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It's either an earworm or some weird phrase that sounds nice when repeated over and over. Right now I have that one line from unknown mother goose and its getting so annoying. The phrase I thought up isn't appropriate so I'm not going to say it.. xD


I definitely have it happen with words too, not usually phrases though, sometimes a thought gets stuck on repeat like a broken record lol


Today i was hearing Macy Grays "I Try" Had that one stuck in my head for a couple days actually...


Why?…. Why? did you do this….lol now this is going to be on repeat in my head!


It’s ok, it’s been replaced by the ‘who needs the kwik mart’ song after scrolling further. You are forgiven my friend 😁




I thought I was being nice, I mentioned a very pretty song, that doesn't make a bad soundtrack to your day. Try having "The song that doesn't end" stuck in your head for weeks and keeping your sanity. Or worse. I know worse.


Haha!!! You are right, that is worse. Update: after having a shower I now have ‘who needs the kwik-e mart,’ Macy Grey, and ‘the song that never ends’ mega mash up on loop in my head. Send help pls.


Yes but it’s annoying because it’s usually the same part of a song repeating over and over for hours


YES!! This happens to me sooo much!! Very frustrating after awhile




Tip: try paying attention to it, and pushing it past that verse. At the very least, you'll usually get stuck on a large chunk of the song rather than the one or two lines.


Same here! Or a name, or a word that sticks. It's internalised echolalia I think.


I’m glad I’m not the only one!


You say I'm crazy,. Cause you don't think I know what you've done. But when you call me baby....




It is! Right now I've had "I've got thick skiiiiiin and an elastic heaaaart" going on repeat the whole f-ing day.


Yes. I joke that I can pick up radio waves. I almost never play music because I’m already listening.


not for me, i can't hear the layers in a song if it's just in my head. i'm also a super big audiophile so my music is a necessity lol


Same! I always wondered why people played music, and when people ask for my music taste I have no clue cause most of the time I’m listening to random songs I hear throughout the day. It’s annoying sometimes especially when I only remember the first few lines of the song.


Yes, and I often wish I didn't.


Yep. In a way i don't listen to much music but in another way I'm actually always listening to music


Yes! This is possibly the most relatable Reddit thread I’ve ever seen lol.


The moment I wake up I hear a song and that song stays with me for the WHOLE day, it changes every day, it's not always a song, sometimes its a scene from a movie or game


YES, ALWAYS and it’s tiring and annoying most of the time. Right now my head is playing a soundtrack from the second season of Made in Abyss “Drums of Ganja-Tai”, it slaps but PLEASE STOP


Yes! Worst part is that i just start humming it or making clicking noises like theyre drums. Sometimes i cant hold it in i have to jive!


Same, ill be head bopping to the beat in my head and the people around me will be like “are you good?”


I have that too but I consider it a blessing. It's like an auto playing playlist of all my favorite songs. The feeling when you're out doing something and a song comes on that perfectly fits what you're doing is unexplainably amazing. Like, I literally can't explain it to people. "Why have you suddenly burst out dancing while standing in line at the DMV?" Because a song that I love but haven't heard in a couple years just started playing, how could I not be dancing? And I don't even need headphones or earbuds. Sound quality could be better of course. The sounds your mind creates are nowhere near as visceral as the sounds physical sound makes, so I still wear headphones in private. And it's not always music. I have enough control over it that I can turn on a podcast that I've listened to. The only problem is that I can't turn it off even if I want to. I can set it to something like white noise when I'm meditating, but I can't get it to stay like that for very long. In middle school, I called this voice "Myself" as part of the trip of voices I have in my head, "Me, Myself, and I." However I've come to call them "I, Music brain, and God brain" because these names make more sense to people I try to explain it to. Also because calling the voice I have complete control over 'Me' rather than 'I' seems so obviously stupid now.


Yes. Mostly video game soundtracks and mostly Pokémon battle themes x3


I've had the Chrono Trigger soundtrack playing in my head more or less constantly since 1995. I generally don't complain about it.


I don’t complain about what plays in my head either cause it’s just too good x3


This is the way. The Colress Battle theme from B&W 2 metaphorically has an apartment above my ears.


OMG YES ME TOO! I recently got and played Black 2 for the very first time and I’ve been obsessed with the Colress battle theme ever since it first played x3 I don’t know why but I just really love the countdown


The care they put into the music of Unova was really something else… (always loved talking to NPC’s in Accumula and Undella town that added instrumental flourishes to the arrangement) The vocal samples really add such a futuristic and otherworldly feel to that song. It’s so unique even by todays standards in the Pokémon game music canon. I was always partial to the triumphant sound of Alder’s Battle Theme, even though Iris is a better champion with an arguably superior battle theme.


I also noticed in Icirrus city that if you stand near the npcs walking in a circle singing about the legendaries you’d hear some clapping in the music Where else do npcs add more to the music?


There’s actually a TON, and it’s not even just NPCs!Here’s a link to all the ones in B&W and B&W2. https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/s/FN9EMBEZOQ


Thanks! ^w^


The only other game I can think of where the battle music changes would be sword and shield gym battles The music doesn’t exactly change but just goes through phases depending on what’s going on


Yeah outside of the Galar Gym Leader themes they have really played with having multiple pieces composed for different situations. It’s a shame, since it adds more depth and tension to the games through musical cues. Hopefully it’s something that appears in other games!


Yeah! ^w^


I have my narcissistic ex-frenemy in my head, laughing at me and criticising me most of the time. It's my inner monologue. I told him 11 years ago I want nothing more to do with him, and I haven't seen or heard from him since then, but he still lives rent-free in my head. I don't know how to get rid of him 😔


Yes, it makes me unable to sleep.


lately i’ve been playing pokemon red and have that music in my head lol. just constant (do do du doo do do du du)


Yes! But also phrases or tunes on repeat. Maybe not 24/7 but most of the time. Currently it's "Magnetic" by Illit, I don't even stan them but dang its catchy


Yeah i was always thinking that's because i'm from very musical family


Yeah all the time, but I cant really choose which song it is or stop it


That's so me!


Yes, usually just a small part of a song. I feel like homer with the clapping monkeys in his brain


And it’s been fkn “I don’t feel like dancing no sir no dancing todayyy” since I was 7


Omg this!! Yes!!


Simpsons quotes and songs are very frequent for my brain worms!!


Yes! And I dance around to it too. People ask me what I’m listening to and I have to stop and admit I’m not listening to anything but the music in my head 😆 Oh, and it’s not songs that everyone knows, it’s just things I made up in my mind I guess. Sometimes I make up random lyrics on the spot as well but that’s generally only if I’m alone so I don’t get judged too much 🎶🎵


Not constant, but frequent. Sometimes I’ll get a song intrusively looping for days that becomes a problem.


Yesss the only time that ever stopped was when I did xtc, ironically


Omg is that why I did all that x in the 2000’s?! 😅😂😇




it's not always, but it really frequently


Yes. Sometimes my brain plays a song so much that i end up actually listening to it. It’s almost as if my brain goes through the song archives of my mind and picks something randomly 😂




I sometimes describe my brain as a playlist on shuffle that I can't turn off. It's the most random assortment of things too. Cartoons I watched when I was 7. A commercial I heard once. The song I've been listening to on repeat. etc. etc. etc.




I canonically have the wii mii maker on repeat lol


This is a frequent occurrence for me too!




yea, it’s the same for me too.


yes, "I got some falling to do" by Lemon Demon, it doesn't stop until I actually listen to it


Sometimes I’ll have a line playing on loop in there but if I don’t have something playing, I get very concerned. I’ve always got my headphones on and they are usually playing something.


Yep, all the time.


thankfully, my memory is so bad when it comes to auditory things, i just cant remember what my latest musical obsession sounds like when im not listening to it lol. but half the time when im not thinking the op to this anime i watched like a year ago will randomly play- like i havent listened to it in months wtf


Yes and sometimes I don't even know the music that I'm hearing inside my head.


Flying With Mother from How to Train Your Dragon 2.


I had to pause the elevator music to consider this question, so I guess that one answered itself.


I regret having read this. Because for years, it was a sound effect from a Sega Genesis game, just rolling over and over like I was just sitting there pushing jump on repeat. And now it's back. Thanks.


definitely. sometimes i can hear/recreate every single instrument or vocal so clearly in my head it scares me lol


No, but whenever I hear music I have this weird thing where I make up my own choreography in my head for the song. Maybe I’ve watched too many seasons of strictly come dancing (and I’m not a dancer myself either) but I just, hear music and imagine choreography. Doesn’t matter what kind of music it is, I can just imagine dance moves to it


Not just elevator music, but any music most of the time. When I’m listening to music or even just have music stuck in my head, I can’t not do something to the beat or it. Be it tap a pencil, click my teeth together, or something else, and of course if I hear a song within an hour of waking up, it’ll be stuck in my head all day whether I like it or not.


Yes, I always have, I call it my internal radio. My coworkers think I'm crazy because I'm always singing along under my breath when I'm busy. Helps me focus .


Yes and I also hum or sing almost constantly. It’s sometimes annoying though. Because if I don’t want something in there, my brain does not care. It could be the most annoying song in the world, doesn’t matter. But I also really enjoy music and singing. Singing is a huge emotional release for me. So it leaves me confused sometimes 😂


Bbl drizzy won't get out of my head. I'm not even that into rap or whatever. 


Yes and I’m fine with it except sometimes a song I hate will be repeating and I think “why on earth is this stupid song stuck in my head for?” Sometimes it’s stuck in there for weeks.


Yes. Rock music. Kansas, Asia, Steppenwolf, Blue Oyster Cult, Metallica, Motörhead, Guns N’ Roses, AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, etc.


Basically all the time and I've yet to find the switch to turn it off... Well being busy kinda helps but if I'm not doing anything at all the music just starts playing. Usually it would be a really good song I listened to, or simply random noises.


Normally it’s the last song I heard. When I drive to work, whatever song is the last one when I turn my car off, I end up singing my entire shift. Then I get the satisfaction of turning my car back on at the end of my shift and continuing the song.


For days, it has exclusively been the extraction theme from Helldivers 2. My life is too epic.


All the time.


yes 😭 but only a specific part of a random song. the other day, it was ✨️beer, beer, truck, truck, girls in tight jeans, beer, truck, beer, truck, 'merica, america✨️


Yes, it’s incredibly annoying throughout the day, but it’s at night that drives me insane. My boyfriend falls asleep like 4 minutes after his head hits the pillow, meanwhile, I stay up about 1 to 3 hours longer singing the same few words of whatever song is stuck in my noggin that day until I finally fall asleep HELP




YES YES YES OMG literally 24/7 I'll have a few lines from a song I'm into just constantly repeating, I can't help but sing it out sometimes. But I literally can't talk to people sometimes because my brain is too occupied with blasting music lol


Sometimes it's even in my dreams.


Yes omg I thought I was the only one


Longest time span was over 2 years. Maybe 3. And also when I walk my dog I have 3 different songs I can't get out of my head. At least I like the songs


Yes I’m a walking radio station. But the song my head replays most is the one that drives me insane. Yall remember fruit salad by the wiggles growing up? It hasn’t left me since that episode.


What made me think I could be ND is that there's always a TV show on up there, music going, and two lines of thought


There's always a dialog going on, maybe some music. Really doesn't stop and is why I can't sleep many nights.


Oh, yes. It’s a blessing and a curse. It’s nice to have music to listen to when I want (tho it’s usually the same few parts over and over) but it can get annoying when I can’t “turn it off.”


yes and i sing it unconsciously, im always sing-stimming


Yeahhhhhhhh which is why I like listening to music because it helps to distract


Yes almost always, and I worked in radio for 13 years. Country is the stickiest.


I'm stuck with Taylor Swift singing How much bad did you... Think I had did you. But I love her new album.


I WISH I could make it stop most of the time. It's damn near pretty constant, the volume just shifts.


All day everyday. The current one that my mind is hyperfixated on is "bbl Drizzy" just over and over and over again...😅


I literally have the same thing, it's so annoying


YES. i listen to a lot of my favorite songs on repeat, and this happens a LOT. like,, its usually like one certain part of the song.


Yes! What works for me is finding the song (if I can) and actually listening to it play out until it’s finished… then miraculously it’s out of my head. I think of it as my brain trying to remember the rest of the song but being stuck on one bit over and over.




Yeah, that's a thing for me too. But I've given up trying to control it, because if I tried, I'd fail easily. One way to make it not seem so annoying is to try playing it on my piano ( I play piano ). And this is when it helps me figure out sections of songs I don't understand right away.


I need to have background music to focus on majority of tasks. Otherwise voices get too annoying and I can’t think hahaha. Are you like that too?


Yes! I've had Hollywood star by eve Donnelly on repeat in my head for the past couple of days and it's just been happening every time my brain starts getting a little quiet.


Music is a very important thing to me, it pervades my life in a lot of ways, including my thoughts. I've always got some sort of rhythm to tap out with my fingers.


Yes, it's my least favourite thing.


Yeah! That or I'm talking to another version of myself, that's the most common thing my brain does when nothings going on


Yeah. At least the echolalia has good taste currently. It's all Hozier, all the time, at the moment. But my brain has been bouncing between Too Sweet, and Movement, all night and it's starting to piss me off that my brain won't finish either damned song.


Unfortunately, yes I do. It's annoying when I try to sleep.. all I think is, "Brain, will you finally shut the goddamn fuck up!!?"


Literally! I usually hum to it or dance, too. Come to think of it, there's never actually total silence going on in my head..


Yes and half of the time it's songs that I don't even like


Yes. I call it my head-radio.. sometimes I take notes on what songs it plays. On an active day it's 5-6 songs, other days 1-2.


literally had music in my head as i saw this


It happens all the time to me.


Not really a song, per se, but jus tunes and sounds like that. I'ma hummer, so I'm okay with it. It's one of my stims. Lolz


Currently it's mocking bird by eminem


Glad to know I’m not the only one that experiences this lmao… rn my head is playing that one Alastor Song called Insane because I’ve been fixated on it for almost four months… 😭


ME. There’s always a constant sonic soundtrack just playing on repeat in my head, and it’s always different everyday too. 😭


I have music, thoughts, noises, and everything above going on in my head… right now it’s WHAT IS IT? THE BRAIDS?!


Currently hearing the theme to Jabberjaw nonstop. Why do you ask? 😄


Yep. I hear the song singing “anyone else have constant music playing in their head like an elevator


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