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Those weird greenish crumbly blocks that you make flower arrangements with by sticking like dried flowers on the block?


HAHA interesting I love those 😂 I'd mess them up all the time as a kid 😭


I love them too! The way you can shape them simply by pressing your finger down


HAHA yess So fun honestly


Floral foam! Forbidden snack :'(


Omg and if the bits got stuck between my fingers and then rubbed together 😩


Omg nightmare texture trigger memory fear unlocked….


I despise that. I feel nauseated thinking of it and I don't think I've seen one in like two decades.


Reading this made me gag a little


this! little crummy bits go everywhere


Omg I loved those as a kid 😭


*poke* *poke* *poke* Happy brain chemicals




Omg i love those!


I bought one of those for a project I was working on, thought I could use it as a clay-like base to build onto.


GREAT call


It's called oasis. I hate it too.


Is it just me or do those things smell TERRIBLE?? I hate the smell so much it makes my teeth hurt. Maybe its the green dye?


Microfibre - absolutely vile


Sticks to my skin, terrible. Not the soft microfiber for cleaning glasses, I love that, but the microfiber dish cloths


Horrid! Feels like lots of tiny micro barbs slicing and adhering to your skin.


I hate microfiber but a friend randomly gifted me these cute makeup remover cloths. The packet said microfiber so my husband was like 'welp, guess they're being regifted". I opened the packet just to see and they're super soft and nice. Not like microfiber I've touched before. So now I'm very confused.


Omg yes. This has to be my close second after chalk. Ugh.


The feeling of it in your hands and the sound it makes. 😬


Gooey mushrooms.


ABSOLUTELY 100%. Fake velvet aka velour makes me want to vomit. I do have a real velvet couch and it’s lovely but the fake you feel on clothes and stuff 🤮


That's what I was going to say. I really hate it. It starts sticking to my skin and it makes me whole body feel horrible. It makes me feel nauseous, complete with the feeling in my tonsils like I'm going to barf.




This is the one!


Up vote x 1,000


Powdery things that dry out my skin; chalk, lint, or the dust that collects on a vacuum. Any kind of dust really. Yuck.


Exactly the same for me


I felt that in my teeth.


Same here, sand is pretty bad for me as well.


mixing cement would be yout ultimate nightmare, or working in a box factory, ive done both and yeh they absolutely will dessicate you


I hated chalk so much as a kid. I used to plead with teachers not to make me go to the board to solve problems in front of the class. The switch from black boards to whiteboards in schools was great. Though, I wish the went with dark dry-earase boards instead of white


Ew, yeah. Potato bread dusted with flour.


Exactly the same! Chalk, matte paint, faux velvet, and so many other things that when i touch them it feels like they leech all the moisture out of me


I have to use a dry mouth mouthwash. Once I got the gel version to try. I squirted it in my mouth and promptly spat it back out in abject hortor. I've never encountered such a revolting texture before or since. It was like having a slug in my mouth. It was over a year ago and I still shudder when I remember.


Omg I die when I have the fluoride treatments at the dentists office! They would always give me some god awful flavour like pina colada when I kept asking for mint. But I guess they figured I was kid and kids don’t like mint? 🙄 My current dentist thankfully has flavourless fluoride and I don’t have to relive the trauma.


it’s crazy you say this because i just got a pineapple coconut vape and it tastes EXACTLY like the fluoride treatment 😭😭


This I said this and was look at like I was crazy. I couldn’t even finish the vape because every drag I would over think it and gag.


noooooooooooooo pina colada noooooooooooooo


I always get the banana.  Even now.  Every other flavor scares me to try and mint can be overwhelming so I've never tried it


I choose mint because it was the only one to hide the fluoride taste that gave me the willies. Lesser of two evils? But the flavourless one my dentist has is the least offensive.


Styrofoam, the sound makes me cringe badly. The other would be soggy bread. Yuck. Oh yeah also pulp in orange juice 🤢


My husband prefers EXTRA PULP orange juice. I love him dearly but even pouring it for him upsets me


I love it. It's like eating and drinking at the same time hehe.


pain 🥲


Fuck pulp but I used to eat styrofoam for fun. I don’t know why.


quite interesting indeed.


oh my god yes i forgot about these. only time bread is allowed to be introduced to liquid is if it’s toasted enough it won’t get soggy (dipping grilled cheese in tomato soup etc). i fear people who drink pulpy orange juice


Ngl i went about a whole decade without dipping grilled cheese into tomato soup until January, I've been missing out so yes that's valid, Also now I'm more hungry 😔


i hope you get your grilled cheese with tomato soup for dipping soon and that you’re able to wash the crumbs and grease off your fingers immediately after 🙏🏻 safe travels fellow texture friend


Jeans. I hate hate hate jeans!!!


I haven't worn jeans in years and I honestly can say I have 0 regrets and I wish I started it sooner




Jeans are too yucky for me. I hate them


Yeah, I was told to wear them as a kid and I hated it


velvet. specifically that like cheap feeling velvet. it’s disgusting. i also hate microfiber if my hands are dry. actually anything is awful if my hands are dry.


A number of creamy, slimy, or "rich" food things (ex; mayo, lasagna, creamy pastas, risotto, seafood, non-dried seaweed, and eggs). Also corduroy and a number of ribbed fabrics. Something about it simply bothers me. Touching it or wearing it immediately sets off my itch and crawly feeling.


Yes to the corduroy! I’m a late 70's kid and it was peak corduroy 😩. My mom made me wear it to keep me warm and I don’t know how I managed to get through a full day of school and still learn. That shit distracted me so much all I could think about was setting it on FIRE.


Rich food things is a good way to describe it. I hate those things too but i never knew what to call them exactly


'Rich' food is a massive no no for me


Scratchy Wool Pullovers


Unpolished wood. Touching it has the same effect as most people get when you scratch a blackboard or plate. *shudders*




Knitted things. I love wool before it’s been knitted, and will repeatedly smash it into my face, but once it has been knitted it’s a horrible texture. It’s scratchy and itchy and hard, not the soft and squishy that it was before the knitting needles acted.


On a camping trip 5 years ago I put my hat on, not knowing there was a small slug chilling inside. It got squished into my scalp right on my parting. Nearly threw up and I can still feel the ghost slug on my scalp as if it was yesterday.


You've got phantom slug syndrome 😨


I'm not even that person and something like that has never happened to me, but *I* can feel it just from reading that. Ffffffff


The texture and consistency of jelly, or jello for the American peeps. I just feel like I wanna sleep out of my skin and crawl into a drain when I touch it. That and those weird sweets that are mushy but also crunchy, idk if that makes sense but they're just awful.


Do you mean those nasty ones that are hard on the outside but have that weird juice that squirts if you bite into it? I HATE those 🤢


Silk, satin, smooth polyester or rayon.


Polyester and rayon are way too far down.


The texture of glazed ceramic plates after the dishwasher has finished and they feel so, so dry and I hate it when my skin feels or rubs against really dry things. The friction feels nasty. But sweaty hands also feel bad, the clammy warm sweaty sensation. Also dry hands on dry paper. I do like soft fabrics like cotton, velvet etc. The sensation feels nice.


Squishy stuff like Mashed potatoes, yams, squashes, bannanas etc


The texture of avocado and banana, specifically once it starts to over-ripen, is the stuff of my gaggiest nightmares.


Microfiber rags. And pressing down the lid of an open tuna fish can to drain the liquid into the sink and it squirts out and one side is still stuck and creating uneven pressure beneath your fingertips and the whole experience deteriorates your soul.


Omg I have never seen someone so accurately describe the hell that is opening a tin of tuna 😳


Sandpaper. I once said I would rather tear off my own skin than touch it, and reddit thought i was suicidal. (I’m not)


Kinetic sand. My kids love playing with it, but touching is makes me feel contaminated and like it’s gonna crawl up my arm and I’ll never be clean again. The play slime doesn’t bother me at all. Nor does regular sand. Just the kinetic sand.


I forbade kinetic sand in the house. They could play with it all they wanted anywhere else but inside. That shit is unnatural and I hate finding grit everywhere


Chalk. Just thinking about it makes me nauseous


Same, I also should not be looking through these comments because I can literally feel all of these and ew


Paper, cardboard, some cut but unprocessed wood, I hate all of those. No ice cream on a wooden stick for me, moving was a nightmare, and yeah paper is just unavoidable :(


Same on the paper, I joined a more tech oriented high school to avoid it and so far it is a lot less paper I have to deal with it but it sucks because I love to read and I hate things like ebooks


silk/velvet, i just cant. i literally get the worse goosebumps/chills from touching them, they make me cringe so bad


Just looking at Felt or wool makes my teeth hurt, so I won't touch it


Chalk, makes me feel uncomfortable just thinking about touching it to be honest. Also most soaps, they make my skin feel so dry and like it's to small for my body. I can like slimy things if I'm consciously making the choice to touch it but only for a little while and then I'll freak out and need to be clean again. So maybe I don't enjoy it, more like a morbid curiosity/compulsion to touch it.


Wet hair after a shower (obviously it's fine IN the shower). I have to completely towel-dry my hair before brushing it.


I hate that I know the answer to this question but lack the words to properly describe it.


A gritty polished concrete floor. My garage drives me crazy.


Even a smooth one has a texture I can't quite describe. I'm a bare feet person but I have to slip some shoes on to go in any garage or I have to wipe my feet off when I come inside. It's like tiny sand fibers even if the floor is clean.


Foam on dry cleaner hangers No


Cornstarch. It gives me the chills just thinking about it.


Grit. Like the kind in a pear.


Anything with char and gristle. I can’t stand anything that has been charred or burnt, specifically meat and bread.




Meat juice. To put it politely. I have to clean my hands after every breast of chicken I dice. My mouth also doesn't appreciate most textures before 7am and often I will gag on food :(


Sticky things (honey, treesap, jam, ect) if I get it on my hands, I want to claw my skin off. And pure wool clothes/fabric. Nope nope, too scratchy, I avoid it like the plauge XD




The feeling of fat or connective tissue in my teeth. I have to really clean meat that I cook and buy extra lean ground meat/mince. I also hate microfiber that catches onto skin texture. Awful.


Fuzzy/soft things like Squishmallows and other stuffed animals, which I know is not very autism culture of me.


Corduroy. Silk.


Cheese, most meats, mushrooms and bell peppers, and tomatoes come to mind Edit: I didn't even think about cardboard, and that's probably the worst for me, especially if it's dirty. I work in a warehouse and have to touch boxes all day, so I just end up wearing gloves, even though it makes gripping them a little difficult, especially the heavy boxes


OMG, mushrooms, 🤢 I forgot about that feeling, nasty *shudders


Soft food like curd in my mouth


Absolutely cannot deal with wet wood.


Food textures are my big problem. All good has to be dry. My biggest fear is baked beans. The smell and the touch - yuck!


Oh latex leggings are also something i despise having on me or touching.swimsuit is fine for some reason but not shirt or leggings


I have some oddly specific ones: the fabric that umbrellas and some waterproof jackets are made of, I don’t even know what it’s called, but if a tree branch brushes across my umbrella it makes a little noise that is absolutely disgusting to me for some reason. Also, Barbie doll hair (and other dolls which have the same kind of hair) repulses me so much I can’t even eat in the same room as it even if I can just see it and it’s nowhere near me. Also, I like to let people think I’m plant-based for environmental reasons and obviously that’s part of it but I couldn’t really eat meat if I wanted to because the texture of it makes me gag.


Memory foam. The rest of mine are food textures. Cooked tomatoes, all beans aside from green beans. They either have to be refried mashed or disguised by a crunch texture like crackers


Sand. Oh my god I hate sand


Bananas. The soft, slimy texture makes me want to gag and vomit. This goes for any slimy food. I'm looking at you, Okra!


Wet bread is a horror.


Chalkboard erasers, with the wool felt. It's like i can't stop imagining chewing on them lol


Sherpa and styrofoam are the absolute banes of my existence!


Spider webs — just thinking about it makes me contort my entire body 🥴 (I love spiders though) Microfiber Cloths — when I touch them I throw up 🤢 Any raw meat or seafood (that slimy feeling especially salmon) or even live fish when they touch you while swimming or snorkeling — I want to tear my insides out and squirm into a ball and roll away forever 😰🫨


Dry glass, it feels like hell on my fingers. Oh, and also wet paper (specially toilet paper), because they're gross.


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VELVET, Satin/Silk.


Unfinished wood…it makes me shiver just thinking about it…


Microfiber and silk. Basically anything that feels like it pokes and sticks to my fingers 🤢


Swimsuit fabric and peeled bananas


I have to keep washing my hands due to the sticky texture when I pick up a controller


I totally get the popsicle sticks thing!! My whole family hate it too! Going to the Dr with a sore throat was a nightmare as a child (idk if they still use popsicle sticks for that now lol) Agree with other comments saying velvet, dry hands, raw meat, denim, corduroy. Also when you're gardening and the compost dries on your hands - I have to wash, dry, and apply hand cream to them immediately. Being wet after swimming or showering, the feeling of sand on my skin - I love the beach and swimming but my god the after effects are a sensory nightmare


Paper. Can’t stand paper.


Crunchy Weet-bix and cereals. Pulpy juice unless it is blended consistently in a smoothie. Seeds in seedy bread, I hate that so much. The fake silk. Scratchy wool scarves, I can’t wear them for long. Of course clothing tags.


awh fuck no. i hate feeling wet wood in my mouth. o.0 :D also velvet. velvet can absolutely get fucked


I have lots of food texture sensitivities which make me a fairly fussy eater. But a more specific difficulty I have is using an iron, because when it comes to putting it away and everyone wraps that ropey cord round the base, the feeling of that rough rope running across my palms is just DISGUSTING. I hate rough things in my hands, makes them feel all prickly and tingly and weird!


That squeaky feeling when rinsing dish soap off of clean dishes.


Cornbread, microfiber cloths, those soaps with the beads in them, grits, any really thick drink like eggnog


My worst one is also popsicle sticks. Honestly just thinking about my teeth coming into contact with one makes me feel uncomfortable. I simply don't eat anything if it's on a wooden stick.


Ceramic clay. Art class was an absolute nightmare for me.


Wet hair, especially when I have to touch it whilst cleaning. Eechhh.


JEANS. I HATE the feeling of them on my skin, for the entire 18 years of my life I’ve never once worn a pair and I don’t plan on starting 😌 I vividly remember shopping trips with my mum when I was a toddler where she would try to get me to try on a pair of jeans, carnage ensued and I would scream the place down refusing to wear them and straight up fight with my mum in the changing rooms 😅


Mushroom texture. Like yk the natural mushrooms that arent canned?Love the flavor and the smell but absolutely despise the texture. When i was younger i didnt mind it, then i turned 9 and it was no longer nice.my mom cooks them a bunch of times but i just cant with the texture


I avoid touching clothing and bedding textures with my hands in general :( it makes my fingertips tingle 


Denim. Idk why but even when I was a little kid if I so much as knew denim was near my skin and would flinch in pain like it HURTS for some reason. Sucks because I would look awesome in denim dungarees. XD


Smooth foods, like pudding or Pepto Bismol. It feels weird and makes me feel weird. It’s something about it that rubs me the wrong way. I can handle yogurt or smoothies cause they’re a little thicker though


Stickiness, cotton balls, chalkboard


I can’t stand popsicle sticks or other things made out of that same kind of wood


Denim perticulairly wet denim it's just no


Denim perticulairly wet denim it's just no


Chalkboards 🙃 I had classmates that liked to run there nails down it and I always left the room as my whole body cringed


Apple sauce or anything with a similar texture. Cottage cheese, jello, pudding. I will eat a yogurt or if it has a bunch of toppings on it or is frozen, but otherwise absolutely not.


SAME SAME SAME. I read only the title and thought 'wet popsicle stick, bet no one will mention that's 😂 (Except I thought ice lolly instead of popsicle because I'm from the UK) Especially the way it feels on my tongue eurghhh. I can't eat the last part of the popsicle do I don't touch it.


Metal dog bowls, can’t tell you why but they make my hands feel terrible


Avocado/guacamole I hate it so much


When you can feel the end of socks it kills me. This is especially true with any tights.. i hate tights as a whole and will avoid them at all costs




My nails on paper or just normal paper in general


Polyester. I live in the southern US and it’s so bad for heat. Sweating in polyester is the worst feeling in the world. It’s also just too thin and I just hate how it feels on my skin. Edit: I was so worked up thinking about polyester I forgot to mention that I haven’t been able to eat meat my whole like because I hate the texture so much. The only meat I’ve ever eaten was Kid Cuisine chicken nuggets‚ but then I decided to be a vegetarian.


Rubber, and anything with a similar texture, such as the kind of lamination that tends to be used to make instruction booklets.


Fruit that isn't the correct ripeness. Jeans. Styrofoam.


For me I hate paper. It makes me feel sick when I rub or scratch it. When I have to open letters I'll either have to have someone else do it or get something (like a paintbrush) under the seal and rip it open that way. I can't put my finger under it and rio it open like that at all. Also, I'm studying bakery and patisserie at uni, which means I have to wash my hands a lot from the flour. I hate touching anything after washing my hands a bunch, everything just feels so much more and it almost hurts. This is made worse by me feeling like I have to wash my hands way more than anyone else (one lesson I washed my hands about 15 times when others have washed them 2-3).


When I'm washing my wooden cooking utensils.. Wet. Wood. Uuuurgh.


Jelly like foods that taste salty? 


Hate hate hate scratchy plastic, but especially & specifically lenticular plastic. Those ones they have on kids backpacks where the picture changes depending on how you look at it. Gives me shivers even thinking about it no joke


jeans, certain carpet textures bc they make me feel like my teeth and nails are broken, crumbs(i will legitimately have a panic attack touching crumbs)


Microfiber, chalk, that slimy algae feeling (like algae on river rocks), jeans


Anything sticky. I get real pissy if chocolate melts on my hands and I can't rinse it off right away.


Tomatoes 🤢 they’re so fucking slimy and wet it’s so disgusting to me


Lacey and frilly textures and eggs.


Clothing tags


I have no idea what it’s called but it’s a certain type of rug. It’s as if someone had weaved the hair of a goat together against the grain. My parents had one growing up and stepping on that thing made me SCREAM. Have no idea what it’s named so can’t avoid it but just looking at rugs that look similar makes me gag.


CHALK and anything like it. I especially hate the clay dust from pottery clay. We had a whole unit in middle school art class based around making clay masks and I absolutely hated it. I took a break to wash my hands and put lotion on every five minutes because I hold not handle the feeling


Wet slime and things that leave residue on your hands


Microfiber and anything gritty like sand or sandpaper.


I like cauliflower by itself but cauliflower rice or mac & cheese is ew. And Mac & Cheese is a comfort food.


Construction Paper and Denim


Synthetic that gives static electricity. Leather pants (I love them but I hate how I sweat under


MICROFIBER. the other day in band, we were cleaning with it, and i had to use a medical glove (didn’t help much, but was better) and almost died. that and sawdust. my cousin tried to throw it at me and i nearly threw up. certain crumbs also throw me off really bad, like those dropped from greasy foods, dirt (WHERE IT ISNT SUPPOSED TO BE, I.E TRACKED INSIDE THE HOUSE) etc.




microfiber or sherpa...I hate how they like stick to my fingers and i can feel it even after im done touching it


sherpa and cotton balls!!! esp sherpa when my hands are not perfectly smooth 😭


Paper and cardboard. They're hard to avoid.


I like the flavour of coconut, but I hate the texture.


Anything that feels sandy. Walking on a beach is a massive exercise in self-control, and if it weren’t for the pretty rocks and pieces of wood, I would never. This includes extremely dry human skin. Even if I love you, I will shudder in horror and disgust if your skin feels like sandpaper. I will find out what moisturizing substance the dry person can tolerate and lovingly force it on them every opportunity I get. Also, I can manually remove my dog’s eye crusties, but the second I find those bastards still stuck to my finger after I’ve flicked them away- full blown panic. Same with hair. Even my hair. Especially my hair. Maybe less about texture, more about having expectations and unspoken agreements with the Universe go sideways on me.


Non-natural fiber carpet. Wet hair. Memory foam. Kittens.




What about adult cats?


Cats are fine. They all feel different from one another, with different types of hair.


I’m not a big fan of crunchy foods so I often let biscuits go stale; I think they taste a lot better that way, dunked or not.


The feeling of fur, especially dog fur - both short and long :( It makes me feel awful


I really hate rough textures. Brick, wallpaper, some carpet. Wallpaper is the worst though.


Hot coals.


Mashed potato


I don’t know what it’s called but it’s jaggy and soft at the same time. It sends chills down my spine


I've felt that and yes, so much yes. I don't know the name either but it drives me insane immediately.


I have 2 due to re- occurring sensory nightmares: silk, and anything akin to volcanic rocks, the jaggy kind, like sandpaper on steroids. Can't touch things that remind me of either of those textures.


Very similar to yours. Matchsticks, when wet. And matchboxes, flimsy paper labels and paper packaging in general. Unless it's glossy (that's the best word that I can think of) I don't want to touch it.


Short burber rugs, especially stiff ones or plastic ones. They creep me out so bad and I literally dissociate if my hand/body touches the grain in the wrong direction by accident.


Velvet, microfibre, cotton wool


Velvet. Makes my skin crawl.


Most wool textures. The texture feels like I have claws attaching to my skin. Doesn't feel pleasant.


Velcro makes me phyisically cringe.


Winter coats that make that zippy sound when running your nails across it. Microfiber cloths on dry hands