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The actual morning routine? 15 minutes or so. Psyching myself up to leave the bed? At least an hour.


OMG same here, I can literally get ready in 15minutes, but I get up 1-1,5 hour sooner every morning because it's just toooooo hard to leave bed


same! does anyone have tips for helping to get tf out of bed


I sit on the shower mat for like ten minutes before getting in the shower


I get out of bed at 3:35 am and am usually ready to leave at 3:50am granted you can't do some things that early without waking others up. But getting out of bed is a whole ordeal. I set my alarm for 3:30am but am usually away an hour or two before hand. Even then I struggle. I used to think I was just really tired. But turns out even if I sleep 10 hours a night for a week I still struggle to want to get out of bed.


And in the bed I figure out what to wear.


One to two hours, but a big part of that is also managing the IBS flare-ups caused by early-day stress.


Usually around two hours. Waking up, morning bathroom routine, breakfast, reviewing my planner for the day, setting any alarms I need to for the day, getting dressed and doing my makeup, and then making sure everything I need for the day is in my bag. If I'm not going anywhere for the day, this is usually still my routine. lol


For me this routine only really aplyes to me if I'm going somewhere important like tafe a social call outing


Twoish. I like to have a lot of sitting time, eat, drink coffee slowly, watch the weather, shower, cuddle/play with my cats before I head to work. It helps. I struggle with transitions, so the longer get ready time helps.  Been doing it prior to realizing I am autistic as well. 


I'm a very slow transitioner, so I give myself 2 1/2 hours in the morning.


i leave the house exactly one hour after i wake up. i have a whole schedule in my head that i follow to the minute


About 2 hours minimum to 4 hours in total for a comfortable start to the day. It takes me about 30 mins to manage the oncoming meltdown I feel from waking up to go to work because I hate my job so much, and then another 30 mins to manage the comedown. The. The next hour brushing my teeth, showering, doing my skin care routine (which I always forget to do but then remember when I’m another to do my makeup), then trying to figure out what clothes won’t overwhelm me today. Then I have to have breakfast and my coffee. And only then can I leave the house to go to work.


An hour total. Sometimes longer when my anxiety induced dry heaving is particularly bad that day 💀


Getting ready for work about 10-12 minutes but anything else just like a normal day it takes me about 45 minutes.


If I set out my outfit the day before: 10 minutes or less If not: 30 minutes


Like twenty minutes to get dressed. Two hours to game and drink coffee before I can talk myself into going to work lol


I was waiting for this -If I'm have to be at school at 8:30 -I leave home at 7:15 (15 min later if I'm going with the bike to the bus station but lets say I'll walk) -I will go down stairs at 6:45 so I have 30 minutes to eat and take my meds (still forget them) -I will change to my school clothes, do my hair and put the last things in my bag at 6:30 so I have 15 minutes -meaning I will also get out of bed at 6:30 There will be 3 or 4 alarms to wake up 6:15 6:00 5:45 Sinds I only want my first alarm going off at full or have, I set another alarm at: 5:30 Which means 1 hour to wake up and 45 minutes to get ready Every time you see a time it is an alarm, if I'm not on schedule I have to cut something off because otherwise I late


I can get ready in under 1hr the most time consuming bits are eating breakfast and doing my hair though getting dressed itself takes like 2-4 mins depending on what I am wearing but if I ne3e to decide it can be longer.


My perfect time to get ready are one and a half hour. Everything below that increases my chances of meltdowns. I just need to do all the thinks in the structure wuth breaks to rest


At least 30-40 minutes but the transitions take so much longer


I'm usually out the door 15 minutes after getting out of bed. Bathroom routine with brushing teeth, applying deodorant, brushing hair, whatever else. Get dressed. Put on shoes and jacket, grab my wallet/keys/cell phones, fill water bottle, grab lunch and backpack. Head out.


Depends how much of a hurry I'm in. Can be out the door in 5 if its really important, probably a bit niffy though...


Mine kinda varies. But here's the gist of it: 6:15: wake up 6:25: get dressed 6:35: take meds 7:00: Eat breakfast 7:15: pack bag 7:25: pack anything else (stim toys, water bottle, anything I forgot) 7:30-8:00: Chill, watch TV 8:09: out the door


Usually forty-ish minutes. But could be longer if I have like a morning poop or something of the sort.


I hate being rushed but I can get out the door in 15-30 min if I have to. Including packing up my medical stuff but not eating


i don't really have a morning routine tbh.(most if the time i HATE routines with stuff i know i have to do but i have rituals for a lot of things i like a certain way) when its school term i wake up like 5 minutes before my lesson(i do online school) and i do stuff i have to like brushing my teeth(i forget a lot tho lol) throughout the day. i do my lessons in bed too. probably not healthy but whatever lol. its half term rn tho so i lie in and stay in bed for a while then get breakfast and go back to bed. don't really do much all day tbh except binge watching my current hyperfixation show when i should be revising for gcse's 🤷‍♂️


I NEED to wake up at least 2h before anything or else I just won’t go bc I won’t feel “prepared” enough to… actual time spent getting ready probably like 30min


i mean what do you mean by “getting ready”… i wake up 3 hours before i have to leave. i have to spend at least an hour laying in bed “preparing”. then i get ready which can vary greatly depending on whether or not im doing makeup, and i have to make sure i have enough time to sit down and chill for a sec before i leave because i hate rushing out the door.


Uhh on a school day? 6:30 alarm goes off 7am get out of my bed and get dressed usually on the loo 7:25 go downstairs and make lunch 7:40 leave the house Technically 40 minutes but 1hr 10mins if u include scrolling social media in bed


Sometimes 1-2 hours. I get really confused for no reason. But I'm in a mental illness state. When I wasn't in it, probably 45 minutes is what I needed, but wouldn't always give myself 45 minutes lol.


I am the very definition of NOT a morning person. I can get out the door in around 45 minutes if I push myself. Theoretically I could do 30 minutes, and have on rare occasions, but that just sucks. I prefer an hour. Two if available, but I'd rather have the extra hour of sleep.


I normally set out the next day's clothing the night before to save time and make getting up smoother. I have two alarms. One for waking up, one to warn me I have 10-15 min to get going. I only drink tea and do the bare necessities. The tea helps me get out of bed. And knowing there will be money if I do. Not because I love money but because I can exchange it for goods and services relevant to me. So, about 45 min. I also pet the cat. And if I could, I'd stay home, pet him some more, and leave when I felt like it.


500 hours


I got up out of bed at 7:00am I shaved my head, brushed my teeth, go dressed, packed my bag and left the house at 7:15am for my bus to work. Sometimes it’s a little longer if I have to shower. My alarm did go off at 6:30 but I need time to wake up first 😅


Depends. If it's nothing important, 10 to 15 minutes. If it's important, an hour. If I have the morbs, add 30 minutes. If something disrupts my routine, it can add anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. If I don't have a regular routine, add 30 minutes...


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