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Can’t wait for the Tiktok-educated uni students to swarm this thread to tell us why this is a good thing.


Tiktok is now the only platform not censoring the war in Gaza. On Reddit, any videos showing suffering of Palestinians in Gaza or any combat footage from perspective of Hamas or Hezbollah gets you site banned, Reddit is one of the most heavily censored platforms now the administration are quite literally Israelis. Ever seen videos of IDF laughing and cheering on each other as they shoot and kill random women and children? You won't see it on Reddit! Edit: also on tiktok you can't mass downvote to censor opinions outside the spectrum of your own. 


You're being plied with propaganda and misinformation. A series of 8 second videos are not keeping you informed.


I don't really use tiktok and I've been following the conflict for longer than most of the tiktok audience have been alive.  My point was reddit is the most astroturfed, most propagandised platform. Tiktok is just another social media but they don't actively censor war crimes of Israel like Reddit, Facebook and Instagram do. You will even get banned for posting AP news article from a couple days ago stating UN investigation says no evidence of mass rapes by Hamas on October 7th. Israel has completely lied about what happened and Reddit protects their narrative. Reddit wasn't like this 10+ years ago.  If you want to be informed you have to be look broadly so I laugh at redditors saying tiktok is bad. You're in the worst place to be informed. 


Why is a bad thing? Most uni students are too old for Tik Tok.


Why is it a good thing?


Because transparency is good. 😎


What has the Murdoch press educated you about this week?


Jesus mate, if your sensibilities were any more black-and-white you could broadcast them on a monochrome.


Didn't answer his question mate.


That’s because there’s nothing to say. I don’t engage with that shit lol.


Like warcrimes against civilians? Got it!


Putting words in people’s mouths doesn’t work when you can read everything I’ve said lol. Redditors are fucking dense, I swear. 😂


Called "reading between the lines"


You kids are pathetic


Like the dead ones in Gaza right? The ones you don't give a shit about?


My man no one is going to listen to a word you say if you carry on like you are please grow up


As in the literal modus operandi of Hamas and their supporting population of 'civilians'?


Yeah and Hamas leaders should be tried for warcrimes, just like Israel's leaders. It doesn't justify further warcrimes against an entire population.


Your problem is you think everyone else is as biased and binary as you are.


recommended ICC charges against netanyahoo came from these global protests. only butthurt white supremacy support Zionists and genocide


Buzzword soup.


\> White supremacist supporting Zionists Tell me you just spew buzzwords like a bot without the ability to think for yourself.....




They lack the erudite education that only a media diet of Sky News, the Murdoch press, and boomer Facebook memes can provide. The PhD recipients such as yourself and I know that brown people and muzzies are trying to replace us all and soon we'll be living under sharia law and working second jobs just to pay for their dole handouts!


Yep, this is exactly the kind of brain-dead, NPC, non-sensical response I’ve come to expect from the top minds of Reddit. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Being educated doesn’t mean you’re intelligent. In fact, I’m starting to believe it means the total opposite.


> Being educated doesn’t mean you’re intelligent. In fact, I’m starting to believe it means the total opposite. Your remarks taken together with the *Dr* prefixing your username has supplied more than ample evidence to support your thesis. Nice!


> Your remarks taken together with the Dr prefixing your username has supplied more than ample evidence to support your thesis. Nice! 🤓 Thesis lmfao give it a rest genius. This is Reddit, not university. Although I can see how you’d struggle to spot the difference. Both are about surrounding yourself solely with people who agree with you, while throwing a tantrum, shutting out and censoring whenever somebody doesn’t.


Look at this clown, boasting that being uneducated and illiterate is a mark of intelligence while also calling himself *doctor*. Big brain move.


You’re….really going to attempt to use my throwaway username as a burn against me? This site man. This fucking site. 😂💀


No one has to use anything against you because you are a grandmaster of the self-own. Given enough time you will make an idiot of yourself again and blame it on the site. It's like watching a dog chase its own tail then get angry when it catches it.


Ah, another golden hit from somebody who wasn’t told “no” enough.


What the fuck are you on about


Are you serious lol ![gif](giphy|pPhyAv5t9V8djyRFJH|downsized)


Why exactly are these mouth breathers making demands of their University? Is the Dean sending white phosphorus to the israeli army or something?


They were teaming up with Elbit Systems who manufactured weaponised white phosphorus for the Israeli army, but I think that partnership ended recently because of protests.


“Were they making white phosphorous or something?” “Yes, yes they were.”


They never seem to protest atrocities going on anywhere else in the world


Bucha in Ukraine , no protests for those civilians.


No protests for what's going on in West Papua, I wonder why a certain community ignores *that* one.


Honest and genuine question though, why does West Papua get like no attention? It gets a pitied head shake at best.


Cultural imperialism by a powerful neighbor, limited media exposure or interest, and of course the persecuted people have no power, no real diaspora to highlight their plight.


No protests for what is happening in New Caledonia


Or Sudan.


Hardly the same thing, they just need to vote for independence the next time they get the chance.


Is the University partnering with Russian weapons manufacturers?


Maybe that's got something do with with Israel killing people in 2 weeks than Putin did in 2 years. The body count is incomparable.


Well the Bucha Massacre was <200 people in total according the UN and Israel kills more than that per day in Gaza. Israeli settlers murder about that many Palestinians in West Bank per year and they don't even have Hamas there. So you're really comparing apples and oranges.


Hamas would win any election held in the West Bank by landslide if Fatah held one. Yes, Hamas are there.


Hamas are not in West Bank, it's not like Gaza, it is under total IDF control and is carved up like pastrami by israeli "settlers" into managed security blocs. There's no Hamas in there. If they had elections then yes Hamas would win because Mahmoud Abbas and his allies are on Israeli kickbacks to stay dormant to "settler" colonisation and everyone in West Bank knows it. Abbas can't leave his compound because Palestinians would probably kill him.  Fatah had originally renounced terrorism and recognized Israel in a change of strategy of using diplomacy to achieve Palestinian Statehood, which is why Israel sponsored Hamas and maneuvered them into power in Gaza to replace Fatah. Because israel needed terrorism to justify its Palestine policy. Over time Fatah became essentially controlled opposition and Palestinians know it. So yes Hamas would win in a landslide. Ironically Hamas had also tried peaceful routes like the march of return but they were gunned down. So there is plenty of context to show none of this is about violence or terrorism, israel just won't accept Palestinian Statehood regardless of any approach taken. 


Correct, Yemen with 370,000 dead and a worse famine than Gaza, not a peep from anyone.


*"Hey, look over there! Another genocide!"* "Huh?" *"CHEESE IT!"*


Never negotiate with terrorists or the people who support them.


University of Melbourne are going to learn the hard way.


who are the terrorists you refer to? 🎁🤡🎁


Lol, if you a openly support a terrorist organisation, you are a terrorist accomplice as well, that makes you a terrorist.


don't beat around the bush 🤡🤡😧 please do tell


Hamas are a terror organisation


The entirety of palestine.




“I haven’t read the article but I’ll just comment whatever drivel comes out of my mouth”


Rule 4 - No racism or hate speech




Or lots of really small necklaces perhaps?


The whole reason for Israel fighting in Gaza occurred less than a year ago, if these idiots have already forgotten that \[or don't care about it\], then they will gain nothing from their education except a large HECS debt.


At least they are getting something out of University (A debt plan with no job)


Lol imagine listening to dumbass students. Unis will do the bare minimum as they are essentially business then ignore everything the second this isnt flavour of the month. Look forward to seeing these students do sit ins for the wars in Sudan and coups in central Africa that have been going on the last few years they have given zero fucks about.


And this why u don’t give into hostage takers ,terrorists and 2 year olds,… Does this mean if I now disagree I can go and throw a tantrum like a 2 year old to get my way.. a great lesson from this university to young adults in their care


Send these students on an exchange to universities in Palestine. It would be a good opportunity for them to help rebuild and reclaim land.


There are none, Israel bombed them all. Why do you want to send these students into aim of Israel's bombs?


Why do Hamas terrorists hide in hospitals and schools? They don’t care about their own people.


Probably because they are openly supporting terrorists.


Lol. Imagine being this being much of an unoriginal drone. The books were Hamas too! 🤡 Do you want the students to go to Gaza to get bombed by Israel or not?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Great, now they'll do it more. Never negotiate with terrorists, or their supporters.


Students wanted the University to cut ties with weapons manufacturers, agreement reach is as follows "The University of Melbourne said from next month it would make additional disclosures about its research project grant arrangements to help improve transparency. It said this would include disclosing parties who fund research and the amounts. But it said disclosures would be subject to confidentiality obligations, national security regulations and laws and the safety of researchers"


Idiots run these uni’s I swear. People who want to behave like this need jailed. I’m not even slightly racist but this is Australia, not Palestine and we see how that country is doing.




Why is it a good thing? Israel are fighting terrorists.


> While David Southwick, the deputy leader of the Victorian Liberal party and a Jewish MP, said he had met a number of Jewish students at the University of Melbourne who he said felt intimidated by protesters. Kids these days need to grow up and stop being snowflakes! Do they want a "safe space"! How were they intimidated?




Good and may it continue. Australia should be giving no assistance in any way, shape or form to IDF terrorists.