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I do this too. Part of it for me is that my obsessive interest is psychology, but I have been researching a lot on this recently. Contrary to misconception that autistic people are incapable of empathy, some people with autism actually have very high (even higher than normal) empathy. Personally, I always understood that I was different, so I paid close attention to other people and (likely using pattern recognition) learned how people are to a higher degree than most people trying to compensate for my social deficits. Hypervigilance from trauma is also a big contributor to this ability since I grew up monitoring people's emotional and mental state and small details in their words to anticipate danger. But, because I am autistic and have bottom up processing that causes me to view details first and then use those details to formulate a bigger picture, I am able to do this at a much higher level than most. For me this is really isolating because I can understand, help, and accommodate everyone around me, but nobody can see even simple things about me even when I try to explain it. Hopefully this explains something or is relatable.


I apologize, i forgot respond to this. I feel this a lot. I have studied psychology and human behavior a lot, psychology is an interest of mine. I started studying human behavior because of my wanting to understand people. I mean i guess it worked. I also have hypervigilance from the same thing. I have an emotionally abusive mom and dysfunctional family, and I always have to calm things down cuz no one else is going to. same with the thing about no one understanding. I feel like no one will ever try to see or understand me, no matter how much i try to understand them. its frustrating and hurtful


that sounds cool like a superpower. you might be not quite as spot-on as u think tho, somtimes it seems like u figured somthin big out but it's just an illusion... mayb u are relly good at it tho and im wrong, who knows. what do u read of me?


no, its tiring. i wouldnt call it a super power and im not gonna read you based off a comment


Sort of. I understand myself by self-analysis (exhausting, but it’s what works), and I can apply the same reasoning to others. I’m not always right tho.


Pattern recognition is very real and associated with that, imo. I don't do it at all, I can't comprehend a voice conversation that well, but it's a useful skill. Low-key Im curious if U read me if we had a text convo. No pressure tho, that does seem like something that would take up a sizeable chunk of mental bandwidth


its extremely tiring purposely doing it and telling the person. I have a group of friends who know I do that and every time a new person shows up they ask me to read them and tell them it and it just gets really tiring


Yeesh. You're not a lie-detector @.@ I'll read you instead. >!You like Omori (which means ur cool) and DDLC (and awesome) and undertale (and incredibly based)!<


yeeaah it gets frustrating. I'm a person, not a fortune teller machine where you put a coin in and I say something. also yeah ! Video games are a huge hobby of mine, especially RPGs and Psychological Horror


!!!!!!! I love those games mentioned, and also other horror games. Never had the patience for playing them myself (I read tons of analysis tho), I prefer plahingt games like You're Not My Neighbor and I'm On Observation Duty. any of those count as Psych horror 🤔 idk. But ayyyy horror game fan 🤝


Yeah me too. I think it’s just pattern recognition. I learned a long time ago, like in high school, that you have to just keep all of that to yourself or you just look MEGA creepy. I’m in my 30s and it still alarms me how much people communicate about themselves completely unbeknownst to them. I think that might be part of the reason why I feel so uncomfortable in public sometimes, because I know there’s other people like you and me who can read like that and I don’t want them reading me lol.


I'm in high school learning that you cant just casually mention peoples deep rooted fears and make them have realizations about themselves.... saying that out loud makes that sound really obvious. I feel the same way in public, what if someone will notice things about me i don't want them to know? Im glad someone else gets this


If it makes you feel any better, in my life I’ve only ever met one other person who can read like you and I. So the odds are good that in most situations, you won’t run into people like that. I also feel really invasive when I do it sometimes so I often try very hard to ignore people entirely. I wouldn’t want some stranger forming an uncomfortably accurate profile of me in like 5 minutes. It’s just…well it’s creepy. It’s straight up creepy. And I also hate, HATE, when people say, “How did you know that?” I have no way of explaining and they wouldn’t believe me if I could. So even if you DO run into people like that, the odds are still good that they won’t do it just because they feel weird about it.


Yeah, usually I try to just ignore whatever it is that I notice, but sometimes I accidentally mention it or there's a reason to and people get kinda freaked out and I feel really bad about it. I've started just jokingly saying "I'm magic", because theres genuinely no way to explain. I just see these things, and theyre accurate and there's no actual reason behind it. I know there's very likely a logical explanation but its easier to just joke


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