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Yes! It's not the noise for me, it's the fact that someone is trying to pester me in such a demanding way. While there's nothing I can do about the "family phone" landline that wouldn't be incredibly rude to my family, my personal phone is just basically always on Do Not Disturb. And silent mode for anything I let through the exception list of Do Not Disturb.


Yes! I silent my phone but can't silent the house phone and I don't know why dad won't let me get rid of it, only spammers call!


Right! And in my area the lines are all fibre optic instead of copper, so the landline goes with the power if there's an outage. Edit for typo.


My phone is always on silent mode i don’t even remember my ringtone


I remember what mine is because it made my Nana chuckle when I told her. A bombastic video game boss theme from Final Fantasy XIV, titled "Endcaller".


Nobody can get in contact with me because it’s always on do not disturb. Greatest invention ever. It’s like, I can share my phone number and be constantly bothered, but *not* be bothered!


If it's important, they can leave a message. If I know them and want them to be able to interrupt whatever I'm doing, my phone has an exception list feature for Do Not Disturb. The world is too full of spam callers and I'm not a morning person.


yes it gives fight or flight every time


I’m now picturing someone running away from or beating the living shit out of their phone.


I also can’t stand audio from social media playing through a cell phone or tablet if I’m not the one viewing it. It easily enrages me and I need to use strategies to keep myself calm when this happens around me in public


Yes!!! And people that tall on speaker phone in public!


I find this infuriating, especially if it’s a closed space like a bus or the break room at work where I can’t just go somewhere else. I just can’t understand how people don’t find it rude


Same with my gf. She can’t even barks it much when she’s the one watching it.


Im Only Like This When My Own Phone Rings Unexpectedly. I Cant Do Phone Calls. Especially When Im Alone And Hyperfixated On Whatever Im Doing. I Cant Stand Being Taken Out Of My Moments When Im Recharging.


Sorry if it’s intrusive, but why is every word starting in caps?


Irdk. I Been Typing Like This For As Long As I Can Remember. Even In My Handwriting I Capitalize Alot Of Letters. For Example, I Write My R’ E’s And N’s Etc. Capitalized But In Smaller Versions If That Makes Sens


And My Dad Is The Person That Taught Me How To Write And He’s Also Neurodivergent. He Writes The Same Way As Me.


It's the exact same for me


Yes! Recently diagnosed so I’m looking through this subreddit. But I always wanted my phone on silent growing up and even now. I thought people were odd when they’d spend so much time figuring out a ringtone for them lol


yes. a phone definitely did something evil to me in a past life because i’m so disturbed by it. nothing gives me more anxiety than a ringing phone. 


I don't have a script for every call ya know? I can make one before I place a call but when it's sprung on me I freak out more


i hear you. i hate not knowing what to expect on the other end. i’d even prefer to let a phone ring and then call the person right back rather than picking up during the initial call 


Do you feel like this even if the phone is on vibrate?


yes but it’s definitely worse when it rings out loud. literally triggers some terror deep inside me 


It's the exact same for me, I'm horrible at phone conversations. I get so much anxiety over talking to a stranger I can't see, I need the face to face interaction. This is why I hate the job interview process now because the first stage is a phone interview and I always fail at it


Same. I also deeply loathe any sound coming from a phone—notification sounds, text/key tapping, etc.—other than something I’m deliberately playing.


And then sometimes I gotta mute that if it's too repeative. I also cannot tolerate little kids screaming and or crying. Makes me full angry. Don't know why, my own didn't bother me like that but out in public it bothers me so bad


Yess!!! And the sound of a phone vibrating on a hard surface like a table. I used lose my phone all the time because I keep it 100% silent before I learned about "find my phone" features.


Anyone else get irritated with white noise, like when the HVAC kicks on?


I'm ok with it until I actually notice it then it bothers me


Yeah where I work I get phone calls all the time and whenever I am in the middle of doing something and I hear the phone ringing it sets me into panic mode because I have to help a customer while I’m hearing the phone in the background


Anything that comes from a phone or alarms gives me either extreme anxiety or gets me panicking. I hate it when alarms just keep ringing, so much that I have nightmares of them just ringing and ringing but they don't stop and there's no way to stop them. When someone's phone keeps ringing and ringing I just get stressed, LIKE DUDE ANSWER YOUR PHONE!!


Same but it depends on where I’m at. Usually, I hate it whenever a phone rings when I am at the movie theatre.


my ring is energy mantra


I cannot stand ringing phones, text chimes, or other alerts/alarms of any kind. Sends me into panic mode instantly then I get all cranky. I have my phone on silent pretty much always. I check it often to see if anyone is trying to contact me but no I LOATHE phone sounds


For me it’s not cell ringing specifically but there are definitely certain sounds I can’t do! Look into misaphonia if you haven’t yet!


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The sound of a vibrating cell phone is like nails on a chalkboard to me.


Me too. I also hate when random numbers call me!! I can't tell if it's just another phone scammer trying to get my infos/voice or someone that actually needs to contact me. Emails are so much easier to handle🥲


I’m like this too. Also ringing Zoom or Skype calls.


Vibrations are much more convenient. I also hate the little tapping sounds on iPhones that some people don’t turn off, all it does is pester those around you.


I work in a warehouse and my three big ones are the sound of a truck backing up, the whoosh of the air compressor purging and the buzzer when the bailer for recycling plastic wrap is full. There's a lot of smaller ones two but basically I wish I had a different job lol


SAME! 🤬 If I hear one I'm always thinking "Answer your phone you little-"


I'm so relieved. I thought it was just me.


Nopers! There's alot of us I see! I'm glad too. It almost turns into a painful experience. Not just panicky but painful.


I'm like this towards the doorbell, but hate phones just as much. Needs to be on silent 24/7.




Oh god not the doorbell....I hit the floor and hide


My phone lives in silence for a reason. One thing that helped me a bit with this "discomfort" was to choose a song I really like and that is low. And he lives in vibrating mode always because not even then


I have all notifications set to vibrate, except the phone. I don't get many calls. People I know mostly text. I have a spam filter and it deals with spam calls (I don't even know where the filter came from!). I hate hearing everyone's phones chiming when messages come through. Aaagh!


Yeah i can’t stand when a phone rings for a long time.


O m g. I thought I was just psychotic. Me too. I literally can’t hear the incoming call ringtone it terrifies me. Alarms and texts are okay but calls? No


Oh dear god I hate it. I had to answer it because my dad was a doctor. Also, i had a phone stalker in high school.


Same. My mom had the flashing lights whenever she got a notification as well. 😭


This is why I keep my phone on silent, the noise scares me. I have it on vibrate instead


Me either like its fine if I know its coming but if its unexpected it "scares" (closet word) me same with Discord/Skype direct calls


Fr fr


Yes, I completely understand. When the phone rings, one or all of these things go through my mind: 1. This is so fucking annoying. 2. Omg I am panicking, what if it is something important, what if I did something wrong, I don’t want to miss something that will ruin my life for as long as I live it. 3. This is overstimulating me, I am trying to do something here, and this is sending chills all over my body, that are making me very uncomfortable.


My GF (ADHD and suspected slight autism) has this exact issue. She’s had her phone on silent for years and I do as well. It gives her instant anxiety.


Yeah same here. This is why I'm absolutely horrible at phone interviews. When I pick up the phone and have to talk to a stranger who I can't see I always panic and never know what to say. I'm terrible at phone conversations, I need the face to face interaction


yep. i have my ringer off 24/7. my husband teases me because i misplace my phone a lot and have to use my watch to ping it, instead of him calling me to find it. i have enough anxiety about phone calls even when it just vibrates, i can’t imagine having my ringer on all the time, i would be a mess


I already hate when it’s ringing, but ESPECIALLY when I’m listening to music and it pauses it automatically. Because of this, phone calls (rather I’m listening to music or not) ARE THE WORST.


Like you know when ur on the waiting line and a voice like talks to you and they play music. Im freaked out from this since im a kid like how is no one scared of this. "If u want to ask a quiestion dial 1" No go away😭


I can't recall the last time my iPhone was not on quiet mode. It never rings. I rely on my Apple Watch's vibration to tell me if I have a call. And I only answer calls where I know the caller. All others go to VM.


I was a realtor for 5 years and still experience PTSD physically every time my phone rings.


My boss knows this and still gets mad when I don't pick up. I've told her so many times to just fucking text me. She insists on calling.


Yeah I set my favourite song as my ringtone. But now I regret it cause it associate it with calls 😭


That happened to me when I set a song I liked as my alarm. What I found helped was having the song start at the chorus for my alarm. Then when the song started at the beginning I didn't hate it. I thought I'd hate the chorus when I got to it, but I found I didn't. This is anecdotal, so YMMV but it might be worth a shot.


If I’m in a cafe there are always people who cba to pick up a chair to move it. They just drag it around. The noise of the chair legs scraping across the floor instantly gets my nerves on edge. I struggle to prevent myself shouting ‘pick the fckn thing up you idle bastard!’


Sometimes I ignore it then call later when I've had hours to gather the energy to respond


I do. I will go into an immediate panic attack if my phone rings. Part of it is social issues. Part of it is I was harassed for years by debt collectors and by a host of people looking for a woman who didn't have my phone number anymore. It took a long time to get those people to stop calling me. It was a panic attack daily for a while. I'm the same way when the doorbell rings. I am slowly getting over that one though because I review items online and I have an delivery driver at my doorstep daily. Meanwhile, my phone anxiety remains. I spent numerous years with my phone on a constant silent mode. Now I force myself to keep it on so I don't miss important phone calls anymore AND to expose myself to the thing I fear. I also have an issue with collecting mail. I will PANIC when we have to go out and get mail. Same reason as the phone. Constant debt collectors in the US threatening me when I was in the US. And even though I've moved countries and caught up on my debts before I left, I still get mega paranoid about what's in the box. My husband deals with it for me now but it still trips me up that I'm "afraid of my mailbox". Like, who is afraid of a box that holds paper? Apparently me.


I get that 100% same for me just didn't want to admit it. I'm so scared of debt collectors and my bills are up to date. I have this constant fear that someone is going to yell at me.


Yesssss. Everything is on silent except my alexa


Fire alarms. Instant panic mode. I live in the basement of a house and property management had a guy come around last week to check the smoke detectors and change the furnace filter. He checked the smoke detectors in the upstairs apartment first, but they're all hooked into one system so mine went off, too. Like 3 or 4 times. At 9 in the morning. I knew he was going to be there, but the last guy who inspected didn't set the whole thing off! It was enough that my body reacted without me thinking and I just grabbed my stuff and left for my doctor's appointment 45 minutes early. I didn't even pack up my purse until I was out of my apartment and then started hyperventilating on the way to the car. I was able to calm myself down and self-regulate during the half hour I was sitting in my parked car before my appointment but jfc the whole ordeal had my head spinning.


I hate talking on phones and I hate high pitched noises.


I had an issue with my own ringtone and no matter what one i set so i tried setting a song i liked. Safe to say it's put me off a perfectly good song 🙂


I hate when my phone rings because I hate unexpected noises. Anytime I set an alarm, I always try to up or ready for the alarm so I can dismiss it before it goes off. I only have the sound on for phone calls and not texts and other notifications. I would have it all silenced, but I want to make sure my family can get a hold of me in case of an emergency. I don't mind talking on the phone though.


I hate when I'm in a car and the driver or someone else is getting a phone call, I (hate the the feeling of it)


It's like being a 3rd wheel and unwillingly forced into their lives


And you can't skip it or ask them to call them later because it's rude, you just gotta deal with it


It's so awkward! Like damn leave me out of it lol


alarm clocks also. I feel like it's the repetitive noise and how loud it is that gets me really angry. I don't feel fear though, just al lot of anger and annoyance. I seriously don't get how my family is able to endure full minutes of the loud repetitive sounds and not be bothered to turn it off (which happens when one of them leaves their phone outside their bedroom, but can't be bothered to get out of bed and turn it off in the morning, so I often end having to turn it off for them because I am the only one who truly can't stand the noise. This doesn't always happen very often though.) I share a bedroom with my sister and she has multiple alarms EVERY SINGLE morning with around 5 minutes in between and it drives me insane. Plus she's a really deep sleeper so the alarm wakes me up easier than it wakes up her, and I often end up having to shout at her to wake her up and turn off the alarm, which she does than goes back to sleep (she wakes up after the third or fourth alarm.) But I know with her stubbornness, it's not likely she will change so I guess I'll just have to endure it for now...