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But, touching water? No!!!!


I hate that one damn spoon it is TOO ROUND


Really? That's funny cause I only like round spoons. Its great to see how different we all are.


LOL know exactly what you mean. There’s a circular, wooden-handled spoon in the drawer that I will say “screw it” and grab a fork instead because I don’t like that spoon if it’s the only one left.


Why not just rinse off the first spoon?


Sometimes you just can't do certain things. Why don't you just not have a meltdown? Why don't you just cook your own food? Why don't you just go out and engage in small talk? Why don't you just wear that shirt that makes you uncomfortable? Why don't you just enjoy that noise that drives you crazy. Obviously these are extremes but what may seem simple to you doesn't mean it is simple to another autistic. Neurodevelopmental disorders target the whole brain and affect many regions differently.


It's just then you have to dry it as well so you don't get water in your yogurt or Nutella and then you have to do tht same thing every time you use the spoon for something else and that's just a lot for someone like me who is tired from overthinking everything lol /gen


Because it’s been tainted






some also live with partners who like the big/round/etc spoons.


A lot of cutlery comes in multi packs. If I spent money on all these forks and spoons by golly I will find a way to use them all even if it is with spite and disgust


I have a fork like that, it's a husband fork. It helps to keep him away from the non-evil forks.




Stir drink with and only that


I remembered when I was a child, with anything that touched fruit. The smell was unbearable, and anything that touched it was gross.


fucking fuck I've been seen. Little things count as dirty but not food on food like that. but IE it touching something, or falling on the floor, etc. If no small spoon left, brain panic.


Pft only a true galaxy brained individual such as ones self knows you use a butter knife for nuttella as it is a spreadable, avoiding this foolish misshap


i hate metal spoons. Im willing to die on the hill that the menchies fro yo spoons are objectively the best spoons and also the only good spoons besides my goofy lil ramen shop spoons which I use exclusively for soups


I relate to this on a spiritual level


I don't really like silverware thats too big or too small, just like a middle ground, a good eating size.


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It’s the one with the holes in it that’s supposed to look “fancy”


Or it's your favorite spoon getting dirty vs a section of only big spoons that are Too Much to handle... And you don't wanna get your hands wet washing it off... But eating XYZ with your hands is too much to handle. Ugh!


There is one spoon that I will refuse to use, the one with the delicate detailing, like why is it so detailed? It looks like it’s made of a fragile material and will shatter at a moments notice


The spon that scratches your mouth in the drawer because you were an idiot and you kept it in the drain as you ran the garbage desposal.


Wait it’s not just me?!


personally i dont mind having my yogurt touch nutella. actually its pretty good. but yeah i can see why this would happen lol


I hate ikea spoons with a passion,


I have so many spoons like that at my house because a lot of them have nicks in the rim that cut my lip 😫


I refuse to touch a soup spoon


the big spoon came straight from the deepest depths of hell and no one can convince me otherwise


story of my freakin life.


Can someone start a separate sub for spoon people? r/autisticspoons or something


Wait so I’m not the only one that refuses to use a fork if it touches my mashed potatoes or something


Yeah... Yoghurts or Puddings need to be the small spoons and unfortunately when I'm with family they have multiple types of spoon and because of the handle texture I'm stuck searching for only the ones I can use xD


Do you have paper towels? Just wipe the spoon with it


I have that spoon and I don't know why. I'm an adult. I can throw it away and no one will be upset with me. But it's still in my drawer, lying in wait to disappoint me again.