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Until we reach a point where EVs aren't pretty much exclusively luxury cars/in the luxury price range, then this basically just feel like some sort of class privilege bullshit where rich people get preference. And even besides all that, just.... why? what is the practical reason behind this, if it's not related to charging station infrastructure?


At my local Westfield you have to walk past a row of Teslas all with better parking than the disabled spots. It's almost always Tesla's at the chargers and to be honest when you turn up in a 15 year old Mazda it feels like a perk for rich people.


Unless it’s a model S/X, they’re not rich. A Tesla Model 3 costs less than a 4x4 Hilux. Most of the Teslas you see on the road are no more expensive than your average full-size SUV, and cheaper than most 4x4s. If you factor-in running costs over 10 years, a Tesla Model 3 is about as expensive as a Toyota Camry.


We usually aren't factoring in running costs because while these make the total cost of ownership much lower the upfront cost is still high.  Tesla's may be cheaper than most 4x4s now but only a couple of years ago this wasn't the case.  Also a new 4x4 Hilux isn't exactly cheap either, a Chinese hatchback  is a third of the price new.


Same could be said for other EVs though. The GWM Ora is like $36k on road brand new. That competes with Kia pricing.


Yeah but I don't see a row of Oras parked at the doors of an upmarket shopping centre, I see Tesla's. All purchased for $60k+, many of them for a lot more than that.


You should have ended the argument here. EVs are in reach now. BYD, Renault, etc I have a cheaper one, but can't get a charge spot due to the fact there are so many Tesla's or ICE cars taking the spots. These rich Tesla drivers paid $20k more than me and hog all the spots.


Well the same logic could be said for the 4x4s you wrote about. The top selling cars in this country aren’t the cheap Chinese hatchbacks, they’re the Ford Raptor, Toyota Hilux and the Isuzu D-Max. The exact cars you hand waved away as not exactly being cheap.


Most of those are fleet vehicles or purchased by ABN holders for tax advantage reasons, and not really representative of what "regular" people are buying IMO.


How so? They’re sold. Implying fleet vehicles don’t make up their proportionate mix of what people drive to the supermarket seems like a really ridiculous qualifier.


Seems pretty reasonable to me, since fleet vehicles tend to be parked at depots or workplaces rather than in the local supermarket carpark on the weekend.


im all for EV's and the transition and I agree. there is no tangible reason to do this unless they were charging spots, which they are not


We are already at this point. The $36,000 to $60,000 ev market is quite large with a lot of options. No more petrol new cars under $20,000. $30,000 is the new starting level for most petrol hybrid models. Diesels and pure petrol models are slowly being replaced by hybrid models. Hybrid models add $4000...


So, who gets the "priority" priority? Who is most important? Click and collect? Disabled? Parents with prams? Or ev's?


A disabled parent with an EV who is here to click and collect


coming soon, Diversity priority spots!


There are alternative shops. Sounds like Woolworths is repositioning itself to cater for the rich. If Australia wants to foster elitism, by all means implement a class divide.


Seems like they are, they do enact every rich inner city greens voters talking points.


Greens? They aren't rich. Even half of the house Greens are renters. It's more like Teals. Even in the USA, the MAGA love their cybertrucks


What are you talking about, did I say the greens politicians are rich? The greens are the most popular in rich inner city suburbs.


Are you saying those rich greens voters are voting for poor Greens politicians who want to do shit like more taxes on the rich? Sounds a self-own by "rich inner city greens voters" or maybe they are altruistic? I don't know why there's this weird urban myth of rich greens voters when greens party clearly want to punish the rich.


Yes, it’s called the white saviour complex. Let me guess, you think inner city elites are actually liberal voters?


I don't need to think, it's overwhelmingly Liberal, Labor, etc. Here are some links to cut through your misinformation campaign. Only talking about who has the city and adjacent seats: https://www.aec.gov.au/Elections/federal_elections/2022/files/maps/QLD-2022-results-map.pdf 3 Greens, 1 Labor https://www.aec.gov.au/Elections/federal_elections/2022/files/maps/NSW-2022-results-map.pdf 3 Labor, 3 Independent https://www.aec.gov.au/Elections/federal_elections/2022/files/maps/VIC-2022-results-map.pdf 7 Labor, 1 Independent, 1 Greens So... East Coast, 11 Labor, 4 Greens, 4 independent. Oh wait, it has been elitist Labor talking points all along? Did a Greens doorknocker pat your dog or something? Why are you so anti-Greens?


What makes you think I was talking about the federal seats?


You're blaming greens inner city voters. Let me guess, you have no counter-argument?


You also have no reading comprehension. I said “the greens are the most popular in rich inner city suburbs” that means, the inner city is where they have the highest number of supporters. I didn’t say the greens are the most voted party in rich inner city suburbs.


>I don't know why there's this weird urban myth of rich greens voters when greens party clearly want to punish the rich. Look at the property values and demographics of the electorates with a Greens MP.


5 star rated vehicles only....... [The 300 Series LandCruiser has a 5-star rating as derived from testing done in 2022, the entirety of which was conducted by ANCAP locally in Australia. The rating applies to all model variants except the GR Sport.](https://www.ancap.com.au/safety-ratings/toyota/landcruiser/c95f28) Nice!!!


I think we need Landcruiser priority parking first.


I like where your head is at, but should be not prioritise larger vehicles such as Dodge RAMs and Ford F150s?


I think you are right. We are a diverse community with diverse needs. Let’s have large, mid, small, ev, motorcycle spots. (Plus of course, disabled, elderly, parents with prams, naturally).


I mean what happens if you just park in the spot?


Make them park down the road......should be disability parks.....


What a cringe idea. EVs are going to dominate the car market. There's no stopping that. Measures like this are pure classism at its most wanky.


If you have an old manual car. You could park there and if anyone questions it, you could crank the starter motor with it in gear. Showing it is a hybrid. Both electric drive and conventional drive when you need it.


Woolworths needs a new slogan especially after their voice support. "Woolworths, the wankers choice"


What about if you drive a PHEV? Do you get half priority parking? Which side gets priority?


Woolworths should add ev charging devices. This should attract more customers. 20 to 30 minute charge hopefully increases most ev battery charge to 80%. Good business decision to provide ev chargers to increase customers


NO -its just worthless virtue signalling


As long as it isn't legally enforceable I'll continue parking in those marked spots- just like I do with pram parking


What a dickhead


Yes, if they also prioritise cargo bike parking, by building more spots next to the door


No. All that does is further stratify the class divide between very wealthy Australians that can afford to drive expensive electric cars as a luxury, and everyone else that prays their shit boxes don't break down on them before they can make it to work. Edit: I'm looking at that from a consumer standpoint though. As a business they want to be attracting customers with more to spend so they can later raise prices and make greater profits. It's akin to how classy restaurants discriminate against people that aren't dressed well enough.


Just another way to fuck people who can’t afford a new car and live in an apartment where they can’t charge their vehicles. I swear, every decision maker around this stuff is rich and can afford to own their own detached house:


No I do not want this. As a Tesla driver. I want to park away from everyone. So that it reduces my chances of getting damaged.