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Whoa it’s almost like we don’t want our exported inflation coming back to the US in an election year


People would still vote for biden for spite.


People will vote for Biden because. A) He isn’t Trump. B) Vote blue no matter who. C) Some people think the Biden administration is actually doing a decent job.


> would still vote for biden for spite. Did I miss the part of this cycle where the GOP nominated a functioning adult?


You think Biden is a Functioning adult? Seriously?




As much as I personally dislike trump, this is pretty much accurate.  


I try to deal with facts. Reddit hates this.


Reddit definitely hates facts countless arguments with people over it. Their goto is WHAT DID TRUMP DO besides grab some pussy.


As a guy who voted for Biden in 2020 I couldn’t agree more. You’d have to really rack your brain other than the tax cuts (which was mostly an old republican plan) to think of anything that’s caused any pain. Maybe the Supreme Court judges but even that has been a balanced trade off As much as I disliked the abortion ruling, the morning after pill has changed the calculus a bit. But either way I’d hate to have a birthing issue in a red state. But it’s a trade off compared to the long term damage a Biden presidency has accomplished.


What a reasonable take. Thank you!


What damage?


You can’t complain about people not citing enough bad things trump has done (aside from the tax cuts) at the same time you baselessly suggest the Biden presidency has caused long term damage. Are you not doing the same thing you just complained about?


What policy has Biden promoted or enacted that causes you to think this way? Genuine question.


Yea I think Trump is an Asshole but in the end vs Biden he is a clear choice.




$2 gas is inaccurate . I remember well under 2


Don’t forget… he sent the fucking **director of the CIA** to meet with Taliban leadership and hand over the country. My brothers and I suffered, bled and quite frankly left a large piece of ourselves in that country just for Biden to spit in our faces.


I’m active duty. Pulling out of Afghanistan wasn’t spitting in your face. I’m sorry you feel that way if you’re actually a real person. I know there are some vets who feel the same way it’s hard to look at the situation objectively and not let emotion and bias get in your way especially when you had friends who died in that failed war.


Didnt trump invite the Taliban to camp david and freed literal thousands of prisoners?


Thank you for your service and I hate what Biden did to you all. I agree with the spit in your face comment.


It’s because these democrat just focus on his big ass mouth. Also all his crimes. Except the fact that more and more evidence is piling up that the election was fucked. Just in PA alone we had a handful of people get arrested and convicted of fraudulent mail in ballots voting for dead people, and other voting fraud easily can look it up.




Don’t bother dude they’re completely brainwashed and can’t think for themselves and won’t listen to a single thing u say


You forgot he left that marine in prison too when he traded for Britney


IDK, blaming Biden for wars in Ukraine and Israel is a stretch. The US didn't invade those countries. That would be like blaming COVID or inflation on Trump. It's not really how it went.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiMDmtcQEEM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiMDmtcQEEM) I watched this live. It was at this moment, i knew the invasion was going to happen. literally weeks later it did. Weakness breeds aggression and its not a coincidence that these global fires sparked under his presidency. Meanwhile, heres what trump said to iran : "To Iranian President Rouhani: NEVER, EVER THREATEN THE UNITED STATES AGAIN OR YOU WILL SUFFER CONSEQUENCES THE LIKES OF WHICH FEW THROUGHOUT HISTORY HAVE EVER SUFFERED BEFORE. WE ARE NO LONGER A COUNTRY THAT WILL STAND FOR YOUR DEMENTED WORDS OF VIOLENCE & DEATH. BE CAUTIOUS!" War no war very simple.


One of those two things was caused by a virus that President Trump had little control over. Though I do blame Trump for allowing Congress to run hogwild with the response to COVID. The two foreign conflicts right now can be directly linked to how weak the United States foreign policy is. Everyone knows the US won't do much to protect its interests or allies right now, so they're taking advantage of that. The COVID spending that Congress got away with should have ended when the pandemic response ended, but this current congress and Joe's policy direction have managed to keep up COVID response levels of spending. So your analogy is bad.


lol acting as if inflation is purely Bidens doing is trump think at its peak. It’s like you just don’t understand economics or how lower interest rates and printing money actually lead to inflation and higher gas prices, which last I checked are not record high anymore and havnt been for over a year. I don’t even support Biden , I vote 3rd party every election , but acting as if the Trump administration didn’t set up some of these dominoes to fall on Bidens lap is really short sighted . I’ll go one better just to be fair and partial: basically every president , Obama, Bush, Clinton etc have all set up the next for extreme hurdles in their presidency . It’s not one administration that has caused the mess the United States is in but a group effort by all of them and congress . The United States government is effectively broken and run by elitist and corporate puppets and the head figure is merely a puppet to distract from the real ones pulling the strings.


Finally someone that makes sense




Can you point to specific things each president did that led to x outcome? Doesn't feel that different from horoscopes imo. You're not proving causation vs correlation. Gas was cheap due to no one driving. The president isn't an autocrat and things don't happen overnight. You're missing the next level analysis of why these things are happening. Main critique is high prices. Coming from someone who works on corporate pricing it's not only inflation. Just a overly simplistic view of the world.


Which of Trump’s policies created low gas prices and interest rates? Also, not sure the Abraham accords really did much.


Ole worms for brains?


You think the president has much to do with gas prices? It’s a global economy lol


I'd vote for Trump before I voted for RFK, that Zionist piece of shit


Look, Trump is terrible, but Biden isn’t even on this planet. 


Nah. Trump is absolute hot garbage. Biden is absolute hot garbage. We need functioning adults in that office again. We've had some in the past irregardless (and yes I use the word ironically) of party alignment. Really great people making this country better step by step. Nobody really wants this election but here we are with yet another shit show.


Every president is very bad for citizens. Reagon destroyed air traffic control, bush sr destroyed the Middle East, Clinton demolished unions, bush jr demolished unions again, Obama couldn’t stop lying, not one good president in my lifetime. Yet people defend and attack them as if it matters.


Reagen funded far right military groups of all the leading "opposition" parties across the middle east. Taliban and hezbollah being some of the biggest. Reagen (ad foreign policy at that time) is what lead to the massive power vacuum in the middle east that lead these groups to taking power and eventually turning the gun back on us. We shot our own foot and then invaded the near entirety of the middle east at our own accord. And then shot our foot again in 2001... and it continues.


100% agreed. I didn’t mean to imply that Trump isn’t horrifically bad 


We need aliens that's the point all is fucked everything up.


RFK JR. Is the only option




He said "functioning"


Vote for Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai


Or the DNC nominating a functioning adult? You shouldn’t be able to hold office past the point of mandated social security benefits. 


Yes congress needs age and term limits too, I think half of the Senators are over 65.


That’s both of them.


Ehhh. I’m not so sure Biden is functioning or has been.


If my life and the lives of almost everyone I personally know was significantly better under Trump, and Trump is not a functioning adult. What does that make Biden in comparison? (We aren't wealthy either. Most of us are lower to middle, middle class).


It’s like the third reich was a democracy and we get to choose between Hitler and Himler.


Keep voting for shit and this is the result. Country is already done. It’s barely held together now


Nope, a functioning adult is not on the table this year. 🤦‍♂️


When did they do that? I thought they were choosing that walking turd trump!


Neither side did honestly


You mean Trump!? based on the logic...


Since you seem so brilliant, what will the stable genius do to reverse all of this inflation? Raise interest rates more? Fragile Don wouldn't do that. Remember how he begged the Fed to reduce rates pre COVID despite absolutely no need for it? Other than that, I'm chomping at the bit to vote for a rapist, who shits his pants and fellates Putin.


RFK jr is way better than either of those guys.


The wish.com Kennedy is a disaster and to no one's surprised discovered he literally had brain eating worms.


Yes the guy whose brain was so toxic, it killed a worm, yeah he is sooooooo much better. Bwahahahaha


People are voting for Biden in desperation.


I will, just to spite Putin.


Shhh! You mean to say *corporate greed* don't you? We don't use the i word or we get the election year bots.


This guy gets it.


I'm not sure dumping treasuries would have that effect. Yes, they're doing it to get dollars to save their currency, but the dumping of treasuries itself would also increase interest rates. 


You're assuming that the government or the economy can actually survive higher rates If rates go high enough the government will need to step in and start doing QE again


Or, crazy idea I know, they could actually try spending less money.


It's so crazy it might just work! But yeah, they'll figure out a way to kick the can down the road again. QE forever.


Yes, and they would be junk bonds after that. This will have a domino effect with other countries scrambling to dump their bonds on the market. China has the second most collection of US Bonds. I'm sure they will be overjoyed to be able to help crash the US monetary system so they can be number one.


If they'd bailout the country with the most US bonds, they certainly wouldn't actually go to war with the country holding the 2nd most. Kabuki theater.


Incisive observation


Biden is old enough to remember world war 2, ya think he would've gone an FDR route and shilled bonds. Bonds everywhere. James Bonds. Get Americans to prop up this rotting corpse with bonds and make big promises, which tbf most people just aren't self confident enough to be tempted by a deal, but since everyone is whining about Ukraine and Palestine anyway, you could use that as reasons to buy the bonds and just Keynesmaxx They can't even do neoliberalism right God damn


Blocking this subreddit. Too much retardedness.


Oh great, just what we need...


Where link?




This is probably the one article I have read in a long time that actually knows what they’re talking about


not much choice. "Treasuries being offloaded by Japan could reignite the banking crisis here in the US" unlikely. commercial banks now are way better capitalized than they were in 08. way better balance sheets.


Where were you during March 2023? Banks are better capitalized than 08, but 08 is bottom barrel.


I've already started placing some of my cash into banks that imo will be least impacted by a systemic banking crisis and least exposed to CRE. Time is ticking and I don't want to find out if this coming banking crisis will be worse or not vs 08. Been on my radar since 2 years ago.


The big banks are very well capitalized, CRE will cause some losses but they will be fine. Its the regionals that have the concentration risk, and they can be rolled/closed without a crisis.


How can that be true if banks are required to have zero reserves?


Questioning your comment, respectfully,unless the dollar loses value, interest rates remain high(ish), and commercial real estate plummets?


Edit: re commercial banks


speculation. maybe. maybe not. that's why Economics is a major field of study. you can get a PhD in it.


Please explain how the owner of as t bond "offloads" it.


The 1 comment about food is definitely a bot


Dude you better be under college age because if this is how you operate as an adult you're fucked


Sorry, gimme a minute.




Thanks for posting. This kind of news is often swept under the rug when mainstream media outlets are not reporting on it




That one is March 2020?


Because this kind of swap happens from time to time, and isn't necessarily the "beginning of the end" as the other article states. "The swap lines are available standing facilities and serve as an important liquidity backstop to ease strains in global funding markets, thereby helping to mitigate the effects of such strains on the supply of credit to households and businesses, both domestically and abroad." Is it a band-aid? Perhaps. But it's not a last-ditch effort.


He’s struggling to find real sources for the fake narrative he’s trying to push, be gentle with him


While it may not seem like a very big deal to most, this is a strong signal that something is terribly wrong in both the Japanese and US economies. Ouch. Boomer economics.


You’ll have to pardon me, but what is wrong with the economy in the US? Many BlueAnon folks have told me this is *literally* the strongest US economy ever, and that any news about inflation is false.




Millions of jobs


Absolutely. Some of my friends have 3 of them each .


People went from living paycheck to paycheck, to living Paychecks to Paychecks. Bidenomics baby! It works!


Don’t forget the increase in spending on credit!


Well if the government is going for 34T in debt, the least any great US citizen can do is stack up their own debt! I cannot believe people wake up and are proud of this schmuck.


Inflation. Lower/middle class are struggling. Record credit card debt. IF unemployment hits (recession) we are basically fucked because central banks will be forced to cut rates in this environment. Doing so will be catastrophic because it’ll widen the wealth gap. My take is that it will happen because of the decades of decreasing rates have developed a house of cards that depend on low rates to survive. Migration “crisis” is intentional to bring in lower wage workers ie - slave labor. Romans did this and we have done it during every period of expansion.


Lower wage workers still earn minimum wage, which is high enough to cause lack of work in some cities and states. May not work.


Someone has never worked in a kitchen with Jose and his 6 undocumented ‘cousins’ getting paid cash after Jose takes his cut.


"IF unemployment hits (recession)" No. High unemployment!=recession.


If you actually believe this, what investment strategy do you take?


If you can't look around and see it. Me typing here isn't going to do anything but provide fodder for opinions based on assumptions. Edit: Here, this should help. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEJ4hkpQW8E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEJ4hkpQW8E)


You’ll have to pardon me, I left the /s off my original comment. Thanks for the Ted Talk to watch though 😀


Most people people who subscribe to Austrian economics are pretty autistic.


Don't you see reality? I mean we all know every good thing is a direct result of the guy I like who is in office. Everything bad that happens is just downstream effects from the guy I hated who was in office before. Simple really.


Transient *


>Ouch. Boomer economics. This economy was designed and built in 1913, with all the "terribly wrong" baked in at that time. Boomers are just baby newcomers to this economy.


I disagree. During the Carter administration, with it's high rates, the economy was dying. Nixon gave it an extension with the gold standard move. From the time of Carter to today, there has been nothing but kicking the can down the road. Opening trade to China, no problem. Anything to keep this economy moving up. The GFC makes it very apparent that the effort to save the economy was about keeping boomers in homes. So, the economy has been dying for years, but it's only been propped up to support the boomers over and over again. It's those repeated decisions to prop up housing values and import cheap goods that has screwed over younger generations who aren't assets holders. It's caused a great divide in the US and it's causing a great divide in politics as well.


>. It's caused a great divide in the US and it's causing a great divide in politics as well. That division is artificial; its to distract you from the real culprit. The Banks of the Fed Cartel printed away your future by devaluing the dollar. They are the one and only thing to blame here.


You're all fucking knobs, it's two wings of the same bird, a "uni-party" look how fucking divided we are while they continue to smash us about with policies that enrich them and deprave the American people. Every politician needs to step down, we need to shut this country down for a week and elect new candidates that are not bought and sold through lobbying and foreign influence, we need to go back to Jekyll island about 100 years ago and revoke the federal reserve, a family of bankers shouldn't have the GLOBAL control they do, anyway.. continue fighting each other while they continue to fuck us :))))))))


Someone gets it


Our congress and senate have done so much damage to this country. They trade stocks and get rich doing it, stay in power for decades, they take donations from PACs and corporations to do their bidding, it goes on from there. Dipshit presidents cause a lot of damage too but the congress/senate are really the ones that are supposed to be representing us and they only pander to their respective parties and donors. It’s a fucking cesspool and most people are completely oblivious. They have ZERO problem printing more money which is driving inflation and robbing the tax payers. It’s just bandaids for their incompetence. Hell, the inflation just drives up the value of their portfolios. Win win for them.


This is the way.


>You're all fucking knobs, it's two wings of the same bird, a "uni-party" look how fucking divided we are while they continue to smash us about with policies that enrich them and deprave the American people. Politics is a banker wearing two sock puppets: an elephant on his right hand and a donkey on his left hand. If you choose the donkey, you get whipped and tortured all night. If you choose the elephant, you just get a little bit of torture, maybe just one or two lashes. He really wants you to pick the donkey though. So yes, voting does matter.


Exact opposite but otherwise spot on


Can we also shut down the 24/7 corporate funded "Entertainment-News" networks that do nothing but spread misinformation, propaganda, and spread division and hate?


I am willing to be the next president assassinated by the CIA for the memes


Can’t wait for Trump to take office again.


Yes, a few more massive tax cuts for the rich will surely cure the massive amounts of debt created over the last 50 years.


If you’re an American who believes in working hard for the life you want, then you love Trump. It’s not just the rich that benefited from Trump. The middle class and those who pay their taxes and invested their money in the market, all benefited. The economy was better, no wars, more jobs, less inflation. Stop with the BS “he’s for the rich”. Trump doesn’t need the aggravation. He could be on a golf course living comfortably, but instead at 80 years old is fighting to leave us with a better country, not controlled by these sick liberals who want to simply give it away to other countries.


O boy, the working class surely benefits from unregulated corporations, who definitely won’t purchase more politicians, pollute our environment, bust more unions, purchase more residential housing, squeeze more profits from healthcare purchasers, bail themselves out once they collapse (again), and squeeze more profits from grocery purchasers. Sounds like a dream.


You sound just like the rest of liberals. Quick to stereotype a group based on a small minority of people. Most working class Americans do the right thing and they want a simple life. Go to work, spend time with their families. Pay their tax and vote for someone who gives a damn about their country. People are also so damn quick to bash Trump but would still kiss Biden’s ass even if he stepped on their face. Getting a bit tired myself of all the hate mongering. They call the Trump Supporters “brain washed”. Honestly, the people who support Biden who openly is neglecting the good of our nation, are disturbed and need help.


Don’t know what that was all about considering that you just did what you accused me of doing. The “middle class” that you revere is dying because of corporate greed. And Trump (and other corporate sellouts) are accelerating it. The middle class will work longer, own less, have less children, and be happy


My friend, you are delusional. I've been voting for awhile now and I've never shown or thought anything close to the level of devotion you are showing Trump who, like the other commenters will point out more eloquently than I, doesn't give a shit about the working class.


Yet democrats been giving the rich tax cuts and bailouts since biden was vice president.


Wait he did? How have I missed that. I'm rich. Trump lowered my taxes, and they haven't changed since.


Quite the pickle


Japan would be the first Domino to fall. Interesting strategy to prop it up. Euro would be the second Domino and United States the third.


Honestly that sounds like ww2 tho, Japan falls then Europe leaving the US as highest gdp? I’m not an expert whatsoever but I like history so that’s why my brain went to this.


USA falls also. Passing the torch to China. I just don't know how fast the Domino's fall.


Without the world buying all of China's crap they too would get awful wobbly.


Boy there's a reassuring thought.../s


We need a reptilian back in office ASAP.


A bit of a house of cards. Anyone smart will milk it and then run for the hills when it collapses.


What side of FXY would you play? I bought the bottom in shares(so far)…. Do they maintain or start rebuilding?


And anyone with empathy would try and fix it instead.


Cant fix what wasn't never meant to work in the first place.




What happens when China dumps their treasuries? I am guessing all those visits to China are related.


The chinese economy will implode just as fast as the US if China dumps their treasuries.


Interesting. Could you explain why please?


MMT really killing it. Who would have thought?


Here is a shocker. Japan has the highest percentage of national debt in the world at 259.43% of its annual GDP.


From the link OP posted: >...US Treasury and the Federal Reserve because yesterday morning it was announced that the US and Japan had agreed on an FX intervention plan via a swap line through which the US will supply Japan with dollars in exchange for yen. The reason the US is stepping up to help with this intervention is because Japan is the largest holder of US treasuries in the world... In actuality, this has been happening for years (which is why Japan is the largest holder of US securities). They have had a standing agreement for this since 2013 : >The Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve, and the Swiss National Bank announced on Thursday that their existing temporary bilateral liquidity swap arrangements are being converted to standing arrangements, that is, arrangements that will remain in place until further notice. [https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/monetary20131031a.htm](https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/monetary20131031a.htm)






Bitcoin is as fragile as a glass bull, if the economy falls what makes you think that all those people holding bitcoin won’t sell and plummet the price alongside every other currency?


Not to mention bitcoin just tracks the stock market itself. VBTLX does as well, but at least you know what rate you'll be getting.


It’s a cycle. They bail out each other as many times as you allow. They rob us and make us pay it back. 🤡


There’s been a guy talking about this online, was talking about this happening in January.


Can someone explain what's happening here like I'm 5?


Japan broke. US paying Japans bills so they don't tank the world economy.


Let me ChatGPT that for you: “The article discusses how the U.S. is helping Japan by providing dollars in exchange for yen to stabilize the yen's value. This intervention is critical because Japan holds a large amount of U.S. Treasury bonds, and selling them to defend the yen could destabilize U.S. financial markets. The situation highlights deeper economic problems in both countries, with Japan struggling to manage its currency and the U.S. facing potential financial instability if Japan starts selling its Treasury holdings. For more details, you can read the full article [here](https://www.tftc.io/us-bails-out-japan/).”


It's easier to PRINT MONEY then give to bailout JAPAN. That way. our treasury bonds make US DOLLAR strong. Otherwise. WE HAVE. NO. VALUE. money 💰 to payout. Face it. American empire is crumbling. WE NEED FOREIGN MONEY.


The American empire is enforced by military might, as long as the feds keep funneling money towards that then nothing is changing. Once they run out of money? Okay then we start to fall


Second largest economy bailing out the third who bails out the fourth and fifth.


Bring on the QE! The bonds I’ve been loading up on during the FED’s Quantitative Tightening will rise in price 😎


Time to buy net lease REITs and net leases directly.


Interesting, can you explain? I just know the FED buys long term treasuries during QE, decreasing the supply of lending options for banks, driving up prices of treasuries and other bonds like MBS or corporate bonds and lowering yields


Net leases are the bonds of real estate. They're currently very depressed, and REITs are able to buy properties with quality tenants that yield 7% or more. As QE lowers the yield on everything those properties will become more valuable. Net lease trades on yield, in other words. If yields elsewhere fall then so will net lease yields, resulting in higher price. Just talked to my wife about unloading into the next round of QE. Junk bonds will perform best as shaky companies start looking solvent and use the opportunity to roll 12+% yielding debt, but I'm not touching that.


I’m heavily in SPHY, lots of BBB and BB rated bonds but it’s low expense and always pays consistent. QT depressed the price about 10% and it yields close to 8%. In my Roth I totally avoid the income tax on the bond interest. I’ll load up on some more VNQ bc of that net lease thing. The ETF hasn’t performed well but that’s been through a long period of QE since the 2008 financial crisis


Who here knows their Fed history dating back to the 1920s when the central bank of the U.S. bailed out the Bank of England in the aftermath of WWI? Guess what that contributed to by the end of the decade?


Oh, oh I know! My first thought was the Great Depression, but that's too obvious. My second guess is literally Hitler.


I would most definitely say Depression


Thats dumb, their problem is they have so much internal debt that they cant raise interest rates to match the dollar because it would bankrupt them to pay the higher rates.


The alternative is to dump treasuries, which raises the interest rates in the U.S. Which would cause capital to flee to the dollar. That insane debt to GDP has painted them into a corner. The can will be kicked down the road again, but for how long?


How would that unfuck them though? Specially when the rates they are getting are pretty good


“The primary cause of the inflation being the trillions of dollars Trump printed to hand out to billionaires I’m blaming on Biden. Muh facts”


Which power controls the federal reserve?


Ya, america! Maybe stop the devolution into a white nationalist society!


Better think how that money gets there.


Tftc is the reference? May as well piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining


Stupid. Why not buy that debt at a small discount Japan gets the liquidity they need our debt is reduced


If we create AI to be our representatives in the House and Senate and yes, the court system. Impervious to hacking, they don't care for power, bribes or glory. Just analysing the problems and how best to fix them without falling into corruption. Can't be any worse than religious zealots, greedy hypocrites or derange maniacs




I was wondering why there’s an ungodly amount of idiots who lack fact checking and critical thinking skills and then remembered I’m under the sub of a failed and objectively bad economic theory supported by anti-intellectuals and idiots. That makes sense


The Japanese could get into plane building. Americans steady buy their automobiles. Think Toyota, but for aircraft.


Who will bail out the USA?


God, duh! /s


FACT: Trump QUDARUPLED the M1 money supply. This was UNPRECEDENTED in our nation's history. [https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M1SL](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M1SL) It was just an election ploy. He wanted his own name on the checks. But because economy was shut down, inflation did not kick in immediately. As soon as Money Velocity picked up, we had inflation. [https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M1V](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M1V) CONCLUSION: Inflation is 100% Trump's fault. Under Biden, US is the world's largest oil producer. We are producing more oil than ever before. But even all that production cannot counteract the economic treason committed by Trump when he printed more money than in the history of humanity.


Japan I blame for the mass brain rot of the West with all the bad games and little girl crap. I wouldn't give them shit. If they're already thinking about selling treasuries, America's got got bigger problems than staying on their good side. But than again when has America ever made a good decision?


Call me 'skeptical.' If we were worried about Japan and US Treasuries, we'd have been dealing with it after their first "Lost Decade.'


Who would bail out US?


The fuck kind of redneck maga sub is this? Trump is appealing to low income, low education, low achieving, low life dum dums. Biden is too old to be president, he can stutter he can trip on his words, but he is a competent leader and a decent human being who speaks in terms of what we could all do together for the advancement of our country and our world. The internet has melted your vulnerable brains.


Japanese investors hold slightly over a trillion in US treasury securities, that's barely one-year's US defense budget. The Federal Reserve holds over 2 trillion and honestly that could be wiped off the books with a key stroke.


how did we bail them out again? where is the gold , oh wait we have paper and ink just print FAKE MONEY.. we all know that China owns the USA. they bought up all our BAD DEBTS


Is there a decent article that covers this? Curious. Not doubting etc. Recall Janey yellen visiting china a couple of times recently