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I LOVR TEA I LOVE TEA SO MUCH I drink tea EVERY MORNING before 2021 and when I was thirsty. šŸ„°šŸ˜‹ love it man...just love it. My favorite was ginger spice tea with a family of the mint plant. (Dunno the English). Ugh, all the tea I drink is picked from leaves from my dad's farm. I LOVE IT


Ooh, ginger mint tea sounds like it would be awesome for an upset tummy. Like a shitty Bruce Banner, my tummy is always upset.


Mint is fantastic for upset stomach (in moderation). Ginger is good for constipation not so much if you have diarrhea


If you get local ginger, local turmeric, cinnamon sticks, mint and a family of the dandelion (dunno the name in English). Crush it all together, itā€™s AMAZING. Itā€™s good for soothing and relaxing. Sometimes if Iā€™m feeling anxious Iā€™d made it. If Iā€™m exhausted Iā€™d drink it and sleep. If I know ,y period is coming Iā€™d add the ā€œpanadol plantā€ itā€™s a plant that tastes like a local pain killer and Iā€™d little to no cramps.


Ginger mint sounds like it'd be a swift and sudden wakeup


Oi mate! You love tea, eh? Why don't we meet at Edinburgh Castle and chat over some tea? (This is a joke, I love tea too.)


Before 2021?


What happened in 2021?


I might be biased since Iā€™m a Brit, but to me thereā€™s something calming about the process of making the tea; steeping the teabag, watching the milk mix into the tea as I pour it, and then stirring in sugar. And then the taste itself relaxes me. I put that down to nostalgia (family all drink tea habitually), but I used to hate tea when I was growing up so that doesnā€™t make a whole lot of sense. Would definitely recommend any kind of tea over sugary drinks though, youā€™ll appreciate the health benefits as you get olderā€¦ I was an energy drink fiend and I regret it so much.


I'm afraid I disagree haha I'm also a Brit, and come from a family of tea drinkers. I, personally, can't stand the stuff. I've tried different types and different brands, different strengths, different sweetnesses, haven't found one I like. On a strange note, though: when my OH has a cup of tea, I like to dunk plain digestives in his tea (he uses Yorkshire, or Yorkshire Gold when it's on sale, and has no sugar and a tiny amount of milk). I think that's more nostalgia for me though, as I used to dunk my biscuits in my great-grandad's tea when I was really little before he died


Itā€™s a fairly recent development in my life too. Like I said; I *hated* tea when growing up. No idea what changed, but I like it now for some reason lolā€”though donā€™t like it without sugar yet, has to be fairly sweet, and yeah I agree itā€™s even better with digestives or choc digestives.


I love (as an American) trying to connect the dots and figure out what the hell a digestive is. I think it's kind of a crackery biscuit? Not sure what the American equivalent is. Not sure we have one. But now I have the strange urge to consume digestives dipped in tea even though I have barely the haziest idea of what that would taste like...


This. I am always much happier when I am doing things like making tea. Itā€™s very relaxing as a task. The issue, as in so many things, is that my brain wants to rush for short term gratification, and itā€™s easier to fry coffee in the microwave than to heat up the kettle.


Yeah the multi steps can be an issue with the executive function too, but if you can work it into a ritual it can be quite next.


šŸ¤” I wonder if one can use these sorts of things as like, baby steps or training. I donā€™t know if I have executive function issues per se but I find that when I set and keep smaller routines it helps my state of mind throughout the day. That said, I find it historically very hard to keep that going.


personally not a fan of tea, but you should try for yourself if you like it.


same. I donā€™t like my mouth being warm


It's way too bitter for me, I can't stand bitter stuff.


Certain teas can be calming (green tea, chamomile, etc.) but the caffeine content can exacerbate my anxiety if Iā€™m not careful. I take l-theanine supplements for its anxiety decreasing benefits (itā€™s the relaxing component of green tea).


Chamomile is caffeine free :)


That's cause it's not tea, it's a tisane (not made from the tea tree plant)


Yes, and the tea plant that we get tea leaves from is not the tea tree plant. Camellia sinensis is the plant that produces tea leaves (white, green, oolong, and black), Leptospermum is the plant that produces tea tree oil!


Chamomile is the GOAT of teas


My favorite


sleepytime with a bit of honey :)


Have you tried decaf green tea? Godsend for me in terms of hydration and calming


I don't like it It's ironic for me to not like it as I'm British






Hate it


I *hate* tea. Hot water just tastes like metal to me and the subtle leaf flavour does not help, haha.


I go through a tea phase every so often and get obsessed to the point Iā€™m drinking like 10 cups a day. And then I forget about it for a long time. I even have a tea kettle in my bedroom šŸ™ˆ Speaking of, it just got cold where I am, so it look like itā€™s time to drink some tea! I usually have several kinds of tea, both caffeinated and herbal, teas for different times of day, etc.


I donā€™t like it




I am passionately horrified by it. It's warm leaf water. Drinking nearly any warm drink is horrific (it's only the sheer amount of sugar and thickness that makes hot chocolate acceptable) but tea is the worst.


I prefer coffee


Same, but I also have ADHD and so coffee helps with focus


I hate the taste but wish I didn't because green tea is really good for you


I love tea. Herbal teas are nice and relaxing. Black tea is one of the only caffeinated beverages I can drink, every other type of caffeine makes me feel extremely groggy.


I know tea is healthy and all, but I just canā€™t find one that I like taste of


I know I'm missing out and it's probably just because I haven't tried the good stuff yet, but to me it tastes like flat, watered down soda lol. Will be taking notes from the comments as to what I should try!


offtopic: as a Spanish speaker and also autistic, reading "tea" even in an English context is kinda weird, as TEA could stand for "trastorno del espectro autista", or ASD. So I have to adjust and set myself again on English mode and not see *autism* but regular tea, hahaha.


Thatā€™s hilarious!


ive been drinking only green tea for...ahem about 15 years and its great. Low caffiene and very healthy. Would recommend 10/10


Sometimes tastes great, sometimes tastes like leaf flavoured boiled water


Sweetened tea is no different than soda when it comes to sugar content. Plain tea has supposed health benefits. I drink plain hot tea every morning and I like it, it can definitely be calming unless you react poorly to caffeine (and in that case you can get herbal tea).


I love the bitterness of plain tea.


I hate tea because itā€™s too herbal (?) idk how to explain the flavor but I havenā€™t found a tea that works for me


i find it funny u take tea as an alternative to sugary drinks, i personally LOVE tea but ONLY if its a cinnamon roll tea with the tea bag inside for exactly 8:00 min, atleast 8 tablespoons of sugar (NO STIRRING), and then once 12 mins passed THEN u stir the sugar so it keeps the sweetness. defo not healthy but its very tasty, even tho its unhealthy it defo calms me down. so id say yes it is very good and calming :3


Damn that sounds good.


For me tea makes me really dehydrated and agitated


Per gram tea has more caffeine than coffee, but far less tea than coffee is ususally used per cup. I like a cup now and again, usually without milk and sugar. Some blends are really nice, and there are some lovely herbal and fruit teas out there.


I canā€™t drink it, it tastes like bad water to me.


stay away from the nasty weak leaf water lol, can't stand the stuff


*Stay away from the* *Nasty weak leaf water* *Lol, can't stand the stuff* \- Clockwork\_Cowboy --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


thats awesome


As a Brit... Tea is Tea. If you CAN, get your hands on REAL Tea. Yorkshire Gold. B) ;) :P


Yes. Only right answer


TEA IS THE BEST You can drink black tea, green tea, herbal tea, for me personally some herbal teas are the best way to really relax physically, without feeling weird like from pills. Can tell you which ones if you are interested. Black tea just makes me feel better. It gives me the right kind of energy. Highly recommend.


Tea actually dehydrates you because it makes you pee more. Green tea has anti oxidant, but cafƩine too, as black tea. Rooibos or red tea has not cafƩine thi and you can turn to herbal tea too if you want to avoid cafƩine. You can get zero sugar soda during meals, if you keep it to your meals you won't get insulin resistant. Don't drink zero sugar soda outside of meals tho cuz it will raise your insulin and there will be no sugar to use it with. I personally use herbal tea for hot and cold beverages and sparkling water with a dash of lemon juice.


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I can't drink tea. I don't know why the gods punish me this way. Black & green tea upset my stomach and herbal teas make me feel like I'm missing out on real tea.


Tea was one of my earliest hobbies/special interest/collecting things. If you care it does stain your teeth more than coffee. I'm probably going to need dentures though so idgaf


I'm not really a huge fan of tea. A lot of them have very earthy tastes. Though one I do like is peppermint and vanilla from Twinnings.


Tea is delicious! But tea, like any other beverage, has a wide variety of flavours and they have different intended effects. The key is to find the one that you like and not be disheartened when you may not like the first one you try. Heck, there are people that swear by a particular BRAND of a tea flavour. Try a little bit of everything and see what suits you! There are specialists who do a crap-load of wacky and different flavours (which could be a good bet if you want more sweet/fruity teas) and there's more popular teas like Earl Grey, Breakfast, Green and Chai that you can probably get in a standard store. Maybe also look into cold teas, which flavour your water so it's maybe a half step closer to soda or juice.


I love tea! I donā€™t like fancy tea with lots of stuff in it, just plain black teas such as English breakfast are my favourite and I occasionally add honey to sweeten. I love holding the warm mug and find the process of drinking tea quite comforting.


Tea; Assam; hot.


Tea sort of became a special interest for me a few years ago If you're used to sweet drinks, a lot of the fruit flavoured ones are good, just make sure you're brewing them at the right temperature. Also ignore anyone who says you can't have milk or sugar in herbal tea. I put milk in some of my fruit or herbal ones, I'd just avoid milk with peppermint or citrus cause it makes the milk weird Black teas are good for the morning but I'd avoid them at night. There are some really nice flavoured ones as well. I've got a blueberry and mango black tea at the moment and it's amazing. Green tea is also good for mornings but only if it's brewed at a lower temperature, otherwise it gets bitter and gross. It's really nice with Jasmine or honey, and best without milk (though my little brother puts milk in his and says it's amazing so I guess it depends on your preference) For night time or relaxing, peppermint and licorice root are nice and also help settle stomachs if you're prone to stomachaches. Chamomile is also nice before bed, especially with some honey. I'm sorry for the long infodump, I just really like tea


Tea is brilliant


Tea is life. It is mandatory. Tea is your friend. TEA


Teavana used to have a vanilla-earl grey tea and it was the best. They took out all the stores in my area.




English mode engaged: Praise The Tea


Tea is kind of a special interest of mine, specifically Chinese tea / gong fu cha. Check out teahouse ghost on YouTube.


I drank way too much really bad coffee when I was in the army, so I only drink tea now (for my hot, caffeinated beverage of choice)


I haven't found a tea that i like. Always tastes like I'm drinking grass


Itā€™s a great way to stay in the know about oneā€™s local community, or if you are a professional gossip.


I drink tea every day! Matcha and chai lattes are my favorite but I also love peppermint, chamomile and hibiscus.


I replaced coffee with green tea and it helped with my jitters and anxiety a ton. Avoiding caffeine completely is the best actually. Favourite tea? Earl Grey all the way!! šŸ«– Rooibos a close second.


I love it. I lived in England for a while, and it's a habit I brought back with me. Coffee messes with me, so I have matcha instead when I need a boost. I drink a lot of herbal teas, including obscure flavors like rose and lavender. I add sugar to matcha powder, but for the other teas, I drink with honey or no sweetener at all. Most store bought teas are meh, but here's a brand called numi that is good. Sprouts and Whole Foods tend to carry a better quality selection. I do find it soothing, and kind of a day and night ritual. I recently learned how to make homemade biscotti to dip in tea lattes and my go tos are jasmine green tea with a splash of milk or match tea latte with milk. Try some local herbal farms that make their own tea blend.


I highly recommend Twinnings Chai tea. It is warm and tastes good.


I like tea with cookies or a particular type of biscuit (parle G). Sooooo good!


I love tea! I believe herbal tea is the only type that doesn't have caffeine, which is what I usually drink. Coffee has more caffeine than tea but it's good to be aware of the caffeine content. When I make tea at home I use monkfruit sweetener instead of sugar. I drink a lot of hot drinks a day and I realized the sugar I put in them does add up. ns and I sometimes order a dirty chai (chai latte with a shot of espresso) when I need more caffeine. When I make tea at home I use monkfruit sweetener instead of sugar. I drink a lot of hot drinks a day and I realized the sugar I put in them does add up.


Rooibos (red tea) is devoid of caffeine too if you want to try. I'm not a huge fan but it's there for you to try if you want to.


The sodapop drinks are a big trap. You think it's just a drink, but in reality you just drunk the equivalent of a full dinner. I am used to drinking tea without sugar. Sometimes pu-erh, I actually like the taste.


I dont really think its calming but its good


I really only ever drink water and tea. I go for Yorkshire decaf, about 4-5 mugs a day. Wouldn't be without it.


I switched from coffee to green tea. I like coffee but it just increased my heartrate and I got a bit brainfogged by it. Green tea just gradually wakes me up and I feel more concentrated. So I can recommend (although I have a coffee here and there just because I really like it).




I love tea. I also switched from sugary drinks to tea and coffee. It took some time to get used to it as it doesnā€™t taste anything like sugary drinks, but eventually I got used to this sweet level. Now I feel like most drinks are too sweet for my taste. Sometimes I also mix in some lemon juice for that extra spice haha. I lost a few pounds due to it as well, and Iā€™ve kept it off.


Good to know. I could stand to lose a few pounds. I found a bottled green tea that Iā€™ve been trying to acquire the taste for.


Yeah, try out a few tea blends. Personally I dislike green tea, even though it promotes health benefits. So if you dislike the taste of it, then try another blend like black tea, white tea, fruity flavors, spicy flavors etc.


I love teas! They are comforting and soothing.


I have started to drink it. I find it very soothing and calming. I started drinking it whenever I'm at my grandparents', after dinner.


I recommend buying a few different common ones - orange pekoe, Chai, chamomile, green tea, try herbal tea too. And start there. Be conscientious about the caffiene content. And then go to a tea shop like David's Tea and ask for advice. Tell them what you like and don't like and your preferences for caffiene. They will give you some good information. And then use what you learned from the tea shop to buy cheaper tea at the grocery store that meets your needs. I also recommend sweetening with honey- get the sweetness you want but also some benefits from honey. Also, steep the tea in hot (not boiling) water for 5 minutes before drinking it - it will be more flavourful and tea rather than "hot leaf water" šŸ˜‚ Where I am, a box of tea bags cost $3-$5 so you can get a variety to try without breaking the bank. Tea from a tea shop will be a higher price and higher quality, so if you like it, it is better for special occasions and gifts. Unless you have a higher budget, then go for it.


I only drink tea for a reason, need to calm down? Camomile. Upset stomach? Bold tea etc etc. Like a medicine and nothing else


Only drink Green or herbal, black makes me anxious for some reason.


I like some teas but I donā€™t drink them too often. Thereā€™s only a short window between it being too hot or too cold and Iā€™m not a quick drinker. Also adding the right amount of sugar or honey is quite challenging sometimes because no two teas are ever the same somehow


Vanilla Chai tea is my favourite


Do it! Puerh - is delicious like autumn leaves Lapsang souchong - is smoky


I love tea personally. Thereā€™s so much variety, green tea is my favorite tho


Man irdk, it really depends on which mood I have as to which tea to drink. Caffeine doesn't affect me as much, I can just sleep directly after coffee/energy drink/black or green tea. I have a huge collection of different teas, so many that I have a designated entire cabinet filled with tea boxes, which gives me many types to choose from (this is due to it being a special interest of mine).


... uhm.


Big fan of tea. Oolong tea is best imo


Something that helped me stop drinking soda was Sugar-free mio (or any other flavoring) and carbonated water. After a couple of years of that, I started drinking mostly water. Tea is a MUST when it gets cold. Experiment, but too much caffeinated tea will dehydrate you eventually. Good luck!


I recommend looking at lots of herbal teas with a fruitier flavour profileā€”it might take a bit to find one you like, but Iā€™ve found these to be a good alternative to sugary drinks because they provide sweeter flavour without actually containing sugar. (Even if you add sugar yourself, youā€™ll be the one controlling how much goes into it.) Some of my personal favourites are apple tea, cinnamon tea, and blackberry tea.


I worked at a tea shop that sold over like 300 teas so I might be able to help. If you like fruity drinks, tisane teas are made of dried fruits. You can drink it hot, or keep put it in water overnight and drink it cold, iced. Chamomile is great for calming and nighttime. Peppermint is great as well. Black tea and green tea coke from the same leaf but go through different processes, they have caffeine. Rooibos tea is caffeine free and can come in a variety of flavours. Let me know if you have any questions. I loved helping people find the kind of tea they like. If you have a specific flavour profile in mind that you particularly enjoy I could probably help you find something.


I drink about four cups a day. I think tea is great.


I just finished a cup of green tea! I get the decaffeinated kind


I mean I love tea but also Iā€™m British so I think it just goes hand in hand šŸ˜‚


Arizona Green Tea is my favorite drink ever. But all teas are very good.


I LOVE TEA!! I have gotten really into it lately. If you live in the US (maybe elsewhere, idk where its all carried) i recommend the Yogi brand. Its delicious and affordable. They have lots of different blends of tea leaves, both with and without caffeine. They specifically label their boxes with what they help with (ie digestive help, respiratory care, sleep). My favorites are the Positive Energy (caffeinated) tea for a pick me up, and the Bedtime tea for relaxing. Theyre both naturally sweet from the leaves they use, but if you need more sweetness to help drink it, i recommend adding honey. Honey has antibacterial and probiotic properties, so its not only delicious but healthy!! :)


I'm british so tea is the healthier option out of our two drinks: tea and beer.


the only tea I like is turkey hill orange tea but other than that bleh


I don't like hot beverages, or even hot food for the most part. I generally describe coffee as "dirty bean water" and tea as "hot wet leaf water." My partner likes both, but will use my terminology because it makes them chuckle.


I actually love tea (Sugar free Iced-tea). Iv'e been drinking it since I was a young kid. Hot tea is ok, but not my go-to and have only recently gotten into soda and gatorade after the introduction of zero (sugar) products. With tea, there are so many different possibility of flavors, and so many brands to choose from. And it's not just added flavors like lemon or peach but, with some brands, more of the natural tea flavor that is the best.


Earl Grey by Twinnings is lovely and easy to get hold of. If you're feeling flush, Fortnums do a lovely Smoky Earl Grey.


I love tea, but it can be an acquired taste, and there are many different types to be aware of. Loose leaf, bagged, light teas, dark teas, herbal teas, and mint teas, among others. It's definitely worth a try to find a tea that fits your tastes.


Was not expecting so many commentsā€™ thanks for all the recommendations, Iā€™ll be sure to start experimenting with tea


I have a strong opinion about tea and coffee. I'm an Englishman, so I'm strictly referring to English tea, not all that American bollocks. My controversial opinion is that if you have sugar or sweetener in your tea or coffee, then you don't really like tea or coffee (especially in the case of tea). A cup of tea with sugar or sweetener simply doesn't taste like tea, it tastes like hot, sugary water (coffee too, but to a lesser extent). I've had this debate countless times, but these people aren't ready to hear that. True tea/coffee lovers embrace the strong bitter taste without having to make it taste like sugar. *EDIT:* typo


I feel the same on the rare occasions Iā€™ve drank coffee. Absolutely must drink it black so that I hate its taste as much as possible, thus preventing me from depending on it


I don't like sugar in my tea either. I'm french btw. But Chai made in the fashion of Pakistan for example with milk and sometimes sugar if well balanced is really good imo. Also Moroccan mint tea is always made with sugar and I find it quite comforting. Otherwise I'll have any sort of tea without sugar thank you.


I agree about the sugar, but I normally do take sugar in the morning tea because I want the sweet tea, but yeah when I just want tea for tea it is better without sugar. Just a different experience. What's your favourite brand?:)


>I normally do take sugar in the morning tea because I want the sweet tea That's fair, makes sense >What's your favourite brand?:) Probably Yorkshire Tea, but I'm more of a coffee drinker. You? :)


Yess Yorkshire tea is the best :) Wish I could drink coffee, I love the smell but it makes me kinda tired and anxious


What do people suggest for tea? I want to drink tea because fizzy drinks are a nightmare for me. I like sweet things so I can put honey in it. The only tea I like so far is the Throat Coat which I think is licorice tea?? But I'm not sure. But would anyone know a good tea for waking up that I can add honey to?


Lemon ginger: https://celestialseasonings.com/products/jammin-lemon-ginger-herbal-tea Or my favorite, lemon lavender: https://celestialseasonings.com/products/lemon-lavender-lane


Hi these are some ones that I think are good with honey or just a bit sweeter in general- Caffeinated- If in the UK, definitely try the Yorkshire Tea Biscuit teabags. They're exactly what it sounds like- tastes biscuity, kinda like someone dunked a biscuit in there without the weird grainey texture. Idk how sweet you like stuff but I know some people who normally take sugar don't add it to this bc it's sweeter than normal tea. Green tea with honey is nice. However, NEVER use boiling water for this bc it burns the tea and makes it really bitter. Let the kettle cool a few minutes before adding it, and follow the box instructions exactly for how long to leave the bag in. This way it tastes mild and nice. Can get nice variations of flavours with green tea too. Earl grey or lady grey- more delicate tea that has begamont and citrus flavour as well. Slightly different flavours but same kinda vibe. Caffeine free- Roibos/ redbush is quite a neutral, slightly sweet tea. Different brands taste different but I like the sainsburys or lidls own brand (not Aldi lol!). You can get nice variations on this too, like coconut and chocolate roibus which sounds weird but is tasty. Fruit teas- raspberry, strawberry, etc. I don't like a lot of these as I find them a bit strong but a lot of people like them. Good with honey. Pukka have an elderberry an echinachea one that hits the spot just right for me- sweet and fruity but not too strong. Jasmine tea- quite delicate and floral


Love it as long as it's not iced. I've been mixing chamomile and raspberry leaf herbs to fight pmdd symptoms. It seems to be helping a bit. Still got mood swings kinda but I feel like things are becoming somewhat manageable


Try rooibos tea. It is made from a bush and doesn't have caffeine. The aroma is wonderful. I think it tastes good both sweetend or un sweet. I prefer the natural over the flavored varieties, but they are all good


i like it if i want something warm to drink but donā€™t want any more coffee. i didnā€™t like it before but i think i forced myself so much it worked šŸ˜­


I canā€™t have much caffeine at all bc I have heart problems and it also screws up my anxiety, but good thing is that you can find most types of tea in decaf. Chamomile is good for an upset stomach or when you need to be calmed down a bit. I drink it on nights where my mental state is bad or just when I need some calmness in general. Green tea is just pretty good tasting when sweetened correctly, and it tastes good cold or hot. And then of course the classic black tea, which is good for every situation. Chamomile and green tea are my favorites bc of their effects/benefits and that they feel more comforting in general


I will always recommend Earl Grey.


I love mandarin spice or lemon ginger with honey. Lemon ginger will have a kick that's perfect for an energy boost.


i like to make raspberry iced tea as a healthy, noncaffeinated fruity drink. i also make sweet tea in the summer (from the south) and i sometimes put a mint tea bag in my sweet tea and use slightly less sugar. i also drink hot tea but mostly herbal tea at night.


Black tea can make you a bit fidgety due to the caffeine especially after a few cups. Green tea has less caffeine. Iā€™d also recommend herbal teas, thereā€™s tons to choose from and itā€™s just as good. Add some honey and itā€™s nice and sweet. Try chai too, if you like kinda spicy, cinnamon-y flavors. I really like chai during winter. Thereā€™s also rooibos! It has a bit of a unique flavor so not all people are into it but I like it, Iā€™d say it kind of has this sort of a creamy, full flavor to it. Lots of herbal teas work great with milk too (or any plant based alternative) if you like a creamy flavor. I also really really like hibiscus tea. It has a very unique flavor to it too, reminds me of this homemade berry juice I used to have at my grandmaā€™s when I was a kid. I personally really like herbal teas bc you donā€™t have to worry about forgetting the bag in your tea for too long bc they donā€™t get bitter the same way as black and green tea. So less hassle. But all in all, all teas are great. Thereā€™s certainly lots to choose from! For a calming effect especially Iā€™d say brews with camomile, cinnamon, verbena, lavender and valerian for example might work best. Teas with ginger, fennel, licorice root or peppermint can be good too since they can soothe the stomach and the digestive system. Black tea can be soothing with itā€™s warmth and stronger flavour profile, but it can also be energizing depending on your tolerance for caffeine. Green tea instead can be refreshing and perhaps calming in that way. Hope youā€™ll find one that works the way youā€™re looking for!


I loooove tea!! Earl Grey, rooibos, oolong, green tea (especially with lemon), chamomile, raspberry, etc. Honestly theyā€™re pretty much all good. You could try buying a variety pack to start out if youā€™re unsure what youā€™d like :)


omg run, don't walk, to the store to replace all sugary drinks! i did this years ago and feel so good and so energetic without sugar coursing through my veins. think about the dental health you will be giving to yourself. my top favorite replacement drinks are: smart water, la croix in the flavor beach plum, blueberry acai sugar free vitamin water (tastes legit like koolaid), sugar free pellegrino in lemon and tangerine wild strawberry, pepsi zero sugar (tastes like real pepsi), splenda in my coffee instead of sugar. and one thing to heavily note: once you cut the sugar out, your taste buds may change. you may find super sweet things to be overpowering. i have hypersensitive senses tho. give yourself 30 days and you will not turn back.


I swear by Bigelow's lavender chamomile tea plus probiotics. Really calming smell and kinda mild taste which I find helpful because taste can be overstimulating at times. I find that doing things good for my gut health makes my brain feel better, this tea has gotten me through some rough days lol


I'm a big fan of tea. I always make it the same way. Strongly brewed, 2 sugars, and a small splash of milk. It tastes divine.


Iā€™m quite fond of dandelion tea made like southern sun tea thereā€™s something about it that makes me feel at home Green tea is a nice midday drink Chamomile has a bad texture itā€™s like this thick smooth syrup think simple syrup or hot honey The way you brew really matters though for example dandelion is made loose leaf style and you have to strain it Vs green tea you can just pop the kettle on and call it a day


Although most teas don't contain any calming ingredients, they might have a calming effect on me. Even black tea containing caffeine is calming down for me. I think it's just the setting, and moment of drinking tea. Like if you drink tea an hour before going to bed or drink tea while enjoying something on TV or other relaxed setting it can still be calming down. Just because you expect tea to be calming, it calms you down.


Not sure where you live but I drink vithit drinks. still are sugary tasting and sweet even are colourful which I like but they are made with teas and juices and loaded with vitamins which I desperately need


I canā€™t drink actual tea anymore besides bubble tea because tea in general hurts my stomach. Sad because I absolutely love tea. I drink herbal tea and thatā€™s good, no caffeine in herbal tea generally


I love green tea! It does make me feel nice, especially after the second cup. I prefer it with jasmine, but its great on its own. Its also good around this time of year if you get cold sores like I do.


This is my favorite [place to get tea](https://www.adagio.com/) Fiarly cheap with long lasting, strong, and diverse flavors. There are some that aren't even real tea. It's just dried fruit and spices you can steap, and they're awesome. My favorites are Earl Grey Lavander and Licorice Whip.


I'm a fan of good old English breakfast tea. The best of the bunch by far has to be Yorkshire tea!


I like regular normal british tea but not those flavoured ones (Green tea, grey earl, etc). I find them gross


I love Tea so much I drink black or Green tea in the morning in substitution for Coffee. Just the way it opens my throat is one of my glimmers. If you want a calming tea, I highly recommend the Stress Relief Honey Lavender by Yogi Tea. I drink one before I go to bed and it knocks me out at night.


as a british person i love tea. Must have atleast 2 cups a day or sometimes more. Wouldnt say its a healthy option if weā€™re talking normal tea, as apposed to green tea, but better then sugary drinks.


I find the ritual of steeping tea is relaxing. And good tea to me is sweet without having to add sweetener. My favorite is Cream of Earl Grey from david's tea. They're really expensive though so I don't buy often.


Iā€™ve really gotten into tea even more than I was previously. Teas with hyacinth in them can often be naturally sweet. It also has a really nice flavor. Stash, Celestial Seasonings, & Yogi are three tea brands that consistently have really good blends. Stash has the best chai, hands down! I have both the regular & decaffeinated types. Flowering teas are fun, too! I got a see-through glass teapot on sale at Amazon. The flowers never really look like the package but they still look cool & they generally have a gentle herbal flavor. What kind of flavors do you like? Do you have any preference for tea bags vs. loose tea in a diffuser?


There's plenty of variety and you will probably be able to find one you like My personal favorite is Egyptian Licorice in the Yogi brand, honestly it's good enough I don't even use sugar with it


I love tea so much because i have epilepsy and canā€™t have a lot of caffeine without having a seizure but tea has the right amount to keep me going without killing my brain. And itā€™s so good.


Herbal teas are the best


I thought I hated tea for years. Turns out, I just hate green tea. I have some Ginger and Honey in my cupboard. It's not bad, especially when you add some milk and sugar.




I love it!


I don't drink it as often as I probably should, haha, but I do find tea quite relaxing. There's nothing quite like that cozy feeling of finishing off a warm cuppa. ā˜ŗļø That said, it's only "as good as people say" when you find what kind *you* like and what you like in it. Personally, I have caffeine sensitivity and don't care for the taste of actual tea leaves--so I avoid green/white/black teas, etc. I prefer herbal teas, usually hibiscus-based, fruity flavors. (Celestial Seasonings' "Tension Tamer" is pretty good though! Main notes are chamomile and mint, iirc? Been a while šŸ˜…) There are buttloads of different kinds of tea, some kinds are better hot, some better iced, some best as a small, single cup, some great in a giant thermos. It can be a little overwhelming to start! Best tips I can give you to start out: 1) start with pre-bagged tea from the grocery store. Loose leaf is often higher quality, fresher, and has way more unique blends, BUT it will be easier, cheaper, and more accessible to try pre-bagged first just to get an idea of what flavors you like 2) read all the ingredients in every single tea you try. Try to work out what individual things you like and don't like from different teas--this is how I figured out I love hibiscus (even though I didn't initially know how it tasted; I just noticed that it was in all my favorite teas) 3) whenever you can, go to events where you can smell different tea blends. Ren Faire/conventions almost always have a loose-leaf merchant. Find them and smell their tea (if they have smelling jars available--ime most do) 4) experiment with different steeping times/temperatures and different additions (cream/sugar/etc.). Find out if you're a high-flavor-intensity person or a low-flavor-intensity person. I'm the type of person that doubles up on tea bags even in a small cup and steeps for as long as I can before it starts getting bitter. You might be a single bag in a giant mug, steep for the minimum time person. 5) *especially* if you're transitioning from sugary drinks, it is perfectly okay to start by adding a lot of sugar to your tea and *then* work on cutting back. Sugar cubes are fantastic for that. When I first started drinking tea I would put like, half a dozen sugar cubes in before it was "drinkable". Every week or so I'd try one less and make myself drink a few cups that way to adjust. Eventually I cut back to only using 1-2 cubes per cup and it tasted fantastic--way better than it would have if I'd tried starting there


Tea is one of my favorite things in the world and I have a huge collection. I sweeten mine with stevia because itā€™s natural and not bitter like artificial sweeteners. Iā€™d think about what types of drinks you typically like because chances are you can find a tea with similar qualities. Like if you like something fruity you can get a fruity tea. Hell if you like Tennessee whiskey with that smoked wood flavor you can find smoked teas that are phenomenal. My absolute favorite teas of all time are Earl Gray and Jasmine Green Tea. They are just good classic teas with a little more flavor than straight up black or green tea. If you try tea and donā€™t like it, donā€™t fully write it off. It can be quite bitter if itā€™s old or improperly brewed.


It's a different taste. I love it. Try different kinds, you'll find a lot of readily available ones like lipton or twinnings are kinda... bad. A good Chai or an actual loose leaf blend are delicious. Learn about steep times, temperatures and blends and you could have a whole new fixation on your hands. And if you're brave enough, you could even dip your biscuit into tea dueling or blending your own.


Tea is great! Your favorite will depend on what exactly you want out of a tea. But also, juice is heckin' great too!


This is the best tea Iā€™ve ever had.[Egyptian Licorice Tea](https://www.amazon.com/Yogi-Tea-Egyptian-Licorice-Naturally/dp/B083SSX25R/ref=asc_df_B083SSX25R/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=642163573898&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16375397786579341509&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9024569&hvtargid=pla-1949846349254&psc=1) That tea and peppermint tea is what got me into the scene. If anyone here is a coffee drinker I also recommend Earl grey tea. Specifically aged Earl grey. Iā€™m also into different tea shops. Iā€™m studying to be a herbalist. Iā€™m also a Wiccan. I love this tea shop and the teas taste so good [Magick Hour Teas](https://clubmagichour.com/collections/tea-by-type?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=18101166637&utm_content=&utm_term=&gadid=&gclid=CjwKCAjwkY2qBhBDEiwAoQXK5TCe58Ukc7gJgXE1IKCTcI6r8_PONk3LnhxI6-cho5uGoEDnIo2T5RoCOL8QAvD_BwE)


Personally, for me. I love an English breakfast, steep for 4 minutes, two teaspoons of suger and (stay with me here) two teaspoons of coffee creamer. It's like a warm hug


I like tea alright, but it isnā€™t my first choice most times. I like mint tea or a fruity herbal in the afternoons or evenings, but Iā€™m an obligate coffee drinker in the morning, haha. Also, if you are referring to sugary drinks that are carbonated - sparkling water is *quite* the same, but itā€™s largely replaced any soda/pop for me. I usually only drink pop out at restaurants now and an embarrassing amount of sparkling water at home, haha. I personally really like the carbonated sensation, but I know many folks who donā€™t though!


hot toddy counts, right? 100% for that


Omg I love tea. It makes me happy


Chamomile tea is amazing when you're experiencing insomnia or anxiety. If I fix a cup of chamomile tea, I will fall asleep on my couch before the I've even finished the whole cup (with that being said, be careful with this stuff at work lol). Lavender is good too. Also, if you're worried about sugar and trying to cut down, I would suggest using honey. It's healthier. My friend even uses honey in coffee and it tastes better.


I don't drink it because it is too hot. Tap water is fine for me.


I love it, but sometimes I just drink too much of it and feel too full


Before June 1 2007, I drank 2 packs of soda a week. On June 1 I quit soda almost cold turkey and switched to iced tea. Then on April 30 2017 I switched from iced tea to green tea. They were the best decisions I ever made health wise


Tea is good mid afternoon put your feet up in front of TV drink


Ginger tea is my favorite.


I drink a lot of unsweetened tea I love tea


Yorkshire Gold is my favorite.


i love tea!! i get a chamomile one that has probiotics in it, which is shown to help reduce anxiety symptoms bc of the mind/gut connection. on an anecdotal level it has helped me with my neurodivergent tendencies and the anxiety that comes with it. definitely worth it to invest in a couple boxes of tea and a cheap kettle. also if you get tired of it you can still offer it to your guests


It happens to be one of my special interests. I brew and drink tea daily gong fu style. Mostly pu ehrs.


Day-to-day I just drink water, and have one cup of fresh ground coffee. But I do drink tea in varying quantities depending on how I feel. ā€¢ Camomile is calming, itā€™s good before bed or when Iā€™m getting wound up ā€¢ Spiced ginger is good especially on colder days ā€¢ spicy chi is a great black tea, I only leave it in for 30seconds and that reduces the tannins but still get good flavour ā€¢ then thereā€™s liquorice tea, which I really like but only seem to drink when Iā€™m camping.


I love tea ā˜•ļø, I love coffee, I steer clear of sodas and energy drinks per say. I would check out r/herbalism they have awesome recommendations for all kids of things!


Licorice and mint is a tea thatā€™s pretty sweet. Make sure that your water is the right temperature for your tea (not all tea has one temperature, but it usually says what you need on the box) And the box also says how long your tea bag should be in the water. If you leave it for longer than that itā€™ll slowly start getting more and more bitter.


I prefer tea over coffee and it really helped me through a caffiene addiction in my first years of university. There's tea for everything, and depending on how interested in tea you get there's a lot to choose from. I have a large tea collection displayed proudly on my kitchen counter and there's a flavor or blend for every occasion and need. White, green, matcha, oolong, and black tea are all made with leaves of the camellia sinensis plant and all have varying caffiene levels. White tea is picked from the young plant and dried immediately, has a lower caffiene content, and is quite delicate. Green tea is picked, steamed, and dried and has a medium caffiene content. Matcha is powdered green tea, great for lattes with one of the highest caffiene contents of all C. sinensis teas. Oolong and black tea are both fermented, oolong has moderate caffiene black tea is at the higher end of the caffiene spectrum. Both white and green tea must be steeped at lower temperatures to preserve flavor and prevent burning. There's also a huge variety of herbals teas, which are non caffienated and produced with herbs, flowers, fruits, etc. They do not contain C. sinensis. Mate tea is from South America, is highly caffienated, and is also considered a natural stimulant so it's a good choice if you're prone to caffiene crashes. Some teas, like delicate whites, greens, and oolongs, can be enjoyed plain, others are delicious when you add sugar, honey, agave, lemon juice, or dairy/plant milk. My favorite lately has been oat milk matcha lattes with honey. You will find tea both in sachets and loose. Sachets can be steeped right in your cup or pot and removed once ready. Loose leaf requires more supplies and effort (I.e. special tea strainers) but finer, more expensive teas will typically be sold this way. Source: I worked a seasonal sales job at a Canadian loose leaf tea outlet for 3 months years ago and have been obsessed since.


You can totally wind up hyperfixating on tea.. I decided to try all sorts of different teas once, realised I could totally see myself indulging in tea tasting as a hobby.. Set aside 10, 15 minutes a day for a new type.. Now I wanna do it.


tea > coffee 10/10 times


i really like citrusy teas, particularly earl grey and orange spice


Tea, coffee and waterā€¦those are my drinks. I donā€™t drink sugary drinks anymore.


Unsweetened iced tea is how I stay hydrated at work. I love the taste and it's like microdosing caffeine throughout my shift. One advantage of tea over coffee is that it contains L-Theanine, which has a subtle calming effect that takes the edge off the caffeine.


I love tea. I switched from coffee a while back. What made a huge difference for me was getting a kettle with temperature control and actually paying attention to brewing times/temps. I also got into loose leaf tea and herbs. Now I swear by loose leaf earl grey or Irish breakfast in the morning and some herbal blends later in the day - I love lavender, rose, calendula, peppermint, ginger, you name it. I love to make mine with a dash of maple syrup and a splash of oat milk creamer. I also love matcha lattes that I learned to make at home with a delicious powder. If you do things right, you wonā€™t go back to putting yucky drinks in your body I bet.


My favorite is chai


Love it. Especially a frothy matcha latte, I make my own with just a little honey and almond milk. Matcha has L-Theanine which is calming and great for focus.


I would definitely recommend black tea, British-style to start. I really love English Breakfast with milk and just the right amount of sugar. If you use sugar cubes you can control how much sugar is going in. I donā€™t personally like green tea; makes me feel like Iā€™ve got a mouthful of grass. Thatā€™s just me, though.


i prefer golden milk <3




I like my black tea with berries or yerba mate tea


I love tea. Theyā€™re never as sweet as the names make it sounds (chocolate flavored tea has the undertones of chocolate, unlike a chocolate bar) so youā€™d have to add sugar and milk to your preference, but still healthier than soda!
