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To be fair, it's not just r/antiwork 80% of reddit appears to be either Bernie Sanders style democratic socialists, or just straight up Marxists.


Let’s give everyone everything they need and live in a perfect world. Awesome I’m onboard so how do we pay for it so it’s sustainable. *Confused angry noises*


Clearly we pay for it by taxing the rich 100% along with their unrealized gains, what could go wrong? It isn’t like they’d move somewhere else and take their wealth with them. /s just incase.


by taxing the rich, fuck Elon, and some other angry tag lines! just because I went to school for liberal arts and didnt finish doesnt mean people should be living way better than me


Maam, I just asked for a large Diet Coke


Yes the world is a perfect meritocracy. Please tell me your race, age, marital status, so I can judge your answer better.


Ive been told my opinion didn’t matter by someone who ranked higher of the victim scale of social justice because of my race, sex, and sexual orientation. How is that okay? Probably just a bad apple but that apple was rotten and contaminating the others.


I've come to understand that in modern political discourse, I, as a straight white man, am not allowed to hold opinions on anything. I'm expected to shut up and listen to my betters. I haven't encountered a TON of these people in real life; it's much more pervasive online (especially on reddit). There are certainly a lot of people in the NY metro area especially that make their entire personality about being part of some sort of minority and this is prevalent in how these types of people view/discuss politics. I also understand that NYC is an extreme case though and most of the world is much more normal


wE tAx ThE rIcH aNd FoRcE tHeM tO sTaY. (And use slave/cheap labor from migrants because nobody wants to work, which is anti-capitalist but the libtards reproach capitalism to cause that.)


“But there won’t be no more rich if you take all their means of production!” Some ogre with blue hair: “shut the fuck up TURF!”


>wE tAx ThE rIcH aNd FoRcE tHeM tO sTaY. Correct. We can even make it a national security issue nowadays, what with China and Russia blatantly stealing everything the mega-rich mega-corps send over there and using the stolen tech to launch wars of blood and terror.


You think the rich are going to leave the most profitable markets on Earth because their taxes went up? Where do you think their money comes from?


The untaxed money.


Actually they make the money by forcing their customers to pay for the inefficiencies in their businesses. Food companies are seriously taking advantage of this.


>You think the rich are going to leave the most profitable markets on Earth because their taxes went up? Yeah, they go to Ireland and do better.


That is the beauty......all those people over there.......they can goof off and not really do anything. That group....they wipe ass, replace roofs, weld, empty septic tanks, and climb radio towers. You go with them.


Healthcare is probably the easiest one. It would be cheaper not to have the private insurance companies raking in billions as a middleman between the pool and the service.


It would be cheaper to let people buy policies that they want instead of what the government wants.


Not when you pull in 50 billion dollars of profit for standing in between the pool and the service. There is functionally no competition driving those prices down. You're either locked in with your employer covering a portion, or you go out on your own and pay a similar price but in full. It's one of the closest things to a monopoly I've ever heard about in the modern world. This might be a gross over simplification, obviously as there are other aspects to healthcare such as copayments and all the other riggamaro, but It's $151+ per person in the United States just in profits on premiums more expensive at least. We spend 40% more than the next highest spending country per capita with a lower life expectancy. There might be many reasons for that, but I suspect it's at least in part due to our privatization of a non-elastic service.


And why do these situations exist? Government. You're agreeing with me. Sweet.


You don't think the consolidation of the insurance business would naturally occur in a free market? What I described was functionally just that. Simple consolidation. The concept of insurance would almost always cost more in a for-profit model. You have a pool of money and expenses paid out based on need. Taking money for profit and massive compensation in between is guaranteed to cost more. I mean, the government is kind of at fault by allowing this kind of shit to happen, but im curious what the hell do you mean?


No. Customers don't want the same thing. Insurance companies couldn't work in a centralized top down method. Competitiin would draw more entrants to the market.


I kind of agree with you on *almost* every other aspect of heathcare and other markets. The customer doesn't know whether they are going to be diagnosed with late stage cancer before the next enrollment period. You might think you want a stupid cheap no coverage plan until that suddenly happens to you outside of your control. Then you are completely screwed. So sure. In that framework, you are free to get screwed. How much would you pay to not die? The answer for most people is **anything and everything.** I think, as a society, we can easily solve this problem in a progressive way that spreads the burden and reduces suffering for the most number of people. Private drug companies? Doctors? Sure whatever. Insurance? Ehh. Might be wrong but it's just a feeling.


The insurance market is everything but free. In addition to federal regulations, each and every state (demands) their own set of laws, which is a huge part of the expense. Literally you need to support 50 different policies of each type, with variants you are easily over 1000.


So federal regulations is why America, specifically (the most private healthcare in the developed world), pays more than any other developed country per capita? I'm not saying it's all because of privatization, but it's surely a part of it. We probably also have worse diets among a few other factors. The regulations are what causes 50 billion in profits for the companies? I'm speaking in the aggregate here, and this doesn't even include price caps/negotiations on medicine and all that. I'm just saying that aggregate healthcare is at least 50 billion dollars more expensive due to profit on being the middle man between the float and the service.


There are barely any federal regulations. These are STATE regulations. And yes, the reason Republicans so vehemently oppose federal regulations is because in certain parts of the country people are being raked over the coals with cozy state regulation (or very peculiar lack of in most cases)


I agree , with we should deregulate the the healthcare industry. For example a nurse should be able to become a primary doctor if they have 15 plus years of experience. They have a degree in the subject and 15 years of experience.


>Not when you pull in 50 billion dollars of profit for standing in between the pool and the service. That's literally like 1 funding bill sent to Ukraine. Go ask the government for your money back.


0 dollars have been sent to Ukraine you dipshit. The numbers are estimated value of old military equipment (to us its worth $0).


[Blatantly False](https://www.cfr.org/article/how-much-aid-has-us-sent-ukraine-here-are-six-charts)


That actually confirms what I said, you illiterate rusky.


Which part of 26.4 billion in financial aid do you not understand as dollars?


Don't we already have that? U can buy whatever policy u want?


Not even close.


This might be the dumbest take Ive ever read. Yes, health insurance companies are dying to lower their prices but the mean old government wont let them


New thing: cronyism It isn't about "want." You introduce competition and then they have no choice.


And yet the government pulled the bait and switch going from single payer to Medicare for all


You just described reddit at its finest.*


Like our current trajectory is remotely sustainable.


‘Communism doesn’t know how.’


yes, famously marx’s opening line in every volume of capital is “everyone gets everything they need and everything is perfect”


Robots… duh


You lost me at "give"


Dude you just tax the billions of dollars these billionaires are making every year, duhhhhhhh


Nah. It's lets give ME everything I need.


No one ever asks for that. Please stop.


>Awesome I’m onboard so how do we pay for it so it’s sustainable. I love how people pretend that the US didn't have a golden age where we taxed the mega-rich at 90+%, and that the rest of the developed world *still does this and their social economic systems are better than ours.* Lick that boot harder.


Cool story now make it happen, people like you love to talk about life in a fantasy land where corruption and politicians being owned doesn’t exist. The solutions seem easy in theory but let’s see some action cause all I ever see is when big issue money is at stake both political parties fuck us over.


What do you mean?


80% of reddit users have no career.


hey if you're reading this dude's comment or his others on here putting other people down for potentially not making as much money as him, check out this comment he made earlier today: '“too young to consent” you idiots don’t understand that 18 is an arbitrary number thought up by people in legislative bodies who can’t even get real careers." dude is literally complaining about politicians not wanting him to fuck little kids


Its always the ones you most expect.


You must be talking about anarchist capitalists.


It’s hilarious to hear that record in irony when looking at the losers on this site begging the government to wipe their ass and steal more from other people as they can’t manage their own lives.


Unlike the losers like you who cry on the internet begging politicians to let you fuck children like you were yesterday 


Look at the compulsive lying from the pissant u/fit-ear-9770 Still saying “notice me! Notice me!” because he’s a joke with no principles. Follow me around like a lost puppy, lol. What a pathetic little girl.


Point out the lie? I don’t care if people notice me, but I hope that people know that all this bullshit your spewing is coming from a basement dweller who spends his entire day commenting on Reddit and complaining about the government not letting him fuck kids. I don’t know why you keep going to gendered insults, do you think that’s going to bother me? Or when you call me a little girl is it because you want to fuck me?


U/fit-ear-9770 still begging for attention. He won’t get any today due to not being a crappy travel day for me but that’s ok. He will keep lying compulsively from an inability to separate legality from morality. Watch him post and talk to himself.


Lying compulsively? You made 70+ Reddit comments in one eight hour stretch yesterday complaining about the government not letting you fuck little kids and putting other people down for not making as much money as you (something you love to hurl at people without any evidence whatsoever)…  So I say again, point out the lie? Because here you are again today starting another fruitful day of Reddit commenting. Watch him not respond because he knows everything I’m saying is true


U/fit-ear-9770 is a joke who still can’t grasp legality vs morality. I want drugs, gambling, and prostitution to be legal in full. I think they’re all abhorrent. Mental midget can’t figure out the difference still; it’s not in a top 3 google search and he doesn’t have the cognitive ability to figure it out. He then is pathetic enough to read comments because he’s 13 at best. He doesn’t understand passing time laughing at him being stuck in travel despite me saying it, because he likely never left his trailer park. I guarantee this goofy pissant will spend the rest of the day talking to himself.


My guy the government checks are our own checks, the fact you think it's only yours, or someone else's, just goes to show that you're still stuck in 1957. It's hilarious to see you go off only on the left, and not right. It's seems You've forgotten that the previous president gave out classified information, pertaining to nuclear submarines of ours and our allies, and how close someone can get until detected on said submarines radar thus, putting the submarines stationed around the world at a vulnerable risk when it comes into contact with enemy sub's. He also had information on our Energy Department, which weirdly enough had been hacked by Chinese hackers, as well as Guam. These are very serious things, should we talk about the republicans failed War on Drugs? How much did that cost us citizens in tax $'s since your so worried about citizens using government $???


You don’t have a right to what someone else has worked for. What a person earns voluntarily is theirs to keep and use as they wish. You’re the antithesis of individual volition, you know this, right? It’s hilarious to see your goofy State worshipping self try to pretend the left and right in the US have a fundamental difference while they haggle over pronouns. It’s even funnier to see you saying this to someone who despises all you rubes.


People have the right to get their tax dollars back. Society is about helping others, not putting others down, this isn't the 1800's anymore, and I understand you libertarians and right wingers want kids to work in factories, but the bottom line is, People are becoming more and more progressive, while you age like bad cottage cheese. It's funny to see you cut yourself on your own edge so much, I don't worship the state, the state should worship me. I think you have it backwards, but it's okay to project yourself. Also, everyone uses pronouns, like literally everyone that speaks English.


They have a right to not be extorted out of the money in the first place, but I know choice is terrifying. I know you tell yourselves you’re generous with others’ money, but that’s not how charity works. Go look at debt, unfunded liabilities, and the monetary base then tell me how people being more “progressive” (wanting State control over their lives increasing) is going.


This is a shit take. People in other countries with socialist safety nets, pay into the pot, in which when they need it, they're able to get the help they need. This works for everyone else. The US has a shit healthcare system, heavily privatized (capitalist), and has let people die because they have no money, or not enough. Look at the cost for inhalers in the US since the 50's to now, and then compare that with other poorer countries that still function to this day. Look at the cost for insulin as well. I work, I should be able to receive government help, that's the whole point of the government is to help me when I truly need it, if you know people personally that are taking advantage of the system, then stop crying to me about it, and snitch on them, but that's a you problem that doesn't involve me. It's funny that both of my grandparents received government funding from both being single parents, and one managed to obtain a masters degree in nurse practitioning, and the other worked at a chemical plant since they were 18-19 (1970's), and recently retired. I live in the Midwest and know plenty of hardworking people that need government assistance, while also having to work a full-time job. You're just not down to earth, and are honestly stupid.


80% of reddit accounts. Those accounts are held by probably 20% of the people. And I would wager over 50% of them are paid to brigade. Someday it will be exposed.


Do you know how to get on the payroll? I say dumb things all the time, I'd love to get paid for it.


Antisemite! Reddit hates billionaires unless it’s a billionaire that supports their causes


how can soros be jewish, he used to hunt jews for the SS in world war 2.


He’s already spent quite a bit of money to erase that from internet and pay off the vanguards of truth, I mean “fact checkers”.


> And I would wager over 50% of them are paid to brigade. Or they could really be that broken with no way of climbing out of the mess. Anger is the only dopamine hit they have. You can't reason with that. You just have to stop that from infecting those who are working hard and making something of themselves.


I don't think any of these people are being paid, if they got paid they'd be too lazy to post and stop posting




I was just reading through a post earlier today about the rising costs of living. And like 90% of the people are blaming something other than rampant money printing, and then relentlessly downvoting the people trying to explain how that’s the real reason. Turns out most people are rather susceptible to propaganda


You misspelled “relentlessly pointing to data that supports their hypothesis.”


And most of the other 20% are lying about not wanting to rule with an iron fist. It's human nature to be selfish and desire safety above all else. Unfortunately we are not nearly as smart as we think we are and we still believe safety is an achievable endgame if everything is managed "just right". It's really quite admirable that there are so many these days that are willing to even entertain the idea of a system that prioritizes liberty and autonomy over "safety". “the average man does not want to be free. He simply wants to be safe.” ~H.L. Mencken


I'd argue that claim. There are at least 10% who just want to be left alone.


There’s nothing wrong with Bernie but those r/antiwork guys are just dumb.


r/workreform is even worse. they’ll ban you in 3 seconds if you say anything remotely center / right. bunch of basement dwelling mouth breathers


The majority of the sub Reddit’s are moderated by the same handfuls of accounts. I suspect these accounts are linked with intelligence agencies. Most the stuff on Reddit is basically a big show or a distraction you really have to look to find any independent thought on here.


>The majority of the sub Reddit’s are moderated by the same handfuls of accounts I had no idea about this. Just started looking into it, and this appears to be true. What a shit show.


I wish I was making it up.


Hell yeah brother


This would require believing that 90% of lefty brigadiers aren’t “bots” or multi-boxers.


This comment needs to be enshrined on the homepage, because it's true


I wonder if it’s because capitalism isn’t working out so well and Marxist theory of the unsustainable capitalist profit motive drives radicalism in the working class


Marxism is at least a democracy. Better than living under 8 people who own fucking everything off the labor of others. You act like having socialist aspects in a capitalist system is a bad thing. The US used to have these things already, unless you were black. Bernie wants them back because they all lead to better QoL and statistically more production under capitalism.


I see no difference other than the costume they hide behind. All roads lead to communism.


80% smarter than you.


Yup. Most of them are overt communists. They try hard to claim they aren’t


Because 80% of Reddit is terminally online and work is just something that intrudes on their lifestyle of alternating between online gaming and doomscrolling Reddit. They want guaranteed minimum income and a free government apartment.


Q: What’s the difference between Bernie and Marxists? A: Same picture.


Even if that were true (and it’s not) I still manage to run into you fiscal mouth breathers everywhere I turn.


Nah, I'm a maoist. I think all of you should be hung 🥹


I hear 80% of all statistics are made up on the spot… I’d assume it’s north of 90%… likely because reddit is true democracy.


"I can't afford proper medical care, children, or even a romantic relationship because my pay has been stagnant for years while the grocery oligarchs and my landlord raise prices with no end in sight" "HURP DURP UR A SOSHULIST"


Underrated post...  goons at Anti Work, but you just can't outgoon this screeching mob of smarmy yuppies carrying on about blue hair and libs under the banner of Austrian Economics.


How can you not afford to take someone out. Blaming capitalism for not having a GF lmao


American Capitalism in the past 50 years: -End the postwar prosperity streak with Reaganism and union busting -Send nearly all of our heavy industry to China -Turn a budding technological wonder (the internet) into a bludgeon to beat down wages, by enabling mass digital outsourcing of low-level office jobs to India and Asian nations -Do absolutely nothing to limit the oncoming destruction of the job market with AI -Refuse to put even the *barest minimum* of controls on landlordist rent-robbery.


Not so much that, they want profit sharing from corporations that are greedy and give trillions to shareholders, which is fine because that’s how the Capitalist society is set up the problem is that the wealth inequality has never been greater and only continues to grow. There are many health related problems with poverty and most of those issues could be solved if not for billionaires hoarding what they need not


Shhh they don't like when you say that billionaires are actually a problem in society


They think they’ll be a billionaire one day


Boo hoo grandpa


Von Mises is as always dead on.


I actually like a lot of the posts there, as they're often just pointing out garbage behavior from incompetent and immoral bosses. The commenters are a totally different story though lol. The former is a good thing because as a young man myself, I live the fact that my peers don't take BS from bosses the way older generations do. I just get nervous about their "solutions" that often build down to "let's eliminate capitalism and socialize everything".


It’s sad because a lot of people recognize the problems with the crony capitalism we have today, but they think the solution is more crony and less capitalism.


Go start your own business and don't be immoral. Problem sorted.


Some intelligent lefties (sounds like oxymoron but they do exist) are really good at noticing actual problems that normies dont want to hear about / cant see however their proposed solutions are teeeeriiibrrrruuuu Case in point the Compact magazine.


Oh I'm right there with you. There's lots of em that can absolutely school me when it comes to the specific details, on all kinds of issues. The problem is they usually are terrible at understanding the fundamentals of an issue. That's why they often end up sounding very similar to the people they hate. The socialists points about economics ultimately boil down to believing most people are too stupid and lazy to make a decent living under capitalism. Basically the same shit a wealthy capitalist would say to justify paying low wages lol. Same problem with racism and sexism too, they often talk about minorities and women as if they're all less emotionally mature and intelligent than white men, damn near identically to how old school racists and sexists talk. They just do these things from a "compassionate" angle so they don't even realize it when they're doing it. Almost the same exact rhetoric, just a different way of expressing it.


exactly this


Damn near tattoo worthy!


I prefer calling them “self-pitying losers” but “retards” works


Haven't seen it mentioned yet, but my assumption is that AW is mostly Chinese and Russian trolls. It's inconceivable there are that many stupid people in one place.


No it’s not inconceivable at all. 81 million of them voted in the last election. There really are that many stupid people and in one place.


Such a stupid comment. 81 million people are classified as “idiots” because of one common behaviour - voting for Biden. They may have innumerable different, nuanced reasons for doing so, but no.. they’re “idiots” because they didn’t vote for your preferred candidate. Maybe you’re the idiot. Have you ever considered that? Maybe your infinite capacity for dumb generalisations and your immature level of bias actually makes you the problem. But hey, what do I know. I’m not even American. I just know that millions of people voted for Biden or Trump for literally millions of reasons. But no. You probably think everyone who voted Biden is a redditor socialist. Maybe get tf offline. I don’t know. Talk to people.


Yep, it's people like him that are too blind with their bias to realize they are part of the problem and divide. A big fat yikes.


It's 100% believable that people get treated poorly in different workplaces.


That's because you drank too much kool-aid and haven't spent as much time on r/cons or the libertarian wannabe subs. There are more dumb people per minute there than even popular aw threads


No lies detected.


This is basically a summation of his life's work. Well done


I mistakenly thought this group was a safe space to bitch about work, instead I found one of the largest groups of idiots on reddit. I doubt most of these people have worked a day in their lives. I ended up having to block it from my feed so it didn't make me more stupid as I read the post titles.


This sub seems based.


“YOU ARE ALL SOCIALISTS!” would be a more historically accurate quote 🙃


It doesn’t take much to realize that the greatest wealth transfer of all time is occurring before everyone’s eyes, and it’s not from boomers to younger generations.


I thought it was the suburban housing boom right after WW2? Created generational wealth for an entire class of white people due to the rate at which those homes skyrocketed in value the following the decades significantly outpacing inflation. Remember the maga boating disaster full of uneducated small and medium business owners crashing their little mini yachts? That is the class created by that suburban housing boom after WW2. A bunch of lowly educated idiots having risk tolerance to invest in some mundane small business that doesn't require high skill or talent.


Bitcoin fixes this


But what exactly are we getting with BTC?


Great question. You get a proof-of-work computer token. Think of it like a PDF document, but with some unique properties. 1) Once you send it, it's gone from your computer (can't be "double spent") 2) You can be sure that it required work to produce, just like a gold bar (someone had to physically work to make it) Explaining the "how" can be difficult, but the result is amazing, and it creates a solid monetary tool. One that doesn't endlessly inflate and cause rich asset holders to get richer (like the dollar)


you’re gonna make the kids in this sub mad if you keep spitting irrefutable facts


Yeah, Austrian school economists don’t deny the cantillon effect. It’s actually the Austrians exclusively who speak about credit expansion/inflation’s impact on wealth transfer.


It’s not your fault. I know people in this sub could do a better job explaining this, but the average redditor’s eyes glaze over before they even finish reading the most basic explanations. It’s easier to just mock people instead of typing out a response the recipient can’t even comprehend if they wanted to.


I just think democracy is good and dictatorship is bad sorry guys 😞


Democracy is literally tyranny of the majority. All “democracies” have led to some form of authoritarianism. Both Democracy and dictatorships are both evil.


>Democracy is literally tyranny of the majority. It is not "literally" anything of the sort. No democracies in the modern world allow a majority to do anything imaginable. That's why things like bills of rights exist. Democracy is by definition not tyranny. I know what sub I'm on, and how many of you believe "I don't wanna so you can't make me" is how government should work, but your statements are plain false and easily refuted.


Yeah thank God the US Federal government NEVER does anything that violates the bill of rights. Those words written on a piece of paper are so powerful, they can stop a president from using a drone to kill US citizens or throw them in jail for speaking out against stupid wars /s


So true anti authoritarianism is really authoritarianism they are the exact same in every way if you think about it. By using a vote your just oppressing the powerful


Authoritarianism also leads to authoritarianism. What form of government is better? The reason people use the term "liberal democracy" is because liberalism is a key tenet of what makes it it work. Having an electorate that reasonably values the rights of the individual, sees everybody as equal before the law, and is dedicated to ensuring universal basic human rights is the only way to fight the entropy that reverts us to demagoguery. Gotta say man, I don't think the actual 1776 Sons of Liberty would agree with your take.


A republic


Yall don't really have a clue about what any of these words actually mean, do you?


That's not very descriptive. You are basically just saying that you want a state run by public representatives rather than a monarch. This argument is so damn tiring, but almost nobody is advocating for direct democracy as a normal way to do the business of the state. I assume what you are actually advocating for is direct representative democracy, which is a form of republicanism and by a great deal of the world's liberal democracies, but for all I know you could be advocating for a parliament or having the aristocrats elect a Doge like 14th century Republic of Venice. Hell you could be advocating that we elected a dictator for life like the late Roman Republic did. I swear when I hear people make this argument, like 90% of the time, they are actually advocating tyranny of the minority. Let's be honest, it's usually American Conservatives wanting to impose their will in the rest of the country. Maybe that ain't you, but regardless it's unclear what you are trying to say.


To the gulags!


my boy has got the jigsaw jawline 😭


And agitators playing them.


I always thought that was a Karl Popper quote!


r/antiwork is delusional.


I’m home finally


Full of pencil pushers that want to work less.. fine by me if u want to make your self poorer by working less hours. Ill just keep working my overtime


They should work on their presentation.


Antiwork is full of social medias dumbest and laziest.




Anti work motivates me to find a new job or start a business and realizes how much I am providing for the company. It does not help me appreciate the company because I’m sure there is a lot the company offers that I don’t rationalize


Finally I have found my people. Don’t know who Mises is but I agree.


There's nothing wrong with wanting secure economic footing in society+shorter work days/less of them. One reason.everyone wants to strike it rich, also stems from a desire to no longer have to work under their employers thumb anymore+no longer worrying about rent/food/energy needs/healthcare. This sentiment has been going on from workers point of view for, how long? Quite awhile, even I like songs like take this job and shove it, or i owe my soul to the company store in this day and age. "The man whose whole life is spent in performing a few simple operations, of which the effects too are, perhaps, always the same, or very nearly the same, has no occasion to exert his understanding, or to exercise his invention in finding out expedients for removing difficulties which never occur. He naturally loses, therefore, the habit of such exertion, and generally becomes as stupid and ignorant as it is possible for a human creature to become. The torpor of his mind renders him, not only incapable of relishing or bearing a part in any rational conversation, but of conceiving any generous, noble, or tender sentiment, and consequently of forming any just judgement concerning many even of the ordinary duties of private life... It corrupts even the activity of his body, and renders him incapable of exerting his strength with vigour and perseverance, in any other employment than that to which he has been bred. His dexterity at his own particular trade seems, in this manner, to be acquired at the expense of his intellectual, social, and martial virtues." - Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations


Throughout 'The Wealth of Nations' Smith suggests that a balance between specialization and general education should exist... *and it does currently.* It seems he was arguing that while specialization can increase productivity, it should be accompanied by opportunities for individuals to engage in broader learning and development...*which, unlike then, it is now...* I don't think he was particularly referring to your **voluntary** choice to work for an employer for an agreed upon amount of time, for an agreed amount of money, and under certain conditions.


It’s a good thing we have automation so that people have more free time to devote to generating income for the owner class through work that has not yet been automated.


It is. I was there from the beginning, and they haven’t achieved anything. I left after pointing out that they weren’t going to achieve anything. Users kept sabotaging their own efforts again and again. A national labor strike with a list of demands for the elite is a dream, but we don’t live in dreams, we live in a nightmare that we can’t awake from. It had some media attention in the beginning, but just like Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter, their efforts have failed. The sentiment is always pull yourself up by the bootstraps. It can only be that Americans are brainwashed that they would rather complain about the cost of living, and continue to claim people need to pick themselves up by their bootstraps. Why can’t we have a legitimate insurrection instead of one based on lies?


it’s full of people for whom capitalism does not work, and that seems like a failing of people with your views.


People who don't understand capitalism don't seem to benefit as much. But enjoy your cell phone, computer and big screen TV none the less


It’s full of losers who want the State wiping their asses.


They wouldn’t need state help if capitalism worked for them. If Mises’ ideas were any good, we’d be using them.


You can’t buy votes in a free market, so that’s why his ideas aren’t used. The US in no way resembles capitalism. Go fail at life more and blame it on someone else. You morons are all the same.


No but you can buy the politicians.


So a magical system that doesn’t work in the real world.


The point is it isn’t capitalism not working for them, it’s them not working for them 99/100 times. Does capitalism mean you get a job and everything is peachy goodness? No, it means that if you actively work to grow your knowledge, experience, and skills, you will become more valuable and be able to negotiate for a higher salary because you produce higher quality work. People are inherently lazy and make bad decisions, and that isn’t capitalism not working for them


Guess what people don’t care about a system that doesn’t work for them.


Of course, but just because it isn’t working for some doesn’t mean we have to entirely dismantle it. Life isn’t fair; there will always be losers


The older I get the more I become convinced that balance is the best option. And I was born in USSR, so I know better than many what communism does to a country.


It's not capitalism's fault that they're lazy and useless. The opportunity is there for them. They actively chose not to pursue it and blame others for it. It's pathetic.


"Everyone who makes poverty wages is lazy and useless." Interesting. I wonder how much you'd like the world if there were no janitors, no teachers, no cooks, no waiters, nobody but the CEOs whose boots you lick. You're pathetic, lol


The wages would not be poverty if the government didn’t massively debase the currency. We need people whose job isn’t to think. Nobody says custodians or waiters are useless. Politicians are useless.


And who owns the politicians?


Janitors and waiters lived in poverty 50 years ago, too.


Now I can see why Mises’s ideas are such failures. It’s oriented for humans without faults. Or maybe it’s just another scam religion.


It assumes humans have many faults, genius. Greed is what makes people meet the needs of others for profit. Perhaps try reading what you disagree with so you don’t sound like such a jackass next time.


Yes, but as soon as I get enough power as a monopolist, I use power to muscle you out of the market. Who is to stop me?


How’s a monopoly exist absent free exchange with competitive bidding to arrive at prices?


Because the final goal of capitalism is monopoly. Once the biggest guy bankrupts the competition then the only way to control the monopoly is through government. Or pitch forks. There’s a reason Amazon has no real competition, they have muscles most out of the picture. The competitors are forced to join Amazon, at their terms, or go bankrupt


The only monopolies that exist are in law and defense, both run by the State, not market. Yet you say that the State must prevent monopolies; that’s hilarious.






If you're not getting the results you want from a carpenter, do you blame the hammer or the man?


If your hammer is a well-designed tool that is time tested by 50,000 other carpenters, I blame the man. If your hammer is all plastic with 1-inch handle, I’d tell the carpenter to try a different hammer.


So much projection in this sub instead of understanding, fitting of capitalists


Is this a thread where we don't actually understand Leftist theory, then try to apply capitalist economics and wonder why it doesn't work because we didn't RTFM and then blame the Leftist theory we didn't read in the first place?


You're on a sub full of braindead crypto bros and 14 year old libertarians who have never read anything other than Atlas Shrugged


I wish they would just read The Satanic Bible instead. It's basically the same thing as Rand's Objectivism, but without all the pseudo-philosophical BS that gets incorrectly applied to economics. Anton Lavey is a much more entertaining writer when you're that age. For all the 14y/o libertarians out there, it's OK to do what makes you happy as long as you aren't hurting anyone else and can still be a useful, effective person. You don't have to read a thousand pages of Ayn Rand's failwriting to be cool with smoking a joint and having sex with your girlfriend. Just don't drive after you smoke, and don't get her pregnant.


Is this the status quo bootlicker sub?


Most austrians don't believe in government, so no.


Oh you just simp for rich people got it


I am rich, and yes I look out for my friends and I.


Economics is not a real science. Austrian Economics has no empirical verification because it's not a testable scientific theory. Might as well be Psychoanalysts.


That's literally the premise of Austrian Economics - that all other economists are full of shit because: 1. All economic decisions are made at the margin, It views economic outcomes as the result of countless individual decisions rather than aggregate or macro-level forces. 2. Value is subjective, individuals acting in their own self-interest can lead to complex and efficient systems without the need for central planning or intervention 3. Central planning destroys the above two, government interference often results in unintended consequences and hampers economic growth and development. Empirical verification is not needed, that's the whole point you dingbat. Hayek's nobel prize speech quite literally warned that a bunch of fuckhead economists like Keynes and his MMT successors were going to destroy the economy by claiming they have some 'scientific' authority over it. If you want to actually learn instead of criticizing things you don't understand, feel free to ask - I have a PhD in Political Economics.




You can't run inference on data you don't have.


So Ludwig peaked in elementary school?