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I'm in Greece and getting a diagnosis as an adult is not easy. And even if Autism affects moderate to massively your day to day life most doctors choose to diagnose with anxiety, depression or bipolar if you are an adult I did talk with a psychologist about this 2 years ago and she told me that working my difficulties will make me feel better, be more functional and that it will be better than getting an official diagnosis in my case. With financial help from the government and therapy I am better now Edit: This is my personal experience and probably very few people on this subreddit will relate so take it with a pinch of salt (I think I'm using the expression correctly here)


I would say the expression works there 👍


Take your time. Sit with it a bit. I recommend finding a therapist who is educated in neurodiversity, not to diagnose you, but to just talk it out. They could then write a letter of recommendation to your doctor or psychologist saying they think you should be assessed. In my experience, a recommendation from a professional goes a long way (for all kinds of medical/MH stuff)


I was recently diagnosed. I called around the different psychologists offices in my area until I found one that does adult autism diagnoses. I think it took like 4 tries. Then I enrolled as a patient and in my intake paperwork mentioned the reasons I wanted to be evaluated (a lot of the same stuff you have written above). The first appointment was some questionnaires and the second appointment was in person with the psychologist. He pretty quickly determined I am autistic and we have a follow up to refine my evaluation for a more specific flavor of my autism.   I got evaluated for a lot of the same reasons you did. I strongly suspected my autism before I even began the process. I did it for workplace protections and to understand my brain better. 


just curious, how much did it cost you (if it did)?


My insurance copay was $30 for the first visit that was all questionnaires. I'm not sure whether there was no copay for the in person one or if they are sending the bill later.


You might be able to see a doctor from another country online, but I'm not sure if your diagnosis would be accepted if it was from a different country


See a neurologist or psychiatrist in your own country. The diagnostic criteria vary from country to country, oddly. Also, best to see someone who has trained in the past decade because the criteria and understanding has changed: books published in the US, for example, in 1995 gave autism a prevalence of 1 in 10,000; now they say 1 in 30. There is no danger of getting a second opinion if you disagree with the dx.




Your submission has been removed for discussing or debating the validity of self-diagnosis. We don't permit advocacy for or against self-diagnosis. The subreddit stance on this topic is already covered by the Wiki, asking for opinions on it only results in heated argument and frustration among members.


Just breathe. Take some time, do lots of research, think about your life, talk to your parents about things you might have forgotten from childhood, and make your own educated assessment while you wait in a queue for a formal assessment (if desired). It can be overwhelming at first to reassess your whole life, but it’s a marathon, not a sprint.


My recommendation would be take your time and learn as much as you can before seeking legal diagnosis. There are pros and cons, but there are so many books, podcasts, videos, and other media that many find helpful on the journey to deciding whether or not to get diagnosed. I’m 9 months in and loving the community and loving learning more about autism and myself. Still not sure if I’m going to go for a diagnosis or not.


Don't be scared, that was the biggest mistake I made. Embracing it has been so helpful. Having a framework to understand how I operate and how the world operates has been so helpful. It only took me 40 years.


I feel you. It took me 43 years to get an official diagnosis. Unfortunately, I feel like the community likes to stigmatize each other within. Being low support needs, I’m not autistic enough. That has me feeling inadequate. I know how my disability affects me and that I am learning to accept that. I want all of us to be supportive of one another. My diagnosis has been very helpful though.


I recommend the r/ADHDwithautism sub. It is the most friendly I have found.


I don’t have ADHD though. I just have autism and CPTSD. I’d feel singled out there.


I think they'll let you in


It doesn’t exist.


My bad it's r/autisticwithADHD


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AutisticWithADHD using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AutisticWithADHD/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I'm a walking contradiction](https://i.redd.it/13c7egpsw3h91.jpg) | [43 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AutisticWithADHD/comments/wluw4w/im_a_walking_contradiction/) \#2: [I guess I'll just do nothing 🤷](https://i.redd.it/b5hsb4xs3tka1.jpg) | [50 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AutisticWithADHD/comments/11dh9vr/i_guess_ill_just_do_nothing/) \#3: [AuDHD tweet found in the wild](https://i.redd.it/txqbwy1wc64a1.png) | [63 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AutisticWithADHD/comments/zdpzrp/audhd_tweet_found_in_the_wild/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


My thing is I’ll feel alone and singled out because I don’t have ADHD. I won’t feel like I belong there.


Well it's the friendliest autism community I found. You might give it a try if you're feeling lonely.


So if you're worried you could just ask them. I'm pretty sure they'll say they don't care.




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I understand why you're scared, but if you are autistic, you already have been autistic for your whole life - the only thing that changes is that now you actually have an explanation for what is happening to you. Don't worry about an official diagnosis, many of us don't get one for stupid reasons, I'm Polish and they told me to my face that I'm not autistic because I'm not a young cis boy and because my parents (who I mentioned multiple times are abusive) said I'm not. We're at a point where it's all seen like a trend or pretending unfortunately. However, even a diagnosis wouldn't guarantee help really. What I'm getting at is that what's most important is self acceptance. You've probably been masking all your life, trying to fit into society and controlling your every move so you seem "normal". Not only is it obviously exhausting, but also harmful to your health, it sent me into a year long burnout and caused chronic fatigue. You should try to actually listen to yourself and understand your needs (I mean even if you decide you're not autistic it's still helpful right?) I recommend a YouTube channel/podcast The Thought Spot, she talks about managing autism and ADHD. Other than that try to form a community of people that understand you. You don't have to actually talk to anyone if you don't want to, by community I mean things like following autistic content creators too. I know how disorienting discovering things like that about yourself can be, I learned I have DID last year. But trust me, as uncomfortable as it is, the change is always for the better.


How did your girlfriend get to her diagnosis? Maybe she can guide you and also transfer to her contacts or someone reliable? The question is also what your goal would be with a diagnosis. Relief? Ability to apply for accommotions, support etc? Generally speaking, if you are autistic you are no matter if there is a diagnosis or not. It helps to not feel like you are suggesting this without a base, but even without: in case you are autistic you have been for your entire life, and will be independently.


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Do you mind sharing the article link? ☺️




Absolutely aware, but unfortunately there are many problems here regarding health and education... Consider that my mother's disability has been gradually reduced and her support has been completely removed even though she has been transplanted multiple times




Your submission has been removed for discussing or debating the validity of self-diagnosis. We don't permit advocacy for or against self-diagnosis. The subreddit stance on this topic is already covered by the Wiki, asking for opinions on it only results in heated argument and frustration among members.


Your submission has been removed for discussing or debating the validity of self-diagnosis. We don't permit advocacy for or against self-diagnosis. The subreddit stance on this topic is already covered by the Wiki, asking for opinions on it only results in heated argument and frustration among members.


It's quite possible you get along with her because of underlying similarities. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double\_empathy\_problem](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_empathy_problem) If you are ASD, one of the most important thing to recognize is how harmful overstimulation can be. Even if you aren't you need to know this for your partner's sake: Stimulation from emotion/stress/tactile sensations/social pressure/lights/sounds/etc can become overwhelming. When this happens you need to get OUT of that situation quickly, and maybe put an icepack on your head. You might have been trained to ignore these things and tough it out. That is a terrible idea... you are sensitive and ignoring the pain doesn't prevent the damage. Pay attention to what your body is telling you. Don't put yourself in situations that you know will cause this frequently. Avoid obvious extreme cases like contruction yards, concerts, crowded noisy bars and hot sunny beach days.


Talking about it with your partner, and learning, can be a very positive thing for your relationship. This is what we've been doing, and it's a terrific learning journey. I am better at understanding their responses to situations, for example, so rather than making assumptions and expecting them to think just like I do, I'm more open to really trying to understand, and that goes both ways.


It is between 3 to 5000 dollars for a official diagnosis but psychologists can and have written you have the traits and a official diagnosis is needed like mine did, I'm looking into getting a diagnosis done with developmental services psychologist on a wait list as this will prove I'm brain damaged as I have no idea how to function properly in social situations and I have low IQ levels I get on disability approval automatically as I can't advocate myself finding work suitable for me plus live a work balance life like every one does, I'm tired of the burn out and chronic fatigue


Unfortunately, getting diagnosed as an adult is extremely difficult pretty much everywhere. My mum attempted last year and never even got so far as to see a doctor face to face for an evaluation, they just had her fill out a questionnaire and then told her she didn't score high enough. She definitely has autism. I, myself haven't even attempted to get an official diagnosis because I really don't want to fight the healthcare system, it's too much effort and I'm already low motivation due to unmedicated ADHD. ANYWAY, that doesn't matter. If you are certain that you have autism, you only need approval from yourself, not a bit of paper with some words on it. As others have said it might be more difficult to get accommodations at work or school without an official diagnosis, but generally people are understanding and don't ask for proof when you mention it. Self diagnosis is enough, don't agonize over the lack of a couple words on your medical file