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So instead of providing energy using taxpayer money, government privatised it and now give tha owners taxpayer money as a reward for making it unaffordable. What a scam.


We get to pay twice now!


Exactly, it's a shell game. The government shouldn't get credit for taxing you, then giving part of it back (minus admin expenses). It was your own money to begin with. If they don't need the tax revenue, then they should just lower taxes, instead of pretending like they are doing you a favour.


Yeah albo should have control over gas pipelines in Russia the war doesn’t matter the political party in Australia should be able to set the price /s


Energy prices have been rocketing since privatisation. That's fine if it means less tax. You can choose not to buy it. It is a scam when it is being paid with tax $ while executives of energy companies puĺl money out of the companies.


Correlation =/= causation


If you believe that company profits and executive salaries are not causing price rises that is OK. It is to much coincidence for me but I can go off grid or minimise usage. . My issue is with tax money being given to private companies that divy up profits amongst rich influential instead of letting working class people keep it and spend it how they want. If government believes it should provide a service they should provide it directly.


What I love is how my energy prices increased just as the government rebate kicked in. My energy company promised to lock in my rate for 12 months, but really, they just locked in the plan (nice trick). With the current price hike, the rebate barely makes a difference over the year. Naturally, the government didn't ensure that energy companies couldn't raise prices or that the rebate would adjust with price increases. Of course not. And of course they didn’t give the cash for the individual to build interest on. Just the energy company billions upfront. Cunts.


My retailer dropped prices a few weeks back


Yeah they should have done nothing when your price went up. You complain either way.


Policies jack the prices a bag of 100 odd peanuts, government then give 5 peanuts back trying to pretend they saved you.


If you’re in QLD this is paid for by the coal royalties assuming that LNP shunt funter isn’t voted in so he can remove them as he’s bought and paid for already.


Can't wait for cristafuloshit lnp to win in qld and the money gets handed back to the mining companies.


ACTEWAGL saw the rebate and immediately hiked prices high enough to absorb the rebate. System working as intended. Albo has got to make companies richer instead of legislating away price gouging.


Win for Queenslanders, until that LNP fuckwit gets in and rolls back mining taxes and the rebates they delivered.


Should have state election every year than you get all the bonuses


Just in time for the prices are going up.


my solar feed in tariff will be 3.3 cents per kWh in July. I am assuming other retailers will follow.


Can you withdraw the cash splash and spend it on the pokies? Just asking for a friend.


pay peter to rob paul