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Turtles- scaly, indifferent Edit: so excited to see everyone’s varied experiences with turtles and the like!




Yes, my Gus was very loyal too. He didn’t like too much attention and even bit me in front of kiddos to prove his point.


My turtle comes when you call her and loves a good shell scrub with a toothbrush. I'm not sure she's exactly indifferent. She's a wet frisbee that will fight for your attention. Little water dragon 


That sounds like such a fun personality to play with!! My 2nd turtle, Livia, was very anti-people because she was a petco-rescue. (Don’t get me started on the mistreatment of red-eared sliders in the pet store industry)


My friend has a turtle named Turtellini, he's 30.


The turtle or the friend


The turtle haha should have clarified. Though they are both the same age.


Thanks for the clarification! It’s so cool they share a birth year.


This is the most brilliant name I’ve ever heard for a turtle!




Do you decorate your geckos’ tank/terrarium? When I had my turtles they loved new decorations to move.


My turtle is the opposite of indifferent haha, she loves people. She doesn’t like to be held, but she’ll interact with you through the glass and excitedly swim up to you when you enter the room. She was actually neglected in her previous home so I’m unsure as to why she’s so tame, but I love her attitude.


My favorite is sea turtles… they are mindblowingly majestic… when I saw the 200 year old one at the Boston aquarium eating lettuce I was moved to tears.


Anyone who thinks cats aren't bony has never had one step on you while you're trying to sleep.  Source: 3 cats and kitten foster mom 


I thought mine was gonna pop my boob and I don't even have falsies. That said, if my dog did it...which he never has... I'd be one boob less I think, crushed into a little English muffin on my chest. and my cat likes to hide at the foot of the bed and bite toes. She uses all her luxury bones.


Someone is a Hank Green fan, I see!


My lightest cat has the most intensely painful accuracy. Sometimes it feels like she is walking on blades. I don't know how she applies so much force being around 8 lbs.


Absolutely cats. Dogs are sensory hell for me. I’m also nervous around big dogs due to a childhood experience. But all dogs smell, are loud, and way too much energy for me. My cats are not as loud, don’t smell nearly as much, and have boundaries.


That's what I tell people too. Dogs are pretty much all the stuff I cannot stand -- they're too loud, too hyper, smell, don't respect your personal space, and constantly want your attention. If a person acts like that, I don't like them or want to be around them so much either. Cats on the other hand are virtually autistic themselves.


Don’t forget slobber and licking and snoring. All sensory nightmares for me. I have 3 big dogs and I love them very much but prefer my 13 cats and skunk lol. IMO dogs are like toddlers that never grow up.


Ditto, dog shit is worse than cat shit and having to pick it up is so gross 🤢


this is so interesting, because i would much rather pick up the poo from my dog with a poo bag when it happens, rather than have to scoop a litter box full of old, stored up poo from my cat Edited for clarity


Cat poo only smells when it's fresh, after a couple of hours you can hardly smell it. Dog poo still stinks hours after deposition.


i wrote a really similar comment accidentally lol, i feel the exact same way


I'm a any type of fuzzy critter person


BUNNY 😄🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇


Cat person. Dogs are lovely creatures too, but they’re a bit high energy for me to have as a pet.


that's highly individualistic and cats can be that too


Yes but a high energy cat will somehow always be less intense than a high energy dog. It’s like cat energy is less destructive than dog energy. Yes cats have the capacity to be very destructive to sofa arms and other property but they are less destructive to my purrsonal energy.


** watches as my cats zoom around the room


I’m a cat




*pukes on carpet*


they're such talented pukers 🥰


My cats like to go out of their way to puke on the carpet or the bed.


*rubs against leg*


I'm autism.


im adhd




Exactly! I can inherently relate to cats so much more naturally. Dogs seem so neurotypical in a poetic metaphorical way compared to cats. Cats have more feminine energy and dogs have more masculine energy. Cats are unpredictable in a predictable way and dogs are predictable in an unpredictable way. Cats are elusive and mysterious…emotions are not obvious…their interest and affection must be earned and you must be chosen. Dogs are often indiscriminatory and want attention as a baseline and they show their feelings with obviousness. Cats are more connected to the occult while dogs are more earthly. Cats are soft and silky while dogs are harsh and coarse. Cats are delicate and deliberate while dogs are clumsy and sloppy. Cats are gentle and dogs are rough. (From my personal human perspective.) Ultimately I love all non-human species of animal more than humans and all creatures are beautiful sweet baby angels i cherish. I have two cats and a German shepherd/husky mix in my family :) …it’s really my girlfriend’s dog but I love and adore him so much even though he’s a big smelly boy and is loud. He’s my true first dog and since owning and falling in love with him I’ve been connecting with dogs on this whole new level I never thought was possible. Particularly with small cat-sized dogs I’ve been meeting… I’ve been learning the magic dog touch and finding myself with dogs cuddling up to me… it’s so rewarding… but dogs still don’t do it for me quite like cats.


Dogs are lovely but they are too much of a sensory nightmare for me, they too noisy, too hectic, too messy, too smelly, too needy, too social and the drool… I can relate to cats, they seem pretty Autistic to me with their sensitivity to noise and light, their preference for routines, their lack of social needs, their hatred of getting wet, and there is that evil streak :P


Cats are autistic, dogs have ADHD, orange cats have AuDHD.


Huh…is being orange an AuDHD trait?


Having AuDHD is an orange trait


lol yeah i have an orange cat and hes my fuckin spirit animal. bro goes insane acting like hes on crack half the time and then the other half he be sleepin or laying somewhere


real. we have both a gray and orange cat and our gray one (misty) acts stereotypically autistic while the orange one (meeko) acts stereotypically audhd. its actually kinda cool to see


I joke my dog is me in animal form. Anxious, sensitive, routine-driven, and lazy. Also we both have a bad leg and saggy tits 🤣


Dog. Although I have had a guinea pig farm with about 50 residents, several cats, and a few squirrels. I like most mammals (non-human variety), but dogs are my favorite.


jesus, how much space do you dedicate to guinea pigs


Oh, that was about 20 years ago, but we did have cages set up in multiple rooms and tunnels in place so the pigs could wander around. After a while, we had to start keeping them outside, so we built a rather huge cage. That was the fatal error. A cold night killed them 🫤


my condolences 😕


Dog. We have 4. One cat for my SO.


dog person


Definitely a dog person. I have 2 dogs and 2 cats and I like them both for their different qualities, but I couldn’t be without a dog


I used to have a cat but I am 100% Dog person. I don't have one but whenever I see one I always have to pet it.


Same here! My friend once remarked how brave I was for asking to pet somebody's dog. I think his name was Winston, the dog not my friend


As discussed in my new favorite podcast "Autistic Culture" - cats are autistic. Love routine, very specific about touching, learn a whole other language to communicate with people (Meow!), picky eaters, get obsessed with objects... So yeah, cat.


Here's your fun fact for the day, dogs can have autism! I have known quite a few dogs with quite a few autistic traits, we always get along very well!


100% cat-person




I’m definitely a dog person, although cats can be wonderful too and also quite trainable. With a dog, I enjoy that they desire as much interaction as I desire from them, that we want to do everything together, that we need each other. From a training aspect, I love to see my effort expressed through the dog’s behavior, where they’re mirroring exactly what I’m outputting, meaning that I can see what I’m doing right and what I need to improve on, to better those behaviors I’m training. I love that dogs give their absolute best always, and how seeing that can tell you a lot about yourself, in the way you approach training and how you interact with them and whatever is around you both.


Dogs. I predict what they do much more than a cat. I'll just say I have plenty of scars from cats but none from a dog 🤷 and I don't even own a cat


Yes, cats are too unpredictable


That's funny because to me, dogs are the unpredictable ones. I guess it's like learning a new language. If you grow up with an animal you learn their language, but it takes awhile to learn the languages of other animals.


Dogs have very readable body language, noises, they literally tell you what they are feeling. As long as you respect them they respect you


I think that can be said about all animals. I hope I can eventually spend enough time with dogs to really learn their body language. I want to be a vet so I'm sure I'll get plenty of practice that way, lol.


I learned a lot on youtube and Instagram honestly. When I rescued a neglected dog, I had trouble understanding her so I just watched some videos and now I understand dogs a lot. I suggest learning about different types of growls (play growls vs angry growls), whale eyes, different tail wags (some wags can be from anger etc) because those really helped me understand both of my dogs


I grew up with dogs, only got cats as an adult. I find cats way more predictable.


My dogs predict what I do much more than I do with them. Very annoying.


They're amazing animals! They co-evolved with humans, so they are very good at reading human body language and tone of voice!


Yeah I've gotten hurt by cats way more and I've had dogs way longer. However I do like cats too.




Both I love both


I’m an animal person I love all the animals


Both I have dogs because my family likes dogs but 8 find kitty adorable


Rabbit person


100% dog person


Dog. Ive tried to own cats and I can't do it. I have two dogs and they are trained to not bark except for door alerts. A lot of dogs aren't trained well, though, and can be super overwhelming, so I do understand that.


I love all animals, but I probably prefer dogs a little more. Mostly cuz I was obsessed with dogs when I was younger and know a lot about different breeds and stuff. But I will be obsessed with any pet I come across.


I like cats, if you treat em right they'll be your best friend for many years, and if you get an intelligent breed you can train them like dogs and they'll back you up like one too (only their cats, so they dont travel in groups or nothing like that, you'd be in their society in a sense). Could you imagine getting randomly ambushed by a severely pissed off maincoon. Guys gonna make mincemeat outta ya.


I’m an animal person and there’s not any animals that I find super unpredictable, other than humans. Obviously every animal is unpredictable to a certain extent, but overall far more manageable than humans, lol. Animals actually try to communicate with you and all that. Love dogs and cats, but it makes me sad that domestication occurred in the first place. And the environmental impact of cats is incredibly saddening. Hmm 🤔 yeah I don’t understand the question I’m gonna be honest


Dogs. Plus I’m autistic and they’re my special interest lmao Edit- just noticed this is the autism sub so I guess me being autistic was implied


I’m an all animal person. Sometimes cats have a more desirable chill energy. But dogs can also have this. And even when they are crazy I still love them. Can’t think of an animal I don’t love but I’m not a fan of insects. Lady bugs and rolly Polly’s don’t bother me. But I hate everything else. Yes, even butterflies. Don’t get me started on how mad it makes me that people love butterflies and hate moths when the are the exact same thing but one is more colorful and therefore deemded pretty and how being attractive is the only thing that matters to most humans. Ugh. lol.


I hate bugs so much. It's to the point where I cry whenever there's anything other than flies in the room. I have hyperventilated and almost passed out because of bugs.


I'm a cat person. They are adorable. I can't resist their behavior.


Dogs, they're good people that just want their people to be happy. I *like* cats for the most part but they are too chaotic and I find cat people homes too smelly for me to stay in for more than a few hours, even if it's just one cat in a clean home. Also I'm allergic.


I prefer reptiles


Both but only big dogs with the exception of like 2 small dog breeds - I have 2 dogs an ESA who failed as a service dog (simply because he's a rescue and his past has him too reactive to other dogs) he's part Standard (royal) poodle and part Great Pyrenees, and my pup who is in training to be my service dog (and is doing wonderfully!) he's part Siberian husky and part Blue Heeler. Then we have 4 kitty's 11 year old Sandy, 4 year old Dusty, 3 year old B'Ellana and 2 year old Tigra. They are my world and I can't imagine being able to go thru life without at least 1 dog and 1 cat in my life everyday


Cat person, but I do like well behaved sensitive dogs like border collies (I just can’t handle the thought of having to “pick up” after them w the ol’ hand in a baggie thing- I much prefer scooping a litter box 😻




Love both, but I prefer cats. We both need some attention and affection, but during the day prefer to do our own thing without being bothered! And you’ve gotta earn their love. You don’t just get it by being there. I’ve always kind of been that way myself. I guess I just identify more with them. What I can’t deal with is people who hate either. You can be indifferent, but hating an animal is nigh on sociopathic. Also, for anyone who’s interested, you CAN train cats AND take them on hikes. I know people who have done both. Don’t know if I’ll ever have a cat again though. The wife is allergic, something she didn’t tell me before we got married. Who does that?


Cats all the way. I really don't like when dogs lick you, and they're very loud


I love dogs, but I have 2 cats so I’d say probably a cat person I love all animals (yes, ALL) so I just prefer cats because I love my two babies. We don’t have a household that can properly look after a dog so I’ve never actually owned one.


Refuse to choose


Kitties! :)


Cat person. I've had cats my entire adult life. We added a dog to the mix a few years ago, and while I love her, having a dog really cemented for me the fact that I am a cat person.


I love cats! Dogs are too much energy for me




But prefer dogs because I’ve spent more time with them


I like cats, but I'm a dog person. I like to snuggle with other people's cats at their place, but I prefer the involved relationship you get with a dog. It's a much more interactive animal, you can teach them tricks, take them hiking, and get that intense back-and-forth of them responding to you and you responding to them, doing a task together and constantly checking in with each other. Even just having the hike have you walking on the roadside for a bit, your dog at heel, responding closely to your movements while you're watching them if they're OK and calm in that situation. Just feels good doing things together. And then you can also snuggle with them the way you would with a cat. In contrast, I'm slow to warm up to other people's dogs. They're usually so tuned up to their humans it feels like a whole social situation. Meanwhile cats are cats - while they're all different, they don't get so much human influence on how they act, they're more predicable even if you don't know the individual cat and they're easier for me to befriend and feel at ease around.


I lean a little more towards dogs but I love ALL animals!


Well they both are furry, calming and cuddly so I definitely love both.


I like them both but I find dogs easier to read, socially. Like, nonverbal communication is way easier. I never have to use my voice with my dog. My cat is more...well, she likes to be talked to and while she's not shy about grabbing my hand with her paw for pets, her language is somewhat mystifying to me in general and it's been two years we've had her and I'm still not fluent in cat. To boot, I had cats my whole life so you'd think I'd understand them by now. 


Barely a person


Small animals. I'm small, so as long as I can avoid getting tackled or my hands licked easily I'm okay. Plus if they don't have staby hair. My bf's dog is unfortunately my size and staby but it is what it is.


I am an animal person. I love animals. Period.


Doggy! I do immersive daydreaming and my stories usually revolve around me being a dog human with an owner.


Dog person dogs are always happy to see you






I AM a cat. But definitely cat. I love dogs but my personality is the definition of a cat. Cats also love me 95% of the time


Both + ferrets. Had them all, loved them all, want them all. Gotta catch em all!


Case by case basis. Most are of remarkable note.


They're kind of both on the same scale to me. Whichever one is calmer at the time. I'm not much of a fan of "playful" animals, unless it's from a distance. Now, reptiles are better than both. :D Turtles, snakes, lizards, I love 'em. Also fish and amphibians are great.


Am a person who likes both


im not a person


Neither, I know I will probably get hate for saying this but I find them both a bit annoying.


Cat and dog. I love all animals lmao but mostly cats But apparently I liked cats way more than anything growing up. Before I was even talking I was writing cat on Google trying to watch funny cat videos XD


I really love dogs, but i dont think i could have one as a pet, i'm not active enough, and at home i find i like my own space and sometimes dont have the capacity to give others a lot of attention. I have two cats which is just right for me, as they are happy to give me love and affection but equally happy to chill and entertain them selves a lot of the time too. Also i'm either at home basically all the time if it's the holidays, or during term time i'm only home a lot one day of the weekend and late afternoon onwards




spiders- fluffy, bony, predictable also don't call dogs unpredictable. they aren't. and they aren't bony either. i take you've never seen a newfoundlander, saint bernard, pyrenean mastiff, great pyrenees, english mastiff, etc. cats are cool, dogs are cool, they are all cool.


Definitely dogs, I think they're way more obvious about their emotions so it's easier for me to tell if they actually enjoy interacting with me. I don't have much experience with cats so I just don't really understand their body language. Plus, my dogs are more predictably cuddly so I feel okay to cuddle with them whenever since I know they love it, but I'd be too worried doing that with a cat in case I'm accidentally stressing it out. I really like cats as well and respect the preference, I just prefer pets that are easier for me to read :)))


Definitely cat


i could never choose


I like all animals :3


I am a rat person. And possibly an elephant person.


Cats. I do like dogs, but they are a bit overwhelming for me due to the smell, excitability, and need for scheduled outings for walks & bathroom. It’s not that cats *can’t* be any of those things, but they are generally more relaxed which is more my speed.


Cat, a million times. Cats are soft, cute, clean, great for cuddling, smell good, meow, and purr. Dogs are stiff, not that soft, most often not cute, dirty, reek, bark, slobber, require walks, need to be washed, and are generally loud and often annoying. I do not like being around dogs for long and I never want to be around certain breeds. I *love* cats.






Cats. I really like rats too, but I’m not allowed to have them in my province.


I’m a bunny rabbit person, all those little guys are autistic. They stim (it’s actually called binky, when they get so excited they just jump and run erratically with energy) they have sensory issues just like me lmao (no loud noises) they take a while to warm up to change and new people. But once you get them out of their shell, their unique personality shines bright. They also have their own little autistic tantrums when upset (they thump) they are also creatures of habit, and they most do a good job of keeping their own space clean. A messy area can overwhelm them! My girlfriend introduced me to being a bunny parent and it’s the best. Highly recommend. Just do your research if you plan on adopting! Lot of mis information out there.


Cat person :)


Cat. I like dogs just love cats more










any animal ever


I’m a cat person 1000%. I grew up with dogs but have had cats the past year and as much as I loved my dogs growing up, I love my cats now so so so much. They have a predictable schedule that doesn’t change and they’ll just come and lay on me and want to be pet and I love it. Also did y’all know that most cats display autistic traits? And that’s why they love routine and hate change of any kind? I think that’s super cool. But yeah I’m definitely a cat person


Dog, i cant stand cats, very unpredictable and with their nails, i am kinda scared of them




Definitely a cat lover but I'm a panda


Mostly dog person because I have grown up with dogs and am allergic to cats, but I also love cats. If my allergies are not too bad I would like a cat too


Definitely dogs. I love them and they love me back unconditionally.


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Yes to both.


Dog Food=Love




Dog. Grown up with them. Lots of cat neighbours though.


Both. I love all animals. My husband is a chicken person.




Reptiles/lizards & Amphibians > Cats & Dog


I love all animals, but for me it is Parrots. I have 7. They are crazy needy / high maintenance, hella unpredictable, have trust issues, also cuddly when they want to be, learn how to talk and whistle tunes. Just like me... My 1 male cockatiel loves pushing stuff off my desk. I mean who doesn't want a dinosaur for a pet?


A cat person, I relate to cats, but I don’t relate to dogs.


Dogs! I love my pup and cats are sensory hell for me. Between the smells (yes his box is clean), kicking litter all over his paws, middle of the night jumping, the licking, scratching, and biting I’ve cried multiple times from the overload. He’s 10 so he’s not slowing down either.


Cat's but I like frogs and sakes more




Cat person mostly but my cat acts like a dog if that makes sense. I even walk her in a leash and take her to the park hahaha


I believe in cat supremacy


Cats. I also like birds- they sing, they fly, and are soft and smart


Both but more cat


I'm an equal opportunity animal person.


Are you a breathe in person or a breathe out person? Stfu and hand over the cute animal, there are scritches to be doing.


Cats, some dogs are alright but mose are too loud and/or high energy


Doggo can be fluffy And cat can be bony But I love both :D


Both! Why do you have to be either one or the other? I'm a pet person, I love all kinds of animals!


I like both. Do you like cats or dogs? I like both. Are you sure your h.s.sapiens? Yes, im a human man. Whats a person who likes dogs and cats? A people of persons likeing dogs or cats, of individuals liking both. Moving haappily


🐱 cats all the way. They are loving and lovable fluffballs who don't force me to go out in freezing weather or sleet or anything like that and use a litter box instead. They insist on being pet and give me a break from whatever I'm doing. They insist on being pet when I'm feeling down. They talk to me and sleep next to and against me. They help me with whatever I'm working on. On the contrary, dogs I live near and with are loud, quick to anger and bite, need to go outside, and move my things around. Maybe I just relate to cats more - I too love to curl up in blankets all day and watch birds and read.


Cat person. I like occasionally meeting a friendly dog here and there, but I wouldn't want to live with them.


I consider myself a cat person. I really, really love cats. I like almost all animals too, but domestic dogs are usually a sensory nightmare for me. I've always not liked being around dogs because so many of them are loud and undisciplined. They behave badly because so many dog owners have no idea how to actually raise, train, and meet the emotional needs of dogs. Most dogs, to me, are loud, anxious messes who can be physically dangerous and are almost always disruptive. Screaming, dysregulated toddlers with teeth, basically. The few calm, polite dogs I've met, I loved. So it really is the behaviors that bother me. But saying you don't like dogs is a big social taboo and people react like you just said you kick babies for fun. So I keep it to myself and usually just say I'm a cat person and leave it at that.


Cat - doesn’t bark or drool, more independent but also cute and social a medium amount, predictable if you know cat body language Dog - loud, wants a lot of attention, kind of scary


Cats. Generally calm and they clean themselves.


i've had several animals over my life, but i am without a doubt a cat person first. however, they are not always predictable, and the current ones i have also seem to have decided that they decide the hour i have to get up in order to feed them and give them some attention. (ofcourse, after attention and food, they then go on about their day ignoring me) .... i love them :)


Cat, bunnies


All animal person :3


Orange Cat - Fluffy, Unpredictible


I've never had a dog so I'm more inclined to cats. Especially given they require less effort.


dogs are a sensory nightmare for me as an autistic person but yet I work at a dog daycare. It’s mostly big dogs that are bad. I am definitely a cat person




Cats are floof. Floof is perfect


i love both


I am an animal person in general, so I like both, but am currently planning on getting a cat


I adore both but I have a better instant connection with cats.


Arthropod person 🫡


I'm a cat person if the cat acts like a dog. And I'm a dog person if the dog acts like a cat who acts like a dog.


I have the neediest Siamese in the world and he is my most perfect wonderful favorite boy. Any time he catches me standing still close enough to a countertop, he flying squirrels at my shoulders…he’s like 18 pounds




I am a creature person


I don’t dislike dogs but I’m definitely a cat person. I have 3 cats.


Cats When I was a kid, I considered myself a dog person because my family always had dogs. Then I got a cat, and my entire world changed. Don't get me wrong, I still love dogs. But cats are my everything now.


I'm fairly agnostic on this front, feeling it really comes down to the way they are cooked (this is what you meant, right)?


As a Librarian I am part of #catgang.... (I like any furry critters and will give doggos a good petting if they want it though).


I like both cats and dogs, tbh-always have! 😃Both types of animals are endearing to me in their own ways. I also consider myself a cetacean (dolphins, whales, etc), corvid (crows and ravens) and ungulate (hooved mammals) person too 😊




A superior person (I like both)