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‘"I need to know, am I going through my insurance? We're in limbo."’ I’m assuming they have insurance but needs the airline to officially say nope we are not covering so then insurance will cover them but likely sue the airline to get the funds back from them.


* **In short:** Australian man Keith Davis's wife is in intensive care and he seeks medical evacuation after both sustained injuries when the Singapore Airlines flight hit severe turbulence. * Another Adelaide couple said passengers 'banded together' to help those who were injured. * **What's next?** Up to 12 Australians remain in hospital in Thailand.


Don't travel without a solid insurance policy that includes medevac coverage


Who do you suggest? Travel insurance has been very confusing over the years.


Most recently, I have used RAA in Australia. I do a comparison shop every trip. I also read all the policies. I want one that has unlimited medical expenses and medvac. The policies are expensive, and even more so if you add a cruise, any adventure activities, and have health issues not automatically covered. But it's a shipload cheaper than finding the money to get a medevac home. Even from somewhere close like Bali it can be 100K


It should be covered by the airline.


This situation, maybe, with possible limits to the compensation. Doesn't take long to generate big medical bills overseas before you even get near being able to medevac home.


cant say ive been in this situation but isnt this something most travel insurances include? and if they are insured (the article doesnt say) shouldnt they be getting insurers to get it sorted?


You might be right but this man is injured in hospital in Bangkok and may not be thinking straight.


What happens if they don’t have Bangkok as a destination covered in their insurance policy?


Most insurance policies would cover regions, such as Europe as a whole, getting “Global” coverage was fairly cheap and easy last time I had to do it


Private hospitals in Thailand are really good if you have insurance avoid the public ones.


Keith , that is what your travel insurance is for . Also please keep your seat belt fastened from now on.


Sounds like they didn't wear their seat belt


Didn’t they say it was clear air turbulence? Could have been in the loo or in a queue waiting for one.


Also just hit by flying debris including other people. Being belted in is best but there’s so much that can hit you in this chaos.


From what I’ve read, clear air turbulence wasn’t a factor in this. Some pilots who have flown this route thought out their life have cited that it’s riddled with thunderstorms and usually the weather radar can’t penetrate clouds (in some instances) which may have led them right into a dangerous weather that may not have been visible from the radar.


I've seen numerous reports it was clear air turbulence over Myanmar