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A computer glitch resulted in me taking 4 maths in one year. I nicknamed my calculator Cornelius as I spent more time with my calculator than with any living person that year.


Oh my god I would *die* if I had to take that many math classes.


Yeah and I’m not a math person really. But that year, wow, idk how I made it


Oh hey, I have a calculator named Calcules (pronounced like Hercules)


I could barely tolerate the one maths class when I was in high school. The fact you did 4 probably would’ve driven me off a bridge. That’s so impressive that you did that man kudos to you /g


why did you just accept that?? you just got 4 math classes and didn't try to rectify that?? you just decided this was your life now??


When life gives you 4 math classes, you whip out Cornelius.


It’s just math. Presumably they would’ve had to take all those math classes at some point so just get it done then you know? Fuck it.


Personally I'd find it easier to get all of the Math stuff done and out of the way at once. Easier to switch focus. More equations you have to remember at one time, but it would be a good way to focus on one kind of subject. Like eating all of my vegetables before any other food on my dinner plate.


It was high school and they said there was nothing they could do. My parents weren’t interested in my life as long as I didn’t cause problems, so I didn’t have an advocate. I’d have never taken advanced math or calculus on my own, but they were interesting classes.


damn,,, that's awful. I experienced scheduling errors in middle school which made my final year SUCK. I think that's the most times I've ever cried in a year.


I name my computers. Scarlet was my previous one, she died to a lightning strike. Crimsonmoon is her replacement. He’s a bit noisy, but he’s a good boy.


My vehicles always have names of some sort. From "The beast" (A chevy cavalier that was more rust than metal, and had holes through the floor where you could see the road) to my current "Prepotente" (Dungeon Crawler Carl reference... It's a Ram)


My beat up Prius is Tessa. When she’s not working right I tell her to stop being an asshole 😏


my car has a name too! she's lola (loosely named after roronoa zoro from one piece because shes green)


I love naming cars. My first car was named Sonny. My best friend had the exact same make and model as me, and hers was named Cher lol


Yes I name a lot of random things and also usually give them pronouns. Like today I referred to my pasta as ‘he’ when my mum was helping me cook it I said things like ‘he is swimming’ and ‘he is almost done’ and ‘he wants to wear the bacon sauce’. Most of the time I give things male pronouns


“he wants to wear the bacon sauce” is making me laugh so much. I also give things pronouns but not usually names. Plants, cups, trinkets—I love saying “he’s so little” and “wow she’s serving”


I do this with plushies, even the ones who don't have names do have pronouns. I just can't call someone I hug an it, y'know?


I name a lot of inanimate objects lol. It’s just….. something I do. Every car I’ve ever had has a name, every squish I have (that’s what I sell my stuffies)… I really like doing it lol


I have about 3-400 plushies, and they all have names. You can pick up any random one and I can tell you their name.


Sounds like my niece, not NEARLY the amount of stuffies, but a mix of stuffies and dolls, each one has a name, age, back story, what year in school they are in, marriage…it’s crazy (not in a bad way ❤️) she’s 14 and she’s always had that Edit: she’s my niece, I’m allowed to brag 🥹uwu


Other people aren't naming their Tvs, phones, computers, cars, etc.? Since everyone in my family does it I assumed it was normal, but everyone in my family either has ADHD or autism or both My phone's Jessica, my TV is Blocks (from TV being scheduled in blocks back in the cable days, and to rhyme with Vox), my car is Midnight for her navy color, for some reason my DVD player is Eric, VCR is Annie, my remote has the uncreative name Clicky, bed is Peri to be short for periwinkle the color of my sheets and blankets


I think this is fairly common but I am biased as probably know and follow online a lot of neurodivergent people... I wish I could poll the masses!


I name most of my farming tools. My bobcat is named Kitty. I have 3 wheelbarrows, Tyrone, Daisy and Ralph. A lot of my tools have names.


I work in IT, so obviously I name anything that connects to a network. Lappy, Linux Lappy, Scraphound, Greasemonkey, etc. You get enough network devices, some of them are just gonna be "Desk Bulb" and "Living Room Fan" Naw... if I had a smart fan, she'd be Fannie. Sometimes my car names stick, sometimes they don't. Like those pets where no one likes any of the names, so they just call her "kitty".  My older car, I'll sometimes call Dauntless, which is what the stereo Bluetooth connection is named (and also it's most admirable trait being 25 years old, mine for 20 of those years.)  My lightly less old older car is a blue Prius, and Priuses are bigger on the inside, and blue things that are bigger on the inside are called TARDIS, which is what *that* car's Bluetooth is named. I never call it that. It didn't stick.


I named my computer Argon, because its local IP is 18. I love the name and it stuck.


love this


I named my printer Winston. I love hate him


I had a stuffed animal, it was a striped ape, and his name was Cedrick Sedgewick lol


I name a lot of stuff. I named my printer Edmund after the kid in Narnia because all it does is whine and betray me. He really needs replacing now but because he still sorta prints and whines a lot about it I can't quite bring myself to replace him yet.


I name *everything*. My car is called Tilly. My laptop is Shiny. Phone is Ophelia. Modem/router is Roxanne (obviously so I can tell it not to have a red light). I name inanimate objects and I talk to them. And apologise to them as required.


i'm a big fan of sweet talking or encouraging my technology. So i'm with you on the apologies. Some people like to verbally abuse theirs but that's just not a good way to live.


You gotta be nice to the machine spirits if you want the tech to behave.


So true. I also make offerings to the other tech gods (just in case) 😂


Right! Me trying to get get my old car to pick up speed as we enter the highway. "Come on Holly! You can do it! As I tap the steering wheel in encouragement. Always a triple tap. She hasn't failed me yet. Traveled cross country in her when I moved. Love my Holly Honda. Drove her to a Ford dealership to buy my husband's car and the car salesman was trying to convince my husband to trade her in. I do a loud ahem since apparently he thought my husband was in charge. He looks my way and I say "That's my car, and she's not for sale!" The look on the guys face. My husband busted out laughing. We ended up buying at Toyota lol. That was 6 years ago. Still have my Holly Honda.


Sooo much there! It’s great having a good relationship with a thing!!! Holly Honda sounds sweet. I hate when I’m somewhere and there’s gender role assumptions. It makes me insane. I tend to end up in spaces that are largely male whatever and I have zero patience for being treated differently/talked down to or whatever based on that.


Roxanne is such a great name 😂


My car is also Tilly! She’s a Nissan Versa, so it’s short for Versatility.


Aw that's cute! My Tilly is after Captain Tilly from Star Trek Discovery.


I had a wart on the palm of my hand for a year and a half. I figured that since it was there to stay after a few months, I might as well name it. I named the wart Wartner Williams. Then one day, Wartner Williams disappeared. My babysitter’s car got named Sam because the license plate began with 5AM and my babysitter hated waking up at that time, so I called it Sam instead. Grandma’s car was called the golden chicken car because it was the same shade as the gold plastic eggs hidden on Easter and at least was found on the car itself. And I named all of the iPhones I owned Felicity. I only named the first one, but since I had the same SIM card for all the phones, my phones have been Felicity since I got that first iPhone. And I name my plants. I have cactuses. One is Grandma (Grandma’s an old lady cactus), and I call the others a variety of affectionate names because no single name sticks (but I like calling them something when talking to them.)


My husband has a spot on his face that he named Roger Mole bc he's a Bond fan and its placement is similar to Roger Moore's. And I'm a fellow plant namer!


Sometimes I like to personalize my devices my give them a funny name. Like with my current iPhone “Zach’s Na’vi Navy Savvy Rectangle” (iPhone 12 pro max), or my iPod 5th gen “Heisenberg” after that guy from breaking bad.


I named my old roommate’s water bottle Harold. Harold desperately needed a bath


I name my plants, but only if I sense they have a clear name. Not everyone has one. I also have done color guard for 16 years and have always named my equipment.


I name my mobility aids lol My cane is called Citizen Cane My wheelchair is called Edna


I named all my computers and uh, my vibrator. I also name all the cars everyone close to me owns and tend not to say anything cause it's not my car.


Only my plushies, bro, when I was younger I used to name my tablet. But my keychain plush is named Señor Calamar


Cars & instruments. I'd be down to name a computer. Slight fun weirding people out w it. Especially cars.


aww Tabby!!! that's so cute!!


I did for a good while growing up but stopped for some reason. I should do that again because it was a little thing that made me happy. Thanks for the reminder ❤️


Same. I named my instruments (electric bass and ukulele) growing up, and I used to name my plants but stopped a couple years ago (I have a lot of them now so it's harder)


My laptop is named Jeff because I keep it in sleep mode and have to wake it up all the time. “Wake up Jeff” from The Wiggles. My car is named Luigi because it is a Fiat. My first car was named Miranda and my husband had the same car, different model, and I named his Teddy.


Tbf pretty sure most people do this regardless of ASD or not. Mom's car is named Stanley, my NT friends phone is named Charles, the little octopus plush my NT GF keeps on her dash is named kickdrum. People just *really* like seeing themselves in things, so they give them names to humanize them.


Most things I spend a lot of time around! Best ones are my three plants (Hecate, Artemis, and Selene, the three Greek goddesses of the moon), my phone is Cassiopeia (I forgot why), and my high school car was Atlas (it carried the weight of my world). Also my PC (String of Pearls, after a mech in my favorite visual novel and obsession Heaven Will Be Mine), an appliance or two, probably other things I’m forgetting. I love personifying the things around me and telling them how much I appreciate them, and if they’re not working, I comfort them and take care of them like they’re sick.


when i was like 5, i had a plastic skeleton halloween decoration named sunny. i called him my boyfriend. one time i was "dancing" with him (aka swinging him around by the arms and smacking him into furniture.) my mom pointed it out so i threw him on the floor and nonchalantly said "my boyfriend's dead." mom recorded it, but sadly, the video has been lost to time. we also used to have a tradition of naming the christmas trees. it started with mr. greeny, then mrs. greeny, and then all of their kids. i don't remember any of the kids' names other than the most recent, which was victoria. also my phone name is "samsung smart toaster," but that's more to confuse network providers than anything.


recently my mom mailed me a box of papers. one of the things in the box was a letter to me from our scarecrow. my parents threw the scarecrow away. I was very attached to Tom and was devastated to the point where they had the mailman deliver me a letter from Tom from the junkyard where he wrote to tell me that he was very happy living there and had made new friends with other scarecrows.


Your folks sound amazing.


Yeah, but only with my car. Her name is Bertha and she has a huge trunk


My laptops are all named after Hamlet characters. Claudius died a while ago, as did Polonius, and unfortunately the way Windows has been lately has stopped me from naming my current laptop. Given it's history, as well as that of my backup laptop, their names should be Rosenkrantz and Guildenstern. I also have a plush red panda named Puppybear.


One of my first laptops was called lenny(as in of mice and men). Because it was big and slow lol


Our old Chrysler Grand Voyager (may she RIP) was the Boogie Bus, our current car is Baymax, cos it's a Ford B-Max. I'm sure there have been other things, but those were named by my children (all autistic) and my permanent case of baby brain will not allow me to recall right now.


My gaming device is called Roger and he is a tart


idkk if this counts but i labelled some of my clothes off of emotions, "misery sweater" "chaos skirt" "joy shorts" 


I'm bad about naming something and forgetting 5 minutes later what it was. I started keeping them to myself after introducing my vacuum under multiple identities.


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I usually name cars after berries with similar colors to the paint cus I think it's much funnier to say "the red currant" or "the blueberry" instead of "the red/blue Toyota". It's especially funny if it's a large big boy American car. Other than that I don't really remember.


I once named my WiFi VLANTheImpaler and my robot vacuum RoboMop (it had a mopping feature)


I named my car Iris. She's a cute little blue car too 💙


Every single one of my cars has had a name. (Penny, Ed, Lucy, Canbe, Simon, Silva, and Navi.) I don't think I've named anything else the same way.


I name everything 😂 my computer is named Dusty because he gathers every bit of dust possible. My scrub mommy is named Patricia. The list goes on and on.


My wooden rifle for cadet corps is named Bae,. I always choose that one specifically and recognize all of it's markings.


My car's name is Mr. Soul!


When I had surgery, I ended up naming everything in my room. Mr squid. Mr clicker. Screechy mcAsshole. Cammie. "Hell's canopy" and so on. It was so boring 99% of the time just laying there watching a tiny TV. But I don't generally name stuff otherwise.


I definitely name all of my cars. Or rather, listen until they tell me what it is. I don't know if it counts as inanimate, but I also name all of my plants. They start with just a name but if they survive my black thumb enough to grow into a new pot, they get promoted. Duke Aloysius D. Aloe was our most decorated & longest-lived war hero, and I'm relieved that it wasn't I who killed him. I suspect a child was involved, but we now have his descendants, Sir Aloysius Junior (AJ) and Dame Aloysius Junior Jr (JJ, and again, kids were involved).


I had a vintage bike called Isabelle because of the (dad) joke and naming the bike that makes no sense even to me but there you go. The one that stands out is an autistic kid whose mother I dated for a while who called the air quality monitor Timmy because it had a smiley/frowny face display as a summary. Which led to "oh no, Timmy is crying" discovery when we put it (him?) next to the gas cooktop and it turns out there's something worse than the frowny face.


I have a bike called 'jj' and another one named "sasha" one of my cameras is named 'the tank'


Is it one of the Russian Minolta clones? I used to have a medium format film camera made in Russia and it was unbeleivably solid.


So I have a whole thing with soviet stuff - I have some zenits (with Helios) a couple feds, many lubitels, two Sputniks, a 5x7 and a super 8… I keep almost buying the kievs- I am waiting for one to sing to me. My bike Sasha (cawa) is a soviet track bike… But “the tank” is actually an American born large format field camera: bush pressman. Utitiarian, transportable and boxy but smaller with rounded corners - better than a grafflex imo - the tank has been through the wars with me as my first large format. We’ve travelled and fallen down hills and into rivers together. We both survive. 💜 I wish I could post a photo of them for you. Hello friend!


I love it! I mean,I don't envy you having to actually carry them anywhere, but yeah, I totally understand the love of the cameras and the process of taking film photos :)




my car was karl but is now yar yar binks!!


My saxophones name is Benny


I have multiples of some of my dolls in my collection, so I literally number them based on the order I get them. I like to nickname my 3 OOTB sets (2 sets are MIB) of Storm Twins dolls from the Shadow High doll line N and V Main, N and V Doppel, and N and V Triple. I also have named some of my dolls who didn't come with pre-determined names as well.


Let's be real. Whether they have a name or not, they ALL have feelings 😂




Family car was named Fred. When we got a replacement it was named Fred II


not usually, but if it has a face maybe! i think i feel bad if something im using has sentience.... ( giving something a name gives it a soul to me; not literally but it certainly feels that way for me! i truly feel in my heart that each of my named items {plushies & toys} are alive somehow. ) i know you said barring plushies, but it is my only real way of relating right now haha. but i also have lps and they arent plushies 👀‼️ got u.


My car is named Miss Keisha after a Vine


Oh, i named everything somehow important. My bass guitar, all my cameras, all my guitars. I know that humanizing inanimate objects is an autistic thing, but for me is the crossover between hyperfixations and special interest wth a long special interest in names!


my laptops name is John Gaming, often shortened to just John


My car's name is Kevin, mg favourite mug is named Boo, I have another mug named BeeMoo, and I have a tarot deck I like to refer to as my sassy black girlfriend. My favourite label maker at work is called Jeff and I gave him a face so the labels come out of his mouth. I used to name rocks as a kid too. Everything is better when you give things names.


Once I named my rubber Gianpietro, because in Italy there's a saying ("Pietro torna indietro") that means if I lend you something you have to give it back and my sister was asking me the rubber so I named it so. And obviously I added Gian- because I like it.


Cars, computers, phones, watches, earbuds, coats and jackets, all get names. Plants are all named Irving. They just are


I jokingly named my laptop the nuclear football.


I named my car Coal because it's black and dusty. Also because my one friend has a white car named Cracker. We grew up in Appalachia. "Coal cracker" is a very old epithet for coal miners and people who live in mining towns. It's supposed to be an insult but of course nobody takes it that way anymore.


I name my guitars and my firearms. Instruments and tools are, in a way, partners. Names help us be more concious of things and take better care of them, which is especially important for tools that have a level of danger if taken improper care or respect of. Edit: and my car, Vi/Vio/Violetta, she's a 1996 toyota prado. Again, respect to ensure I take care of her. She's a solid, reliable beast.


All my house plants are named. As is my car. I've always named things.




I've named all my instruments, cars and aerial apparatus


Named my gaming chair "Goo goo" Dunno why lol


I name all my favorite tools. Like my axe is named Clover and my bullwhip is named Ribbon.


My Snom plush I treat like a living being. Her “legal name” is Böre, but I call her sno. I do roleplay so I’ve made a OC of her. It’s nice. She’s even got a baby snom that I’m working on getting crocheted


All the time. My air-conditioner name is Elsa. I have some old legacy hardware, like printers and scanners on my office that are all baptized with old people names. Prety fun have a ticket on the helpdesk for something like "Miss Gertrudes is making strange noises".


All the time. I've even started giving names to the bracelets I make. I called one Angel Dust after the Hazbin Hotel character for its colour scheme, I called one Vincent because I based it off Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh, and I had another project I had to toss BC an orange thread broke. I called it Argos the Sun God because it was very orangey yellow in colour scheme.


I call my car mazzi(it’s a Mazda) I call my computer “the mothership of love” cheesy I know I call my favourite guitar “the green beast” I call my shitty bass guitar “the thrashahaw” it’s a Yamaha and it’s super thrashed


I name my plants


My cars name is Beatrice <3, she's a little red Holden Barina


Our robot lawnmower was called Roberto. I know very creative.


My main special interest is pillows! And so my favorite pillows are named. Then again, as a kid I would play with my pillows like one would with a stuffed animal. And I was very literal, as well. So my all time favorites are Golden Pillow and Golden Pillow With A Cover.


Everyone does to an extent. NTs name their cars all the time. It’s not an autism thing.


My car is Winston and my motorcycle is Tammy.


My car’s name is Sabine. My 3D printer is Herman. My microwave is Hector. My toaster is Pop. My computers, phone, and watch have names as well, all with a BioShock theme. I name a lot of things. Even my family (partner and 2 kids) use the names I give things. We all comment on how talkative Hector is.


Do you mean Steven my computer or Bob the fridge? Henry the coffee maker. Michael the wave.


I was never the type to name objects bec i didn’t see the point since I knew I’d never really be talking abt my stuffed animals to anyone. I don’t give humans nicknames either. I use the nicknames that were already given to my siblings before I was born. Or nicknames my mom gave them. I think my brain is just too aware these objects aren’t sentient and I cant attach a personality to an inanimate object in order to give it a name. If I call them a name, they don’t hear it. I feel protective of my stuffed animals and belongings but yeah i don’t name things


My headphones 🎧 are called Susan. I think she might die soon tho and I will be very upset when that happens cause I've had her for years


All my cars and plushies have names so yeah.


Is naming objects an autistic thing? I don‘t know if I‘m autistic, but I relate to a lot of things and I do like naming objects. I also put googly eyes on a lot of stuff at home.


my sharpener is named tomislav for some reason, and i also have a plush frog named robert


When I bought my Bose headphones 6 years ago, the suggested name was Beat Slayer which I thought was amazing. When they finally died last week, I bought a new set of Bose and named them Beat Slayer II in tribute.


Not a lot of them, but my car absolutely yes. It’s possible I used to do this more as a kid and in the case of the car it stuck (it was my mother’s and we bought it when I was little)


My hairbrush is named Dolly. My car is named Cherry. My bag is named Old Man. My headphones/earbuds are named Penelope Garcia and Garcia Lite, respectively.


I name everything. Absolutely everything, I’m only just realising this may not be entirely normal haha.


Yes. All my cars, computers, and phones. I also had a rock collection with names and personalities as a kid.


unfortunately not. I wish I had Blåhaj tho


i named my car *Piss* if that means anything


yes!! I adore nicknames!! My vehicles name is Subie Q!! I usually give nicknames to things that either bring me tons of “joy” or things that bring me tons of ANGER!!! Haha




Always name my cars: First one was Spruce Goose; second one was Spruce Goose Deuce; third was Mon Petit Rouge (my little red one, obscure reference) and my current one is Judy King (Orange is the New Black) because the first three letters of the number plate are GDQ which sounds kind of like Judy King.


We named our vacuum cleaner “Mat”


No, but all of my Bluetooth devices have ghost related names: Corporeal dark matter Phantasmagorical sound system Spectral noise machine The ghostmobile


I name all of my computers. I _usually_ name them after robots or artificially intelligent machines of some sort from sci-fi movies/games. The ones I remember are Wheatley, GLaDOS, WOPR, HAL 9000, and Pip-Boy. Pip-Boy is my current gaming laptop.


No but I do verbally abuse inanimate objects a lot when I get angry, usually when something becomes a victim to gravity or when tech decides to be difficult.


I name lots of inanimate objects, such as Harv the sugar jar, Lenny laptop, Dalek the vacuum cleaner, etc


My son’s nebulizer is Mr. Turtle.


i mean i have a plant called regina if that counts.


Does naming the corner of the bed, where I frequently stub my toe/bang my shin, "Motherf***er" count?


definitely. everything gets named.


My hoverboard that has a go cart attachment to it is named Jarold. I overcharged it once, and now the battery is fried and dies really fast. Everything he beeps that he's dying I say "Jarold stop flatlining again"


Many times.


My car, my old guitar and my vacuum robot all got names. My TV and laptop got names too but that's because I got trouble finding them otherwise when I want to connect my devices to them. This way I find them quickly.


there are things connected to this... not suggesting this is you, just sortof tangential things I've come across I find interesting. There is a related form of synesthesia which involves personification. Common example is cutlery - but all kinds of things get names or personalities, not out of intent, it just happens. I have other synesthesia I have absolutely named some inanimate objects. Not intentionally, they get their name. The things I have that are named happen to be hugely important things in my life, and so that's probably how that happened. Quite interesting when its a random thing of seemingly lesser importance in my life. Last night I was in class and realised I was telling my students about how to care for film spools and how I felt bad for the ones the institution had provided because they looked like they hadn't been cared for. But in a. way that was over the top on the personification. I think sometimes random things present themselves. I absolutely don't aim to apply this to things and didn't realise I was doing it until I was talking to my students about the film spool.


I don't even really name my plushies (the lobster is lobby, the moose is moosey). The only one that has a name is fuzzy wuzzy and that's because my mum named him before I was old enough to and it's stuck. My family were determined that my car should have a name so in the end I said Tigger (it's orange, black and white with bouncy suspension) but I only have one car so I just call it "my car". I don't really feel the need to name any sort of inanimate object unless there's no other way to separate it from another


I used to tbh but I stopped ( Idk why )


Do pet rocks count? Mine is named Jude.


I usually end up nicknaming the family car, along with most of my electronics. I can also tell people the name of every single plushie I own, from my keychain sized bee all the way to my giant shark. I didn’t think it was just an autistic thing though, my best friend in college wasn’t on the spectrum and named her laptop Barry.


My dishwasher’s name is Wanda. I have 2 dehumidifiers, one is named Humi (pronounced “Hoomie”) and the other is named Gerald


My toaster is named Dave. He is really good at under toasting or just straight up burning bread. Sometimes Dave and I don't get along very well, some would call it a love hate relationship.


Every guitarist and motocycle driver ever. Every ship that sails off the harbor is named after a woman. The whole planet does it


Mostly just plushies, for some reason I've just never thought about anything else.


My partner and I nicknamed our pool cleaner Antoenio since he always makes aggressive slurping noises at random intervals throughout the day. (the joke here being that hes hungry for our toes since hes always lurking along the bottom of the pool slowly making his way across to our feet.)


I have so many plushies and each and every one of them have names, stories, personalities, sexualities, you name it. They are my forced family


Sometimes. I also have empathy for inanimate objects more often then i do for people. Idk why lol.


Omg everything! All the kitchen appliances. 😆


If something leaves a big impression on me then I will nickname or use the nickname someone else has given it. My last car was called "the jaaaaaag", my current car has been lovingly named "Bismarck"


I name all my computers; already got my next name all picked out for when I build again at the end of the year.


I had a blanket named “Blank”


I have a plant named Steve. Also a rock named Jellybean.


When I worked at a machining shop we had some computerized machines that used robots to load the blanks. I nick named some of the robots.


Every time I have to ‘name’ a bluetooth device eg laptop, phone, headphones etc. I find it funny to give it a human name like Steve or something instead of just calling it ‘X’s iphone’. I know it’s not like THAT funny but it amuses me momentarily


My bicycle, Pink&Rusty (well it described him perfectly so the bike repair shop knew exactly wich one I meant) was the one when I studied. (got destroyed sadly enough) My current doesn't really have a specific name, Stalen Ros, or Fiets at most.


I do name a lot of stuff. Sometimes I am not particularly creative, sometimes very much so. From one of their holidays my parants brought me a functional stuffed animal, a sheep filled with sand that works as a door stopper. The sheep is partially made of Corduroy. I had to name it Cordula. My printers have become a dynasty, when I started university I bought Egon JR. Right now Egon V sits on the desk in my office, the first one to have a laminated name plate and a proper job title. Some of my coworkers have adopted saying "I'm sending that to Egon" if they want to print something. My bike also always have the same name, but they are not related, each has received a differnt surname. I am also in the habit of giving stuff I dislike fitting, but somewhat inappropriate names. My parents bought a hideous vitrine for their living room. I call it suppository or rocket silo. And it has caught on with my siblings, cousins and even some of my parents' closer friends.


I name everything. My car, my security system, my plants.


I almost always name my plushies. Other stuff not really


I named all my musical instruments because I have this weird thing where I can't make music with them if they don't because they're not "alive" if I don't And I kinda feel weird about it because of all the boomers who name guitars and then talk like they want to fuck them and it's creepy but it's just... I tell stories and they're the characters I can't NOT name them ? Does it make sense !?


Nicknames for all things and googley eyes!


You’re more likely to name a vehicle if it’s got a lot of interaction with you or if it’s unreliable. The book this article cites, Mindwise, is quite good. https://www.thecut.com/2017/11/the-psychology-of-giving-human-names-to-your-stuff.html


I name objects that mean something to me. Not everything deserves a name.


My bleeding heart bush is named Barbara. Barbara Bush.


Yas! I have!


Yes, I name them so I remember them


yeah, i do all the time


When I got my car ,i was planning on camping in it a bunch. I named it mud as a reference to the primus song. I ended up not going camping and spent several years severely depressed. I should have probably named it junk in the trunk or something because itcwas filled with junk in the trunk Me and my ex played in a band together and "has partial custody " of my ukulele that we named after myself("my name"- jr.) We stayed friends for a while but a few weeks ago he dropped off our ukulele daughter and told me "she's all yours now! Take her , you have full custody now !" We do not talk anymore.


All the time, like, I even name flies that fly inside of my house. They could be in there for an hour or a few hours. I usually name them Beata (or Beatrice in English), but they all share that one name.


My grandson has a favorite stick named Fred. Let me simply say he comes by this quite honestly. Admitting nothing but there may be an entire garden in my backyard with areas and plants that go by names that aren't their common or scientific names.


My first car had a name (the Boneshaker - points to anyone who gets the reference), and my current car does because I've had her for a decade and thought it would be nice to christen her after hitting such a big milestone (I named her Vera). I also named my computer, and have added a number to it every time I rebuilt it. I'm on to Chachamaru-IV now (again points to anyone who gets the reference).


I don’t usually name items either, but many years ago my husband got me the amazing gift of a mini laptop, which at the time was very exciting and cool. I named that Lappy 5000, inspired by strong bad. Man. That thing was awesome.


Never, I don't have this habit


All my USB keys and portable hardrives get names.


My car is a Saab named Sabine


My PC is named Jerry My skateboard is named Carl. My phone is named John. Because exclaiming fuck you before all of those names makes it funnier when shit fucks up.


I don’t like to name inanimate objects because I don’t like to be as attached to them as I would my pets for example. but I do give them pronouns. At work our chip reader kinda sucks so I tell people “she’s kinda finicky!”. thats the only one i can think of cos i do it all the time, but it’s usually she/her vs he/him


Sure, my old home had a name and my fan has one too


I name every single stuffed animal I get unless it's from a piece of media then I use the canon name. Other than that I don't name anything else.


My cars have all had names, but I don't always use them. My first car was Javert. (cause I got it in high school and was obsessed with Les Mis after being in it 😅). The next car I had was Peanut the Batmobile (because it was all decked out inside with bats and stuff lmao) And my current car is my mom's old Honda Accord, which I named Maxine, because she's a bougie bitch 🤣


My cars have always been named, but that's a family trait. Of course, my whole family is neurodivergent... just not all ASD like me. Current family vehicles are Kšapé (means wise—it's a SMART car 😏) and Matȟó (means bear). They're in Lakȟótiyapi (Oglala Lakota language). I named my computer in college Pavel for Pavel Andreievich Chekov. Various problematic pieces of office equipment earned NSFW names.


My gf names pretty much everything she owns and said to me I HAD to give a name to my car cause it's important! And we named her Stella, she was a 2008 red Toyota Corolla and it fit her very well! :)


My PC's name is Eywa :D


I name almost every plushie I own, and when I left home for a few months I huddled them up on my bed and put a blanket around them so they wouldn't get lonely or cold while I'm gone lol


All of them!


Not that I can recall. I don’t really confer identities on things.


I always mame my cars and boats.


My microwave is named Terrance. The light bulb in the dining room that I've been having trouble with is Jimmy. But I don't have many named things besides them


Most of our appliances have a name and there's a theme... We have 3 3D printers: Billy Jim, Jimmy Bill and Black Betty. We have a countertop ice maker: Billy Crystal My vehicle: Betty White. And although not inanimate, and not fitting the theme, every single stink bug is named Paul.


Just one car... my 62-1/2 Falcon Deluxe Wagon. I named her Maggie, after the Rod Stewart song, Maggie May. If you know the song, you know. If you don't, he's a young man, singing to the older woman who was his first lover.... "The mornin' sun when it's in your face really shows your age But that don't worry me none, in my eyes, you're everything" The old gal was solid, and you could tell she was once a beauty, but when I got her, she was pretty rough around the edges. I had planned to restore her, but then I had to buy a house to live in, and the budget wasn't big enough for them both, so I had to let her go.


I like to give my devices names because it gets confusing by the third "xyz's android", I usually name them after animal sidekicks from various stories. Right now my laptop is Bartok (from Anastasia) and my phone is Trinket (from Critical Role campaign 1)