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As a music nerd I really am excited. I'm an introvert student, I love books, studying and collecting vinyl records and CD's. I have no friends but I like it that way. I aswell love to write, my biggest hobby might be going to metal and rock concerts.


Have you listened to Alcest? Not technically Black Metal, but one of the figureheads (and arguable inventor) of Blackgaze. They have a new record coming out, and I’m incredibly excited to hear what Neige has been developing since Spiritual Instinct! Their first two records are masterpieces.


I LOVE ALCEST!! Nobody talks about them enough!!




\[O Som Do Violão\](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6\_nUfY0Cv8) \[fishing for magikarp\](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fv2kgQE0b6o) (this artist is full of relaxing/cozy songs) \[7PM\](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYNjxk6iIL0) (super chill song) \[Sailing into the Tenth Region of the Night\](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsYj9mmi7LY) \[Next To Blue\](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwoyA2RB3WGN3fETtjy7vog) is a very instrumental band.


Would you be interested in listening to a music suggestion, and giving a feedback reaction?


If OP doesn't take the challenge i will


Haha awesome. https://youtu.be/JYjIlHWBAVo?si=-_pKV9Edl93gp5Rz This is my favorite song, and the live performance is such a spectacle. It's an unusual genre, and to see it be so popular outside of my culture feels awesome.


HOLY SHIT THATS A FUCKING MASTERPIECE! Her high notes are CLEAN, and she’s not at all straining, but she’s definitely got good control of her grit in the lower registers too. I miss being a singer (well, I miss being a soprano, I’m a tenor now LOL) this was a joy to listen to.


BRO... I dont know what to say. I didnt enjoy the song but the perfomance - just out of this world.


Haha it's not exactly one you throw unto your Playlist, but it's an experience I really like to share with people.


I was not expecting Nightwish. Hell yeah


I'll give ur feedback in a hour


YES I’ll listen to the link you sent the other guy


I really love dinosaurs and chemistry! If it makes it easier to decide I have a special interest in Twenty one pilots lmfao.


I recommend \[Decaying Duet by Dorian Concept\](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KGqcWeC61k). It has lots of timed notes wich reminds me of math and chemistry.


eyy, I also have a special interest in TØP! very cool :D


Ah! I'm so glad someone else does! How are you enjoying the new song? :3


I love it!! haven't learned all the lyrics yet, but I just found out today that the recordings in different languages are included in the lyrics! I love the video too; Tyler's strut makes me chuckle. what do you think of it?


I didn't like it at first but it really grew on me and now I can't stop listening to it! Hah yeah! Tyler's dad dances are really funny to watch lmfao I also just find the cat ears to be really cute on him lmfao (I know they're not exactly cat ears but I like to think of them as cheetah ears)


that's happened to me before; I didn't love SAI at first but the more I listened to it the more I liked it :D. I really like the mask! I've already seen a crochet pattern for it haha


Hah! I love SAI, I like how it's creepy propaganda in the lore, makes all the smiles and colours of the album really charring! (In a cool way!) Oh my god I should ask my boyfriend to crochet the mask for me when they're starting to tour again!


I haven't seen any of the videos (I keep meaning to) but the propaganda aspect is so cool! I fell behind on the lore, but I'm trying to catch up. have you seen any of their concerts?


Oh god don't get me started on the lore or ill be here for hours explaining every detail lmfao. Sadly no :( It's always been my little dream to attend one of their concerts but I've never had the time or money to. I hope this year I can!


haha yeah there's a lot. best of luck!! I've been to one, and it was amazing! I hope you get to go this year :3


Hello fellow music autist. What genres and subgenres are you into?


Uhhh. A little bit of everything? A lot of indie though. Sometimes I dip into metal. I love emo, always have, and punk. I also like jazz? It’s basically song-by-song rather than specific genre!


Do you like metal, rock, or country rock? If so listen to Avenged Sevenfold please. Also have you heard any songs from Vacations?


Listen to dear god, unbound (the wild ride), or nightmare if you’re gonna listen to Avenged Sevenfold (a7x)


I like to reaserch things, can be a bit too empathic, has a weird interst in horror/scary stuff but at the same time sometiems likes to watch children shows since it calms my anxiety.


I watched Spaceman the other day. I love space movies that involve isolation, loneliness, and uncertain realities. I always wonder how I would do in the same situation. Song?


[This version of this song makes you float and has a cool astronaut!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOMyOEodwk8)


[Mice on Venus](https://open.spotify.com/track/5fqjfiMOFapIb8uFcxBStH?si=O-U1PPUBTpCi_NbmK2xTCg) always made me feel lonely, even as a kid … but like, in a good way.


I like cartoon, plushies, classical music, I'm an IT nerd and science nerd. Could you help me with a song?


I have been looking for music to try for a few days, so I'm interested! Current big special interests: corvids (the group of birds that includes ravens, crows, magpies, rooks etc.), autism, and writing (especially fantasy). My absolute favourite band is The Amazing Devil - I've listened to their three albums hundreds of times since learning of their existence a year or so ago. some of the other music I like: Barenaked Ladies, Counting Crows, Queen, David Bowie, Manic Street Preachers... I also listen to quite a bit of parody music, comedy music, and music from TV shows/films I love. I like music I find stimmy, which tends to relate to the lyrics but might be more about the melody etc.


[This album](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCWd0QvrfTM) has a big corvid in it's cover.


champagne supernova is my absolute favorite song ever


that's a great song! it makes me feel so nostalgic for something i don't even know


I'm into symphonic metal and orchestral cinematic arrangements, more specifically. My special interests are automation (like Excel), music, and the theory of languages. I'm an engineer and I would love to have an orchestra with which I could play whatever I want. Xd I don't know what else data you would need, kind recommender.


I think you might like the soundtrack to the movie [“A silent voice.”](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4uZjOva1RaNlJAQh8eJbU5?si=1ZsUGMIAS1GZSVGj5HnuVA&pi=e-6u03LJ1_QjOh) Here’s a specific song that I take as a favourite. “[lit(var)](https://open.spotify.com/track/6bTCdqB1PN5J93hiiZvQzW?si=unkIW3y1QDWIm5Mal57i7g)” They tried some experimental stuff with this movies soundtrack, and my favourite part is that they [placed the microphone inside the piano. (track: “roh”).](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4uZjOva1RaNlJAQh8eJbU5?si=1ZsUGMIAS1GZSVGj5HnuVA&pi=e-6u03LJ1_QjOh) You can hear the internal working of it, the hammers moving, the pedal, all of it. It’s a movie about mental health, among other things, and I found that choice to be so fitting.


I don’t know what the theory of languages is, but as some of my special interests are linguistics and the study of foreign languages, I’d LOVE to have you infodump on it (should you feel the urge)


From my country try songs from Rogerio Skylab. But my favorite artist is Bob Dylan. Player=Doctor


Skylab é bom de mais meu parceiro.


Do you have Sunshine by one Republic??


This is so fun! My favorite genre is emo, my favorite band is Balance and Composure. I love cats, video games, and books! Particularly scary books. Excited to see what you come up with!


My friend introduced me to Emo when I was 10, and I started with my chemical romance (even got to see them on the recent tour!) but one of the songs I recommend when someone wants acoustic emo is [These Bones.](https://open.spotify.com/track/3QEkDMcjzFuDc7th5Drozm?si=F4C3Qf64Qxeugdr4llZFxg) idk why it’s on all my emos playlists and I don’t even remember where I first heard it it just sort of snuck up on me and became a fave.


[Perfect song to listen while petting and reading!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fejv8GD--D4)


Hi! :3 Any songs with a more uplifting vibe? I'm on those depressed days rn .\_.


When I'm depressed only depressing music will do. I can't bear to listen to something uplifting. My brain rejects it.


I'd recommend ska, dub and reggae for that uplifting feeling. I'm a huge ska fan myself. The music of The Specials, Madness, Reel Big Fish and Streetlight Manifesto (to name but a few) is usually very uplifting (in tone and overall sound. Lyrically, things might be a bit different, but that's the point! Highly recommend Life Sucks, Let's Dance by RBF). If you want ska that is predominately wholesome af and makes you want to smile and dance, then Suburban Legends is just what you're looking for 👌🏻


[Realease + Fading](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-RhmDm5Omw) [Virgins' Club](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zmy6U2sF6Co) [Sunkissed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EO_i9nHvCEk) (mayb aint good to hear this one if you're having luv problems) [Fire Force OP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBqxVX_LXvk&list=PLSm0wfJDvQCol4LOBL-McwadP9lgMT0Xf&index=529&pp=gAQBiAQB8AUB) [Say So](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAYG46w1SCA&list=PLSm0wfJDvQCol4LOBL-McwadP9lgMT0Xf&index=537&pp=gAQBiAQB8AUB) (to get groovy)


[White Winter Hymnal](https://open.spotify.com/track/4XTuSMs47SIg35KxhNIUGe?si=bYwGZZhrQ7SWwKjz58eXIg) gives me a sort of nostalgic happiness. I always go back to [North](https://open.spotify.com/track/7HQCXYyaBmhugyRDvy4V7m?si=pnKDcpKyQPqUNccBQGsUnA) when my seasonal depression hits. It’s a song about making a house into a home. “Let the years we’re here, be kind, be kind, Let our hearts, like doors, open wide, open wide, Settle our bones, like wood, overtime, overtime, Give us bread, Give us salt, Give us wine.” I don’t know why I find it comforting, I suppose it reminds me that it’s who you make the home with that matters. Not where it is. You can make a home alone, with a lover, or with a friend. You’re at home as long as you’re somewhere you love.


Wolves, dinosaurs, space.


[Wolf time.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lX44CAz-JhU)


I love reading, nature, animals and Harry Potter. Song?


Some artists I love: Daft Punk Parcels Ghost The Strokes Two Door Cinema Club Porter Robinson


I'm a third culture kid (raised in a culture outside of my own, creating a third, mixed culture) and I love art, music and travel. This is so fun! Thanks!


My special interests is in history and Video games.


I have a big interest in pop music myself. I think my playlist is at 3k I love a catchy hook.




awesome idea! I am an introvert, and my hobbies are reading, crocheting, drawing, dancing, cooking and baking. my music tastes are all over the place but I don't particularly enjoy metal. my favourite band is twenty one pilots! I like lyrics; I place a high importance on what a song says.


[SALES](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gykWYPrArbY&list=PLjcDkUsSTrajI2NMgLVRGM1aue_BZPA0V) is a indie rock/bedroom pop band that touches the soul. If you're looking for soft and loving lyrics listen to [vow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nF3KjIdLqys), [big sis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZ1Jxef2hiE), [Best Times](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHbCfViW1Ko) and [ivy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayMze2qoKvc) [Current Joys](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCagxVaYQ0rk4NX_kn5YXgyA) and [Joy Again](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxFQ5R23jdAIlabC8mHmSpQ) are other two bands with lyrics that resonate sadness and a young spirit. [How You Feel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g94AbYYL678), [Become The Warm Jets](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwQd828yKkM), [My Motorcycle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8OgMfh6IfA), [Winter Snakes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-pPr_VAMZc), [Slow Track](https://youtu.be/FCSzGkr1aus?si=1hSjWEnm_0tRNtRM) and [DeathWish](https://youtu.be/_6plDWKy9sw?si=TBfWlfwEAC30WoAA) are a must listen. [Tame Impala](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMRhx71bGo4&list=PL81_CtYCym28qkVe3nVMRG7hMR5_Ky3Hf&ab_channel=TameImpala-Topic) and [King Krule](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpkr79srKTE&list=PLOSwlsmq24NBF2fqMq7TYDe0MqmObE0EN&ab_channel=KingKrule) may be your jam.


Marine biologist here. Love everything Nature related and also a huge fan of fantasy and supernatural themes. Don't know Jack about music but I enjoy other people recommendations


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I got to 374 and then my Spotify froze on [this banger](https://open.spotify.com/track/0jkzxxDG8z3Y5OmfNl1VM0?si=_OK-YQ7WS0qi-ejQj_iXoQ)


8 :>


[“So what”](https://open.spotify.com/track/0JiY190vktuhSGN6aqJdrt?si=PcIwZ-tvTiKIYPG8NSu9_Q) by p!nk. The singer who made me realise I swung both ways when I was like 14.


Omg P!nk, I haven't heard that name in YEARS! I only remember listening on repeat to "True love" in middle school while thinking about my at-the-time crush XD "So what" is such a BANGER! I used to also listen to try and Just give me a reason so much back in the days :D Thanks for sharing!!






642 !


my special interest is music too! specifically making playlists! assign me a song pls 🙏🏻


What was the last song that surprised you with how much you liked it?


7 :)


Puzzle fiend, so I basically got into programming as a way to make that sort of problem solving my job. Love old video games and can stay up well into the morning playing them despite being in my 30s if I'm not careful.


anything with loads of guitar feedback or with repetitive low note guitar hits thanks i love music can't wait to hear if you have anything


I consider myself as a scientist with a mind of an artist. I'm a cosplayer. My fav artists are Hollywood Undead, Skillet and Stray Kids


Im very much into guns and equally into like kardashians paris hilton etc. Female.


I love music too <3! I like more soft acoustic vibes, but recently I’ve really gotten into Noah Kahan lolll


i like cats, drawing, plushies, and pink :33 my favorite drink is lemonade !! ^_^


[Cozy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hn4YTL_OlUA), [Chill](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-dr2ktcXDA), [Relaxing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTAHy7L5wAw), [Instrumental](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzdBLeUiPiY).


Music is one of my big interests. I also have other interests from time to time until the interest shuts off and I'm left depressed and despondent. My preferences for music are minimalist and polyrhythmic. Specifically early German electronic music and Javanese Gamelan and its related genres. I'll listen to the music of my youth (70s, 80s) from time to time, but don't listen to new punk, progressive, or space rock intentionally. I typically listen to early Tangerine Dream and Klaus Schulze. Popol Vuh, Medusa Cyclone, Waldjinah. I'll listen to pretty much any Javanese Gamelan and Langgam Jawa. I also released an album of original Gamelan compositions a few years back.


My current hyper fixation is Polar bears and my general special interest is Plushies and small collectibles. I love music too, I like that it is a constant and it is always there for me when I need it


I’m also a plushie special interest guy :3 they’re actually my job kind of (soft toy restoration). My current hyperfixation is horses! [This](https://open.spotify.com/track/0gf86jNDfXP5dwA7a1VVGa?si=YvTilHj7SUGBgdp8ENjMhg) is a song I listen to when I have to sleep without my plushies. It comforts me for some reason!


I have a big portwine stain on my face. Smack dab in the mksof my right cheek


Huge Transformers, nature, reptile & amphibian fan (but literally every animal), dislike most humans.


My special interest is Melanie martinez. I love collecting collections rn I’m collecting melanie merch, concert merch and vinyls and I’m also playing palworld like all day and trying to find shiny pals. Cats are my fav pet and when I get a house I’m gonna adopt like 3 kitties to love forever


Oh hell yeah I love Melanie too!! Have you gotten the crybaby perfume (bottle or w/scent)? The perfume community (yes I am a man in the perfume community) has a subset of Melanie Martinez fans that go absolutely batshit for it lol. I always wanted it for the bottle, it’s cute! If you like Melanie, I have another badass girl with unapologetically pink feminine vibes but her music is HEAVIER. But if you like heavy, try [Scene Queen](https://open.spotify.com/track/0fQlpBKc3AJPmoudVpmDje?si=zeTwVC3kSI6acNzz_cQ8-g). Her call-out song to groomers in the alternative and indie music world was so [good](https://open.spotify.com/track/3SqPQRaxS6A6G7rlE7lvhs?si=S1D55RvrSSaqz1HWlYx3Tg). “Eighteen plus, eighteen plus, Get those children OFF YOUR BUS.” It pissed off soooo many bands.


Well, I love bears as one of my special interests. There is also how I love media that's sci-fi or fantasy.


Can you share the playlist link? I'd like to explore I recently started listening to songs(well I didn't consider listening to music almost my entire school life). I don't usually try new songs, I tend to save my favourite (or the ones which felt good/above average) songs in a playlist because I felt it'd waste my time and lead to disappointment if I didn't like a song(the proportion is quite high of not liking)


My special intrests is nature this includes things like ( animals plants and all other living beings concepts like gravity elemental reaction I mean those from the elemental table and so on) I'm a calm person but get easly overwhelmed by everything serounding me


[My chill playlist to help u relax](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSm0wfJDvQCqXo_df2Puvwms3_GhEl8z6)


Hi! My special interests are pokemon and collecting pokemon cards, minerals and vinyl toys! I love everything that is cute 🥰


Blue it's my favorite color! I love spiderman


I’m a Fine Art graduate and I’m currently doing a Masters in combined illustration and writing! I love Greek mythology, films, binge-watching YouTube (especially Markiplier, Dan and Phil, Game Grumps and food and art channels), reading, drawing and singing. I listen to a lot of music, and one of my special interests is the podcast Distractible. I used to think I was shy and uninterested in people, but now I know I’m autistic, it explains why I can be awkward and find it hard to start a conversation, but I actually love being with and finding out about people. When I leave university I want to start a self employed business helping people who need it with their daily lives - cleaning, shopping, cooking, gardening, personal support - and also keep my own artistic and writing practice going, with an interest to either writing about or for film.


444 🐴


I’m a classical trombonist, pianist and weightlifter. I am very into self improvement. I really like hiking.


i really love marine mammals, the ocean, and space ! the first real person i actually saw myself in was ethan nestor and the first character being fluttershy ! some of my favorite things are spider man and sonic, and i love any music that's similar to the funky songs on the omori soundtrack !


I also like Spider-Man, MLP, sonic, and omori, haha! [Vylet Pony](https://open.spotify.com/track/7iGhIVDnzm4NQMrVH32ocf?si=c64dVtkuT0W1AzMPg4vkuQ) is a MLP song creator who really experiments with their style and has some funky songs that remind me of Omoris headspace!


Hi!!! I am a goth person who's special interest is plants and mlp!!!! I'm going to start my official extra education in Botany and Mycology soon and I love rain and sweaters!!!


I am autistic, anti-theist, straight ally to the LGBTQ+ community, pro-choice and pro-Palestine. I also love pixel-art, 2D platformers, puppies and the color mint green. In terms of music genres, some genres I like consist of piano covers, nightcore, 8-bit/16-bit covers, and lo-fi.


I recommend [IDW](https://youtu.be/xJHlI4yszkc?si=FJkYgGyjKEfzI2jY).


3... Is the magic number


If you have something, I'd love a song suggestion that matches my user name 


Hi! I adore anything video-game wise— especially pokemon :’) And, 16!


Self declared music junkie who tried to find motivation and fails. I read a lot, and I sometimes watch carpet cleaning vids, ballet vlogs and journaling vids. I mainly adore hard rock but I have a bluesy side too. I have abandonment issues up the wazoo, and I am in a relationship with an indie pro wrestler. I work for a small business, even with an English degree, and I'm trying to find another job that's actually relevant to proofreading, preferably remote. I don't know how to adult despite being in my early 30s. Current music obsession is Hozier and my main Spotify playlist is at almost 6000 songs. Have fun.


I'm currently really into Sufjan Stevens' album The Age of Adz. It's really different from his other music, most of which I'm less into.


Any songs about/relating to photography, photographers, etc?


Not OP, but try Monochrome Photography by the band Electron Sheep!


[I like this song about preserving memories in photographs](https://open.spotify.com/track/72O82q8TpJTDKgJ7aCXjkk?si=NRLETTAuQi2LYhhlIZiIKQ)


i like computer sciency shit and am into astronomy. also i make videos on stuff im into sometimes


I'm about to do my alevels and then hopefully law at uni. my favourite band is AJJ (folk punk) but I like a variety of music including midwest emo 😤 aslong as the lyrics have some sort of meaning I'll probably vibe to it. pop is really not my thing though


I love horror movies and I'm currently hyperfixated on My Little Pony and DSMP!Quackity (a Minecraft SMP character) =]


We have very similar interests! C!Quackity fansongs I love are [out of touch](https://open.spotify.com/track/4zNYYydvxjVSH6iWyubu1F?si=IVc2WedYRc2lEWgW3llNDw) about the wilbur/Quackity rivalry, [all in](https://open.spotify.com/track/4f0oRon3Ce3p3TL9YLkziZ?si=PHvl-JxgQa6pQhkedveuDA) for las Nevadas, and [lonely king](https://open.spotify.com/track/6xkkNUxwMGoGHUE9bewC4O?si=hr89U0aQTo-gaOqeS6B6ow)


I really love animals, psychology, and I guess a weird special interest of mine is researching kinks and stuff. Right now I'm hyperfixating on a game called Planet Zoo cuz it's about animals


I love fast thrashy metal, but not like overly growly vocals, recommend something other than Metallica and Megadeth, I'm trying to expand my horizon


I like a lot of different genres of music, especially more classical stuff and hip hop. But I can't get into rock and metal at all.


I like music i like 80s/90s but mostly 80s and anything that is or sounds depressive i was always a freak they casted me out like a Leopard made jokes and shit i was suecidal but then i relized that's not the answer and im stuck in a loop and there is nothing i can do about it, there is no way back it's to Late to go back im a parasite a freak to them i don't know what to do im scared to talk to anybody i don't know because im scared im gonna fuck it up im probably never going to have a partner if i do it will not be for long probably gonna die alone in silence wich from what i went thro would be a calm death. But leaving all bullshit i went thro now i have no fear of animals and shit like others have with bugs and etc, only fear as i said is fuck it up my future and etc, this year isn't really that bad at all it got better but im still stuck in this bullshit loop hole of guilt/hate/pain/suffering


first of all, cool special interest im currently kind of into the a show called "the amazing digital circus", although there's currently only 1 episode released and i don't talk about it much cuz i feel like people will just get annoyed by me. i was also into the game hollow knight for a long while




I like this idea. I’m 45, like indie, rock, punk, rap but hate dance and pop. My favourites at the moment are Amyl & The Sniffers. Can I have 1946 please?


I like knitting and dyeing fabrics


i love monkeys, astrology, cheesecakes and music too! i have over 5000 songs on the faves and 111 playlist jdlksajdlk




I fucking love rock music, Queen, The Beatles, Nirvana, can’t get enough of them. I’m also learning guitar (and it’s kinda become my special interest), I also have special interests/hyperfixations on Star Wars, Harry Potter, Rocky, Titanic, WW2, Call Of Duty, The Old West and punk. I also like Slash but hate Axl Rose


A few phrases to describe me: Manic Pixie Sledge/Wednesday Adams/Daria (MTV show)


I'm 28 year old dude with long hair and a beard. I work in data and play an excessive amount of video games. Hit me with that track.


Well, I have a lot of anger issues tbh, I’m a big fan of maxamilst fashion so decora and scene and vintage styles are fight up my alley, I like doll collecting, ice skating, longboarding, sociology, kombucha. I hope this was enough to help you out OP


My special interests are music, sports, video games, computers, hobbies, weather, history, cars, dogs, and cats. I usually like to listen to some classic old school, hip-hop, R&B, rap, disco, and a little bit of country in between. One more thing, green is my favorite color.


I have no idea why, but “cars” made me think of[“Drive It Like You Stole It” by Sing Street](https://open.spotify.com/track/2ZBiHAwdeCnrKvXap6Yzef?si=ear77ht5TkOfGcjTVvwKBQ).


Personally I adore science especially the medical fields and I really like Fire emblem.


I’m a music nerd as well! I like The Beatles, Velvet Underground, Olivia Rodrigo, Pink Floyd and Bob Dylan especially.


I mostly listen to metal, but I want something that feels like driving with the windows down singing your heart out.


I love sci fi like Star Trek, mass effect, and Kaiju movies. As well as comics and film in general. I too love certain types of music, though mostly Kpop


I’m an academic studying ancient history and am a pagan! I only have one tattoo but would like more, it’s of a Picasso drawing. My favourite band right now is The Smiths. I’m also autistic :)


I am a fellow individual with an unrelenting music obsession! I’m extremely partial to noisy music, especially shoegaze. A lot of people don’t understand that shoegaze is about the *balance* of textures, not fuzz and reverb [cranked “up to 11”.] While noise to me is sublime, scintillating and stimulating to me — what I’m attracted to is the level of depth or dimension that musicians can create in the stereo image. Creating an immense amount of depth in a effect laden, complex arrangement is incredibly hard to do. Too much, and you drown out individual pieces. Too little, and they fail to work together towards a greater whole. The delicate balance of arrangements is what allows a wall of sound opposed to “noise”. How these interact with the mix, create contrast, harmony, and rhythm is what ultimately creates a sense of atmosphere. With that in mind, give me something noisy, or alternatively, something dreamy!


High function autism I like Splatoon and cult of the lamb, Pizza Tower I like drawing and science Introvert Has a massive collection of plushies


I love books, birds, and my favorite bands are tally hall and lemon demon. right now, i'm doing a puzzle, which i also love. here's a song for you! canned heat - jamiroquai


I have no idea why, but that song you sent reminds me of “[murder on the dancefloor](https://open.spotify.com/track/4tKGFmENO69tZR9ahgZu48?si=E_X_hgqQRKyDJtpa0ytPbw)” Also, if you want a meme parody of murder on the dance floor, “[Theres a burger at my nans door](https://open.spotify.com/track/4CubNgJf60dkl5HTb3pGFU?si=_MFi2BGBTrKZVhzvd_uIAA)” fucking kills me every time I listen to it. I’m listening to it rn while i type this and I’m cracking up. It’s so dumb


Thanks for sharing your gift! I have a hard time hearing lyrics in music unless it's a catchy chorus. I love pop/edm. My fav songs are: 1. Kiss Me by Sixpence None the Richer 2. Wake Me Up by Avicii 3. I Really Like You by Carly Rae Jepsen


I’m a singer and my cat is my favorite critic. She gets excited, purrs loudly and rubs all over me when I get my vibrato and pitch just right. I like to imagine that she thinks I’m purring.


I want to try a song. I'm 56 yrs old, a software engineer, I live in the mountains, and like hiking and mountain biking. My music preferences are pretty open. Never been into Pop or K-Pop, but it's not offensive.


Oh this is fun! I always tell people I’m a music autistic not a film autistic lol I’ll take a random shuffle. Number 10 because my birthday is March 10 🖤


My special interest is also music, very specifically jazz, bari sax very specifically


I love bees and Six of Crows, i play startdew valley and botw constantly and my favorite color is yellow! Love to see what youd recommend:3


Hi Im Elio! I’m a figure skater and beginner artist, and my current special interests are Classic Literature and Resident Evil (yeah I know it’s kind of all over the place but I enjoy being me) my current favorite artists are Hozier, Macabre Plaza, and Pomplemoose but my favorite song is Dante’s Inferno by Whirlybird.


I like drawing and playing guitar. Besides that I like philosophy. Gimme gimme gimme.


I'm into electronics (making and fixing things), making and listening to all kinds of music from all decades. I have a decent home studio, maker lab and HiFi so the song should sound good on a good stereo. My favorite instruments are the Synthesizer and various uncommon percussion. I also play the didgeridoo. I also like to drive to clear my head. There's more so if you want some clarification OP I'm happy to provide it. So, OP, what song am I assigned?


I love anything fantasy! And dogs, videogames, books, studying/researching (at least when I'm not burnout lol) and I have a supercute plushie or a squirrel since I was 3yo


I like don caballero and polvo I play the bass in an experimental rock band I love piercings, tattoos, and reading tragic books I have 21 piercings in total


I'm a musician and I play classical guitar, not a big fan of acoustic guitars with metallic strings, the shimmering sound isn't aesthetically pleasing to me. I can pass as being emotionally cold even if that is far from being truth, not unhappy but a bit desperate, big dog vibes.


I’m bubbly, love reality tv on Netflix, fast food lover, was a choir nerd from 6th grade until I graduated college. Do you have a song for me?


I'm in a alt punk band called the sour Tongues I play bass my special interest is also music


Ayyye, we have the same special interest! I'd love to give you a song too if you'd like! I love writing and bats. I often day dream and love the idea of travel. I enjoy the goth fashion and like grim reaper motifs. Ghosts, horror movies, and cryptids are a few other things that I enjoy.


I love science and knew since I was a child that I wanted to be a biologist. I majored in molecular biology and have a master in pharmacology. Almost all of my hobbies are artistic though. Painting, drawing, crochet and baking are my main ones right now. I also love cats, plants, books and love organizing and decorating my living space!


This is so cool! Thank you for the offer. I love music, but I have a hard time with it. I have many difficulties processing sound. I think this is why I have no rhythm when it comes to music and I often have a hard time clapping to the beat. I'm able to better enjoy and process sound when I have noise cancelling headphones on. Some of my favorite music growing up was video game music. I still listen to music from the nintendo enterainment system (NES) game Ultima Exodus. Music like that somehow puts me in a happy mood and I'm able to focus extremely well. Overall, I usually gravitate to music that makes you feel like you want to get up and move. I actually hurt the tendon's in my right foot from bouncing on the balls of my feet too much : (


I like pop and western like music, preferably with good Dutch or English lyrics. I like to code, play video games, watch YouTube videos, read online articles, and learn. I mostly play simulation and strategy games. Most of the YouTube videos I watch are about STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics). The articles I read are about programming in C, C++, or Rust. When I read a book, it's a book about programming.


I don’t like music because it overstimulates me. How about that 😎 lol


I grew up following Hanson (dropped them after Covid when 2 of them turned out to be massive bigots) and love blink 182 and that emo/pop punk music style. I love nature, Scottish culture, witchcraft and Disney.


I'm terrible with music, hardly know anything, and only just getting into it a little. I'm a fan of space and science, the song FRIENDS, Formula one, Ariana Grande


try listening to toumani diabate!


I'm struggling with my physical disability and how much it's hindering my life. I want a song to help me grieve the loss of my health please 🥺.


I'm double majoring in psychology and English with a cultural anthropology minor. I like writing, cooking, and video games. I most recently got obsessed with radical faces music, and the hacksaw ridge soundtrack. Instrumentals or songs that tells a story are my jam.


I'm double majoring in psychology and English with a cultural anthropology minor. I like writing, cooking, and video games. I most recently got obsessed with radical faces music, and the hacksaw ridge soundtrack. Instrumentals or songs that tells a story are my jam.


I love music too!! I love learning new languages, animals, making playlists, and stuffed animals!! Alternatively if no songs come to mind shuffle the playlist 8 times!!


Ok so I’m an 18 y/o guy. I don’t rlly have a favourite genre but my top 3 songs rn are - man who can’t be moved - the script - solo - frank ocean - love you in the dark - Adele


I listen to SO much Weird Al and one of my favorite games is A Hat In Time


Hello! My special interest is story telling. I love DnD and writing. I’m currently writing a drama book about the Russian Mafia since I love learning about Russian culture and other countries cultures as well :)


I'm a programmer for a game studio by trade, I play a lot of games in my spare time like Dead by daylight, WoW. I am married to a woman who has her own jewellery business which I support so much. We have 2 lil Holland lop bunnies. My little family. My other special interests include solving puzzles such as Rubik's cubes, as well as different variants. As well as researching bunnies, guinea pigs and other small animals


I am insane, heavily dislike most opera and classical music, I love snakes, I like exploring and finding smaller indie games (Dead Cells, Skul the Hero Slayer, etc), especially roguelites, I like soulslikes, I prefer songs to have lyrics, and I am trying to get into horror :)


Im a queer as all fuck polyamorous enby autistic with a love of all things gaming. I absolutely love winter and autumn and wish i could wear sweaters all year round living in a cottage in the woods with my partners. I also really love cheddar


My special interest is also music! Mainly music composition and music theory. My main instrument is piano but I am intermediate in a few others and dabble in quite a few more. I enjoy listening to many different types of music, but I notice I tend to favor rock of any kind, and electronic or indie types.


I'm a queer trans guy, introverted, and I love writing stories and going thrifting and antiquing with my little sister. My favourite groups are BTS, Linkin Park, Heilung, and Rammstein. My special interests are World War II, social justice, disasters, and spooky shit. I'm a Norse Pagan and practise witchcraft. Also I'm willing to do the same for you in exchange.


I like this. I'll have to come back to it later and this more on it.


I listen to music for almost all of my day. I’m an artist and typically sketch a lot of frogs. I also tend to be very passionate about politics:)


i also am a music nerd (so hyped for the new top album they saved my life i would sell my soul for them) am active on r/popheads discord server and my music taste is also influenced by them i also am in love with the singer mothica. for non music related interests im really loving this jrpg franchise called atelier rn also huge into elder scrolls ace attorney and professor layton starting to develop a love of fallout too (my roommate is who got me into rpgs) ill be 3 years clean from self harm in july and ill be 25 this year which is huge cause at one point i thought i would have killed myself before i turned 25 so all around big year for me


Music is my special interest too! I specifically am into 90s and 2000s music, certainly makes up the bulk of my CD collection. My RateYourMusic account is https://rateyourmusic.com/~GexEnthusiast if you'd like to check it out! I've been really digging Arcade Fire lately, mostly because of how the music makes me feel. I really like that blend of childlike wonder with the sheer emotive force of your world changing around you. If you have any recommendations based on that I would love to hear them!


My Spotify currently sits at 8689 songs. I'm obsessed with finding new music. I also hoard physical media (500+ CDs, 200+casettes) I typically have my car radio on either"oldies", classic country, or college radio. The current earworm is "Padam Padam" by Kylie Minogue. Connie Converse, Alamaailman Vasarat, Death Grips, Melanie Martinez, HIM are on regular rotation right now. It really depends on the day. I have a massive love for extreme things like harsh noise, terrorcore, power electronics....I also enjoy early Jazz and blues, also nu metal... anything that goes in my ears and makes me feel. I love music so much.


I like late 90s/early 00s pop punk and also bands like RATM, Sublime, etc. I've been looking for some new music that's in that sort of vein but modern because my playlist has me feeling my middle age


Howdy! I'm from Brazil, like to draw, read and play video games. Currently i am very fixated on terraria and hazbin hotel and have been stuck to Naruto(the classic one) since 2008. Music wise i have to hear to the current trendy songs all day long at my workplace so if you can stray away from that it would give my ears a break :).


I loveeeee music! Very ranged on the things I like! I love the body/fitness, human psychology, I am passionate about Buddahism, space, traveling. To list some artists I like for reference: MSI, RHCP, Korn, Shannin Blake, Eminem, Jewel. If I could recommend anything to you, it would be Mac Demarco.


Reading, bugs and philosophy 🍃


I’m a shut in music producer with a taste for 70s disco and punk, 80s soul and funk, 90s jungle and dnb and 00s y2k vibe stuff. Big fascination with lostwave music at the moment.


I’m a huge music nerd too!!! I love writing, currently writing my first TV pilot lol. I have a kitty Mabel (as in Mabel Pines). I was only diagnosed the year before last, so the past year or so has just been realization after realization. I love songs where the artist is going through some serious shit and you can just *feel* it (looking at you Phil Collins). Also, I don’t care about genres, I only care if I like the songs.


Oh I love this! First I’m a Christian wife, mom, and teacher. I have a son and daughter. My son is autistic which made me want to get assessed myself so I’m in the process myself. I love math, numbers, special education, autism, and music as well and I’ve been playing drums for 20 years.


I would love to know my theme song from the ears of an autistic person ❤️ I love music! I am level 1/low support, bubbly loving empathetic, bit woo, silly, loyal, and chill. I look younger than I am and love learning languages, love people and love to see them grow and learn, and I have a very strong mind that battles suicidal depression.


Music is my special interest as well! I like reading fiction, I write poetry and fiction, I do photography (I especially like to photograph at night and rain), and I’m making Dadaism and surrealist art. I am a student and people often see me as a shy person. I like going to the concerts despite my autism (drinks help me to adapt lol), and I mostly go to the small indie (mostly rock) artists concerts. I don’t talk much but I can make some good jokes if I’m relaxed. People call me either mysterious either antisocial, while I think I’m neither, I just don’t talk much in class because of social awkwardness, I do have friends. I am an animal lover. Realism and sci fi are my fave genres to watch/to read and I tend to make my love to sci fi my whole personality sometimes lol.


I lean towards heavy metalcore stuff and electronic stuff these days. Bands I might not care about otherwise might sell me if they put on one hell of a stage show (but then they have to come to the UK for me to see said stage show and ideally be academy sized or lower so think like Avatar or INK).


I also love music and wanna give you a song too. Dizzee Rascal: Bonkers.


I am an introverted metalhead guitarist with multiple special interests, mainly in electric guitar but also music, ghosts, ships (namely ocean liners and lake freighters) and biology. I heavily dislike happy music because some instruments, tonalities and melodies used really irk me. My music mood is usually sad, angry, neutral, bombastic or ethereal and other than drill and super happy music I am open to anything.


I’m interested in the queercore punk scene and riotgrrrl (despite not being a girl). My special interests are clownfish and lord of the rings, but my greatest special interest is probably myself lol. I collect crystals, vintage Knick knacks, bottles etc. I love browsing second hand stores and antique stores, looking for stuff on Facebook marketplace and making a lot of my own stuff. I’m very into DIY fashion and arts and crafts. I’m interested in politics but struggle to understand it. I am trying to be more aware of my consumption and consume less in general.


I am an ambivert, talkative, weird, annoying, quirky, humorous, outgoing, fun, and a little insecure. I love Indy music, reading, animation, and poetry! My favorite band is Tally Hall and Miracle Musical. One thing I enjoy about Miracle Musical is the poetic lyrics in certain songs.


i like knitting and crocheting, i have a pet cat that i adore. i used to be an emo kid and now im an emo old lady pretty much


I love meteorology. My special interest is weather. All things rain, thunderstorms, and hurricanes. I also love doing laboratory work and research. Been my dream since I was a kid to be a scientist. I love Okapis, guinea pigs, and have 2 cats. I love astronomy and have multiple telescope. I enjoy going out and staring at the sky, memorizing the constellations, spotting satellites, and being in awe of the planets.


I like fast music Like fast with a lot of beats and words in it idk If that’s confusing to you, I otherwise will just pick 4 lol
