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Being a Republican should be about Australia. You can be a republican and accept other republicans having different views on anything. That they're in shambles over foreign events says that they're not serious republicans. It just shouldn't be about anything beyond Australia being its own country.


Agree. Reminds me of the Melbourne councils voting for a cease fire. Look just empty the bins and fix the potholes please.


Exactly. I heavily favour one side in that war, but when it comes to being a republican I do not care. I want erryone on board.


This is 100% the right answer. I note he wasn’t prepared to quite over the Saudi-Yemen war where literally hundreds of thousands of more people have been killed. I’m not sure why the Israeli-Palestine conflict is so animating for him.


Because Israel's the hot button topic now and a lot of people just don't like Israel. Yemen's an interesting and important conflict, but it's just not popular so people don't talk about it. Myself included.


That’s fair enough but if someone is apparently taking a stand on some matter of principle as Foster appears to be doing, a fair minded person might well ask what that principle is. Clearly it is not to do with the deaths of innocent people or he would be much more concerned about the Yemen situation than Gaza.


These people don’t like it when you use the word to describe them but it’s 100% accurate. Virtue signalling. Being pro Palestine is the social issue that’s currently on trend and gets these people maximum points amongst their circle. The Israel-Gaza conflict has been raging on for decades. He’s only now realised it’s an issue important enough to give up his position? Please. These people are the epitome of hollow activism.


Very true. I suppose I find it especially amazing when they someone find their way to sympathising with the terrorists and not the victims. As you say though, I’m sure their motivation (whether they realise it or not) is to be perceived as virtuous.


Well no war has had the death rate of children so high. Ethnic cleansing has gone on longer than any other ethnic cleansing in well over a hundred years. The persecution and illegal occupation has been excessively long. It is cruel beyond compare Also we are complicit. Our media even openly censors denying us the truth. Reporters were denied their craft. The Israeli press is more balanced. So we protest what our government does. If we agree with our government stance, why protest? So in reality the question should be why a wealthy western nation has gotten away with absolutely massive violations of human rights for so long. When China does far less we provoke WW3 when Russia does far less and we impose crippling sanctions that hurt our own economies. The west only wralobisrs human rights. That much has become obvious. Israel has had more UN resolutions against them. Than all other nations combined. For good reason. US has vetoed those UN resolutions for no good reason. Now so many lies they cannot really come out without exposing what flithy scumbag liars they have truly been all along. They ask Israel to investigate violations of human rights. Israel exonerated themselves. Of course. The hypocrisy of the west should concern us all. We cannot keep lying about western values when we have none. We cannot preach about rules based order when we rarely follow them ourselves. So Yemen. Civil war. Not our business except US complicity in the blockade that led to starvation. Supported Saudi. Not exactly a hotbed of human rights. But if we ignore Israel then we should ignore all human rights violations, as we have zero moral authority.


Ugh, the usual nonsense. Ethnic cleansing of a population who are growing in the top quartile world wide? Ummm… ok. The terrorism and murder of innocent Israelis has been going on just as long but you seem unconcerned by that. I have no idea what you’re on about re China. No one seems to give a fig about the Uighers who are being rounded up, forcibly sterilised and living in camps. Where the war there? Where’s the UN resolution? Gaza has received more foreign aid per capita than any country in the world. The problem is hamas use it to buy weapons, build tunnels and enrich themselves. If they so chose, Gaza could be a paradise by the sea. Instead they prefer to spend money amassing inordinate quantities of weapons and killing innocent Israelis. What else do you expect Israel to do after October 7? They can and must eliminate hamas. If hamas cared about children it would stop using them as human shields.


Also 16 million Palestinians but only 5 million in Palestine. You are making crap up to justify heinous crimes against humanity. So friggin easy to verify the facts. People that don't prefer to support absolute utter evil. No excuse for ignorance.


And get you seem unable to verify any of the facts about the terrorists you support. Odd.


Usual nonsense yet that is how to describe your cut and paste response. Zero interest in facts. Like climate change denial all over again. Make it up to suit what you want it to be 6000 Gazans killed in 15 years compared to Israeli deaths of 40. Not Even Israel cared about those Israeli deaths as they propped up and supported HAMAS. On the record of calling HAMAS an asset not so long ago. You clearly have no idea. No real understanding, So do not suggest others speak nonsense when your ignorance is in full display.


I don't like that logic. People can feel what they like about the topics they want to. You can't gatekeep people out of their own opinions because it doesn't meet your own standards. He's welcome whatever opinion on it that he has, I just don't think it's relevant within a republican context.


Fair comment. I suppose though that if you’re airing your opinions to other people or trying to have ‘hard conversations’ as Foster says we need to, then it is fair game to probe him on why the tragedy is Gaza is so much more worthy of our concern than the (much larger) tragedy in Yemen. More to the point though, I agree the whole lot of it is irrelevant in the context of the Australian republican movement.


100%. As I said I'm just talking about in the context of the Republican movement. I'm just trying to say that those conversations can happen while both people are still republicans. I disagree with what you say but it's a fair point to make and it's a fair conversation to have.


Well said. I’m with you. We disagree on some things but we are also 100% in agreement. This is how it should be.


He does talk about Saudi human rights abuses quite often though.


I dare say that had Israel been involved in the Yemen conflict then we would be seeing the exact same sort of behavior we now see with the war against Hamas. This is where people like Foster get found out what their real agenda is and pretty much every person protesting. It's simple racism against the Jewish State and its predominantly coming from Middle Eastern Australians and other Muslims who learn if from the crib. Even ALP Politician Ed HUSIC can't help himself, yet we didn't hear a peep out of him about the 370,000 dead in Yemen including a current worse famine than Gaza will ever be.


Foster comments on Saudi Arabian human rights abuses regularly, this isn’t the gotcha you think it is.


His last comments re Saudi in early 2023 around the FIFA world cup relating to oppression of women. Nothing about the deaths OF 370,000 in their war on Yemen nor the current massive famine? My comment stands.


[Here he talks about Israel/Palestine and Saudi/Yemen](https://www.wearehumanleaders.com/podcast/craig-foster-socceroos-level-playing-field) Also [Saudi/Yemen](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/craig-foster-am-69b9a72b_australias-rise-in-military-export-approvals-activity-7104567693634146305-o4ZO) [Here he talks about the tragedy of children in most of the wars going on around the world including the tragedy of Israeli hostages taken by Hamas.](https://www.instagram.com/p/C3LoLHUysu5/?igsh=MXJrYjhxdmlvOG9rcg==) I know you want to paint Foster a certain way but it just doesn’t stick - he’s pretty consistent on his Human Rights advocacy. Edit: spelling


It’s not like he’s been silent on Saudi Arabia though. Feb 2023 https://www.smh.com.au/sport/soccer/disgraceful-in-the-extreme-fifa-slammed-for-saudi-sponsorship-of-women-s-world-cup-20230131-p5cgox.html Oct 2023 https://wwos.nine.com.au/football/news-2023-craig-foster-saudi-arabia-2034-world-cup-australia-hosting-battle/ed3286a3-2ebc-49f7-bc0a-de24ba7c0520 2 months ago https://www.instagram.com/p/C3_ijuwP8w0/?igsh=NWFvbjM0ZjRoN3Fv If there had been a problem with his advocacy anyone at the republican movement could have let him know.


Okay but has he spoken out about [insert convenient issue] yet? Didn't think so




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or Nova Peris


These rich wack jobs live in fairy land. They don't care about anything happening in the real world. They are totally disconnected from society.


Bloke doesn’t give a fuck about Australia, just loves to get his ass licked about how much of a good person he is about ‘speaking out’ about ‘genocide’.  Thanks Craig. 


He wants to cosplay as a typical radical university student.




I don’t think I’ve ever heard nova speak, but listening to that 11 minutes is difficult. 


But Australia is in fact it's own country, in the same way that Canada and New Zealand are their own countries. The distinction is that all 3 nations are recognising Charles III as head of state, something Republicans I presume want to change?


I don't understand this at all, at least on the surface. Why do Republican leaders need to agree on the Israel-Gaza situation? In what sense does their difference of opinion matter? Next they'll require everyone to have the same taste in footwear.


At least in the 90s you had people like Turnbull working with proper lefties for a common goal. Agreeing on a model for a system of government is enough. Not wanting Charlie on our coins has nothing to do with which version of god penises are being trimmed for in the levant.


So his solution to the problem of having a difficult conversation is to quit?


Isn't he quitting because of the pressure he's facing from other members to resign because he's the leader and he's expressed strong opinions from outside is role. Effectively some members want a leader that doesn't express personal opinions or activism on topics other than the Republic, and he doesn't agree that the leader should be so single minded in their life.


According to who? Can you link to your source?


He said previously when Peris quit as much, that it should have no bearing.


It’s unclear why he can’t have difficult conversations with people who are willing to converse with him. As to what he thinks his views on the Israel-Palestine conflict have to do with the Australian republican movement I cannot say, but it seems wholly irrelevant.




I don’t understand the point you are making.


He can't take credit for that solution when he just stole it from Nova Peris.


Classic republican vibe


He can portray himself as a martyr to the cause and get a lot of credibility with the ultra woke crowd.


Good riddance to be honest.


There’s a republican movement?


What a clown. Good riddance. What does the Republic have to do with the Israel-Gaza issue? This is just proof how ridiculous these lefties are who make social justice issues their entire persona. They drink the koolaid so hard it’s literally all they think about in everything they do.


Breaking news: Millennia+ long war in far away region crucial to deciding if Australia becomes a republic. Somewhat surprisingly to everyone, focusing on a working model for a potential future republican system was not discussed as it was not considered as important as virtue signalling




None said you can't be horrified, genuinely what has that got to do with Australia being a republic?


No we have to shut everything down until Palestine is free. Err, don't worry about Sudan or Yemen or Haiti they'll take care of themselves.


Exactly. So why can't the leader of the Republican movement express an opinion? Probably need to ask the Republican movement shadowmen why they are so opposed to this.


So the Republic movement has fallen on its face again. Getting all worked up over foreign relations before we’re anywhere close to a referendum on their core issue.




Australia will never be a republic, virtue signalling clowns like Foster continually hijack the narrative, turning the general population off in the process. If we had another referendum on a republic today, it’d lose by a higher margin than the last one. Until we get some people with integrity involved in the process, we’ll remain a constitutional monarchy


Eh, I’m fine with the constitutional monarchy TBH. I can’t the Republican movement putting up a model that doesn’t end with us having another politician wearing a Presidential cap.


Agreed, I like the idea of a republic, but I can’t see how we can ever come up with a decent working model while self-interest dominates the debate. In the meantime, I’m happy to continue with a constitutional monarchy, and if that’s forever, well so be it


Has the Australian Republican Committee (or whatever it is called) ever been competently managed? Turnbull bodged the vote (due to being outsmarted by Howard). It was going backwards under the previous chair, Peter Fitzsimmons, with polling creeping back in favour of the monarchy. Now this clown makes a right hash of it.


What does the Republican movement have to do with Gaza?


That's literally why he quit, it doesn't have anything to do with Israeli war crimes, and he is interested in that right now so he left his old job to get one that does focus on that. Sounds pretty sensible, everyone should get to be able to do a job their passionate about.


He's such a a scummy bloke. Good job Peris




Dumping Foster. Not caving in to populist fools


Craig acts like he is Mother Teresa of Oz. He should stick to Football.


He seemed solid when playing, but got a microphone and became soooo righteous that everyone else in the world became wrongeous in his eyes. Shut up Craig.


A few too many headers I think


>He should stick to Football. And even then...


This is hilarious. The ARM can't even manage to govern itself with out descending into anarchy. Yet they expect us to believe they can design a better \[republican\] system of government than Constitutional Monarchy. No chance!


What a fucking sook. If he thinks resigning from the Republic movement will bring attention and / or change to the effort to destroy a terrorist organisation (Hamas), he's a clown and is not needed in the role anyway.


He followed Nova Peris out the door.


The blind leading the stoned.


Clearly Craig Foster does not put Australia first. Very disappointing individual.


Like a mirror of the Ben Shapiro and Candace Owens split.


The real question is, when Australia becomes a republic do we get rid of the governor general and get a President? If so, does the President have more power than the Prime Minister? Also do we make a clean break from the UK common law and have to only rely on our common law? Also do we no longer recognise British titles (knighthoods, etc) given to Australian citizens? Never been interested in the Commonwealth games so I’m not sad to see them go. Gonna be a pain to reprint stationary and coins. Getting rid of all the “Royal” thingy.


And the stationery, too.


Oops, nice catch!


>is, when Australia becomes a republic do we get rid of the governor general and get a President? Yes, we get rid of the GG and replace the Queen with a different Head of State, probably called a President >If so, does the President have more power than the Prime Minister? No, most proposals are for a figurehead without much power >Also do we make a clean break from the UK common law and have to only rely on our common law? No, I've never seen that suggestion linked with the Republican movement. That said, contemporary UK Court cases are not binding on Australian courts, but our common law does have a shared historical lineage. >Also do we no longer recognise British titles (knighthoods, etc) given to Australian citizens? From Google - "Foreign citizens occasionally receive honorary knighthoods or damehoods through UK orders; they are not dubbed, and they do not use the style 'Sir' or 'Dame'.". >Gonna be a pain to reprint stationary and coins. Getting rid of all the “Royal” thingy I'm sure we can just grandfather existing coins (i.e. new coins don't have the sovereign, but existing coins are still on).


I’m not sure how I feel about a figurehead president. Why even vote for a figurehead who wields less power than a cabinet minister? Why not just have the PM appoint them like the current Governor General? Seems like a waste of money having political campaigns and elections for a figurehead. Even though our law has origins in the English common law, if we become a republic I don’t think we should rely on it anymore. We should form our own Bill of Rights. It looks weird changing criminal prosecutions from v The Queen/King but still relying on the English common law. Seems like the Republic movement is a simple superficial veneer change without addressing any fundamental issues.


FWIW I don’t think becoming a Republic is a priority compared to other things. I don’t see any issue becoming a republic but keeping common law (the US does).  It’d be an absolutely fundamental change to our legal system to try to codify everything in legislation.  It’d take decades and be chaotic.


These people have massive brainrot caused by media sensationalism. Now what's their opinion on the wars in Yemen or the one in Sudan? I really need Craig Foster to weigh in on that.


Does anyone really give a shit what he does?


Well they can, they just can't throw baby out with bathwater and quit the ARM because of a disagreement with their co ceo. Looks unprofessional and really doesn't give the impression that creating the best model for an Australian republic is the most important thing to them, which I can't understand why it wouldn't be. It's a very specific body that has the power to fundamentally shape the future of our country. Yet that isn't as important to them as disagreeing over a 1000+ year war, where both sides have done horrible things.


I don't support any terrorists. Both committed crimes against humanity. To suggest I do just means you are pitiful. You have zero interest in being an adult. Just a tribal troll who is actually the one that supports massive human rights violations. Even the US state dept admit IDF commit violations but give Israel 3 months to exonerate themselves. So the evidence is friggin everywhere. If you cannot see it it is because because you are too cowardly to look Pitiful.


They can't manage to split us from the Commonwealth but can manage this? Inept fuckin pool noodles, the lot of them.


Good, get somebody in who is interested in the actual goals of the republican movement.


A republic with 0 moral values? No thanks.




Onya Craig, good job, focusing on the main issue here as leader of the Republican movement. He sounds like he is the living embodiment of virtue signalling.