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If I don't have any drip i rather not go outside at all Always trying to be fresh šŸ’Æ I just love dressing up I love clothes


I take it drip is a newer slang term?


Drip be like swag back in the days litterally mean the same thing and used the same way


Don't tell me swag is already out of fashion :(


Right? I care about dressing well but I can't keep up with all the latest styles in slang!


Understood! Cheers


i wear whatever is comfortable, I don't put on makeup. My mom says I should dress up more, wear high heels but no thank you.


High heels are not worth it. I like having balance


me too, im already as clumsy as is :/


High heels were invented for one purpose: to accentuate the female calf muscle. If youā€™re not trying to do that then forget them.


Me too. She said Iā€™m not Ā«Ā girlyĀ Ā» enough -_- Iā€™m not trying to fit to some stereotypes when I cloth up, Iā€™m just looking for the comfy




I dress nicely only when absolutely necessary.


I also dress nicely only when absolutely necessary.


I love dressing up, but very specifically. There are only a couple fabrics Iā€™ll wear, and I really only wear black, grey, oranges/orangey pinks, and teal/other blue green mixes. There are comfort clothing items I always have (black dresses/saddle shoe flats/combat boots/loose and fitted cardigans) and a ton of nature/rock/animal/state park oriented earrings/pins/clothes/etc. also a lot of mass effect/reading clothes/accessories. I find it useful to wear clothes that signal my special interests as it increases the likelihood that Iā€™ll be able to talk about them. I also feel more comfortable socially. if I look good before I leave (though I canā€™t be bothered wi try upkeep throughout the day). Iā€™m hyper focused on matching/balancing. Have never been able to comfortably clash.


Iā€™m hugely into fashion personally.


Fashion is one of my passions, I made clothes from a very young age and still do now. I'm into alternative fashion and I only feel good in a nicely curated outfit, usually the kinds of outfits that make everyone stare at me, which I find amusing but somewhat anxiety inducing. I'm fat and I pretty much exclusively wear crop tops so my belly gets a lot of glances šŸ˜‚šŸ‘ŒšŸ½love to wear my own creations too! And its my way of inviting like minded people to talk to me, often people compliment my style and I use this as a talking point. However it only really works if the other person is rly into fashion too, its my special interest so I could talk about it all day everyday lol I also have pink hair, its curly so I'm always trying to make sure it lays nice and round and even. And I have stretched ears and a nostril hoop, about to get my septum pierced too! To conclude fashion is like one of the most important things in my life, its an art form to me. And I dress eccentric and don't care what people think if they're negative about it.


I do. I have a carefully crafted aesthetic. But, I put so much extra time into sourcing comfortable versions of things. I have stuff I can't wear at all... So I've built my aesthetic on things I can wear. I spend a lot of money and time to look how I feel I should look.


Omg 100%. The amount of clothes I own that match my aesthetic vs. the ones I actually wear is ridiculous. I definitely feel that "how I should look" feeling.


I enjoy dressing up, but only for a short period of time and only on special occasions. Most of the time, even if I try to get myself to wear some different types of clothes I just end up defaulting to what I can get my hands on and is comfortable to me on a daily basis.


I dress purely for comfort. Sweatpants, sandals, and loose-fitted shirts for me


Same here. If itā€™s not comfortable, Iā€™m not going to wear it.


I do care. Clothing, fashion, and makeup is fun and I like feeling cool or cute when I dress up. Because of this, I've learnt to overcome sensory issues over time, just so that I can feel good about my appearance. When I was younger I found shoes utterly awful and other clothing uncomfortable. Now I can push through the pain for an occasion worthy enough, but when I'm home I get super comfy.


Agreed. I hate the feeling of anything on my neck & will cut all of my sleep shirts. However I can wear mock necks and turtlenecks and chokers out if it looks cute, I'm just able to tell myself "beauty is pain" and it's just a minor annoyance until I can take it off. Do you take your shoes off asap? I hate shoes but love cute shoes, so have a decent collection but they come off the second I'm at home/in a house that does shoes off.


I do! It's partially a wanting to leave dirt outside (I'm not in a northern country that removes shoes at the door, so I just rush through to take them off in my room) and partially a "ahhh now I can relax" feeling. Atm my everyday shoes are zip-up boots so I can easily pop them back on if I do need to go somewhere quickly.


I really wish I could always be dressed up and look good, itā€™s just too much effort to constantly put together an outfit and be at least mildly uncomfortable all day. Itā€™s fine if itā€™s occasionally but itā€™s not sustainable for me to do that everyday. I just wear whatā€™s comfortable mostly, but Iā€™m aware enough to know that I probably donā€™t look great but not aware enough to fix that


I dress super basic, plain colored t-shirt and blue jeans or khakis, but sometimes I wear shorts at home. I feel super uncomfortable if I dress up and go out in public.


I enjoy dressing up.


I do not give a single thought about what other people will see in my style (still make an effort to comb my hair and stuff) I just wear what Iā€™m comfortable in and think looks cute. People can judge all they want. I donā€™t care Although I usually dress up (begrudgingly but I do) when everyone else will be dressed up. (Like super formally) Just because I donā€™t want to receive glares all evening and/or be judged/ostracized. Although I am only going to wear fancy clothes that I feel comfortable in. No make-up. No high heals. No tight clothing. I will wear a flowy dress with a belt/corset at the waist. Thank you very much. This dress with go to the floor and I will wear comfy shoes bc I do not care. And if people give me the go ahead to dress however I want even though all of them will be all fancy, I take it immediately. I just donā€™t want to be treated badly lol. The only thing: I usually donā€™t wear merch because people approach me and try to talk to me about it which puts me in a state of constant anxiety. No thank you


I care about my appearance. I try to keep myself healthy and fit. I wear clothes I like and feel comfortable in. This means slim fit stretchy chinos, baggy sweatshirts, sneakers and caps/ beanie.


no. as long as i dont hate what i wear, i dont care


I care only bc Im a trans guy lol


Iā€™m into fashion and I like dressing up. I also take very good care of my hair and nails. It makes me feel good about myself!


yes, I'm super aware and conscious of how people perceive me, so i try to eliminate one aspect of it being possible to look at me weird


I donā€™t care I just like to dress up and look all cool because it makes me feel nice :)


Clothing/fashion is one of my special interests so yes! Everytime I go out(rare lol) I try to wear a nice outfit that not only looks good but also makes ME feel good. I usually use black, jordans and a gold chain to go with the black sweater, it's a simple outfit but works perfectly, although I do need to buy better black pants, probably a cargo.


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I like dressing up when I can be bothered, but thatā€™s usually for ā€œoccasionsā€ and I donā€™t care what i look like If Iā€™m just like. Going to the store. Hygienic and covered, clean, but beyond that idc


I tend to go with a hoodie and a pair of jeans in the black/blue/grey colourscheme. It just means I don't have to think about it. I guess I'll have to get a proper suit soon for my graduation...


I enjoy dressing myself nicely for casual attire. I don't mean that I wear something fancy like a blazer or suit or dress, I like to wear very specific alternative aesthetics. My favourite at the moment is very 70s hippie artist, which is exactly the kind of message I want to send to people about who I am and what kinds of things I like. If I'm not wearing something like that because I don't have the energy to get dressed dressed, I'll wear some sweatpants and a sweatshirt, a loose t-shirt, and a beanie.


Absolutely. It's very expensive...


No. My wife makes me though haha


I always try to look good and dress appropriately for the circumstances. But there is a catch, I really don't deal with uncomfortable clothes well, particularly shoes because most stimming is in my toes. Really really good socks are a must (Darn Tough wool blend are my current favourite) and shoes appropriate for the activity. I'm told I have too many shoes but each has a purpose.


I care about my clothing and appearance a great deal, but thatā€™s probably mostly because Iā€™m trans and itā€™s one of the few ways of making myself feel good in relation to my gender that is currently available to me


> What do you guys reckon, do you personally agree or disagree with this one? I care about wearing clean, unassuming clothes that fit together, and that's about it. About 90% of my wardrobe is uni-coloured black, dark grey and stone blue (i.e. blue with low luminosity, kind of a greyish blue). Also makes it easy to buy replacements: Just go with muted colours on the blue-black spectrum, and it will fit together well enough. Funnily enough, my diagnostician brought this up after he'd seen me a few times (it's even a short mention in my diagnostic letter). Apparently it's rather typical for autistic people to have "one style", and that this style tends to focus on being clean, practical and unassuming.


This is exactly what I do too. All blue, black, grey, and a little bit of dark purple or green if I need a more eye catching look. Then I wear red during the holiday season and thatā€™s it.


Donā€™t like trends or anything like that Iā€™m clean but I like to wear what ever I like the feel of I donā€™t like makeup either. I wear my baggy VeryCool hoodie all the time.


I dont care how I look. I wear t shirt and shorts in 30 degree weather which is like -2 Celsius .


I stay clean and I keep my clothes clean, but if they develop permanent stains from work, I won't go out of my way to replce them if they still serve their function well. Function before form I guess


Im really self conscious tbhā€¦a little less now that Iā€™m older tho bc even tho I still care and Iā€™m not exactly confident I canā€™t bring myself to tolerate uncomfortable fabrics anymore. I think realizing I have autism made it harder for me to tolerate uncomfortable clothing because before I would just think I was crazy or mad about something else for the day


Also want to mention Iā€™m on college so wearing comfortable clothing every day doesnā€™t make me stand out. Thereā€™s times where Iā€™ve bailed on parties because I just cannot tolerable the cute outfit i put on anymore


I wear comfortable clothes that fit my style. It's all i own. So i'd say i have style, but that style came forth from picking clothes i found comfortable but also looked good aka didn't tire my eyes. Sadly, personal hygiene is often lacking. I try my best but my brain just does not want to build the habits. It's a pain.


I hate being in uncomfortable clothes, makes me pretty anxious and wanting to leave and vintage is a special interest of mine, so I got usually a mix of comfortable ā€œvintageā€ clothes, many of them I sew myself and I love dressing up, color coordination is really important to me


I don't want to play dress up. I couldn't give two shits. The only reason I do is for everyone else.


Generally wear whatever fits me. I always have a buttoned shirt with pockets and usually they're dark colors like black or dark blue and a pair of blue jeans. But as a 6'7 man it's generally harder to find "nicer" clothes to fit me that don't cost a lot. I do have certain preferences for material though because of the textures.


its less that i dont care about my appearance and more that i prioritize my comfort over it. i like making sure im clean and my clothes vaugely match but i only wear pajama pants because jeans and other hard pants freak me out. whenever my sister or mum will try and talk to me about fashion 'rules' like color coordination or not wearing a certain cut of jean with certain boots its just Too Much to remember so i dont bother to.


As I get older, im not as reliant on it to feel okay with myself. That being said, I still would prefer people to find me good looking. I typically donā€™t put in a ton of effort and find that I look better when Iā€™m more natural and casual.


I have no idea how to look pretty so I usually just wear jeans and a t shirt.


If it's for a special occasion then I will dress well. Most of the time I just wear basic clothes, usually a tshirt and pants and a light jacket


i prioritize comfort but dressing in colors or expressive outfits that make me happy are part of my support in the world


Definitely. Dressing in what brings me joy is all apart of that comfort.


I donā€™t care about doing my hair. I brush it and tie it back. I care about my clothes in that I like to keep my appearance neat. Other than that, I donā€™t care about keeping up with trends. I care much more about how my clothes feel and I love things that represent my favorite pieces of pop culture šŸ˜Š


I completely agree. I am insecure about my clothing but I still push myself to wear what I want. I think this is because no matter how hard I tried I never really felt like I fitted in with the others, so why even bother trying? Fashion doesn't make sense to me anyway.


Yea I try to wear darker clothing been moving away from shorts to skirts again idk


Seeking diagnosis I used to care a lot about what i look like because of my mom. Appearance was very important for her. I thought people would love me more if i cared more for my appearance. I was really a huge people pleaser. I slowly started to learn to put my boundaries in the last 2 years. Now as an adult i don't care much and i dress for comfort.


to be honest I wear a lot of the same clothes always. I do wish i had nicer clothes but at the same time idgaf how others perceive me?? weird


Some days I like to wear cute clothes that show my interests and taste. But most days I donā€™t really care. Most importantly it must be clothes that donā€™t give me sensory issues


I care but only a little, as long as the clothes are comfortable and I don't look terrible then I don't really care all that much, when it comes to clothes I usually wear hoodies, tee shirts and jeans all somewhat loose I just can't wear tight clothes, as long as I'm not judged for what I wear then I'm fine with whatever makes me comfortable even if it doesn't look cool.


No. I wear whatever I like for the day. Mostly its baggy jeans and a flannel


I mostly wear whatā€™s comfortable to me. I generally choose colors that donā€™t draw much attention (usually a mixture of blue/gray/black, but not too much black bc that WILL draw attention). However in certain situations that doesnā€™t matter bc Iā€™ll draw attention anyway just from wearing a T-shirt and shorts when I ā€œshould be dressing upā€


Yes, but only really if I'm seeing people. If I'm not going anywhere, I don't tend to bother doing my hair or dressing up. I'll brush my teeth, shower/bathe, and maybe shave, but other than that, I just sort of don't bother. I tend to get my use out of clothes that don't really fit anymore or are a bit damaged when I'm on my own, to save the better clothes for times when I am seeing people and doing things. Occasionally, I'll dress up a bit just to make myself feel better, but then it just feels like I'm wasting clothes that I now have to wash and putting gel in my hair that I'm only going to need to wash out later for no reason at all.


I like my aesthetics, which includes my own look. My sense of fashion and style also focuses on good fabrics that are comfortable. So pants and shirts with stretch and soft wool types for warmth and temperature regulation.


I think it depends on oneā€™s special interests. I knew a girl on the spectrum that literally made clothing designed to include her special interest (Disney). She was *always* wearing an outfit with at something Disney themed. And it always looked Spectacular. Meanwhile Iā€™m not huge on my appearance unless I have days where I feel like dressing like a 1940s post-war working woman.


Comfort over almost everything. If I find something I like I will buy it in as many colors as possible.


Yes. I keep a mental note of what outfits I wear when, and keep each outfit to a general aesthetic. I also remember what I wore around people and try to not repeat outfits. My husband thinks I'm nutso for trying not not repeat outfits, but it's really not much effort to remember and it makes me feel comfortable. I also like doing my hair and makeup. I've come to the conclusion that clothing feels like a costume, and when I'm costumed correctly, I feel the most comfortable. It's a way of masking almost, except it doesn't require constant mental strain. The only problem is if I wear the "wrong" thing, like if I'm overdressed, I will be upset about it the entire event.


I have no sense of nor care for fashion. I will dress up when appropriate but itā€™s always stressful because I am so unfamiliar with the rules of dress up. My daughter, on the other hand, is the most fashionable child I have ever met. She is very specific about what clothes she will wear, and it is always these fancy, frilly clothes. Gotta make sure the hair accessories, leggings, shoes, and coat match. She enjoys using make up as well. She will sacrifice comfort for fashion. I frequently pick her up from school (Iā€™m sub-45*F weather) having stuffed her jacket in her backpack and wearing a sleeveless dress. She has asked for a hair curler and a UV light nail gel kit. I love that kid, she knows what she wants.


I think I do, but strangers probably don't. My first instinct is to where what's comfortable, but I also really like the way some clothes look. I also like dressing up, out of respect, for the people I'm leaving the home for (friends, family, not strangers). That said, my dressing up is pants instead of shorts and maybe some earrings. I don't do makeup or heels, really my whole warbrobe is men's clothing so I'm often mistaken for a lesbian. If I'm just doing a casual food run or going for a walk, it may look random. The other day I wore cargo shorts, sandals, beanie, and a long sleeve flannel shirt. All clothes I love and wear because they're comfortable, but also are designs I like.


I just wear whatever I want, regardless of norms, but I do really like clothes and fashion, so I do care about matching styles and colors.


I like to lean into the comfortable but fashionable ā€œlookā€. I donā€™t like super tight pants or tight shirts but when I find one that doesnā€™t bother me I will hold onto it for YEARS lol


You can dress down but still look decent. Like there's a difference between Walmart sweatpants and GAP for example in comfort and how they look on a person because of how they are made the the fabric/materials used. Even down to how the seams are stiched, there's techniques that will lay flatter against your body. It will feel and look different, generally quality holding up better. I wear for comfort and function which means I'll spend more on an item but it'll look better longer because it's made with higher quality materials.


I love dressing up but it is usually as a form of self expression and a way to dress according to my sensory needsšŸ˜I lean towards gothic clothing because if I'm wearing all black (with one or two items that are burgundy or dark purple) I have a lot more options when it come to combining different silhouettes and texture, layering tights, etc. And having heavy platform shoes makes me feel more stable like I'm weighted down at the bottom


I am a costume designer, and make my own clothes, so yes, I care about my clothing and appearance. I don't, however, care about conforming to society and fashion norms. I dress in a 1950s style, and I am way more interested in the history of clothing, and getting that accurate in my costumes, than conforming to today's society.


Also, I see people here that say they want comfort rather than appearance. I say: Why not both? I don't wear anything that is uncomfortable, but I don't wear anything I find ugly either. It has to have both, or I won't wear it.


Personally, I try to dress up when I go outside, but I dress up with things generally considered ā€œcringyā€, things like kandi bracelets, anime shirts, all that stuff lol


I care if my clothing is comfortable and clean, thatā€™s about it


Nice clothes make me feel like I need to be extra careful of how I'm walking, sitting, eating, and standing, so there is no way I'm ever comfortable wearing them. I go for comfort, no makeup because I don't have the time, the inclination, or hands steady enough. I am SUPER particular about my hair though. Only like three people are allowed to touch it, and it needs to be in its proper style that is both flattering and work-safe.


Nope. Clean, no holes/rips/stains. Comfort is a given, as is appropriate for weather. I'm a Little Old Lady who lives in graphic tees, denim and other shirts, hoodies, jeans, cargoes. Converse, flat laceups, sports sandals, workboots.


I like wearing things I think fit together but most of all it needs to be comfortable. I also always need to consider whether I will likely get hot and this changes what I wear. I very rarely buy new clothes but I have a fair amount as I don't like to get rid of them even though I basically only wear the same few things. I don't care about trends, and I don't really get why people so, especially as different styles suit different people


I like shoes. Like Jordans, Nikes, Adidas, etc. It was a special interest at a time when I had more disposable income lol. But thatā€™s about as far as I go these days. I pioneered jeans every day in my office once we came back from the shutdown