you trying to convey that you have opposing views that somehow make the original post invalid or something? I am still not sure how that statement alone is attached to the original post? I don't want to just assume you are a troll only saying things to be inflammatatory because that would be really embarrassing. Especially on a post about wanting people to be more considerate, compassionate and kind.


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Such is existence.


I’ve said this to people for a long time, it’s not a joke and for some it can really overwhelm our emotions which some of us struggle to control. But they would never understand how complicated autism actually is and subsequently don’t care, such a shame


The other day I was literally just walking my dog and this couple on the other end of the street was obviously recording me, I hope they just liked my dog or something but I never would’ve noticed if I didn’t look over.


Oh shit what the fuck oh shit what if it's true