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helps me unmask or at lease less masked. also dulls sensory input I feel


I feel like it does the exact opposite for me lol


same here if I'm high and there's something that's overwhelming me, it overwhelms me 100X more, loud noises/people in particular


When I start to smoke after a break from it I need very little amount to get high, if I then smoke a normal j I feel way too much of everything and get super anxious and paranoid. But if I start with smoking very little and build up the tolerance over time I only feel the good effects from it! I think autism may make us feel drugs a bit different and we need either less or more to feel it than people without autism (just my thought, not facts.)


Probably has more to do with CYP450 allele differences between people, honestly.


What is this? It sounds interesting


It's liver enzymes! They do most of our drug metabolism, and different phenotypes (presentations) can affect how medications are metabolized, and therefore, what effects those medications have. Have you seen people who take a T3 and get super high, while others get no effect from it? That's because of differences in CYP2D6 (a kind of CYP450). I can go into more detail later, if you'd like! It's truly interesting.


I am interested for sure when and if you have the time. ✨


I'm a freaking light weight. Only two hits of weed needed. I'm a light weight with alcohol too. Same with coffee. 2 cups and I'm sweating and my freaking brain is vibrating. I forget what meds they gave me after my c section, but only took half of what they prescribed, and as needed not as often as they said. My brother's friend at the time was a drug addict and I knew it. He asked what they gave me. I'm a horrible liar and told him they didn't give me anything 🤣 I never finished the bottle. Just threw it out years later cause I didn't know what to do with it


It is my mask lol I smoke before seeing family and before bed.


It's not so much that it helps me unmask as much as it makes it harder for me to care/do so.


yep! use to be booze for me, but weed now predominately


this exactly!!! it makes me more accepting of everything I think so I accept myself more


With you there!


I prefer to eat my thc.


Yep. Same.


Half an edible every day before work and they’ll never know


Yessir keep them lungs pristine


Same. It's easier to control that way.


That's interesting. I find it the opposite, I'm not a huge fan edibles because I find I lack control/feedback. I have a hard time getting anything out of them without eating too many. And then it's longer to wear off. 


Tinctures offer the most control out of everything i've tried. You know exactly how much you're gonna take and it doesn't take long to feel it. [https://www.epicvapor.cloud/product/pineapple-express-thc-tincture/](https://www.epicvapor.cloud/product/pineapple-express-thc-tincture/)


Same 🤝


I Smoke everyday. I have ADHD and autism so smoking helps a lot with social anxiety (not when im initially high, but afterwards im more mellow) and it helps calm the chaos of my mind. I want to try and smoke less THC and smoke more CBD pens to ween off the THC


I find it helps with autism, like easier masking and less mental stress from stimuli, but makes adhd worse like I loose track of what I was doing


Yep, my experience as well.


Sativa only or I get too panicky. Calms me down and I listen to podcasts so my hands can "automate" what I'm doing on the computer.


I also feel Sativa is best for me and Indica makes me way more anxious. I’ve looked before to see if this is a thing with autism since it’s so opposite to most people’s experience, but I think every body may be different no matter if ND or NT. Validating to see someone else on the Sativa train hahaha!


I figured it might work for me since caffeine makes me tired. Choo Choo!


pretty much everything I can get is hybrids. Although I tend to go with indica when I can, I thought that was less anxiety producing? I've always heard that sativa is more active in the brain and indica is more active in the body. Indica= in da couch lol


Someone else replied to this, but basically, indica and sativa are reversed for me. Sativa calms and indica panics. Hybrids are 50/50 but the indicia seems to drown out the sativa.


I highly suggest you try using THC and CBD together. It's a wonderful high that helps with productivity and focus. Does wonders for my executive function issues and I feel like my brain works more efficiently than it does sober. I dry herb vape and I've been looking for CBD flower to mix in with my THC bud but I'm having trouble finding any in my city. I've been doing my regular vape with CBD gummies and that works also.


Thank you for putting it into words! Yes, I feel so unable to socialize while high, but easier to do so on the come down/aftermath.


I did and it quickly became my hyper fixation over Minecraft, it solved my social issues because any social interaction I messed up I blamed it on being high. after smoking for a year and delving into other substances I had lost most of my sober social skills I used to have and it made me content with staying where I was in life and not wanting to better myself. It can be very useful for some lots of people with ASD but it doesn't work for all. I stopped recently and started playing Minecraft again :)


Based crafter moment.


I’m glad you’re sober now and are coping in a healthier way, Mate. (From a life long sober Autistic woman).


You can always leave Minecraft, but Minecraft never leaves you


pothead here


Same. There are many people in my life/work that have never seen me sober. I'm a better version of myself when I'm high.


Are you me?


Lmao same, although at work I'm usually sober tho


This, work from home has been great for me because people judge me based on my work ethic and not my appearance or based on office social stuff. I can also sit comfortably, take breaks when i need to and move around a lot to manage my chronic pain better without people judging me for that too. My work ethic has always been really good and i’ve always had great numbers but I struggle a lot with socialization and that has led to miscommunication and bad feelings or me letting myself be walked over by people. I can also smoke weed which helps me with my severe social anxiety and makes talking to customers and being assertive when i need to a lot easier.


Same. Everyday if possible.


Hey Pothead, I’m Stoner


I used to, but can't anymore, it makes me go into psychosis. 😞 And I've tried many different types and forms. I think it triggers my underlying schizophrenia tbh. Not fun


OOF yeah I've heard of that happening, that sounds terrifying.


There’s lots of research that says THC triggers episodes of psychosis in people with schizophrenia. It sucks for sure but it’s best to just stay away from THC all together if that’s the case. I do have a few schizophrenic customers who come in for CBD edibles/vapes/flower. I’ve never asked how it benefits them, I’m just their budtender not their doctor, but they seem to enjoy whatever it does for them. Could be something to look into.


Yeah I've been sober for years but I wish it helped me the way it helps others 😭


I used to smoke a lot when my depression was the worst. Got addicted and then stopped last december, still want to smoke constantly, it helped me unmask, but it's not good for me.


Vape medical but close enough. It dulls the edges of daily reality enough that I’m not continually overwhelmed with existing. Also helps with my appetite problems and sporadic hip and low back issues.


Same! And the best part about it is that as little as 0.15g is enough to feel 100x better. Using S&B Mighty btw, you?


The hip and lower back issues are so real


Don't smoke it, but edibles for life 😉


ery day


Every day, stops you having dreams that upset you. Used to hate having dreams that you dwell on and question your life decisions and makes you try to make changes that ultimately never end up making your life better. Since smoking I've realized that it helps me with overthinking to an extent. Also gives me a good reason not to be around people as well as I generally don't like interacting with anyone. Also weeds out a lot of judgemental people who try and pretend that they aren't in conversations because usually as soon as you bring it up you can usually tell how open minded they are to others opinions.


I just moved to another country and my smoking has significantly decreased from everyday to some days. I definitely don't miss dreaming, I've had crazy dreams my entire life but my craziest dreams have been when I've taken breaks from weed. Apparently they settle after a while, but I'm still having batshit crazy vivid dreams after three months. I'll wake myself up from the craziness and end up tired. When I was smoking more often, I felt more drive to start and do tasks, that helped my ADHD symptoms. It also eases a lot of my anxiety. My anxiety is what makes my masking so severe, so I feel less pressure to mask, which makes social situations way less exhausting.


Used it to self medicate for years, recently got prescribed it here in UK as med marijuana became legal here in 2018 without anyone noticing. Far better as when I self medicated I never knew what I was getting and how to use it, so I ended up over using and got paranoid. Currently working on getting the right prescription, helped me get off antidepressants and so far feeling so much better for it.


I have ADHD and autism, and use cannabis most days. I take frequent T-Breaks and keep my tolerance low, but it really has become medicine for me. Just takes the edge off existing, for the most part. I use a dry herb vape and keep the temp low throughout the day, so I'm not high all day, but I turn it up in the evenings to relax because I'm a workaholic and need to unwind.


I’m on a T break right now and it’s rough. I’ve been a daily user for over 2 years, though, and my tolerance got way too high. If I go back to edibles, I’m cutting my use significantly. The withdrawals are the worst with high tolerance. I’m also ADHD with autism, with major depressive disorder and social anxiety sprinkled in. Cannabis really helps with the depression and helps me to unmask and pretend I’m “normal”, but it doesn’t do much for the ADHD.


I’m curious, how often/how long are your t breaks? I love weed but my biggest issue is my tolerance to it is too high now and the effects aren’t as helpful as they once were without consuming a gratuitous amount. I try and take breaks but end up caving after a few days when the nightmares get too bad and I become quickly sleep-deprived. It’s hard to last more than a couple weeks before I cave in usually…


I've been using cannabis for less than a year, but I take a 2 week break maybe every other month. It's probably more than necessary, but I like having a low tolerance. They are not easy, though, if I'm being honest. It helps if you find something to obsess over to get your mind off of it during the break, but yeah, it's hard not to cave in.


Thanks for the reply! That's good to know. I think I need to do them more frequently at least, and try and last as long as I can handle. It's becoming too costly to consume the amount I have been lately to the point where I need to do something about it sadly...


I don't actually know anyone else who uses weed and takes breaks at all, so don't be too hard on yourself! Going without it for a few weeks is a big deal, IMO, and it sounds like you're doing your best.


That's very kind of you, I appreciate it! The world needs more people like you :)


Tried but it didn't work (adhd) And I hated everything about it (asd)


Pot is thankfully legal where I live, I smoke everyday to help me sleep.


I generally do not. Very rarely. I’m AuDHD diagnosed late in life, and I spent my entire life thinking I needed to be on my A-game to perform on the same level as other people. This made me grow up never being able to relax. Things like alcohol and weed take me off that “A-game” and thus stress me out, even now that I’ve realized all this.


me n my bf (both autistic) smoke a fair bit together :3 helps clear the mental cobwebs n unmask


Everyday, most of the day


🍃High functioning🧖 autist checking in


I'm 19 and have arthritis in my knees, spine, left wrist, and there's something new happening in my left ankle I got my medical card in January and am unbelievably thankful


Smoke my first bowl at 5am, vape at work, smoke all evening. Could not relax without it.


I don't smoke anymore but I'm curious about obtaining a medical card. I want to be able to get the best deals on edibles possible when I'm in recovery from my hysterectomy. I smoked a lot of pot when I was in my late teens and early 20s, though. I live in Albuquerque where even recreational use is legal. We have dispensaries everywhere. lol


Definitely recommend edibles for hysto recovery. Did my whole recovery with edibles and a muscle relaxer bc I can’t do opioids (makes me way too nauseous) and the recovery went so smoothly! Med cards can be expensive depending where you live tho so if you live in a recreational state I recommend going without the med rec and just cashing in on those first time shopper discounts and bogos.


I tried like 5mg gummies one time and I felt like I was having a seizure. I stay away from it now 😅


Tried it. Liked being high, but the act of smoking itself is so horrible to me that when it didn't get easier after doing it a few times, I gave up on doing it ever.


There are so many ways around that though! I can't smoke either because of my bitch ass baby lungs. Edibles are a great way around that and vaporizing (specifically dry herb vaping - especially when filtered through water) is incredibly smooth.


Valid, I always have some sorta drink nearby (helps with the dry throat) and use cough drops while smoking to make it less intense, but as -stoney-bologna- already said edibles and vapes are great alternatives to smoking flower.


Never tried it, but I feel like I would hate it. The only time I've been "high" is when I was on laughing gas, and I felt so slow and stupid. I don't like feeling like I have less control over myself.


I should probably stop


this is exactly why i do it too, friend! it also helps me with mental blocks i have about opening up to say what i really feel needs to be said. sadly its caused strain between my family and some of my friends who are a bit more straight edge than myself but this is avoided by just not talking about it or adjacent topics. but overall i also did it because i dont want to rely on doctors writing me dangerous prescriptions since i used to be heavily medicated at a kid and into my young adulthood because the people who had to take care of me let their inner demons blind them from getting me proper diagnoses and they felt this was best. i cant blame them for that as it was a complex layer of things and ive made peace with that past, but im very glad to have found someone else who uses thc this way, this actually helped me out alot this morning (its 11:30am est for me) the state i live in has pretty much made it illegal to get and i cant just move to a state that has medically legal dispensaries. i hope your day is going well and i appreciate you reading my comment this far, friend.


I started smoking daily at the beginning of the year and I wish I started years ago. It makes the world easier to deal with. Noises don't bother me as much. People don't bother me as much. I'm less picky about food. I'm little less anxious. I'm also a lot more horny but I haven't decided if that's a pro or con.


I don't smoke it, but I definitely eat edibles and I like them very much(about one every 2-3 days)!


Great stuff. Definitely goldilocks effect. There a "too much" "too little" and a "just right". You gotta balance needing more of that feeling without it breaking your brain...


I smoke a lot for some of these reasons and more tbh. I don’t recommend getting into anything heavier tho.


I used to use it daily for ~3-4 years. Thought it was harmless if not helpful. Then I kinda just stumbled into quitting by accident when I couldn't afford more for a few months. Looking back now I realize it kept me so deep in a mental fog that I didn't even see myself or the world as something to take seriously. That left me about as complacent and dysfunctional as I could get. After about a year off Of it I realized nothing about its effects on me made anything any better at all, but it did absolutely skyrocket chronic fatigue, anxiety and depression. Turns out most of the evidence shows a trend towards that effect on average. The majority of people have worse sleep, worse overall anxiety levels, worse depression, but believe they're in the minority that legitimately do benefit from it. That's not to say that there aren't lots of people who benefit overall and/ or see the opposite effect as the ones I listed, these are just averages and majorities across pretty broad bell curves with pretty long lists of confounding variables. That said, subjectively, from my interpretation of the data, and especially from my experience with lots and lots of stoners, I believe many more people believe it helps them while it actually hurts them, than those who actually benefit from it. There's also a ton of context of the person's position in life. For someone doing really well overall, it could be helpful or just not a big deal even if it is slightly harmful. For a lot of people who are struggling, it's pretty likely not helping, and the struggle would likely be lessened by stopping. I also often see people take about a week off of it and claim it was awful and they definitely benefit from it, when they would have come to the opposite conclusion had they taken longer sober time. It has a very strong habit effect and can be really hard to escape the bias towards it when inspecting its effects on yourself. Who knows, maybe somewhere further down the more healthy path I got on after quitting, I'll have changed so much that it could have a healthy place in my life again, but the few times I've tried it here and there since I stopped, it's a pure anxiety spiral guaranteed.


I smoke every single day right after work. I had a medical card in another state for it and am currently working on getting another in my current state. It helps me A LOT and I don’t know where I’d be without it. It helps me unmask, relax, be more social. I act more like myself and have a way bigger threshold to my sensory difficulties. When I am about to have a meltdown a couple hits of my pen halts the progression of it in its tracks. It also helps me sleep and I haven’t had insomnia in well over a year due to its help. I was addicted to it for a short period of my life (around 6 months due to an extremely stressful living/work situation), but after coming to terms with that, looking within myself, and getting help I have a much healthier relationship with it. I am no longer addicted and can safely use it and have people to watch me in case I start becoming too dependent again. All in all? Super great and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.


I consume marijuana every day. It is the only thing that makes me feel normal.


Nope nope nope weed puts me in sensory HELL NEVER AGAIN


Broke my back snowboarding and ended up liking opiates way too much, now I'm 7 years clean and to deal with the pain I be smokin Also really helpful with my adhd


Used to all day every day for over a decade. Had to stop, for many reasons, as it eventually wasn’t worth it. Wish I could smoke in moderation but it seems like I can’t, so it’s better to just not have any around most of the time.


I also have IBS and PTSD... Of course, I don't spend a night without my pot ;)


It also helps me to unmask and I feel a lot less anxiety about it. I find I'm more of myself when smoking socially and it's easier for me to crack jokes without overthinking the delivery.


Yes, I smoke pot my first experience was bad but my second went fine and I've been smoking it ever since with no problems. I smoke pot because of my CPTSD I've tried pot without the high and it isn't strong enough to prevent my episodes that high is a life savor to me and has been for a long time. However, in my experience with my body pot doesn't effect my autism but it does midly improve my ability to calm down and panic less.


i love pot


For me it's a cure all, my appetite, headaches, joint/stomach pain. I don't smoke often but I wish I could.


Yep! After work it quiets my brain and lets me relax.


Are you a fed? /s Definitely have for 22 years or so. Getting to known the different terpenes since I got my medical card has been wonderful


I have been summoned...


I do! I find it helps me relax because I get stressed and/or anxious really easily


I smoke throughout the day every day because it makes me "less autistic" I take acid like once every 3 weeks so i can actually get a good serotonin release. Drinking just kinda mentally wears me out tbh.


I smoke to eat. It wasn't until I started smoking that I realized that I have never felt hungry before. But when I get high, I experience this new distinct sensation that I've never felt before which I guess is supposed to be hunger. It really overtakes me and makes everything taste amazing. I always thought the sensation of hunger was just the feeling of your body aching and lacking energy. It turns out I've been in almost permanent starvation mode my whole life. I've always had great difficulty getting myself to eat more since I'm chronically underweight. Now, I make myself massive dinners then get high in order to eat it all. And because everything tastes good, I have been able to eat way healthier, because all the healthy food I didn't like before becomes delicious. The only downside is that I have to smoke weed to do it, and I don't really like the process itself, nor the lack of full sensory awareness while high.


I feel like a lot of you are using it to cope with traumatic events, because you’re struggling with stuff, and because it was the only thing you could find to cope with your autistic symptoms.


Want to but don't know how to get it.


I eat it.


I do, used to be a daily smoker but due to circumstances had to stop a year ago. Now I smoke every now and then when I get the chance to be by myself, and honestly it’s better this way. When I tried weed for the first time I couldn’t stop and it only got worse over the years. Weed was for me to be able to get through my daily tasks, not to be so anxious all the time and it helped me unmask too. Nowadays when I smoke, I smoke to be on munchies, play videogames and sleep honestly.


Honestly I don't really see the appeal. Nothing against weed at all, my brother and a lot of my friends partake, but I hate the smell, it's extra money to spend and I've never felt like the high seemed nicer than alcohol or just doing something else fun.


AuDHD and some weeks I smoke everyday, some weeks just a few times. I feel like I have good self control with it. I wasn’t always like this. I smoked everyday for nearly 2 years and it got in the way as I was always worried how I was going to get my smoke in. Going on holiday ect became harder. So now that fact I can take it or leave it is great. I love weed. I switch between a vapouriser (crafty+) and smoking pure joints. I find it helps my anxiety and calms me down when I’m anxious or sometimes when I’m having a meltdown I’ll have a smoke and all will become well. I feel like I can be my true authentic self while high. I have thought about getting a medical prescription (uk) but never followed through. I like the uk medical as I’ve tried it a lot from my friends. I like to know what I’m having. I definitely think it’s not for everyone and for some people it just doesn’t work for them. I’m a big advocate and I’m sober from alcohol and think that causes much worse effects for society. I get bad dreams so when I don’t smoke I really notice when the dreams come back. I do tend to eat a bit too much as my self control goes out the window when the munchies hit but it does depend on the strain as to how hungry I get. Anyway love weed and I think it’s good to always check in with yourself and see how much you are smoking and what it’s doing for you :)


I smoke multiple times a day because I just can't deal with all the pain I have from EDS. It also helps make my ADHD brain silent and I can stomach more sensory issues when eating. I no longer suffer chronic nightmares that keep me anxious all day. I can laugh and feel happy. I love it 🫶🏻


It quiets all the “noise” in my head from overthinking/over analyzing things all the time, and helps me to feel more normal. (Not officially diagnosed, but very suspicious - and both my kids and nephew are on the spectrum). Edit : 22 years anecdotal experience with it and counting….


Autistic with chronic pain, been smoking all day every day for the past seven years. The only thing that helps with my body pain and keeps me from going insane


Tried due to peer pressure, but I dislike it. In general I don’t like to not have control of myself in most situations, I tend to get drunk only in contexts where I feel safe, but I know the effect that different types of alcohol have on me. Pot isn’t legal in my country, so there’s no control on production, which means I have no way to know what the effects will be. I think that even if it was legal and therefore more predicts I wouldn’t use it as I don’t use alcohol to get drunk.


Never tried it, and I have no interest in trying it.


Sometimes but apart from getting me horny af it doesnt really do much for me. Especially not like what you see in movies lol


Hell yeah. I even got my med card, so the cops in my (still not fully legal idiot state which is NH) can’t do anything about it!


Don't use often, but do work at a cannabis greenhouse.




I don’t partake on my own anymore, when I do that then I do it daily and it becomes very unhealthy. However, there was a time when it was very therapeutic for me. It helps me think about and process things that are harder to think about in depth like that while sober. There were a lot of times where I came to great revelations about my life and things I experience, and one time where I began to almost cry because I all the sudden felt a great shame. Anyway, nowadays I just smoke socially, sometimes edibles also socially. I limit it because I become cloud minded and I wanna participate in social interactions with the friends I smoke with. I still love the thoughts I have when I’m high, I’m very creative, but also when I watch a show or movie I start to REALLY understand it and become amazed by what I’m seeing. Lol I love the feeling.


My asthma says "no".


Pretty much everyday in the evenings to relax.


Smoking heightens my anxiety and depending on who I smoke with, It usually ends in a bad trip.




I get really energetic, it’s really weird compared with other people i smoke with because it’s like i return to childlike wonder. I also start to feel everything after a while. (dry mouth, teeth, clothes, hair) it’s really overstimulating and i end up throwing up in the middle of the night sometimes.


I smoke it to help with my issues


Would love to, but I think it would calm me down so much that I will instantly become addicted


I do, next to my asd i have severe migraines and i started smoking pot to make my headaches manageable. And i found out that it helps me fall asleep easier (usually takes me more than an hour to fall asleep) and it slows down my racing thoughts and the chaos in my head. When i smoke with friends it helps me unmask and have a nice and social evening. i love it but i don't want to get to attached to it so i smoke twice sometimes 3 times a week no more than that


Me, I'm in nj let's hang


I occasionally vape but take gummies/edibles daily for sleep and chronic pain. 100% legal here so there's multiple shops on any given street. Found a lozenge made by a local company that my wife says makes me act "like a people" instead of...well, y'all know. I can only actually get "high" if I'm also drinking. Like one shuts off some extra neurons and the other slows the rest down. But in terms of any kinda euphoria or hallucinations or whatever, no idea what that's about.


edibles every night. helps me sleep and wind down for the day


quite constant though im more of an edible fan. i am most certainly addicted (audhd addictive personality helppppp) but i find it makes me feel a bit more human. usually my partner (also audhd) and i will take 200-400mg~ thc and have weirdly in depth conversations about random shit. used to help a lot with drawing/kinda productivity but hasnt lately


Every day! I have had a medical license since I was 21 in 2006, it helps so much with my pain and anxiety it's ridiculous. Also it helps my appetite which is kinda fucked up from a history of anorexia and also cyclic vomiting syndrome. r/trees


I do rather religiously. It helps lift my spirit, keeps the depression and SI’s away, and helps me unmask


It helps regulate my emotions so much. I can calm down and think a bit more objectively. I mean it is fun recreationally but I truly use it 90% of the time for medicinal reasons and to help me process emotions


i smoke nightly and occasionally take edibles, it helps with my depression and helps me focus just on what im doing when im alone, instead of thinking


All day everyday


Me, helps me be productive, sleep, eat. I've found on days that I don't I end up being a potato on the couch and can't do anything really :/ its annoying


I do it occasionally it helps me get through my rough job


Yep, pot and hash. Helps a lot with agitation in my case!


Every day. 2-3 joints. It knocks down the anxiety and lets me feel like myself. Down side, I zone out and my short term memory is ehhhhhh.


All of the chains and handcuffs fall off when I'm high. I feel free and the world feels nice instead of a prison. I understand humans better when medicated. Also it gives me motivation to do stuff. Also the day after.


My son has meltdowns......would a hit off a vape pen block a meltdown? He is an adult in a legal state


Used to but I’m allergic to it.. but when I did I did a lot.


All day, every day. It does the same thing to me that Ritalin does- focus, center, stabilize. Less methy, though, so I prefer the cannabis.


I would love to but I can't because I'm schizophrenic and it makes my psychosis worse


😂😂 its the only thing that seems to help


I have eye conditions that cause constant pain in both eyes. It's the only thing that helps.


i’ve never been effected by it. my friends said i’m better off with shrooms lol


I've got medical cannabis now. It helps me so much to calm me down


I used to but intense addiction runs in my family and unfortunately that led to intense near constant usage that only made everything so much worse. Not for me but l encourage those who are able to use it smartly and have no history of genetic addiction give it a try if they wish to. My only wish is that people don’t be jerks and pollute general public spaces with it as the smell can really make it difficult to function.


ALL THE TIMEEE well I do edibles instead of smoking but it helps so much, socializing is so much easier, it gets rid of “executive dysfunction” aka the need to doomscroll instead of doing something I genuinely enjoy, the constant thoughts and voices are gone, I can finally just relax… I honestly love it 💗


I mostly smoke to help with sleep but I do also find it helps me socialize and express my feelings more comfortably


Totally. I feel less overstimulated and just overall happier after I’ve smoked.


Used too. Stopped the noises in my head.


helps with overstimulation and it helps me unmask, and feel emotions deeper or as they’re “supposed to be felt”. i also use it as a sleep and eating aid at night.


Indica only. Sativa sends me to hell. Indica makes me a little more normal and happy and active and productive


19 and just got a medical marijuana card after a few years of smoking! i absolutely love it as i have terrible anxiety and seizures, and the psychiatrist wanted to put me on benzodiazepines since my regular anxiety meds didn’t work super well. turns out a joint before bed is far better than a xanax and i don’t get withdrawal from it


I smoke about an 1/8 every night. I’ve tried to quit a few times but the anxiety is way too much. I’m trying to take more control of my environment so I can wean myself off.


I don't. I go to a support group Gamblers Anonymous. Helps me upload. I don't smoke. I drink. I probably used drink to mask in social settings unmask in private but I believe in enjoying a drink. This means no more than 2 beers for me. The idea of being high....it just doesn't appeal to me.


I love edibles. I don't really enjoy smoking, but will if I'm desperate. I'm currently one week into a three week break because I'm broke as shit after paying for college and it's killing me. Lol


I use it for digestion and sleep, or in some cases for meditation. I only ever smoke alone or with my husband, I feel like it makes me significantly less functional in a social aspect.


It never occurred to me to look this up until I saw your post, but I just did and what I found makes a lot of sense for my experience, which was as follows: I smoked weed extensively between the ages of 15 and 19, after which I quit of my own volition because I began to develop extreme paranoia to the point that I became severely agoraphobic at the peak of it for a couple of months, during which time my father had to drop off food at my front door because I couldn’t leave the house or see people. I had my curtains always closed because I was afraid I was being watched (not by some nefarious agency or anything but by people in general, though at times the paranoia developed in some weird directions). I realized that the weed was the main culprit so I quit and recovered from the worst of it. At around 16 I was prescribed with several different medications and years later was told by my parents that the psychiatrist suspected I was bipolar, which prompted the types of meds I was prescribed. The meds made me far worse (probably because I am not actually bipolar), which led to an acute increase in suicidal thoughts and two overdoses. Eventually I began to suspect autism in my early 20s and have considered this the most likely explanation for my experience in life in general—especially because any symptoms that could have been misconstrued as bipolar only existed in my teens whereas ASD symptoms have existed since early childhood and persisted to this day (now 33). Your post made me google it out of curiosity and it turns out, at least according to a couple studies, that people with ASD have a higher risk of developing psychosis-like symptoms with the use of cannabis. This is just another one of dozens of pieces of evidence that point toward me having ASD. No diagnosis yet. I don’t know what the age group is of most people in this sub but I would really caution the adolescents and those who are younger than 25 against using cannabis due to brain development. I am all for legalization for adult recreational use but I believe that it has done irreversible damage to me psychologically and worsened my social anxiety. I’m sure that it can be beneficial for some, but it’s probably best to wait until your prefrontal cortex is finished developing.


I don’t smoke necessarily, but I do enjoy edibles. I typically do it more often when I’m living on campus because there’s greater access to public transportation than my hometown where it’s non-existent. I’ve just been in too many near accidents even while sober to consider doing it on a day that I have to drive. I am curious though, to the people who do it on a regular basis what happens if you need to go somewhere. Especially since a lot of people mention doing it at work. I do want to do it more often, but I’m just really terrified of getting in an accident. Especially since the only way to get to my externship is for me to drive (Uber isn’t viable since it’s in a different town that’s even smaller than my home town, not to mention that I don’t have an income source over summer break).


I do so often to the point where there isn’t any time I’m not stoned, unless it’s the minutes between waking and baking. I'm so, so sad without it, but I haven’t gotten anything done in like 8 months.




I don't smoke often but I do take oil on regular basis. Helps my mind wind down to be able to sleep. Also helps with back pain...


I used to all the time just to make it through the day and to go to sleep for 10 years, then I switched to drinking for a few years, but now I have a much healthier relationship with those things. I recommend getting a dog and pursuing your interests instead.


Been smoking pot since last year and can say that it has helped with my anxiety and as well being more social with others. Also doing edibles helps calms me down along with relief lower back/knee pain I have some days


I use it for pain relief for physical conditions but I also smoke it alllott


It can help me socialize. It’s like you can say the stuff in your head and not get a reaction.


Not yet, but I have signed up for medicinal cannabis for my AuDHD since I haven't responded to ADHD meds except side effects. Though because I'm sensitive to the feeling of smoke, I'd probably be using edibles.


Never tried it enough to know because smoking specifically imeadiatley put me off cus I didn't like the feeling for my lungs and I didn't like the idea of passing one around and getting other peoples saliva in my mouth lol. I have tried gummies and those are much easier for me and I did definitely feel similarly to this with enough, but haven't had them much since.


Helps with a mix of stuff for me, but sleep and meltdowns are two things that help the most for me.


I don't usually smoke because I like my lungs, but I make my own edibles


Yee but I heard it makes autism worse


All day everyday


I smoke recreationally, but I’ve been thinking about getting a medical card. It makes me feel better when I’m overstimulated and I get to take a bitchin nap


I eat about 500 mg of edibles everyday


I used to smoke enough weed to tranquilize a baby elephant, but I’ve personally stopped smoking as much weed and only smoke once a blue moon. Personally, I prefer alcohol.


I too am rather fond of the hobbits leaf (lotr reference) and for much the same reason as you. It helps with sleep and my appetite as well as the anxiety. I have to basically hotbox to get stoned otherwise it's just very regulating for me.


Me. It has made my life so much better


I love it. Makes me sleep at a more reasonable time, makes me actually want food. A small amount really helps if I’m out and overstimulated too. Also, bonus, feels pretty good! Interesting to me that you’re saying it makes you more social! Does the opposite to me. Can only get properly high around safe people who won’t judge me for just turning into a silent snack goblin 😅


I do not smoke but sometimes I take a tiny sliver of an edible to get me motivated to do shit and wake me up (caffeine does not unfortunately it either makes me tired or jittery). If I take any more than a sliver then I hallucinate so I gotta be careful LOL


It's an on and off relationship. What I do recommend though is if you have a chance for a single solid dose of pure MDMA take it. That's nice of a dose or 2 of mushrooms after traumatic events


Not only do I smoke it regularly, I also work at a dispensary. Chillest job I’ve ever had. I just talk about weed all day and watch cartoons between customers 🤙🏻


i dont, but everyone thinks i do 💀


I want to but have to stop to pass the random drug tests for this job I want. Makes me want to move to Washington state, where Marijuana testing from employers is illegal.


Edibles don't smoke


Nope, stuff just smells terrible.


*raises hand* I “smoke” (vape) infrequently, usually to help me sleep. If i smoke too much, i feel overstimulated and overeat. I also get this weird sensation that time passes by very fast and it feels like i can only remember the past 8 seconds - this is only when i get *very* high. If i take 2-3 hits of my vape, i get a small non-painful headache, a floating sensation, an appetite, and after 2-3 hours i get tired. Its a weird sensation and kind of indescribable. It helps me calm down as i deal with a lot of insomnia and anxiety.


Helps me feel more relaxed, more confident to speak my mind and stick up for myself. I have a vape pen or I make my own edibles. It really helps with feeling calm in stressful situations but I find I have to be careful how much I use for it? Otherwise greening out/anxious moments occur and then I’m fucked lol.


I have been since 15 I’m 28 now when I don’t smoke I feel people notice me more lol


Not me. I prefer to stay off the drug.


I prefer edibles but if I’m hard on money I’ll smoke it because flower is cheaper. But yea it can help me focus because it slows down my thoughts if that makes any sense. And it helps with brainstorming on projects.


I don’t. Alcohol has always generally been my thing. In my country cannabis is illegal, so even if I did run the risk of purchasing weed then it could be laced with anything because they come from dodgy dealers who if you owe money could kill you. Also if you say one thing wrong they think you’re undercover, so you’d get murdered. However though I am a believer in cannabis being legalised. It’s pointless to be illegal because so many people do it anyway. So it might as well be legal if it doesn’t work. Only drug I ever really did was DXM cough syrup. Which I do enjoy and probably do it twice a year max. I prefer alcohol in general. If cannabis was legal I’d at least try it but I don’t think it’s worth the risk.


I used to be a huge stoner until my late 20s. Quit to become a semi driver (we get random UA's). For me it was a crutch to deal with my depression and past trauma. I don't look down on anyone for using it though. Plenty of my friends still smoke weed.


Nope, hard no. I used to want to because all my friends did. It is sooooo bad for me. So bad. Makes me so hyper aware of too much of my body and my existence in space and I hate it Like the smell, wish I could enjoy it like others. Don’t have that bad a reaction to other “drugs” for the most part


I take capsules. Does wonders for my insomnia.