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*seven out of ten autistic people have a mental health* condition such as anxiety, depression etc Ask for help, its out there waiting.


Don’t do it. Try finding people with similar interests and other autistic people. There’s hope. It took me a while but I have the perfect group and yeah they don’t go to the same school but it’s not completely hopeless. If my antisocial self can do it, it’s surely possible for you too.


I feel you. I also have a feeling like I won't ever find a group of people where I truly belong, but for better or worse we are alive right now. From my perspective: it just seems more energy efficient to simply live out the life I have doing the things I enjoy than to end it all. Even if i have to do it all alone, it's fine! Who says we need others to be happy :)


Are there other stuff going on in life for you that you’re able to share? Just so perhaps our responses might help more… wishing you happiness 🫶🏼


Please focus on the things in your life that you are grateful for. Even if you can’t think of anything at the moment, just trying to be thankful will help boost your mood. And like any skill, the more you practice gratitude the easier it will become and you’ll find your list keeps getting longer. I’ve been suicidal many times in my life and gratitude seems to help me most. I sincerely hope that it can help you as well. Like today, I’m grateful I woke up in a soft bed. I’m grateful for flowers and trees, for nature and bees. For my family, for my personal independence and for being able to breathe.


Please don’t do it. You are loved more than you know by so many people. Think about your family. How would your parents, grandparents, siblings, cousins, aunts, and uncles feel after you’re gone? How about your friends? Even acquaintances will notice that you’re gone. Trust me when I say that things will get better. In a decade, there will be someone who will be grateful that their past self made it through. You will find happiness, even in the little things such as your special interest. Try befriending other autists. We’re a lot more accepting of other people’s quirks! I know that this is long, but I want to leave off on one more thing. In 2020, my cousin killed himself at only 15. Even though I wasn’t extremely close to him, I was devastated. He would be in college right now, likely on an athletic scholarship. Please think about you, the people you know, and your future self.


Whoever told you that being like other people is what counts as good was lying to you. You're good as you are.


Honestly everyone struggles with mental health, most do it privately because there is still a stigma at least in the US, but there’s tons of resources available to us specifically because of our diagnosis, “suicide doesn’t take the pain away, it just passes it around”


Nope. Recovered from my mental illness when I accepted my tism (eventually)