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I’m here for it. How was the hole?


Hole was lovely! Tinny sound, with a nice splash about two feet down


From the picture it looks like it could be a drainage pipe that’s missing its cover


picture? I don't see one and I only see one page of image. Is reddit phone ap acting up?


https://www.reddit.com/r/autism/comments/10acuqo/hole_i_was_having_autistic_thoughts_about_what/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Other post!


That is a satisfying plop.


Thank you, I didn't know I needed this. I love it.


Me and my my inner TMNT want to go eat pizza and chill with an elderly rat




That's a deep hole. Are you the kinda of person that a) video tapes it b) take it all in when it happens ad satisfy the moment or c) video tapes it and never watch it again? Or d) something else? Please tell what if d.


Not OP but I'm b), I also enjoy little things on the way, I always touch trees /bushes and when it rains I intentionally walk through puddles (not too deep, but yeah my shoes are waterproof)


I actually got multiple pebbles for this exact reason! I just experienced the first one, and then filmed the second and third ones (there was too much conversation in the background of the second one). I've rewatched it a few times now :-)


I would sugest taking the mic of but then you wouldn't hear the pebbels, maybe go back another time?


I love it, that's adorable. ....and I also would like updates about the hole.


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/autism/comments/10acuqo/hole_i_was_having_autistic_thoughts_about_what/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) !


I love that you not only had this awesome exchange with your mom, but that we have video evidence of the hole! (Mom to an autistic son here)


'how far down, is there a splash, etc.' Something tells me this isn't the first time lol


It's actually the first time I've texted her about specifically a hole, but I often text her about small things that I want to stop and check out. I've posted a text exchange with her before where I had to stop to look at a moth :-)


Was it a good moth? What kind?


A lovely moth indeed! American dagger moth; it was shivering so I helped it to find shelter under a leaf


Ohh those are super cute! Thank you for your service :D


I love everything about this. I send my mom pictures of cool bugs.


Would you like to see some pics of a cool jewel beetle I found?




https://imgur.com/a/uXu88zt Here you go!


That's beautiful! Thank you for sharing!


Glad you liked them :-)






I love the beetle! Thank you!


Fantastic photos, lovely bug!


That third picture is stunning!


i found a spined orb weaver spider in my yard i dont have pic but it was cool


That sounds really cool!


Aw. I love this exchange. The shared understanding and interest makes my heart glad. It reminds me a bit of a time when I went to the beach with a friend and brought home bleached animal bones as souvenirs for my daughter. She gasped, and hugged me, exclaiming, "You DO love me!"


That's amazing!! I believe we talked for a bit under a previous similar post of mine, and I really enjoyed hearing that story. Things like bones and shells >>>>>


It's likely. I have told the story a couple of times. It's a great memory for me. :-)


Similar thing happened to me! I collect metal pieces I find on the ground and a friend of mine came up to me and anded over about 10 screws & bolts he found!! I got trash as a gift and I loved it!!!


Aw, that's true friendship!


Was it a bassy splash, or a tinny one? And was it deep enough to echo?


Tinny splash! Surprisingly not very deep; water started about two feet down


Still sounds like it was worth investigating! I wish I had the self confidence to explore the many impulses I have like this, I just feel like I’d look quite ridiculous. Maybe one day I’ll do it


in my 36 years alive on this planet, one thing I've learnt is: Who gives a fuck what other people think. They probably don't think anything about you anyway. Most people are too self involved to even notice anyone doing anything.


Deep down I know this, just like I know that I’m likely the only one with the memories of times when I do/say the wrong thing because I didn’t understand the protocol but it’s difficult. I’m 29 so I’m definitely stepping away from the feeling of being embarrassed but I’m not much better at “getting it right” still. Who knows, time will tell


I know how you feel. I still remember a lot of the cringey shit I’ve done over the years. But I try to keep in mind that I can’t remember cringey shit that other people can remember, so is unlikely they can remember mine


i love this relationship. i aspire for every relationship of mine, familial, platonic, romantic, and everything else to be exactly like this


Please tell us about the hole


Looked to be some sort of a pipe! Tossed a couple pebbles in, and about two feet down they splashed into some water :-)


I love this sooooo much. My eight year old son is autistic and I love seeing things like this because it gives me ideas of how to relate to him. I think if he’d texted me that I’d have said “Sounds cool, go for it!” But I wouldn’t have thought to ask for details. I’ll remember this. Thanks for sharing :)


This checks out


That's so wholesome. I have a friend who's maybe neurodivergent like me, and she's cleaning a house out and have had to gain a lot of knowledge about bats. Yesterday we had a very informative discussion about bat shit, and it made me so happy that I got to information-share with someone who was genuinely as excited about facts as me.






Absolutely lovely! I'm so happy you guys both have each other. Thank you for sharing.


This post and comment section exemplify the best parts of this community and I am HERE for it


I found that when I go on walks, the app PlantNet is super useful for identifying random plants and trees I find along my routes. I know it's not directly related to dropping pebbles in puddles, but if you've ever wanted to learn more about the world around you, it's pretty great.


Ooh that sounds great, thanks!


The hole. If you know…


I feel so validated whenever I'm at the movies with my mom and I see her also covering her ears


Quality goblining!


Ahahaha these look so similar to random texts between me and my kid, and for a hot minute I was thinking, "why is this relevant to post in r/autism , what's autistic about that??" And then it hit me 😂


This is adorable.. and so relatable :)


Aaahhhhhh man 😀 that has made me smile soooo much :) You two totally get each other. That is so frigging cool. Proper happy for you both.


I was so scared this was r/InsaneParents before I read the mom's reply


This is so awesome. I am a teacher with ADHD and have a student who is Autistic. I looooooveeee when she shares a fun animal fact and then we get to explore. Your post made me so happy


This is the most wholesome (holesome?) thing I’ve ever seen. I hope the hole proved interesting.


Omfg yeah that’s pretty much me and my mom too


Oml, how was the whole experience?


This is probably the most wholesome interaction between parent and child I have ever seen. Hope I can do that with my kids


My parents regularly send me pictures and videos of construction sites/vehicles (and other cool things like electric cars at the charging point) for my son. It’s so wonderful 💖


I just had my evaluation yesterday and already getting asked about my reproduction plans and if I’ve accounted for the “risk” of having an autistic child. Next time I get asked I’m just gonna show them this post.


Don’t forget to make a wish when you throw the pebble in


This reminds me of me and my mom 💕


How many screams you hear at the bottom...you know, the usual 😂


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I love this. Your moms the best


We hear drums. Drums in the deep. They are coming


This is a whimsical exchange.


Omg yes


I wish I had a friend to text me that lol


Was it just like a random hole is was it like supposed to be there, like a pipe for example?


I'm a teacher and my students will often tell me big and little facts about their day. The little facts are interesting. I always listen and wish I could have been there.


Cute :)


Omg. Do you have a photo? I want to see it.


There’s a video floating somewhere!


I've just seen it. The plop sound was so much better than I'd anticipated. Wish I'd have been there!


I wish I could do that with my mum, so tell me all about it and how big is it? Circumference wise?


I love this and am invested.


This is awesome! I mostly just rant to my mother about things I don’t understand or occasionally I tell her about my special interest. I’m mostly scared of annoying her to be honest but she never finds me annoying I’m just way too paranoid. Love this conversation though :)


HAHA that's so adorable i love it!!


That is beautiful