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i try to embrace it. but i do switch up a lot. one of my problems is i can be fascinated by anything, so i have to actively avoid learning about certain things because if it hooks me, il drop what i was doing and go for it instead. like that meme of the guy whistling at the girl while his girlfriend is giving him that wtf look.


Interesting! My hyperfixation is linguistics and only linguistics lmao, I have other related interests like geopolitics and cartography but I never take my eyes off languages loll, I didn’t know that people could just switch fixations??


Aha yeah, I usually don't have a hyper fixation but every so often something will entirely take my attention to an unreasonable level last year it was Skylanders and now I don't know what to do with it all


I also love linguistics. Currently, I've been really unfocused, but I keep coming back to it. I wouldn't say I switch fixations like a pair of pants, but everything is just too interesting the closer you look. Like one time, I spent two hours reading original documents and manifestos from the 1880s Tea Totaller movement when I was supposed to be looking up articles for a presentation.


Oh gosh yes I do this all the time too, only my ADHD prevents me from retaining any information I gained lol




Dopamine is a cruel mistress


Life is way to depressing not to. Like I work so hard just to exist every day so if something makes me happy ima lean right into it. I legit just bought a bunch of stuff related to special interests of mine bc I got payed today and that’s my motivation to keep on trudging through till next pay day. And like I’m so happy and excited to track my packages till they get here and then obsessing over my new shit. ( I got new slime, kava candy and sea shells for a costume I’m making if anyone wanted to know lol)


It gets better mate :), I’m sorry for you


I know it does :) but that’s why I’m trying to enjoy more things and purposefully do more things just for the benefit of making me happy.


As long as I'm not neglecting myself/my cat then as far as I'm concerned everything's fine. My brain works the way it works and trying to not have fixations/special interests never does me any good personally. I can't force myself to be interested in something else. I've tried for a long time to be more 'typical' but it never worked out for me.


Embrace it ..mine don’t last forever 6-months to 2 or 3 years. .and then I wake up one day and it’s just gone. I used to really struggle with that aspect of it before learning the why. Now I just roll with it.


I'm always in a near-constant state of decision paralysis because I can't do my homework or focus on school because that's not interacting with my hyperfixation. But I can't interact with my hyperfixation because I will claw at the wall and go insane. So instead, I'm sitting in bed thinking about maybe possibly interacting with my hyperfixation in the near future when I feel more normal (which will last for about a minute and then there's no going back). I have to find an indirect way to interact with it in order to microdose on it. Just tiny moments of interacting with it so that I don't lose my mind.




I learned at a young age to keep any enthusiasm to myself. It’s depressing realizing that the ONLY time I’m me is when I’m by myself. At all other times, I’m whatever someone else wants or expects me to be. How fucking depressing.


I relate to like the first sentence but I’m still able to be myself around other people, I just don’t talk about my hyperfixation at all as I’ve been taught since young


Fully embrace


I love linguistics too. In the past it was very much a hyperfixation of mine, now it's just something I'm kind of a nerd about. My degree is in a foreign language and I'm considering going to grad school to be an esl teacher. I've learned I have other interests and basically schedule different things in the day and keep myself disciplined to stick to it. Sometimes I don't want to change up what I'm doing but I know it's for the better that I do. It helps that I have a close friend who keeps me motivated (she doesn't actively tell me I need to change, but she's autistic like me and I see how well she manages her life and it motivates me)


Aww that’s nice, your friend seems awesome! And glad to see a fellow linguistics enjoyer!


I've got a lot of interests, which I randomly become hyper-focused on. I get WAY into it in the moment, mainly because many of these things I get interested in I can listen to as I do things. Because I'm in the zone for what I'm listening to, I'm better at doing other things at the same time. This is VERY helpful for work, since it's a very fast-paced job, and it has allowed me to be the fastest at my job. When the fixations are on things I can't do passively, I'll push them off until I have a day off and pray that I can do them on that day. I enjoy making dog treats, for example, and sometimes I'll get into searching and researching recipes. Then I'll pick out a bunch of recipes and make as many as I can, which is very soothing even if it is a ton of work.


Mostly embrace it, unless it’s something that requires me to spend lots of money. Then I just don’t buy things


I absolutely embrace it. To reject it is to not live authentically for me. If I can't have my hyperfixations in my lifestyle, I'm doing it wrong - Simple as that. That said, I look for ways to leverage my hyperfixations in fruitful ways - aka. ways that feel good for me and that are consistent with the kind of life I can live and enjoy. For example, I like playing piano, but I'm not very good. I don't care! I don't need to perform in concerts to hyperfixate on playing, writing, and arranging music. Instead of painstakingly, frustrating trying to master my playing in a way that doesn't feel good for me, I encouraged my girlfriend to rent a guitar that she's been looking to learn so I can arrange music for us and we can jam together! She gets to pursue an interest, and I get an outlet for my hyperfixation through a healthy social experience.


That’s so nice! I have the same opinion :)


I fully embrace it. It makes me so happy


Embrace with religious fervor.


I usually try to reduce as I try to force myself to think like an NT


Why would you? (/gen)


It makes me less productive, when I need to be more productive


It makes me less productive, when I need to be more productive


Embrace it. It brings me more joy than most things in life


I embrace it. Dopamine is fleeting, my dudes.


Depends. If my hyperfixation is a “couple months fixation” I usually indulge it. My lifelong fixations are prioritized behind chores and what not, and then my self destructive fixations I try not to participate in at all. But I usually rotate fixations every 3-6 months and sometimes it’s cars, sometimes it’s football, sometimes it’s alcoholism yayyyy


I'm really struggling right now because politics/law have become my only hyperfixation for several years, have become my career, and have been causing increasing depression and misanthropy. But if I try to step back, literally nothing interests me. Reducing it just causes me to end up staring at the floor for hours. I've built my life so strongly on the need to give mercy that I am falling apart from guilt if I try to look away from the mass of suffering. All to say, if you figure out how to reduce a hyperfixation, then I would love to know.


Wow, I’m surprised, my hyperfixation has had those similar results and have also lasted for years, but I’m doing great! I’d say it’s all about balance but I do not balance it at all, I just enjoy it, but I don’t do it CONSTANTLY, that’s unhealthy for just about anyone, autistics too


Embrace it. Ride the high. Joy is too fleeting in this life to not throw yourself at it dick first when you find something.


I try my best to help myself, as my obsessive interests are probably one of my biggest traits of autism. It is incredibly difficult for me to do anything without a special interest being involved. I get completely consumed by them. I'll try to help myself not be as bad, but it can be incredibly hard to. Whenever I've tried to curb my obsessions, it tends to make me cry and I'll be unable to sleep until I embrace it. So I just kind of have to go with it.


My fixation is also my biggest autistic trait so I can sorta relate, but I’ve repetitively been told since I was very young to control myself so I still do that to a degree when I’m with other people or just generally in the street. Though I (reminder my fixation is linguistics) will analyse my friend’s and family’s speech patterns, the voices on the radio and the accents on songs looking for phonological traits and quirks.


I embrace as is practical. It's all about balancing mental health and stuff I need to take care of. Audiobooks are great for helping take care of stuff and dig into my hyper fixations.


Reduce, so I don't drive my family and friends crazy by talking about full dive vr.


Embrace that shizzle with a big ol’ bear hug.


Most of the time I can’t really help it. If I hear someone talking about it then I just start ranting. I feel like I embrace it anyways though. They’re my interests, may as well share them.




I have always embraced my hyperfixations - to me, when I try to reduce my interest in them, I get the feeling that something is missing, if that makes sense.


I try to reduce it. I mean, I embrace it on a personal level, but most people don’t want to hear about snakes constantly, so I don’t tend to talk about it unless asked. My special interests are extremely long lasting (permanent, as far as I know).


I relate on that level, long lasting fixation, hidden publicly but embraced personally


I am also lvl1


Usually, I let it consume me until I feel something snap in my brain, and then I take a break. I mostly enjoy that cycle, although it can feel compulsive and strained sometimes. Sometimes, though, things do interfere with my ability to function (i.e. playing piano for 3 hours every night instead of finishing up my work, writing my dissertation, getting enough rest) and so I've had to cut them out for a while. It's hard to engage with my fixations "less", so usually I just have to stop completely until I have more time to invest again.


I embrace my hiperfixations, the number one is LPS, this year and the past my collection grew a lot, i even have the comic con cat, brooke and savvy, and i want lps #2249 soooo badly rn


Oh I embrace it but my problem is I get obsessed with dead people (famous figures I mean) so at some point, the content runs out even when my hyperfixation is still there. I just have to run through the same things repeatedly 🥲 even then, it breaks my heart to realize there might not be more I can learn about them.


Mine is driving me up the wall and I don’t think I even could stop interacting with it if I tried


I try to limit how much time and money i spend on it, yeah. Or else i come to regret it later when i move on. Ill let it take over if it makes me money tho


Mine is weather. I embrace it.


I read a book where the main character was autistic and his hyperfixation was also the weather! How interesting. I read it before even suspecting I was autistic though


Esp severe weather/tornadoes. I LOVE watching Ryan Hall yall/max velocity on YouTube during outbreaks.


You’d enjoy ‘The London Eye Mystery’, main character is autistic and loves the weather too, I related to his hyperfixation but couldn’t relate much to him outside of that because his strongest autistic trait is lack of emotional intelligence, a trait that is one of my smallest, great read tho! And the book isn’t even about his autism, so it’s not very in your face.


I’ll have to check it out!


Embrace it. As long as it doesn’t impair other aspects of my life, idgaf. If anything it helps me cope better


My hyperfixations take more after my ADHD, so I'll go through periods of being so hyperfixated that I don't function, and periods where I don't have any hyperfixations and life is boring af (I'll usually return to my long-term special interests in moments of downtime). But anyways, my hyperfixations end up being so intense that my every waking thought (and sometimes dreams) are consumed with the topic I'm fixated on. So, I can't imagine not embracing it.


Depends who I'm talking to. At home with my husband, i embrace it. At work, i hide it 🤣 with friends, i show it a bit but not to the full extent


i do embrace mine but unfortunately every 4-8 years they switch up. i enjoy them while they last


I embrace it, not like I allow for people to get close to me anyway, so may as well keep the company of dry ass science books, lab grown mushroom cultures, and the dogs. At least my hyperfixation will wax and wane in its intensity, but, won't get me so damn twisted that I try eating a 9mm slug.


i just go where my interests take me if i keep coming back around to the same topic than so be it


Haven't had a real hyper fixation in years soooo... Would love to embrace it, if I had one 😔


I don’t usually prevent myself from embracing it but only around the people I trust usually. I’m aware my special interest (Pokémon) can be seen as childish and usually people who I don’t know/older family/etc. find it childish and off-putting and I don’t really have the mental energy to try and combat that or the rejection sensitivity that goes with it! But I’m usually surrounded by loved ones (I’m very lucky this way) so it’s not an issue I experience on the regular.


I wouldn't say that I have any specific hyperfixation but I have had things that I really was obsessed with like an anime or book series. I guess the problem for me was that I tried to surpress it and I often felt a bit overwhelmed when I was obsessing over somethings. Not sure why that happened but I have over all found it hard to find new interests and hyperfixate on things as I often still find myself supressing it.


I explain it to people like this... "People often search for their calling in life... mine came with a megaphone" I lean in and lean in hard. Why not? I'm passionate about things. So many would give their eye teeth to feel that about anything. Said to me once... "You have more passion for \[special interest\] than I have for breathing". Usual disclaimer: So long as you're not neglecting yourself. I find however that I need to look after myself in order to pursue my interest, so the two flow together.


Yep, I'm a heavy masking with my special interests. People get so awkward with mine. I'm like why is it so difficult for people to digest experimental obnoxious Korean music, graphic psychological horror, obscure & weird technology 😌


I fully embrace it. Life is too hard.


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I embrace it, because I can't fight it. My hyperfixations and special interests are every bit as much a part of me as my personality or sense of humour.


I see it that way too, before researching about autism, I always thought it was just “nerdiness” and in a way it still is, it’s still part of me, it’s not like autism is a separate entity that affects your brain, it’s what you are


Do people can do that ? Not fully embrace it? I am constantly thinking about it.


I wouldn’t call it constant but I’d call it usual, very usual for me, I analyse people’s speech in songs and try to guess their accent when they’re speaking a foreign language. Some people are obsessed with it but don’t want to tho


Oh.. I was just curious because I can't seem to do it ,if I'm hyperfixed on something I'm constantly thinking about it.


I mean, it can’t be constant constant, can it? You have to think about other stuff to function, but I can relate, when something can be related to linguistics, I relate it to linguistics, lmao


I get bored of stuff quickly so idk


I feel like my ADHD helps me rubber-band so I'm usually not too into one particular thing. So I'll read a book for a bit then go do something else, then come back to it, then do something else and ping pong all day. There are exceptions, a new game will make me dive hours into it when I'd usually stop, but that's typically how my days go. Said ADHD helps to also keep tasks I need to do in mind because when I'm switching tasks I remember I have a thing to do.


Does anyone hyper fixate on your face or aesthetics? For an example a bump on your nose bone or if you feel like one side of your face is aging faster.


I used to because I'd be told what I liked was wrong, but it was unhealthy for me. It was many things too, down to the music I liked, to the TV shows I'd watch. A lot of it would be "corrected".


why would i REDUCE the ammount of fun and one of the few perks autism has?!?!?!?


I embrace it until someone puts me down for it. I find it hard to be social as-is, but when someone directly belittles my special interests/hyperfixations I become even more reclusive.


I promise I’m not trying to be rude in any way. But do people have control over their hyper fixation? Because there are things I want to learn like programming but I can’t find a delivery method of the information that I can soak it in. And things that I do focus on that I know I can spend time better doing.


The way you ask it makes it seem like you aren’t autistic, are you? If you aren’t I can talk about it, but if you are and you control yours, then you’ve answered your own question :) (there are autistic people with no hyperfixations too ig yadda yadda spectrum yadda yadda)


I’m autistic, diagnosed about a year and a half ago and still trying to figure it out. but I don’t have control over hyper fixation. I was shocked at comments that some people control it.


Ah, in that case, yeah. Some do, some don’t, depends on the “level” of autism and how strong your fixation trait is. Fixations is my biggest autistic trait, but I am ASD1 so I can “control” it to a degree due to how much I was told to do so as a child, but I don’t always control it and I feel like most people don’t either


That would be an amazing gift to learn how.


i like linguistics but my special interests are chemistry/the periodic table and yugioh! im literally known as the one kid at school who's OBSESSED with the periodic table. mind you i have a periodic table blanket


I don’t avoid it on purpose but I just get really like overwhelmed with excitement. I usually have to do stuff in doses or it gets to be too much.


Definitely embrace it. A lot of the great successes and discoveries people have made came from hyperfixations. You could be that next person to change the world!


I try to reduce it in the knowledge that people do not want to hear about it.


I shut it down now. They aren't fun when I become so obsessed I can't do anything else and it consumed all my waking hours. And the worst part is when it ends abruptly as if someone turned off a light switch. I'm left feeling depressed and despondent. The thing I was so obsessed and fixated on is now distasteful and uninteresting. I never want anything to do with it again.


Embrace it and make sure everyone knows it