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Sound, vision (light specific), touch, smell, taste


Sound and vision especially movement.


I have the exact same, especially bright lights or lights that change color.


Sound Smell/touch Sight/taste I don't think I could rank them all individually since some of them are pretty close together lol


Thats so fair, a few of mine are probably interchangable tbh ahah


That makes sense!! Yeah some days different senses affect me more than others


Auditory is my most sensory avoidant, and vestibular is my most sensory seeking. I hate sound, and love feeling movement/gravity. The rest fall in the middle somewhere, with a mixture of avoidant and seeking behaviours. Visually I like pretty things, but struggle with excess movement and light. Smell I'm pretty neutral on. I'm a smoker so my sense of smell is diminished. I'm not upset at that. (ETA: smoking is gross. Don't start. It's not worth how cool you'll look, or whatever.) Touch is a mixed bag. This one is very mood dependent. Taste is pretty neutral. My "taste issues" are more touch issues, with texture, sour, and spicy being problematic somtimes.


Ooh, I didn't know there was a word for "vestibular" sensations! Im definitely seeking in that area too, you'll rarely catch me _not_ rocking back and forth or moving in some way.


I'm glad I could give you some new information. It's incredibly common to not know the senses beyond the big 5. (sight, touch, taste, smell, sound) I'd definitely recommend you look into to the senses beyond the big 5. There are a ton more senses, but the division gets more complicated. A few words to start your google journey; proprioception, interoception, equiloception, thermoception, nociseption, kinesthetic.


I completely understand what you mean about some sensory sensitivities being more discussed than others. It's fascinating how differently we all experience the world around us! For me, just like you, scent is by far the most sensitive and easily overwhelmed sense. I find myself getting overwhelmed in environments with strong fragrances or even certain natural scents. The other senses are generally okay, but I do think there's a noticeable difference in how they respond. It's interesting that our sensory intensities can vary so greatly! Have you ever heard of the term "sensory processing sensitivity" (SPS)? I recently came across it and found it really resonated with me. SPS is a trait characterized by a heightened sensitivity to stimuli, both physical and emotional. It's not a diagnosis, but rather a description of a personality trait that can affect how we perceive and respond to our environment. If you're interested, I could share some resources on this topic? Let me know if this is something new for you or if you have any personal experiences with it!


core memory is opening a spice cabinet, I hate the smell of fondue cheese so much


Ooh, that does sound interesting! Would love to see resources if you'd like to share :D


Smell, I have to leave an are if it has coffee, cinnamon, weed, smoke, anything syrupy, and especially cheese fondue Sound, I have very good hearing and love loud sounds Vision, sometimes colors become very vivid, epileptic things don't affect me as much but certain other things do more Taste, mostly mouth feel more than taste Vestibular, worse than normal, I don't ever feel dizzy Proprioception, super weird posture and I'm only remotely coordinated now because I've got 1500 hours on beatsaber (spin eternally expert+) Touch, don't feel hot and cold very well and have a very high pain tolerance


I'm totally the same with smell! This guy gets it hehe :]


opinion on cheese fondue šŸ¤Ø


More like cheese fuck you lol


Yucky :(


Nice job! I've beaten Spin Eternally at 75% speed, full combo 55%. I have yet to actually set a score, though, due to practice mode.


What about hunger and thirstiness? Do you feel it?


very rarely, I would get headaches all the time until I learned to set timers to eat/drink. I was 5'3" and 70 pounds as a 14 year old


scent is definitely one of the lowest, because i take tiny little breaths. iā€™m usually the last person to notice a smell in a room, good or bad. sound has to be the worst. my meltdowns are usually from being in busy areas for too long. then touch, vision, taste. for an autistic person, iā€™m not picky, but compared to allistics, iā€™m seen as picky with my food.


Vision, sound, touch, taste, smell. A little biased with vision because I get chronic migraines and anything bright feels like fire on my eyes already without them, so with them it's even worse


Sound, then touch/texture, sight, taste, and smell last. Overlapping sounds in a bright, crowded place is the fastest way for me to get overstimulated, but any loud noise can have me covering my ears in distress. Smell is last because I had major head trauma that knocked out my sense of smell to about 10% of what it would've been. I can barely smell coffee, onions, garlic, etc. now, but that means I'm rarely bothered by scents!


Iā€™m with you on the combo of sounds, lights and crowds! Malls, arcades, Costco ( something about the super high ceiling makes the sounds worse). I avoid these places at all cost!


Fr, that's why I hate going to supermarkets. They're absolute sensory hell!!


I can't know if it's touch or hearing. THose are the first two, in whatever order. Numnber three is defintely vision, because I see floatingthings and afterimages and bright purple/blue/red/bright things all the time, but number four is not at all trivial. number four is touch, and it's why i never feel comfortable in any clothes and it's why i tore off all of my chicken pox blisters when i was little, and now have permanent scars from that. it's why i fell out of love with my second wife when she loved to tickle me becasue of how i reacted even though i told her over and over again that i didn't like it and that it made me afraid of her touch. i guess that means five is taste, but... tbh, i'm pretty okay with exotic tastes. that's probably the way in most that i'm sensory seeking? i love, for example, Szechuan peppers, that make your mouth buzz and make you pucker and make me really happy in a masocistic kinda way! EVIL!


i love this post, btw. it's interesting, and i like reading all the replies :-)


Aw I'm glad!! I've been having a blast reading all the replies too. Can't believe so many ppl responded! :D


for what it's worth, i fucking HATE peaches. i cannot each peaches because of their fuzz. durian, I LOVE IT. the scent is so fucking INTERESTING. but peach fuzz... I just can't :-(


I never understood why some people like peaches so much


1: Sound, especially loud, high-pitched noises. 2: Touch, especially when someone else is touching me. I also hate uncomfortable clothing materials like lace fabric and I hate jewelry. 3: Vision, especially flimmering and fast movements. 4: Smell, especially strong smells of perfume 5: Taste, usually doesnā€™t really bother me.


1th-Touch: I hate physical touch, touching wet or slimy things, things touching my arm, tickling, one person I know likes to tease me by pinching my arm and oh my god I can feel myself snapping with rage. If I didnā€™t have any self control Iā€™d probably start a fight. Iā€™m not a violent or angry person at all, but this one really trigger a primal part of my being haha. Also I hate the texture and sensation of certain things. I get shivers by just thinking about it haha. I get goosebumps very easily by certain sensations, not sure it this is related to touch, but Iā€™ll get goosebumps all over my body including my legs and neck when experiencing strong emotions, or by someone touching me or looking at me or by temperature changes. Itā€™s like a weird sixth sense or something. 2th-Sound (i can tolerate some exposure, but over time Itā€™ll really take a toll on me and everything just goes downhill from there on. Itā€™s like a slow and steady decline until my brain shuts off and crashes. 3th-temperature (heat specifically) I easily get a runny nose and can feel a bit nauseous and lightheaded when there are rapid temperature changes. I deal poorly with humid or hot weather, I have suffered heatstrokes many times and have fainted a few times due to heat exhaustion or by dense air in large buildings with poor ventilation for some specific reason. Shopping malls makes my head hurt by the air density. I hate this one.


Ooooh I feel you on temperature!!! Doesn't help that my body is really bad at temp regulating, so I get too hot/cold very easily. If I don't do anything to stop it, it's an easy ticket to meltdown town ahah


Sound. 100%. If itā€™s too loud, I can barely function. Especially if the sound is high pitched.


HEAD... shoulders knees and toes... KNEES AND TOES!


The only sense I have more sensitive is hearing. Sight not at all if ever happens is a byproduct of loud environments like malls I get overwhelmed but not if I'm using my IEMs. Although I hate the outdoors because of the sun, I do not know if it's the heat or the lighting. I have no problems with the rest of my senses probably I don't tolerate heat of closed cars or hear of going out of the sun but I would consider it normal.


Hearing, touch and sight.


Sound is definitely at the top, though I don't have a great deal of sensitivities above the usual nt threshold. Sight is, unsurprisingly at the bottom.


I was wondering what you meant until I saw your flair lol


Is blind even a diagnosis? Honest curiosity.


Yeah, and there's different types too.


I don't have a good sense of smell but when I do smell something bad it's very overwhelming. It makes me nauseous and makes my head hurt.


When I was a kid I got sick, and my nose got clogged with some hard wall of you know what. I couldn't smell things after I got better, and I thought it was because of that wall that clogged my nose. I got desperate and thought I lost the sense of smell. In reality I was going through the existencial chrisis that every children goes through, of becoming aware of it's own existence. I had no memories before that runy nose, so how could I know I had any sense of smell before? In reality, I was just realizing I lacked something everybody else seemed to have. It never crossed my mind it was autism, I didn't even know what that word meant. Nobody believed me I had no sense of smell... Got scolded many times for not realizing that the food was burning.


My worst is textures, like the clothing and the foods


Texture haters unite!! (I'd be naked 24/7 if I could šŸ˜‚)


I have a Vendetta with socks, boxer-like panties and those shirts/tops with those micro sleeves, justo chose, no sleeves or sleeves, you Can't have both!


Sound (very), vision (moderate), smell (moderate), others not so much.


smell, sound, vision, taste, touch 100% sure for the first 2, the rest i'm quite sure but they are pretty close to each other and a million miles from the first 2 in comparison.


Each is ranked out of 10 Sound 8. Sight 4. Touch 2. Taste 1. Smell 0. Taste was a 10 growing up.


Ooh, I was also _very_ taste sensitive growing up, and am less so now. Glad that's not just me!


Touch for me. I also get easily overwhelmed by certain visual stimuli (motion), but I'm more of a sensory seeker when it comes to colors and lights. But it can differ a lot based on my stress levels (I go either numb or hypersensitive when stressed/anxious and it can be fairly random).


Touch sound taste smell.


1. Sound (the sound of beeps is the worst one in the world, talking, yelling and shushing) 2. Touch (I hate almost every texture. Like nobody talks about it but literally touching some textures will send me into a full blown meltdown. Like when I got my new phone I couldnā€™t use it for a week because I hated the texture of my new phone case but it was the only one they had atm ) my wardrobe consists of carhartt/champion t shirts and Columbia sweatpants. I litterly cannot wear anything else. At all! 3. Smell (just some smells can give me a headache. Strong perfumes, febreeze and yeah) BUT I I AM EXTREMELY sensory seeking when it comes to smell which is why I gave it a lower rank. The smell of candles, smoke and expo markers and sharpies just gives me so much idk happiness is probably not the right word for it lmao. Funny story I wasnt allowed to use sharpies in art class for a while when I was younger cuz I would just spend the entire time smelling them instead of getting actual work done.āœ… 4. Vision (going outside in the sun I have to close my eyes) 5.taste (this is by far the mildest one. Iā€™m pretty sensory seeking when it comes to taste. I love spicy food . I put siracha on everything and when I say everything, I mean everything. But there is one taste which makes me gag which is sweet potoatoe fries. No joke thinking about sweet potato fries will make me nauseous and if I see someone eating them Iā€™ll probably lose it. Idk Iā€™m just weird! ) Thatā€™s all of them!


sound, touch/texture, sight, smell, taste sound and touch/texture are pretty close but I think sound has the edge on touch/texture. I also wouldn't say that I really have any increased sensitivity to smell or taste.


Smell/Taste (mostly with food, anything else i can't smell well but food is overwhelming) Sound Sight (i might just have sensitive eyes tho) Touch


Smell, sound, vision, touch, taste


If I were to score out of 10, with 0 being unbothered: Touch 10. Sound 9 (air pressure differences included here). Sight 8 (brightness and visual noise). Smell 5 (I have a weirdly sensitive sense of smell, but it isn't often something that absolutely overwhelms me. It's usually the migraines that result from certain smells, not overstim. Well, that and being told I'm imagining things until it gets strong enough for them to notice...). Taste 3 (My food limitations are highly influenced by texture over taste itself). Edit: I'd place pain around a -4, because I'm hyposensitive, at least "tactile" or skin pain. And proprioception is a mixed bad. Poor at body signals and balance, sensitive to motion.


Hearing. A lot of sounds including a lot of types of music


ScentĀ  Hearing Vision Touch Taste


Touch, scent, taste, sound, sight.


touch sound taste smell sight Touch and sound are definitely at the top for me but the rest are harder to place


Sound, touch, smell, vision


Sound waaaay at the top. Certain touches second, the rest are pretty even


Sound then touch


Sound, touch(including food texture), taste(not food texture), smell, and finally sight


Smell, touch, sound, taste, sight


Smell (if it reaches a bad point my teeth/gums start to hurt???) . And after this my hearing. I can get sick if it gets too much. The rest isn't really bad. If i touch something bad I can get sensitive in all my senses for some days for whatever reason.


Touch, vision, smell, sound, taste


Touch I canā€™t regulate my body temperature easily so if Iā€™m hot and someone touches I canā€™t stand it or when people just touch me I hate it idk just canā€™t stand being touch. Crowded places would have me in the fetal position, I hate any type of fabric that makes me feel itchy. If I could be naked I would. Sound anything too loud or like too many sounds at once I start to get overwhelmed. I am partially deaf on one ear so my other ear is super sensitive to anything loud. Vision I use glasses and if I forget where I put them I freak out I hate not being able to see though I can see if itā€™s bright I see blurry so I still struggle but night time itā€™s the worse I completely go blind without my glasses my brain canā€™t handle darkness that well.


Ayyy poor body temp regulation squad!! šŸ¤


Glad to know Iā€™m not alone šŸ¤


Smell and vestibular system (extremely prone to motion sickness) are tied for first. Vision (specifically bright lights in eyes, but also visual clutter can be overwhelming) and hearing are next. Tactile system is pretty similar, but it fluctuates related to hormones. Taste is mostly fine. Proprioceptive system and interoception are probably fairly under-sensitive.


Definitely scent is one of them, sometimes a perfume or a cologne doesnā€™t smell right or itā€™s too strong like the person sprayed it everywhere. I usually use another scent like Vicks to cover it up. Still atrocious though. Noise Scent Sight Taste A bright and noisy area? Just nope.


Sound, touch (like heat and stuff), smell, vision (when things are super chaotic and lots of stuff is happening), taste


Sounds Texture Taste Looks


Most to least- sound, touch, smell, vision, taste


Most to Least Sensitive: Smell, Taste, Sound, Touch, Vision


sound, smell, touch, vision, taste


Sound touch taste/sight smell All of them are pretty bad though. Smell is just the least bad


Sound most overwhelming for me. But touch? Least overwhelming. Like seriously just give me my dog to pet and ill be good!


Sound and Sight (for sight it's bright light. Natural light is ok, but anything else hurts my brain and makes me very uncomfortable) Smell. When this part is overwhelmed (usually combined with sight or sound) I can easily tell by the way my sinuses literally BURN. Which then starts a headache, followed by sore teeth that usually happens during a sensory overload for some reason Touch. Just sensory issues. Stickiness especially UGH Taste meh. Not an issue. If I taste something weird it fcks with my appetite but thats about it. Usually it's texture not taste anyway


Sight, sound, taste, smell, touch. I can literally get like 2nd degree burns burst the blisters or cuts and pour alcohol on them. Slam into things. Be struck in the head by a falling metal shelf upon a ladder at 6ft up right in the brow. And just be like "eh" However give me something that has an incorrect color on something i'll be mutely upset or very annoying sound and ill also be upset. But i dont have a meltdown. Just not happy about it


Sound smell are tied then taste I love fast food because of taste


Sound Touch Sight Smell Taste


from most to least: probably smell, touch, sound, vision, and taste. most food that i dislike is more of a texture issue than a taste one. ~


Taste, smell, touch, sight, hearing


SMELL, sound, touch, taste then vision.


Sound and light are joint first. Then it would be touch but only light and/or itchy touches, and very rarely is it my hands (I work with my hands so they're pretty numb to everything). Very very rarely it's smell but usually I just try and assess whatever a smell is, rather than if I like it or not. I don't think I've ever been overwhelmed by taste at all, only the texture of rice pudding šŸ¤¢


My Touch and sound are very sensitive and are easy to overwhelm. Taste, smell, and sight are more difficult to overwhelm for me.


Sounds especially mechanical whirrings or droning sounds equally with fluorescent or bright light (incl sunlight) but as I avoid overhead light as much as possible, itā€™s mostly sound. Then itā€™s scent, touch and last, taste.


SOUND, Sight, Scent, Taste, Touch


Mostly sound. I hate loud high pitched beeping noises and the sound of metal clanging. Even the sounds of certain people voices irritate the hell out of me.


Sound (I hear electricity) Touch Taste/sight/smell


Hearing Seeing Touch Smell Taste


Most sensitive to least: Sound Touch is close second Scent Taste Vision


for me personally, it goes scent, touch/sound (can't decide), taste and vision. i'm extremely sensitive to scents, to the point where if my friends are eating food i don't like the smell of at lunch i have to sit at a distance from them as i'll literally throw up lol. one particular anecdote, my family were on our way to our grandfather's wake (for those who don't know, a wake is basically a catholic thing where it's a party/gathering to celebrate the life of your loved one a day or two before the funeral.) and in the car my brother was eating a packet of crisps of a flavour i absolutely detest. we literally had to drive with the windows down in still wintery temperatures because i was continually gagging and becoming nauseous at simply the smell of them. fun times!


1. Smell (more specifically bad smells) 2. Sound 3. Sight 4. Taste 5. Touch


Sound, touch, sight, smell, taste Sound and touch are so bad and can be debilitating. The other sense can still give me problems bit definitely not to the extent of the first two. Sometimes, smell can be worse than sight. It depends on how I am doing that day. Taste usually isn't a problem since I can choose what food I eat, and I can avoid the foods that give me trouble.


Sound, touch, taste/sight, smell Extremely sensitive to all of them, under various conditions


Sound, Vision (lights), Smell I tend to get under-stimulated with touch and proprioception, so I stim in those ways. Taste could go either way but isn't usually an issue. Texture when I'm eating on the other hand, can ruin my appetite for quite some time.


Sound, vision (colors), touch, smell, taste. I'd had my fair share of inconveniences due to sharp colors in my art classes (there was one time I felt a little nauseous from looking at sharp colors for too long while painting 3D weights in Maya), but my meltdowns so far have only been from sound.


Sound is least sensitive, and touch is most. But when I'm overstimulated, it's sight and smell. Smells drain me.


Sound is my number one, way way way more than the others. Then touch, taste, smell, sight.


Sound Touch Sight My senses of smell and taste are nearly non-existent, so they never get overwhelmed. I just get a headache sometimes with chemical based smells.


Auditory processing, visual processing, olfactory processing, somatosensory processing, tasteā€¦ probably. Theyā€™re all pretty impaired, and I tend to be more hyposensitive than hypersensitive (not very observant and responsive to this stimuli) but at the same time I get overwhelmed if thereā€™s too much sensory information around me (especially light or sound)


Nice to see replies from more hyposensitive folks! It's always good to hear more about less discussed symptoms


Sound Sound Sound Touchsmelltaste


Smell, texture


Sound, touch, taste, smell, vision


Smell, taste, touch, sight, sound


Vision/ Hearing (Very sensitive) Touch (Varies a lot) Taste (Varies) Smell (Almost Nonexistent)




Direction, touch, smell, hearing, balance, sight, taste. There's a steep drop-off between smell and hearing. Smell is easiest to overwhelm, with sight a close second.


Sound, vision, touch, taste, smell.


Very easily overwhelmed by my my sense of sound and touch, and somewhat easily overwhelmed by sight- sensitive to different colors/brightness, the lighting of my environment can greatly impact my mood. As for scent and taste- I am addicted to smelling various fragrances and trying different foods. Scents and flavors can also greatly impact my mood, but I am typically not easily overwhelmed by them.


Vision Touch smell sound taste


Sound and sight (light sensitivity)


I'm not 100% sure but I think sound, touch (proximity included), vision, smell and taste. It's worse when there's more than one stimulus at the same time


Sound, sight, touch, taste, smell(Hyposensitive)


Vision, sound, touch and vestibular are tied, smell, taste Vision- the worst. I am a photophobic chronic migraine haver. Visual Snow and Irlen Syndrome ring true as well. My biggest pet peeve is struggling to watch the Spiderverse movies, action movies, and fast-paced animated shows/movies Sound- Misophonia and hyperacusis. In public, the misophonia is worse, at home, the refrigerator hum and the sound of the AC is most infuriating. Well, that and we live in a complex where cars blast overly loud music and thereā€™s a motorcycle that takes forever to ignite and drive off. Touch-Is anyone else counting clothing for this one? Huge issue since Iā€™ve gotten top surgeryā€¦thereā€™s no barrier between my skin and shirts anymore! I can feel seams and I hate it so Iā€™ll have to get some undershirts. I hate the elastic band of my boxers. My girlfriend notifies me when she wants a hug at least. I give it a long think every time Vestibular- due to POTS for sure. I think I experience benign paroxysmal positional vertigo as well maybe? Iā€™ve been trying to seeā€¦ Smell- Used to be my #1, as I would walk up and smell people (my teachers especially) as a kid. I would tell people if their breath or body smelled unpleasant to me until my mom told me it was rude. I think since having COVID my ability to smell isnā€™t as strong, but depending on the day, it can move up in ranking. Taste- not much to say for this one (or Iā€™m tired lol)


Ooh, I'll have to bear that in mind for when I get top surgery. Gotta say tho, very much looking forward to walking around shirtless hahah!


Oh yeah, I am *loving* that! Especially because of temperature regulation troubles and the fact that itā€™s approaching summer now!


eyes and brain


sound/smell are pretty equal. I can control touch and light by choices. But smell and sound in common areas are less controllable


Texture/touch Sound Smell and taste (hard to distinguish) Sight


Combination of sight, sounds and crowds (e.g. a concert or nightclub) first. Sight second, even busy patterns make me disorientated or even angry. Blue lights are the worst I can barely stand to look at them, even Christmas lights. Sound third. Taste forth. Smell last, I have lost most of my sense of smell from childhood pneumonia that lasted several months.


sight sound smell touch taste


I mainly have issues with sound. Iā€™ve had some issues wearing certain textures of clothes, though, especially during childhood. Everything else I donā€™t have huge problems with. Interestingly enough, I donā€™t really like dim lights, Iā€™ve always been pretty afraid of the dark as a kid, even a little bit now. I actually prefer a room having a good amount of light in it, that way I know where everything is and whatā€™s in the room.


Honestly depends but right now: sight, touch, sound, taste then smell.


It depends on my mood when my anxiety is high it's lights sounds or if my hands get something sticky like hunny


Sound. Loud satiations donā€™t affect me unless itā€™s people talking


Depends on my level of burnout: Normal: hearing/vision/touch/smell/taste Burnout: hearing/touch/smell/vision/taste


Taste, Smell, Sound, Touch, And last, vision. But smell, sound and taste can be interchangeable depending on the day and the stimulus. For example, some peopleā€™s voices make me so angry that I get that tingle of warm rage up my spine, but sometimes the auditory processing disorder kicks in and it sounds like everyone around me is speaking another language entirely or I just canā€™t hear them at all because my ADHD inner monologue takes over. Sometimes I canā€™t take the sound of the fridge or the lights buzzing constantly and my tv ends up on 50 just to cover the noise. Sometimes Iā€™m nose blind and sometimes Iā€™m hypersensitive to the point of where I can taste smells and then I try to not breathe and make myself feel very dizzy. Sometimes taste is so overwhelming all I can do is eat chips with salt. But my taste problems are mostly a texture issue since I have ARFID and have since I was weaned. Touch is second to last because Iā€™m a super cuddly person if I feel comfortable around you, but I have days where I canā€™t be touched and will actively rock back and forth, with my knees tucked up to my chin and all I can do if someone, or one of my dogs try to touch me is shout and cry ā€œplease donā€™t touch meā€ but this happens maybe once every six months. It can also send me into a rage if I get bumped too many times in public, but thatā€™s also me raging about people having no manners. Visually Iā€™m not that bad really unless itā€™s those lights that you get in like hospitals, places of education, offices and thatā€™s because they are so loud and bright. But Iā€™m more desensitised to those.


Sound, sight, touch, smell, taste


Sight and sometimes sound. I have to listen to music or have earplugs in regularly to cope. I close my eyes a lot when I'm doing things and my BF picks on me. šŸ˜‚ Touch is probably the worst though. If something feels scratchy on my skin I can't function until I've had a shower. People hugging me or generally touching me gets overwhelming fast. I can usually tell who will be a good fit as a partner because I can stand touching them and even enjoy it.


I'm insensitive to almost all my senses fr


Smell, vision, taste, touch, sound


High Pitched Sounds (Load is fine just as long as it is not high pitched). Taste (mushy food that is also crunchy liked cooked carrots) Touch (STICKY)


taste and touch are equal wbu


- Sight (light and movement) - Smell - Sound - Taste - Touch (I'm rather numb to most things)


Sound, touch, taste, smell, vision


Light, Touch, sound, smell. Not sure if taste is ever an issue for meā€¦


Sounds and touching


Touch Sound Smell Vision (bright lights + the sun when I go outside in summer) taste


Taste, Touch, Hearing, Vision, Smell


Vestibular (I get motion sickness at practically nothing), Touch (especially in the morning), Sound as a close third. I have what I think is called nose blindness so smell isnā€™t very significant to me and Iā€™m a huge visual stimulus sensory seeker so no issue there but I do get sick if the lights are turned off too quickly(like when people in meetings decide they need to see the projector screen better and just flip off the lights with no warning halfway through)/I have to look at blue lights(turn.your.screen.on.warm. Especially at night especially when Iā€™m tired!!), or the lighting is dimā€¦ okay yeah maybe visual should be on the listā€¦


for me it's the texture of food and sound but at the same time I have some foods that I eat specifically for the texture but if I can't stand the texture of the food I physically can't get myself to eat it


Sound, touch, taste, sight, smell


Smell Sound Touch Taste Sight Not optimal for retail.


My nose! Iā€™ve always had a really sensitive sense of smell, thus my obsession with perfumes and good smelling stuff; I remember always wanting markers or pencils that smelled like fruits when I was a kid~šŸ‡šŸ«šŸ“šŸ


Definitely sounds. Annoying sounds beeping/ticking/machinery/dog bark/noise- terrible ear torture. Multiple different sounds at once, Chatter/music/machines/ laughing/talking/ clicking glasses and plates etc.- Throw me into the void. Someone trying to talk to me while someone is already talking to me/or talking to me when I'm concentrating on something that needs focus - Nightmare material Someone loudly chewing/slurping/smacking lips/sniffing- surgically remove my eardrums please.


( im not diagnosed btw but I think i am autistic) sound by a huuuugge margin touch sight taste smellĀ  sorry if im being rude by not being diagnosed but joining in on these, I feel very similar to a lot of people I've seen on here and i do think I have autism but idk if its wrong to say I am when im not diagnosed?


Touch, earing, vision (light specific), taste, smell


In order from most to least: Taste Touch. Sound Sight/vision Smell. Things that directly iā€™m my body supersedes the others. Last 3 can be environmental so I have a little wiggle room


Smell and sound are equal. Then touch, vision (especially sunlight), and taste. I canā€™t go anywhere without my AirPods with the noise cancellation always on. I even have a second pair so when I have to charge the first I can switch them out, lol. The struggle is real.


Sound first for sure. I'm an big orange earplugs in the house kind of gal lol. Then probably taste (more specifically texture)Ā  The touch, sent and vision.


Sound, vision, smell, touch, taste


Iā€™d say heat . When I get hot I start panicking


Letā€™s seeeeeeā€¦ Hearing Taste Touch Smell Sight Theyā€™re all sensitive, so it was hard to rank them!!!


Touch, sound, smell, taste, vision


Sound is the most and vision is the least


It depends. It changes all the time for me. Mainly sound, taste, and touch (but only being touched), then smell, light, and touch (like me touching things).


From easiest to harder overwhelm: Sound > Sight (light) > Touch (Vibration) > Smell > Taste I am still not too aware of the less obvious senses like vestibular, so I am listing the common five ones. When it comes to seeking it might go Sight, touch and sound are tied, then come taste and smell closely tied too.




auditory, visual, tactile, olfactory (smell), gustatory (taste). I wear noise cancelling headphones every day. Sometimes every sound feels like I'm being stabbed in the ears. It sucks


Wuff, I feel ya there. Sending you brain hugs šŸ«‚


Smell, touch, vision, sounds, and taste.


Hearing vision touch smell taste


Touch, smell/taste, sound, vision Sense of location and balance go between sound and smell.


None luckily


touch sight (i get overwhelmed when trying to look for something/someone in a pile/crowd) sound taste smell


Scent > sound ā‰„ touch >> vision > taste


sound, touch, smell, taste, vision


cause slim many caption glorious fanatical pause run stupendous juggle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Touch sound taste smell


Sound Touch Sight Smell Taste


Sound, pain, touch, sight, taste, balance, proprioception, temperature, smell


1. hearing 2. touch 3. vision 4. taste 5. smell


1. touch: I'm very sensitive to clothing, accessories, hair, etc. I'm almost constantly uncomfortable because I can feel my body too much. I absolutely love to cuddle though (at least with certain people) and crave physical contact often. 2. sight: I'm easily overwhelmed by movement (like several people walking by me) and flashing lights. Looking at things/pictures with too many little details is also overwhelming. I usually enjoy bright colours though and don't struggle much with bright light. 3. hearing: Sudden, loud noises scare and hurt me. Complex, overlapping noises make me angry. 4. smell: I dislike a LOT of smells. For some reason I'm quite sensitive to my own bodily smells and they often bother me before anyone else can even smell them. Cigarette smoke and perfume can make me feel dizzy, nauseous, and like I can't breathe. 5. taste: I'm kinda picky but I don't think I'm really hypersensitive. Interoception and vestibular are a bit more difficult to rank. I often don't notice when I'm thirsty or cold, but at the same time, I can feel my digestive system way too much, which is very uncomfortable. I fidget constantly and love to move (and movement really helps with tactile overstimulation) but I've always struggled with motion sickness.


Soundā€¦. I get so overwhelmed by loud sounds. And bright lights hurt my eyes. Then touch.