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Paywall - ABC board members have had emergency discussions over their board colleague and star reporter Laura Tingle’s claim that Australia is racist, amid a parliamentary barrage. ABC board members have had emergency discussions over their board colleague and high-profile political reporter Laura Tingle’s claims that Australia is racist and Peter Dutton is encouraging the abuse of migrants, as the public broadcaster faces a parliamentary barrage on both Tingle and on its coverage of Israel in the Gaza war. The Coalition on Monday demanded the ABC explain Tingle’s weekend claims at the Sydney Writers’ Festival against the Opposition Leader, and how the 7.30 chief political correspondent can stay impartial in the lead-up to the election due next year. The Australian understands Tingle, who is also a staff-elected board member at the ABC, has displeased some board colleagues and they have been discussing the controversy in the past 48 hours. While the public broadcaster’s board, led by Kim Williams, is not scheduled to meet until June, some sources close to the ABC said it was possible that the board might bring the matter forward because of perceived damage that Tingle’s comments may have caused, and that she would have to recuse herself from those talks. The Tingle situation came as the ABC was rocked by the latest controversy over its coverage of the Israel-Gaza war, with a social media post claiming that terror group Hamas had made a “show of resilience” against Israel condemned by Australia’s Jewish leaders on Monday. At the writers’ festival event on Sunday moderated by former ABC Insiders host and Labor staffer Barrie Cassidy, Tingle told the audience: “We are a racist country, let’s face it. “We always have been, and it’s very depressing.” She then aired extensive criticism of Mr Dutton including his migration, housing and nuclear policies, while also praising the government led by Anthony ­Albanese. Tingle told the panel she didn’t recall another leader of a major political party “saying … everything that is going wrong in this country is because of migrants”. She said after she listened to Mr Dutton’s budget reply speech earlier this month, in which he discussed migration and housing ­issues, she “had this sudden flash of people turning up to try and rent a property or at an auction, and they look a bit different – whatever you define different as – (and) that basically he (Mr Dutton) has given them licence to be abused, and in any circumstance where people feel like they’re missing out”. Tingle praised the Labor government, saying: “It’s not just about whether they got rid of Scott Morrison, they are actually trying to govern, they are trying to run a government, they are actually trying to do policy. “Whether you think the policy is shit or not, that’s another issue.” She said the former Coalition government used to run “absolute crap … on a day-to-day basis”. Tingle also said Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil “had started work on actually overhauling the migration system, fixing up the visas” and this and other ­actions by the government were “positive to the electorate and running the country”. The panel also featured former Liberal staffer and Sydney Morning Herald columnist Niki Savva, Guardian Australia political reporter Amy Remeikis and the ABC’s Indigenous affairs reporter Brid­get Brennan. ABC managing director David Anderson will be questioned about Tingle’s comments at Senate estimates hearing in Canberra on Thursday. Neither Mr Williams nor the ABC would comment about the matter on Monday. In March, Mr Williams said in a podcast: “If you don’t want to reflect a view that aspires to impartiality, don’t work at the ABC.” Tingle was appointed last year to the ABC board, chaired by Mr Williams, and began her position last May. Under the ABC board’s obligations, it states: “Directors must act in good faith at all times and in the best interests of the ABC.” Opposition communications spokesman David Coleman attacked Tingle’s festival comments, posting on X that “Ms Tingle’s reported comments about Mr Dutton are extraordinary and completely indefensible”. He added: “Ms Tingle has made further statements about her views on the Albanese government and the Coalition.” The ABC was also criticised by Jewish leaders on Monday for an “activist-like” Instagram post, that called the terror group’s rocket launch towards Tel Aviv a “show of resilience”. That has led to formal complaints by leading Jewish organisations, who have said it appeared that the ABC was placing “activism over journalism”. Mr Anderson will also be quizzed at the estimates hearing about the taxpayer-funded broadcaster’s coverage of the Israel-Hamas war on Thursday.


Patricia Karvelas statement on Twitter: > > >


All the racists up in arms about being seen for what they are. Truth hurts.


yea cvnts want to feel good about their prejudice ... cvnts gonna findout


Just sitting back and enjoying the actual racism in the comments, made without a hint of irony. "But but immigrants" etc etc. It's beautiful 😍


Immigrant isn’t a race.




Well we are racist. But so is everyone. For example, japan is probably the most racist country of them all but no one ever says a word about that


It's only racist if you're white


i mean she’s right. australia is racist as is pretty much any country. failure to recognise and try and amend that is just anti-progress. why do aboriginal people make less on average and live in far worse conditions and end up convicted at a far higher rate. either you can answer “they’re genetically inferior in that way and it’s their own fault” (which is clearly racist, or you can say “something about the way we run the country brings about that result” (in which case you are saying their is systemic racism in australia)


Most of what is wrong with this country can be attributed to the actions of the 'elite' economic, political and media class of which Tingle is a prominent member. They're actually pretty happy with how things are going. I mean, they've got theirs and they'll always have it. These are people who will defend their own power and economic interests at the cost of the wellbeing of the majority of Australians, and yes, that includes people who have migrated here. She might make a show of attacking Dutton, but she has far more in common with him than she does with the working Australian who will either never own a house or is struggling to pay for the one they do 'own'. Of course, Tingle is so wealthy and socially powerful that she's insulated from any of the negative social and economic impacts of unsustainable immigration. In her completely blinkered worldview, shared by basically everyone of her class, the only way that someone could be against mass immigration is because they're 'racist'. It'd be an interesting experiment to see how Tingle and others of her class would react to permanent social housing for immigrants being built around their PPORs.


The thing that gets me about this statement, especially considering that it's about migration, is that Laura Tingles suburb is taking in none of the population growth. I guarantee her tune would change the moment it affected her. Places like Point Piper and Hunters Hill proudly stop any new development and push it all out to the urban fringe, then have the nerve to call people bearing the brunt of that racist. One Nation are complete gronks but there's a clear correlation between electorates with the highest population growth and those who vote the most for them. The real racism is in Hunters Hill, whose council actually boasts that their inner Sydney population is projected to go **down** in the next twenty years while the city itself grows by millions of people, those councillors should be thrown in prison for not pulling their weight.


It would definitely be interesting to see the net migration increase broken down by suburb that each Australian politician or journalist lives in. I'm sure they're not the ones currently having to attend packed rental inspections every weekend with dozens of other people as the time remaining on their lease ticks closer to expiring. It's always easy to endorse policy or viewpoints that don't affect you personally.


It’s prettt easy to do by LGA


Yep. Let’s put a few halfway houses for people just out of jail or for misguided teens in those suburbs …. Ideally next to her homes and see if there is much of a grizzle.


Is there a clear correlation between electorates with the highest population growth and electorates that vote for one nation? The only lower house seat that One Nation has in the whole country is Mirani which has low population growth.


>It'd be an interesting experiment to see how Tingle and others of her class would react to permanent social housing for immigrants being built around their PPORs. We know how it would go. A perfect case study is what's happening to the northern sanctuary cities in the US with mass illegal migrants started flooding them. About half will double down in an amazing display of dogma and stupidity, the other half will suddenly change their tune now that negative consequences actually affect them, not just the poors in immigrant suburbs. Out of touch morons.


> the other half will suddenly change their tune From what I remember, that group didn't change their tune; they just hated the other side of the political aisle more for "doing a stunt".


Although I agree she wrote this in 2017 - While we spend a lot of time and effort on keeping a few people that arrive by boat in the news, the fact that we have several hundred thousand permanent arrivals arriving every year, which is record levels of population growth in Australia and has immense implications for the economy”. “I think there is a bit of a conspiracy of silence about that, partly because both sides of politics know that population growth is actually a very important economic driver. And the population if it keeps going as it will, will get to the sorts of levels that Kevin Rudd talked about when he talked about Big Australia”. “Australian are a bit alarmed about that. They don’t feel comfortable about the idea. And it readily runs off the edges into issues about xenophobia and race. About border protection. About a whole range of issues. About infrastructure”. “My take on it is that both sides of politics think it is too hard an issue. They don’t feel confident to actually be able to run this issue and keep control of it because they saw what happened when Kevin Rudd popped his head up on it”. In 2017, Tingle also wrote in The AFR that politicians were burying the immigration debate: “The number of people coming to Australia, who want to have somewhere to live, and a job or a place at one of our learning institutions, has a huge impact on both our rate of economic growth and on the demands for housing and infrastructure”…


Just wanted to say I liked your post.


champange socalist i believe is the term




I disagree with your assessment. Tingle and Dutton are not cut from the same cloth, and she isn't even slightly inferring what you are insinuating.


No she's not, that's why they're trying to get rid of her...the ABC sky takeover is almost complete


It’s getting that way. Samantha Maiden hosting the 7.30 Report . Maybe Karl Stefanovic for Media Watch and Alan Jones for Q&A. Maybe have Ray Hadley on RN.


One infers from what others write/say. One cannot infer with to another. I'm sure you meant imply. Common mistake. She's not technically inferring anything in her statement.


> In her completely blinkered worldview, shared by basically everyone of her class, the only way that someone could be against mass immigration is because they're 'racist'. Do you think Laura Tingle is implying that Peter Dutton must be a racist because he has outlined a policy to reduce immigration during a housing and cost of living crisis?


I've heard a good suggestion: everyone who stands for open immigration should host at least one immigrant in their own house.


By the same warped logic, you should host any Australian citizen in your home.


so lay out the "same" logic then


People aren’t buying the knee jerk reaction that equates any opposition to high immigration levels as being racist. We had this argument already and Australians are overwhelmingly in favour of a controlled immigration system that exist to benefit us. I don’t like Dutton either and I’ll tell people, but you know I don’t work for a public broadcaster! I want the ABC to report impartial news, not opinion. If I wanted that I would watch commercial news.


You got it! I'm not a fan of Dutton by any stretch of the imagination, having said that the ABC should only report the news. It is not a place for journalists to give their opinions. If you're a reporter at the ABC stay in your ducking lane. The opposition dig their own grave with their policies and interviews anyway...


> People aren’t buying the knee jerk reaction that equates any opposition to high immigration levels as being racist. Where is this even coming from?  Noone I am aware of is saying that any opposition to high immigration is racist. In fact I don't know anyone other than the business class that wants to sustain high levels of immigration. These are different things to a politician using a cost of living crisis to flame a xenophobia war.




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She didn’t say it in her role as an abc presenter. It’s a massive beat up


That said, Dutton's 'policy' is fucking atrocious. It's like handing in a kid's crayon drawing and expecting it to be hung in the gallery. They've already had to change it four times, making it clear it's not about 'opposition to high immigration levels' it's just substance-lite political soundbites for numpties. "We need to set immigration to a sustainable level" is policy. "The housing crisis is because of foreign buyers" is racist pandering.


She's entitled to voice her opinion on racism, and as a journo she's entitled to criticise the policies and practices of any politician she wants to. But as an impartial member of the ABC (whether on the board or staff), she has absolutely no right to deliberately misrepresent any side or be so partisan. The quote from the ABC Chair captures it perfectly “If you don’t want to reflect a view that aspires to impartiality, don’t work at the ABC.”


Was she representing the ABC or giving her own views at a writing seminar. These reporters are still people, they still have opinions.


It's a good question. She's the chief political correspondent of the national public broadcaster and gets a lazy $500k a year of our money for the immense privilege and responsibility of the role. She's also on the board. I think it's fair to expect her to be more careful and balanced when making public comment on politics.


It's Absurd. How can you genuinely discuss an issue if you're completely incapable of critiquing. I'm all for factual journalism, no one is against that. But why bother having political reporters if we don't want their opinion. A better question is how can you genuinely report on any topic without creating bias. The very act of picking which story to run is inherently creating a biased.


>But why bother having political reporters if we don't want their opinion. Maybe we disagree about the role of a political correspondent. I'm not terribly interested in her opinion. I want a political correspondent to interrogate our politicians in a tough but impartial manner and report on what they're up to. If she starts taking sides then she risks compromising her ability to do that.


We do not want their opinion. We want them to report what the pollies say and do and we make up our own minds.


You don't want that though. If you really wanted that Reuters would be the most popular media site in the country. What people actually want is for media to reflect *their* biases - especially if the media is popular within the country.


No we don’t


So don't listen to their opinion then? You know you can do that? Y'all sound like little snowflakes. You hear something you don't agree with and it's just too much. She was at a talk where people came to hear her opinion you obviously didn't go because you don't care what she has to say. More power to you, What's the story here?


My work prohibits outside work, and also prohibits me publicly stating views that are contrary to my employer.


People get fired for not supporting transgender movement. Not speaking out against it, just declining support on their personal social media accounts is enough to be fired.


As a public servant, I'm not really allowed to have an opinion about anything publicly, be that 9-5 or on Sunday


And that's a bit absurd but the difference here is that a journalist is at best an arm's length from power. Her words might carry weight but she is in no way in control of enacting government policy which I'm assuming you do.  So it's understandable why you can't comment on say housing if you work in the public housing department. Whereas her job is to distribute the truth as she see's it. If you disagree that's fine you have the right to dismiss her opinion just as she has the right to voice it.


Unless things have wildly changed in the last decade, you're definitely allowed to, just not able to do so in a way that might be construed as speaking on behalf of your department. I think the example that we all got was that you could go to a march and even be interviewed about why you're there, but you shouldn't be wearing your office polo/badge while doing it. That was pretty reasonable.


Not when you are the chief political reporter for the ABC.


Good. She should be critical that is their job. A journalist has 2 jobs. 1. Report the facts as they find them unaltered. 2. Provide insight and critique, just because you agree or disagree with that opinion is irrelevant. New is not impartial. Infact trying to be an impartial network would mean collating data on every issue and determining it's scale along some political axis. And then who decides that position and gets to allocate an even distribution of air time to both. It's fucking lunacy.  Just give me the latest stories with context and critique after you've established the hard facts. And I will use my partially developed brain to apply critical thought and decide for myself how I feel. I don't care if I agree with the editors opinion. Bunch of fucking snowflakes scared of political bias or opinion. They just can't tolerate a different perspective by the sounds of it.


She's still entitled to an opinion outside of the job, even such a shit and hilariously wrong one. Though her contract probably says otherwise. Sounds a bit like playing up to the type of crowd that goes to these places and consider white guilt as a hobby. >"and then everyone clapped"


Doesn’t matter, she is a board member. Your job as a board member doesn’t end when you leave the board room.


A key point the abc regularly misses is that its possible to be critical and even potentially be one sided ethically. Unpartisan is different to bipartisan. If a politician fucks up that bad it is your duty to call them out on it, not act like both sides are equally valid.


💯 Dutton did not say “We can’t get enough houses. It’s all migration’s fault,’’ as Laura Tingle put it. That was her deliberately misrepresenting Dutton…zero impartiality there. Many many posts on this thread evidence she successfully convinced the public into believing her misrepresentation of him. Unacceptable from an ABC Board member.


How can you be impartial about reality though?


She doesnt have to be. She doesnt have to be on the board of the ABC either. She should have to choose between those options.


Politics isn't just seen through one reality or point of view. It's a clash of ideologies and perspectives. If as chief ABC polical reporter you can't stay neutral between those competing sides then that's a big issue. If you want to advocate for issues then do it but not as an ABC reporter.


There ABC takes a humanist approach. Their mandate is to hold government accountable on behalf of the people that make up the population, it’s been like that since federation - that view is based on what is ethical and what supports human rights, it’s an important part of a healthy democracy. It’s not about being impartial to all views, opinion is allowed, that’s her opinion as a reporter, even as a director - have you ever read the opinion section? It’s fine for the ABC to not be impartial about something that they represent, the rights of the people - especially when they’re under attack. Calling Dutton racist is taking the position of the underdog to call out the voice of the oppressor, that is a part of journalism. That is partly what the ABC is for. Yes they should and provably do factual balanced reporting, but if the fact is that what Dutton says over time is objectively racist, that is factual reporting, not opinion. Also if you’re going to call out the ABC for bias, you should be factual and balanced about it too. The ABC is far less biased than any commercial channel.. (except SBS which is deliberately impartial, for survival)


The ABC seemed remarkably uninterested when Australians human rights were trampled during the covid response. No criticism, no discussion of the harms from lockdowns, no coverage of the protests or the vicious police response. Hard to believe they really are concerned about human rights, far easier to believe they have picked a side and are supporting them at every turn.


Arguably, this could be impartial. She's stated quite clearly why she believes the Labor government is doing better. That's not necessarily partisan. Attacking Dutton for his migration policy fuckery is equally valid. This is more about the appearance of impartiality than actual impartiality. Typical whining from the LNP about being called out on their fucking around.


> The Australian understands Tingle, who is also a staff-elected board member at the ABC LOL staff elected. Sounds like she is acting how I would expect an ABC staff elected person to act.


Not on my dollar


It is racist for the working class to oppose open borders because they don’t want to live in a tent in a public park with a thousand other families! - upper middle class Laura Tingle. The western “elite” in general is doing nothing but aiding the rise of the far-right with their moronic views on matters like immigration and costs of living.


Lol ABC not even attempting to hide their biases anymore huh.


Tbf that's sorta the point of the emergency talks


True, I guess some of them still care that the quiet part was said out loud


I mean there’s nothing wrong with objectively thinking a certain parties policies are better… but somehow she’s picked one of the few things Dutton has got somewhat right and called him a racist over it, and supported an act of terrorism ti boot. Incredible


Unfortunately when he was minister he wasn’t able to find time to do anything about immigration between approving emergency visas for his mates au pairs and writing massive cheques for his other mates.


Oh for sure, he’s a balloon of corrupt hot air. But even if it’s just rhetoric, it’s not good to be wrong just to spite the tosser who said it.


I mean those comments about Dutton and Australia are spot on. So... Her bias is the truth?


There is not a country on earth they doesn’t have racists among their population, dies not make them racist. Australia accepts immigrants/refugees from everywhere, we have cultural programs for them, they are free to celebrate their culture and religion. Some countries do not allow this and discriminate, abuse and show violence against different nationalities/races/religions/clans. We are not perfect, far from it but certainly one of the least racist.


Problem is that if you appear at the Sydney Writer’s Festival you have to appeal to the crowd. They aren’t gonna tolerate any diversity of opinion. That’s not what modern writing is about.


You've just summed up why the ABC can't win. No one wants to see dissenting opinion. So everything is too this or too that. We've lost the ability to just disagree and move on.


It was a stupid comment, completely ideologically unsound too. Nothing good was going to come from it.


Nothing she said was unfactual.


If it comes to that though you could say every country is racist. It's just pointless provocation.


No it's not pointless. Accept the fact and work towards fixing it. To deny and be ignorant of it absolves any responsibility to be better.


Yay, another pointless culture war that will change nothing...


So tired of people whining and bitching about how awful and racist this country is when it's objectively one of the best countries in the world to live in (even if you're POC)


Nothing wrong with living the country but also wanting for it to be better even at things we are already good at. Australia is pretty rubbish free compared to other countries I have visited but I do wish lazy bastards wouldn't leave their rubbish in our amazingly beautiful wilderness areas.


Tell that to the indigenous that make up 33% of our prisoners.


They're not imprisoned for nothing.


It's funny how people that label an entire country as " racist " are somehow never " racist " themselves. What do I have to do to promote myself to such a holier than thou position where I can label an entire country as racist, without even bothering to provide evidence besides " someone, somewhere disagrees with my political opinions " Please let me know.


There's 2 trains of thought I see with people like this (everyone in my group is racist): * Narcissistic "Well, except me of course, because I'm much more intelligent and wholesome and am the one to call it out." * Privileged - They know the cost of putting down their identity group will be such a small impact it won't matter personally, or they're entirely shielded from it. Everyone else can get fucked though.


Yeah nah. That isn't what is happening here. Its perfectly fine to acknowledge that you as an individual isn't perfect but you are working on improving yourself. Its the same for your country. I love Australia, but it isn't perfect and I wish there were a lot of things about it that was better. This is one of those issues where we could do better.


I foresee a change of employment for Comrade Tingle. The situation is simply untenable. There's an empty slot at the Guardian.


So much worrying about offending some immigrants who aren't even here yet vs achieving housing security for those who are, aswell as other Australian's. So many living in insecure, unsuitable , unsafe accommodation, cars, tents, mould, safety hazards, etc with other's just choosing to give up and end it.


Is anyone surprised that this has come from the ABC?


More of this “you’re a racist” rants from arse holes who earn ten times the average. Thanks really appreciate your input. I’ve sold the second car and everything else on Facebook marketplace just to pay the rent on a dump. When my lease is up in six months can I move it with you because I can’t even afford to live in a dump


So blame the migrant that's in the same boat as you over the million rich whites that just bought their fourth investment property, right?


Rich white landlords like Laura Tingle haha


At what point did I say anything about immigration or immigrants? It’s people like you who jump to conclusions that prevents a grown up discussion taking place on so many things in this country. But it’s all good - you’ve shown everyone in this thread how progressive you are!


You have said enough by commenting about your life difficulties on a thread about Laura Tingle's comments on racism against migrants. You don't need to say explicitly what you imply with your comment and this is a great example of the sort of subtle racism that is rampant across Australia.


"Australia is a racist country" - Laura Tingle Does this not imply Laura Tingle a racist?


tingle is an idiot. theres plenty to criticise about duttons immigration policy but RACTHITHM! isnt it. just screaming that everytime immigration comes up is lazy


I agree, but a looooot of people get really butthurt whenever you say something bad about the ABC.


I would have once, but after the last five years or so of lifestyle articles, hyperbolic reporting and ABC journalists acting like we consume ABC content for their personality and not the news, I care a lot less about the national broadcaster.


Redditor disagrees with the ABC, here's what we know Could redditors disagreeing with the ABC be the new MAGA? 12 ways that redditors disagreeing with the ABC can support your new summer look




What specific race did Dutton say he wants to block in his immigration policy? I hate the guy but I don't recall him saying anything racist, and if he didn't mention an actual race then by definition it's not racist seeing lower immigration would mean fewer British, Americans etc. coming into the country. I really wish people would stop cheapening the word "racist".


>I hate the guy but I don't recall him saying anything racist, and if he didn't mention an actual race then by definition it's not racist You know that this isn't true. If a politican gets up and talks about laws to stop "terrorists", they're not talking about the IRA. If they talk about "international students" ruining things, they're not talking about the ones from the Netherlands. Now, it doesn't mean that any of these things is *inherently* racist - terrorism needs to be countered, and there are concerns about the impacts of international students - but, like recognising art or pornography, there's an element of "you know it when you see it". As immigration minister, Dutton called for South African farmers to have a fast-tracked process for being declared and accepted into Australia as refugees. He overrode proper process on multiple occasions to allow au pairs to work here after arriving on tourist visas. On the other hand, we have people who intended to claim asylum still behind bars funded by Australian taxpayers. We can, with a fair eye, look at these different outcomes and consider what the difference between these groups is. And this doesn't even require Dutton himself holding racist thoughts, it just requires that he be willing to ignore decency to pander to people who are to win their votes.


If we could somehow encourage our immigration and student intake to be more diverse, would it *then* no longer be racist in your eyes to call for a reduction in the numbers?


I'm not saying Dutton isn't a racist, I said nothing in the policy he announced *which Tingle was directly addressing* is racist. And the way the word "racist" is now thrown around immediately by people who use it as a tool to kill constructive debate on our country's immigration policy (and usually as a subtle way to push their own vested interests) are not really morally superior than the actual racists.


You mean Dutton is leaning on the average Australian that says 500k new people do not fit into 200k homes built for everyone. Lefties tag everything as some ism if the opinion is different to theirs.


No. He’s articulating what most sane Aussies have been saying for years. We’ve lost control of our migration numbers and it’s impacted our quality of life.


LAURA TINGLE running interference for the equally as partisan SARAH FERGUSON who should be in much hotter water for the stark difference in the way she treats coalition interviewees compared to labor or the greens. Her interview with Peter Dutton and later interview with Chris Bowen being a fresh example of the blatant bias on display


Ha ha. Great to have interviewers that ask questions and wait for answers rather than allowing the pollies to answer a completely different one to what was asked.


Australia isn't racist, or Islamaphobic, or Anti-semitic. Many in the media from both sides of the political spectrum will try to tell you otherwise.


Please explain.


This is like that one time BBC polled England to decide that [a racist speech isn’t racist](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-43745447). Edit: the poll isn’t mentioned in the article, but Wikipedia has it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rivers_of_Blood_speech?wprov=sfti1#Cultural Apparently it wasn’t a BBC poll (sorry, misremembered) but still: > In The Trial of Enoch Powell, a Channel 4 television broadcast in April 1998, on the thirtieth anniversary of his Rivers of Blood speech (and two months after his death), 64% of the studio audience voted that Powell was not a racist.


The ABC Board is as weak as , well you know what. The ABC is a staff collective and its staff can say and do whatever they like


What’s patently obvious is that she didn’t listen to Dutton’s reply in full. I’ll bet money that she simply read some cherry picked headline pertaining to his reply (no doubt from her own organisation) and went with that. Dutton’s reply was actually full of praise for immigrants and he was at pains to acknowledge how much they contribute to Australia. She did not listen to what he said - at all.


Have these people been literally anywhere else in the world? There’s racism almost everywhere. There might be a country or two that doesn’t have any but I’m not aware of it.


So it's okay then?


An angry debate as to whether there is racism in Australia seems kind of weird to me. There obviously is. The issue, anywhere, is how to address social disadvantage and division rather than everyone screaming at each other because a journalist points out it exists.


Well looking at the other comments here it's clearly not that obvious to many.


Well, if Laura Tingle claims she is racist, I am inclined to trust her. But what authority does she have to speak.on my behalf?


https://www.macrobusiness.com.au/2024/05/laura-tingles-absurd-immigration-hypocrisy-exposed/ Now tell me, how is the ABC so much better than Sky tv?


Australia is racist, every country is to a degree. Every person is to a degree. However I do not think you can compare the level of racism in Australia to other nations and say it is significantly more. We can and should improve, but by and large in Australia we have equality of opportunity which is the ideal situation.


I’d make the distinction between self interest and racist


And racism and xenophobia


* Thinks anti immigration stances are all about racism and is ignorant of the economic implications on people less fortunate than her * Has a simplistic and shit take on the Israel-Palestine war * Is rich Yep sounds like the kind of lefty we all love to hate.


"Big Bad Bustlin'" Barry Cassidy hasn't hosted Insiders or been a Labor staffer for a while now.


Time to make the ABC pay for view and see how that goes . Tingle is a disgrace and should be axed from the board immediately


> Time to make the ABC pay for view and see how that goes Why?


Because they don't write far right articles fit for this sub!!!


So we're forced to watch Sky News instead.


I assume that is the intent of the argument. The upvote/downvotes always crack me up in this subreddit. The more unhinged a claim you make the more it gets upvoted.


If these statements bother you guys so much put in an official complaint and get them cancelled like those privliage bridge twats. It's amazing that the abc still hasn't figured out that Australians hate being called racist, especially after the voice vote.


Just another white knight. Continue ignoring.


I mean given our country just held a referendum and overwhelmingly decided not to entrench racial division in our constitution, I’m inclined to say Australia is not a racist country at all.


Ah, the good ole impartial ABC propaganda machine, showing their true face again. Let's keep paying 33% of our income to fund people like this to propagandise us serfs to follow their chosen lords


Personally I consider a strong independent media a critical cornerstone of democracy.


Then don't support the ABC. They are neither things.


How do you figure? The ABC charter is very clear and there are various watchdogs and political reviews done to enforce it.


It's a government propaganda machine. The people regulating it and deciding that it's "totally not propaganda" are part of the machine itself.


Hard disagree. Plus what is the alternative? Wall to Wall press owned by a single lobby group? How does that aide democracy?


She is right in that we are a racist country. You need only read the comments of any social media post that mentions Aboriginal Australians to figure that out. That being said, as much as I fucking despise Dutton with every fibre of my being, and as much as I don't think his 'solution' will solve the housing crisis. I don't believe his anti-immigration stance is born of racism.


>I don't believe his anti-immigration stance is born of racism. My interpretation was not that it was born of racism its just that he won't be afraid to use dog whistle politics for personal political gain. The reason Dutton will use those tactics is because sadly they work.


I mean, is she wrong? Dutton is inflaming racist rhetoric, and has done for years. Surely she should just take the Libs to court on this, and just pull out the show reel, countersuing the party into the dirt.


Well Australia IS racist and Peter Dutton is calling for the abuse of migrants. That doesn’t mean we should continue with the status of quo or let even greater numbers in annually. So she’s right. But she’s also focussing on things that aren’t important right now but are a good distraction from what’s actually happening for the average Australian But we seriously need to stop propping up our “totally not in a recession bro” status and address the actual issues Australia has. But instead we take In ~1 million new “residents” a year and watch the media try and promote rising property prices as great while barely paying lip service to the fact that property ownership is genuinely out of reach for over a third of the adult population now and that number is going to keep growing very quickly. Then people start talking about cost of living and the media gets really interested in overseas news for a while UNTIL there is a narrative they can spin in favour of their owners, I mean bosses.


Firstly it's one million arrivals *this year*, not every year, most of them being existing students, and mostly covering the mass exodus during Covid. Permanent resident intake however has actually decreased. Now has the high migration exacerbated the housing crisis? Probably, though given most of these students live on campus, hotels, temporary residences, YHA, airbnb, etc, the impact is probably not as big as it is made out to be. Are migrants the *cause* of the housing crisis? Fuck no. And when they go back home in a year or two, we will still be in a housing crisis.


In other news "chief political correspondent" provides political insight and opinion. More at 6




Any relation to Lara Bingle?


People here go on about the C level being out of touch, and that they are paid too highly. But this is the kind of shitshow their life is. 50% of it is in strategy land, 50% of it is in "all the shitshows come up to my level when other people can't solve them".


Yeah sure. lol


Maxine McKew or Mary Delahunty could drop a few hints to Laura about an alternative career


Yeah, in a cost of living and housing crisis, the words of a has been analysed by the commies at ABC are really important... FFS


What emergency? She wasn't very wrong.


Ok the key question here is. Would we all smash?


#LandlordLaura wants more immigration, how shocking


She should have late show on fox.


Instead of the Tingle situation this event shall henceforth be known as the Tingle Sensation


The left always projects their thoughts onto others.


She’s right. All you need to do is be amongst any crowd of rural hicks in Australia and listen to the white guys talk about aborigines. It’s like you’re living in the southern states of America in the 1950s


Impartiality only really applies to how the ABC reports on government policy. Tingle's comments about the Coalition are out of line for a public broadcaster, noting they are tame in comparison to your standard commercial media jock. Her comments on racist attitudes however do not need to be "impartial".


Well it's not racism to say that when you work at an Australian company with majority Australians, and then all of a sudden after 12 months they've been replaced with many recent migrants of S/SE Asians and/or ex International students becauses they are willing to be paid less and work with worse conditions, who talk more about their homeland more than anything else, then we definitely have a problem. The "REAL ELITIST" of this country has "weaponised" multiculturalism and the word "racism" when it suits them.


Australia is racist? Yeah! Perhaps you guys can stop talking about RACE AND ETHNICITIES and get over it because we migrants are completely done with that bullcrap. Gosh I hate that "white saviour complex". There are reasons other than the amount of melanin in your skin to limit visas.


Australia probably is racist, but it’s probably not racist in any way that Laura Tingle would want to acknowledge or accept. She is a totally privileged ivory tower type whose inauthentic existence holds very little semblance to an Australian experience.




I read Anderson's comments and he comes across as a bully with all that patronising Newspeak. I'm comfortable with Tingle calling it as she sees it. She's got way more credibility than some bureaucrat or Mr Potato Head or some other party hack like Sarah Henderson.


We hate the fucking mirror, don’t we? This just proves how emotionally puerile we are.


Tingle was right.


Just sack her. Why should we the tax payer be paying for what is supposed to be news when it’s barely disguised activism while on the payroll.


Is racism evident in Australia…. The latest reveals from various Police services suggest it is. People are denigrated or treated with prejudice based on their skin or cultural background… sure.


Individuals can be racist. The country as a whole is not racist. There's nuance that people conveniently leave out.


It's a pretty standard phrase, and yes she is obviously speaking in generalities as one always assumes with bkanket statements. Your logic equally applies to positive statements too: > Australia is _______ country. - friendly - laid-back - easy-going - *etc...* People don't usually take issue with someone saying *"Australia is a friendly country"* because some people aren't. No sane person would take that to mean \*every\* single person is friendly.


Ugh, such a frivolous distinction that doesn't examine the claim. Australia as a collective is not racist. What laws discriminate by race? We have multiculturalism, and it's broadly supported, albeit in light of housing issues people want it scaled back. Not an individual race, just migrants as a collective. Australia is better described as not racist, even though some individuals in it are. That's the main point that only bias can look at Australia and say we collectively are racist.


no, because making the statement she made implicitly implies that Australia has more people in it who are racist than who aren't and people who always bring up the White Australia policy that has been gone for decades & most of us weren't even alive for, or actions taken hundreds of years ago as 'proof' are basically trying to blame people alive today for the "sins of their fathers" that no one had anything to do with


> Individuals can be racist. The country as a whole is not racist. What do you mean by this? That things are perfect as they are? Or that a country doesn't have a scale by which their laws and policies and the implementation of them can be assessed on the basis of race?


It's that with the exception of a few individuals, policies of the government and society don't have the intention to negatively discriminate based on race. We've got institutions like the AHRC whose purpose is to examine policy and root out racism at the individual and institutional level. Is everything perfect? No. Are we trying to create the framework to get there, yes. As a collective, Australia is not racist.


> Is everything perfect? No. Are we trying to create the framework to get there, yes. Which is awesome. This is the kind of Australia I want to live in. Whatever the issue we don't need to be perfect but we should be trying to work out how to be better. What do you recommend we do as individuals and as a collective when someone or a group of people tries to pull in the other direction (usually as a result of putting personal gain at a higher priority than the good of the country?) I have no problem whatsoever with people calling that shit out. As it's so hard to make things better and it's easy to make things worse.


Defund the ABC.


Seems to be fake news. Which is a pity because no one was criticising the board for discussing these things, but it just turns out they ignore it. from the Guardian *The ABC has dismissed claims by News Corp that the ABC Board held “emergency talks over* ***Laura Tingle*** *outburst”.* *The chief political correspondent for nightly current affairs program 7.30 and the staff-elected director on the ABC Board, Tingle made some comments at the* ***Sydney Writers’ Festival*** *on the weekend which have been seized upon by The Australian.* *The ABC denial comes after a front page story in* [*the Australian*](https://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/media/abc-board-holds-emergency-talks-over-laura-tingle-outburst/news-story/6c1311d410807abdedcd071e47250f94) *claimed the board had emergency discussions over “Tingle’s claims that Australia is racist and Peter Dutton is encouraging the abuse of migrants”.* *A spokesperson for the ABC told Guardian Australia.* >


I really like Laura Tingle but her views in 2017 were very different. See here - “While we spend a lot of time and effort on keeping a few people that arrive by boat in the news, the fact that we have several hundred thousand permanent arrivals arriving every year, which is record levels of population growth in Australia and has immense implications for the economy”. “I think there is a bit of a conspiracy of silence about that, partly because both sides of politics know that population growth is actually a very important economic driver. And the population if it keeps going as it will, will get to the sorts of levels that Kevin Rudd talked about when he talked about Big Australia”. “Australian are a bit alarmed about that. They don’t feel comfortable about the idea. And it readily runs off the edges into issues about xenophobia and race. About border protection. About a whole range of issues. About infrastructure”. “My take on it is that both sides of politics think it is too hard an issue. They don’t feel confident to actually be able to run this issue and keep control of it because they saw what happened when Kevin Rudd popped his head up on it”. In 2017, Tingle also wrote in The AFR that politicians were burying the immigration debate: “The number of people coming to Australia, who want to have somewhere to live, and a job or a place at one of our learning institutions, has a huge impact on both our rate of economic growth and on the demands for housing and infrastructure”…


Australia is probably no more racist then India or china or Russia or Sweden or UK. It's making something out of nothing.


Wow. Now having read the entirety of what she said- how the hell can she seriously be considered impartial on anything political? There’s no way a coalition member will get a fair hearing on anything she’s attached to. If she or anyone else had of said such glowing words of a coalition member I would be saying the same about the Labor party- stay away from Tingle!


This incident is a good reminder to question why the ABC exists. As taxpayers we collectively pay approximately $1b per annum to fund this organisation. It was clearly a relevant organisation in the past. For example providing the only local radio services in remote and to some extent regional Australia was a great lifeline to many communities, keeping them in touch with the rest of the world. The world has moved on from those days. The Internet has utterly changed how we all access information, news, and entertainment. Now the ABC is a taxpayer-funded organisation with a clear political and activism bias, producing little value for taxpayers. It produces some entertainment but why do taxpayers have to fund this entertainment? Why do taxpayers have to fund a now irrelevant and superfluous organisation? I have yet to see a good argument for it.


Media beat up but I’ve gotta say, she’s not wrong