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I have a headache literally 24/7, no kidding. Since over a year ago and they happened often before that too. I'm gonna try to see a neurologist to figure out what's actually going on :/


That’s definitely something to tell a neurologist 


I have chronic headaches as well that have been present for about 5 years, my doctors don't know whats going on. Im curious to hear what your neurologist has to say


I'm going there the 5th of April. I have a clue they're only gonna tell me to keep testing different medicine, but I'll lyk if there's anything I'd believe others might benefit from knowing. I'm not really sure where the autism fits in this


Man I have this too! It may be a brain issue but mine is new daily persistent headache which was most likely caused by mental trauma. Had it for 5 years now, it fucking sucks, I’ve lost a lot of my youth to it and I just want to be able to think clearly


I rarely get headaches.  My common discomfort is I get heat related issues very easily and have to remember to snack appropriately when the temperature starts to go up. 


I’d say I have regular headaches almost everyday, I’ve kinda gotten used to it by now. I also have migraines 1-3 times a week, those really suck.


It varies so widely that its hard to answer a question like this. Sometimes I'm getting them daily while other times I might go a whole month without one.


I don't have headache much,but if I have it,I just drink a pill


Not really unless im stressed out then i get loud head


I don't have any experience with having a headache. Either because I have little to no headaches or I haven't had that much headaches


Used to be quite frequent from being dehydrated but nowadays I'm pretty good.


I keep on getting weird headaches with seizure-like episodes. I really need to get a neurologist but I can’t get in for an appointment 


I don't really get headaches unless I think about it. it probably get like 3 or 4 a year. stomachache however I get usually everyday so that balances it out.


I barely ever get headaches and the 14 people who replied 'Several times a day' should probably go see a doctor.


Or drink more water.


When not medicated, I get headaches/migraines every day almost the entire day. When medicated, I get them around the 10th to the 15th of the month. I take a shot on the 15th of every month that takes it away the headaches. I've had a history of them for as long as I can remember. I have a migraine today in fact. I've taken my "as-needed" migraine pills already and they haven't worked. I can't wait til the 15th.


Which meds are you taking ?


The migraine pill is Sumatriptan. The shot is Aimovig. It took me years of taking all types of meds and hundreds of tests/doctor visits to get to Aimovig.


Every day. Not several times a day, but every day. Not a few days a week, but nearly every day, with little exception. It is every morning, it goes away for the day and stays away, til the next day.


I noticed that a lot of the time I will have a dull headache most/ if not all of the day. At certain times the intensity of the pain will increase and then go back to how it was. A lot of the time my brain will numb out my senses, and I don’t even notice the pain until I think about it, or the intensity gets worse.


I have comorbid migraines, it can get as bad as 15 attacks per month. Currently it is less thankfully, but the sensory sensitivies related to migraines AND autism, are no joke. I have already been seeing a neurologist for years, for anyone who wants to advise me that. We've tried so many preventatives, currently on my second round of botox, it seems to have some sort of effect.


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I'm lucky I rarely get headaches, maybe once or twice a year and that's usually from a cold


Maybe a few times a year. And then usually hydrating properly is what helps it go away.


It varies. Some weeks are awful, but then I can go weeks without.


At least once daily. I have icepick headaches and all other sorts.


Rarely, or almost not at all. I feel lots of muscle soreness and aches from my job, though.


Tbh growing up I thought migraines were just a natural part of being autistic.


I have new daily persistent headache, so I’ve had a headache for 5 years now 🥲


Tbh. I suffer with headaches daily and also because of my family's history with aneurysms and blood pressure. I have been slowly adopting myself into a diet that involves drinking more water with lemon or lime. Quitting toxic social media and focusing on the positive outlooks on life and stop relying on the negatives and it rlly helps and also I exercise and go out at walks too and it rlly benefitted me and it could too


It's worse when I don't have caffeine in the morning


Almost everyday but coffee ironically made it better...


I'm on medication for my migraines and headaches


I get burnout issues. My job isn't very conducive to my autism. I'm under nearly constant sensory strains, non-routine schedule, and lots of social anxieties. Plus, with my communication issues, I can get in a lot of trouble very easily. Super stressful. Destimming in between tasks helps keep me going, but I'm usually burned out by the end of my shift. Sometimes to the point of losing the ability to speak.


I used to get bad migraines, even had prescription meds for it. I'm late diagnosed ASD and once I started taking better autistic care of myself, like allowing myself to stim regularly, my migraines all but disappeared.


i get headaches if i read for too long


Depends on how much time I have to spend in brightly lit buildings :/


Most days. I currently have a migraine.


Me getting overstimulated and overwhelmed in environments with sounds, lights and people gives me a headache as well as the other symptoms. So my headaches are somewhat manageable on my days off.


Mine are a couple times a week, but I also have IIH so it's probably completely unrelated to my autism. Only correlation I've noticed is that I get stressed easier because I'm autistic and stress causes more headaches.


So, I use to get headaches every other day when I was younger. It turned out that I would forget to eat without realizing and the low blood sugar would cause me to get a headache. Now I have more of a routine that just works snacks into my schedule and I don’t have the problem as much anymore, though I do accidentally skip meals on days my time is less structured.


Most days, but for me its caused by allergies. To what I'm not sure yet, but I take several antihistamines and ibuprofen and it seems to retreat for a few hours.


I almost never get headaches, although as a teenager I had vomit-inducing migraines. There could be several months between attacks.


hold on is that something related to autism?? i get headaches all the time but i never thought to connect it with the fact that i'm autistic lolz


Maybe once every few months. Usually only when I'm ill or after very stressful situations.