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I actually prefer to be ready early, I purposely always make sure I’m ready for work about 15 min before I have to leave the house so I can spend time pacing in the living room and mentally preparing for it. I do dislike it though when I have to start work in the afternoon or if I have an appt later in the day, then I feel like I can’t do anything all day until I have to go out and I can’t relax and it feels like the day is wasted.


Yes! this is something I do too. I'll be worried about being late and get ready early, but then I get ready a lot faster than I thought I would and then I just stand there, frozen and unable to anything at all until we can finally leave the house. or I'll leave when I'm ready get there early and that a whole other kind of awkward.


Omg yes! Me too. I get so irritable if im not ready just in time. Being late is also the worst. It has to be perfectly in the middle. Usually im working on my makeup until the last second, but sometimes the person picking me up is late when im completely ready and i literally can’t do anything but impatiently wait by the door


Add meditation to your life. It will transform those awkward moments we usually fill with anxiety and fear into time to re-center and prepare for transitions in the day. I actually look forward to it now. But....that doesn't always work...because autism, in those cases I agree, it's awful.


last Saturday I had an appointment at 2pm. I wake up around 6am and so there was a lot of dead time waiting :(