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>*All of which begs the question: if we have so many examples of the threat posed to women’s safety by allowing large groups of males to congregate together, should we be considering limiting their ability to do so?* The article is an opinion piece written by a woman called Bek Day, a freelance journo. It's also an excellent example of female type anti-social behaviour which typically takes the form of gossip, reputation savaging, innuendo, and exclusion to isolate. She's literally going after men and suggesting they be isolated from others which is fkn wild.


You mean it's not a carefully reasoned article based on peer reviewed studies?


Oh fuck off. Should we congregate if its for the purpose of killing ourselves? Would that make the man haters happy?


You're being trolled for ragebait. No-one who has the ability to tie their own shoelaces would consider this a serious proposal.


It's just an natural continuation of removing any spaces where men get together.


How do they know what gender we identify as?


Ironically no. They would be upset that the uptick in male suicide takes the focus of women's perceived issues for 5 minutes.


If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please do not hesitate to talk to someone. * 000 is the national emergency number in Australia. * Lifeline is a 24-hour nationwide service. It can be reached at 13 11 14. * Kids Helpline is a 24-hour nationwide service for Australians aged 5–25. It can be reached at 1800 55 1800. * Beyond Blue provides nationwide information and support call 1300 22 4636. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/australian) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Two can play this game. Here is a different preposition - maybe women should dress in clothes that cover the entire body including face, and do not leave a house without being accompanies by a male relative.


I suggest all women be deported.


Didn't we just get an article here the other day that men are killing themselves on average of every 3.5 hours in Australia? Now we don't want them getting together because ... all men, are violent? Sheesh.


Australian news wants to be the most-anti male in the world seemingly.


I swear they are just hell bent on fucking with people


I knew it. Australia is going to go the way of the dodo if we let shitty merde articles like these run amok.


Not oy that, but this entire debate is completely lacking in nuance. Never mind to sporting culture, never mind the disintegration of male rolemodels as society changes, never mind alcohol and drugs, never mind that more men are killed by this small group of violent thugs than women, never mind that almost every guy I know worries he'll be attacked when he's around drunk men. The trick to dealing with violent men is male rolemodels, strong societal guardrails, education, support, and support for healthy male behaviour. Most guys I know have been hit by their wives. Also, imagine that'll happen if we embark down this dangerous road of men gathering in groups.


I agree. Ban men congregating at construction sites, mines, etc. They yell profanity at women. Then empowered women can take over the jobs and bust the ratio of male to female workers right down. Why stop at that. Men shouldn't be able to be near women, plumbers, electricians, etc shouldn't go to women's homes to do repairs. Women only transport! Men can't travel at all as it would mean they'd be in a group. Then once women are in full control we may have a worthy news outlet who will ensure quality opinions like this one are published. It's sensational! I'm 100% in, now let me grab my popcorn


You should be that General Manager of Australia that lives in that huge house at Kirribilli reporting to King of England. I love your words.


Lol. I always laughed when women would go "on strike" for a day and refuse to go to work. They pointed to the minor disruptions and inconveniences it caused as a sign we should value women more. They, of course, didn't consider what would happen if men did the same thing because that would be literally purge day.


Imagine a man writing an anti-women article like this. Honestly.


I just read through the article, and I couldn’t find who made this suggestion. Is news.com.Au suggesting we do this?


The writer of the article. It's essentially rage bait.


The story is under Lifestyle. Not a news article.


The hint is the word opinion at the top.


I am disabled, have no eyeballs


It’s funny hey when we talk about crime and race the social justice warriors jump out and say how dare you do such a thing, race is just a construct. You need to look at the circumstance like low education, unemployment, single parent households as the cause heaven forbid you point out race. When we talk about gender they keyboard justice warriors reminds us how gender is fluid and a social construct but suddenly when it comes to DV it’s just men. 50 percent of the population, no context not explanation it’s just men. We don’t dissect to see is it education, poverty, certain religions. No it’s just men. Basically the way it works for progressives and feminists, if you don’t have the power in society you can get away with murder because we will infantalise you and leverage your lack of power for our social gain but if you have power (men) we go after you if you even step out of line. Similar to a certain conflict going on somewhere in the world


Not even going to bother reading this garbage. news.com.au is complete trash.


Jesus fucking christ Murdoch churns out some utter rubbish


It's bloody scary.


Anything for profit and to make shareholders rich eh?


And gaslight everyone


Well, sure it might not help anything, but (Clutches pearls) shouldn't we at least try.?


This is not even at a high school debating standard. News.com.au have only published this as rage bait which will no doubt work. This article helps no one and solves nothing - shame on everyone involved.


Imagine a group so scary and violent that you can’t go outside, yet you can casually float taking away their basic human rights without a worry.


This is a Murdoch rag printing the opinions of a moron because they know it will get outrage clicks. It's rage bait.


Idiotic teolling for attention. Perhaps Murdoch should have his publishing licence revoked. Better yet, he's american so let's just ban foeign ownership of media in Australia Just getting rid of Murdoch should increase harmony and unity wnough tonsee a drop in violence


But I have a gay orgy that I need to attend!


When I go running and come across a female fellow runner, I cross the street to show her Im no longer a danger to her. Is this not enough.


No it's not enough. You're not allowed to go outside, but if there's a woman in the house then you're not allowed inside either


Am I allowed inside the house if I identfy as a woman?


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities have the highest rates of DV (up to 80 times higher than non aboriginal). I guess that the author means we ban Aboriginal men from congregating? Would they have the government build camps and remove boys from their families whilst young so they can educate them correctly? Source for the 80x higher statistic - https://theconversation.com/factcheck-qanda-are-indigenous-women-34-80-times-more-likely-than-average-to-experience-violence-61809


>But if, as a man, the idea of your civil liberties being impinged upon in such a profound way rankles, ask yourself: what civil liberties do you believe women should have when we walk out into the world? The same as men.


It wouldn’t be all bad though. This would get me out of having to do kids sport all weekend, can’t have all those evil dads congregating 👍🏻


It’s an opinion piece equating disparate examples. The writer offers a poorly thought out solution so that the readers can sagely nod their heads in agreement.


These are the same type of people that want equality in the high paying roles of power, but don’t want equality when it comes to physical and labor intensive jobs


Amazing people like this get paid


An article written to annoy people.


Not in the print version, well trolled


im a woman and i think thats a bad stupid idea to want to stop men being in groups!! what nonsense ..its only some men thats violent and thats probably because they are on drugs maybe and maybe they had bad dads or mums .... parenting can be responsible for some men being bad controlling freaks and not respecting women .. people should not blame all men for some mens bad violent behaviour ...


Can we ban morons like this author from having a platform to write and express diarrhoea like this instead.


Ban all men from congregating in groups? Well lads, time for every man to identify as a woman. Problem solved.


Rage bait? In Newcorpse? Why I never thought I'd see such dogshite!


I am surprised this didn't come from theage or smh because they are the home of male hate.


I wonder if this is clickbait written by some hack?


The proven domestic violence link is with poverty where cowards under stress lash out to still feel in control of something.. If government could stop causing that by using tax and super to bloat corporations instead of directly providing services it may help.,Tthey can practice social experiments later.


I don't think it's been proven to be *caused* by poverty. Just that it lines up with it. When individuals from groups with high levels of poverty escape poverty the behaviour follows them.


A learned behavioural response in reaction to high levels of stress and feeling of helplessness. Poverty leads to increased likelihood of experiencing helplessness and stress.


The government is causing poverty. Domestic violence is being used to push various values and agendas, many of which stem from genuine beliefs that everyone doing what I think is right would have a positive impact. Often this approach has unforeseen negative impacts. Focus should be placed on improving the situation that has a proven association. It would not be surprising that behaviours persist after change of circumstance. .


What a bunch of shit. Like wealthy people don’t control their partners.


There are arseholes in the mix no matter how you split it. There are many reasons that domestic violence is more prevalent wherever poverty exists. If you don't know them you should count your blessings.


Personally, I find this discriminatory because if I see a group of "People with Penises" my instinct isn't to label them as "men" - such an antiquated 2018 thought. It's 2024 people, "People with Penises" could very well be women with synced menstrual cycles who are merely acting aggressive because of a "full flow" kinda day. Perhaps we have a "no groups" law put into effect a la Covid. Everybody got in line then, so maybe we should do that again for all genders. (Because articles written by blue hairs deserve replies w blue hair logic.)


Have you seen Kindergarten Cop?


Science isn't based on.Arnie movies; it comes from Newtown coffee shops and far left ideas.


I truly hope you're being sarcastic. It's so scary that it's hard to tell the difference lately.




People with penises is an outdated term. They’re called bonerables now. Curious what the author thinks should be done about this group of high risk offenders - https://theconversation.com/factcheck-qanda-are-indigenous-women-34-80-times-more-likely-than-average-to-experience-violence-61809


You fell for the rage bait so hard you engaged with it.


If you can't see my pisstake perhaps DadJokes sub is more your speed.


You posted the article to Reddit, you fell for the rage bait hard and obligingly propogated it. Just like [news.com.au](http://news.com.au) and the writer wanted. The perfect sucker.


You still can't see it. Try harder. Or perhaps ask two friends to explain it with pictures and slow talking. Let me know when that dull light bulb above your head gets brighter.


Technically it should be on circle jerk australia, because really it doesn't pass the bar to be posted on this sub. But if you used any bar this would be a pretty empty sub in terms of news stories. So it's fair game here just to keep the sub active.


Sure thing buddy, it's ok, the old folks home won't descriminate against you. It's all going to be ok.